68 research outputs found

    Karesel atama problemleri için tavlama benzetimi paralelleştirme yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is one of the most difficult combinatorial optimization problems in the NP-hard class. Due to the difficulty of the problem, many researchers have been studying this type of assignment problem. In this work simulated annealing method is parallelized on MATLAB platform and is used to solve 36 problems from QAPLIB which is a well-known QAP library. The performance of different parallelization methods is compared for the problems used. As a result, when compared with the serial simulated annealing method, it is seen that the parallel methods give faster results when the appropriate parameters are used

    Mikro-korozija stalagmita v jami Küpeli, južna Turčija

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    This article deals with micro-karstification forming abundant dissolution features in a stalagmite from Küpeli Cave in southern Turkey. Dissolution occurs when cave water enriched with CO2 from the atmosphere and soil seeps into the stalagmite. Water is transmitted from the surface of the stalagmite to the interior by the roughly vertical or diagonal notch-shaped pores formed by the enlargement of intercrystalline pores by dissolution. These slightly elongated pores appear embedded in different parts of the stalagmite and characterize different stages of dissolution during the stalagmite formation. Later, when this water reaches the relatively more permeable growth layer surfaces, it flows along these surfaces, and diffuse dissolution features form. These features include micro-scale pitted and etched surface structures, rounded and enlarged crystal boundaries and intercrystalline pores, and the breakdown of relatively large crystals into small crystals (micritization). When the percolating water is sufficiently saturated with calcium carbonate in the stalagmite, secondary calcite precipitation occurs as rim and pore-filling cements within the pores formed as a result of dissolution. In general, dissolution and calcite re-precipitation as cement are early diagenetic events and occur at different stages of stalagmite development due to seasonal variation in CO2 and CaCO3 contents of the water in the epikarst zone and within the stalagmite. These conditions were probably provided during the wet season.  V članku obravnavamo mikro-korozijske oblike v stalagmitu iz jame Küpeli v južni Turčiji. Korozijo kapnikov lahko povzroča prenikla voda, ki se  v tleh, epikrasu ali jamski atmosferi obogati  s CO2 in pronica v kapnik. V članku postavimo domnevo, da je voda iz nekdanje površine stalagmita prodrla v notranjost vzdolž vertikalnih in diagonalnih por zarezne oblike, ki so nastale s korozivnim širjenjem medkristalnih por. Te podolgovate pore so precej naključno nastajale ob cikličnih pogojih rasti stalagmita in segajo nekaj rastnih plasti globoko pod površino stalagmita, ki jo je kasneje prekrila nova plast sige. Voda je ob pronicanju vzdolž teh por dosegla relativno bolj prepustno rastno ploskev in korodirala vzdolž le-te.  Pri tem so nastale različne mikro-korozijske oblike, kot so korozijske jamice,  zaobljene in povečane kristalne meje, medkristalne pore in nanometrski kristalni skupki, ki so nastali ob porušitvi večjih kristalov ((≥ 4 μm). V korozijskih porah se je kasneje na nekaterih mestih iz prenasičene vode ponovno izločal kalcit, bodisi zgolj na robovih por bodisi kot polnilo por. V cikličnih pogojih rasti je izločanje praviloma sledilo raztapljanju, verjetno zaradi sezonske spremenljivosti dostopnega  CO2 in v vodi raztopljenega kalcita

    Occurrence of Cr-bearing beryl in stream sediment from Eskişehir, NW Turkey

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    Beryl crystals are found within stream sediments transecting schists in the northeast of Eskişehir, western Anatolia. This paper studied the Eskişehir beryl crystals with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and geochemical analyses. Beryl is accompanied by garnet, glaucophane, quartz, epidote, muscovite and chlorite in the stream sediments. The crystals are euhedral emerald (green gem beryl) and light bluishgreen aquamarine, with ideal sharp IR bands. Wet chemical analysis of Eskişehir beryl yielded 61.28% SiO2, 15.13% Al2O3, 12.34% BeO, 0.18% Cr2O3, 1.49% MgO, 1.69% Na2O, 0.98% Fe2O3, and 0.008% V2O3, resulting in the formula (Al1.75Cr0.01Mg0.22Fe0.08)(Be2.90Si6.00)(Na0.32)O18. Large Ion Lithophile Elements (LILE) (barium, strontium), some transition metals (cobalt, except nickel) and High Field Strength Elements (HFSE) (niobium, zirconium, and yttrium) in stream sediments that are associated with beryl exhibited low content about metamorphic rocks. Beryl formation appears to be controlled by upthrust faults and fractures that juxtaposed them with Cr-bearing ophiolitic units and a regime of metasomatic reactions. Such beryl crystals have also been found in detrital sediments that are derived from the schists. Presencia de berilios relacionados con Cromo en corrientes sedimentarias de Eskisehir, noroeste de Turquía  ResumenCristales de berilo fueron encontrados en sedimentos de corrientes que atraviesan en esquistos en el noreste de Eskisehir, al oeste de Anatolia. En este artículo se presentan resultados sobre el estudio de los cristales de berilio de Eskisehir con microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM-EDX, del inglés Scanning Electron Microscopy), espectroscopia infrarroja y análisis geoquímicos. El berilio estaba acompañado de granate, glaucofana, cuarzo, epidota, moscovita, y clorito en las corrientes sedmientarias. Los cristales son esmeraldas de formas definidas (gema verde de berilio) y aguamarinas color verde celeste, con bandas de espectroscopia infrarroja de buena nitidez. El análisis químico húmedo del berilio de Eskisehir mostró 61.28 % de SiO2, 15.13 % de Al2O3, 12.34 % de BeO, 0.18 % de Cr2O3, 1.49 % de MgO, 1.69 % de Na2O, 0.98 % de Fe2O3, y 0.008% de V2O3, lo que resulta en la formula (Al1.75Cr0.01Mg0.22Fe0.08)(Be2.90Si6.00)(Na0.32)O18. Los elementos litófilos de ion grande (bario, estroncio), algunos metales de transición (cobalto, excepto níquel) y los elementos de gran campo de fuerza (niobio, circonio e itrio) en las corrientes de sedimentos que están con berilio mostraron un bajo contenido sobre las rocas metamórficas. Las formaciones de berilio aparecen controladas por fallas de cabalgamiento y fracturas que se yuxtaponen con las unidades ofiolíticas relacionadas con cromo y un régimen de reacciones metasomáticas. Estos cristales de berilio se han encontrado también en sedimentos detríticos que se derivan de los esquistos

    Fizik Öğretiminin Sorunları Üzerine Öğretmen Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate high school physics teachers’ opinions and suggestions about physics instruction. The respondents of the study consisted of 152 physics teachers working in the city centres of the provinces Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Mardin, Sürt and Batman. The data were gathered through multiple- choice questioner posed to the teachers. The evaluation results are presented given as frequency distributions and percentages in charts and (ext. In the last section, some possible suggestions for physics instruction are made with the help of the results.Bu çalışmanın amacı lise fizik öğretmenlerinin fizik öğretiminin sorunlarına ilişkin görüş ve önerilerini değerlendirmektir. Araştırmanın örneklemi Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Mardin, Siirt ve Batman il merkezlerinde görev yapan 152 fizik öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Veriler, öğretmenlere yöneltilen anket sorularına verilen yanıtlar ile elde edilmiştir.. Değerlendirme sonuçları, frekans dağılımları ve yüzdelikleri alınarak, tablolar ve metin içinde bulgular bölümünde sunulmuştur. Son bölümde fizik öğretimi için araştırma sonuçlarına dayalı alarak bazı öneriler verilmiştir

    Approach of Family Physicians to Pediatric Eye Screening in Diyarbakır

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    Objectives:In Turkey, preventive medicine services are the responsibility of family physicians and vision screening is a key component of this responsibility. In this study, we aimed to investigate the approach of family physicians to vision screening in infants and children.Materials and Methods:Data were collected using a 16-item questionnaire administered to 100 family physicians working in the center and provinces of Diyarbakır.Results:The results indicated that 88 (88%) physicians declared knowing what the red reflex test was, while 12 physicians declared that they had never heard of it. Only 16 (16%) physicians performed the test routinely and 36 (36%) physicians performed it only in suspicious cases. Ten (10%) physicians indicated that they did not refer the patients to an ophthalmologist even though they did not perform the red reflex test. Moreover, 5 (5%) physicians did not have an ophthalmoscope and 12 (12%) physicians reported not knowing how to use an ophthalmoscope. Forty (40%) of the physicians measured preschool visual acuity at least once. Sixty-six (66%) physicians referred younger children who could not express their vision problems to an ophthalmologist. Four (4%) physicians declared that they would delay surgery in children with strabismus until they were old enough for surgery. Ninety-three (93%) physicians suggested that educational seminars about vision screening would be beneficial.Conclusion:Educational seminars about vision screening may have favorable outcomes. The medical devices in family medicine centers should be improved. Vision screening can be added to the negative performance-based compensation system in order to increase physicians’ attention to vision screening. To implement detailed eye screening programs like those in developed countries, an infrastructure should be established for this screening program


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    - The study area is located at the Southwest of Koyunağılı village situated in the south margin of the BeypazarıQayirhan basin which is in the Middle Sakarya Massif. The Neogene units in the investigated area are Çoraklar, Hırka, Karadoruk, Akpınar, Bozçayır, Acısu and Kırmızıtepe Formations. The mineralogic features of the clay minerals and tha host rock samples were studied by means of petrographic, XRD, DTA-TG, SEM-EDX and IR Spectra techniques. Various effects of pH values of the environment related to evaporation and feeding of the basin from several areas, cause the formation of different mineral paragenesis. The main mineral paragenesis are; loughlinite + analcime + calcite + dolomite + feldspar, sepiolite + analcime + dolomite + illite, sepiolite + analcime + dolomite + opal-CT + feldspar, montmorillonite + analcime + dolomit + illite + feldspar + quartz + opal-CT, montmorillonite + analcime + calcite + felspar + illite and montmorillonite + dolomite + calcite + analcime + quartz + Feldspar. Montmorillonite is formed at the margin of the basin, derived from freswater and detritic materials which contain Al and Mg. Aluminum ions are generally dominant in the shallow part of the basin facies of the Bozçayır and Acısu Formations. In the Akpınar Formation, sepiolite is formed at a non-acidic environment, which is rich in Mg and Si, but poor in Al. At the center of the area (around Ocak), loughlinite is formed in a way similar to that of sepiolite by combining of Na, originated from the alteration of tuff, to the Si and Mg. As a result of the alteration, especially after the formation of montmorillonite the proportion of (Na+K)/H increases and finally analcime and feldspar are formed. At the south of the area magnesite is formed at the bottom part of the Hırka Formation, due to the high Mg and pH and low Si values. To the north, some dolomite, depending on the decreasing of Mg content, is observed. At the north, dolomite and calcite are formed interbededly, due to changes in the pH conditions controlled by evaporation and freshwater participations. Sepiolite, loughlinite, analcime, feldspar, opal-CT and a small amount of quartz are formed authigenically, in and around the altered glass pores as a result of alteration of volcanic glasses

    Karesel atama problemleri için tavlama benzetimi paralelleştirme yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Karesel atama problemi (KAP), NP-hard sınıfındaki en zor kombinatoryal optimizasyon problemlerinden birisidir. Problemin zorluğundan dolayı birçok araştırmacı bu tip atama problemini çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada tavlama benzetimi yöntemi MATLAB platformunda paralelleştirilerek iyi bilinen bir KAP Kütüphanesi olan QAPLIB’den alınan 36 örnek problemi çözmek için kullanılmıştır. Değişik paralelleştirme yöntemlerinin performansları kullanılan problemler için karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak seri tavlama benzetimi yöntemiyle karşılaştırıldığında, paralel yöntemlerin uygun parametreler kullanıldığında daha hızlı sonuç verdiği görülmüştür


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    Konya'nın güney ve güneybatısında; volkanik, sedimanter ve volkano-sedimanler birimler geniş bir yayılıma sahiptirler. Ignimbirit, kızgın bulut çökelleri ile lav ve domdan oluşan volkanik kayaçlar, mineralojik ve dokusal özelliklerine gore riyolit, dasit, andezit, bazalt ve tüf karakterindedirler. Tüfler, içerdikleri volkan camı, kayaç parçası ve kristal içeriklerine gore vitrik, litik ve kristal tüf olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Tüf karakterli volkanik birimlerde killeşme ve limonitlesme oldukça yaygın olarak izlenilmesine karşın, bu alterasyon ürünlerine diğer volkanik kayaçlarda çok az veya hiç rastlanılmamıştır. Genellikle, killeşme ve limonitleşme tüflü birimlerin ana bileşenini oluşturan volkan camlarının kırık ve çatlakları boyunca gelişmiştir. Aynca, feldispat minerallerinde killeşme, biyotit ve hornblend minerallerinde ise opasitleşme ile kloritleşmeler izlenmiştir. Tüflü birimlerin XRD analizlerinde halloysit, kaolinit, simektit, paligorskit ve illit gibi kil mineralleri ile opal-CT, feldispat, kuvars, amfibol, serpantin, minamit ve jarosit gibi kil dışı mineraller belirlenmiştir. SEM incelemelerine göre, halloysit, kaolinit ve simektit mineralleri genellikle volkan camlarının erime boşlukları ile kırık ve çatlaklarında yer almışlardır. Tüflü birimleri oluşturan volkanik kayaçların kimyasal analiz değerleri; halloysit, kaolinit ve simektitli birimlerin kimyasal analiz değerlerine yakındır.İnceleme alanındaki bu kil minerallerinin oluşumu, ortamdaki su hareketleriyle birlikte tüflü birimlerin ana bileşenlerinden volkan camı ile feldispat minerallerini oluşturan iyonların hareketleriyle kontrol edilmiştir. Saha gözlemleri ile mineralojik, kimyasal ve dokusal özellikler gözönüne alındığında halloysit, kaolinit ve simektit minerallerinin yer altı ve meteorik suların etkisi ile tüflü birimlerin depolanmasini takip eden süreçlerde diyajenetik olarak oluştukları söylenebilir