96 research outputs found

    Addressing Maternal Mortality Rates of Black Women in the US: California\u27s Example

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    This essay examines California’s legislation, activism, and the role of women’s clinics in serving Black communities in the fight against maternal mortality. Maternal mortality is a death related to pregnancy or childbirth. In the United States, maternal mortality rates have been increasing since the beginning of the 21st century and there is a significant racial disparity with Black women being at greater risk. Despite national rates increasing, California has managed to decrease maternal mortality rates (MMR) since the early 2000s by adopting legislation and policies that work to decrease preventable deaths, multidisciplinary maternity care for the protection of Black women, and the funding of women’s clinics that can offer important health services for pregnant individuals. The steps that California has taken can serve as an example for the rest of the country to combat rising MMR of Black women

    The Exploration of a Combination Therapy on Voice Feminization for Male-to-Female Transgender Individuals

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    Purpose: The purpose of this case series pilot study was twofold. First, results added to the dearth of research on vocal therapy interventions provided by speech-language pathologists to transgender clients. Second, it piloted the Combination Voice and Communication (CVC) therapy to better understand the components of this therapy related to the feminization of the voice and communication for male to female (MTF) trans individuals Method: Two MTF participants were randomly selected from a pool of 4 participants and were randomly assigned to a team of clinicians. CVC therapy was delivered once a week for 50 minutes for seven weeks. It targeted pitch, breathiness, oral resonance, verbal communication, and nonverbal communication. Naive listeners, clinicians, and participants judged vocal femininity and gender.Results: Naïve listeners, clinicians, and the participants perceived both participants as sounding more feminine after participating in CVC therapy. The perceived increase in femininity after therapy by naïve listeners was found to be statistically significant with a large effect size. Nearly half of naïve listeners perceived Participant 1’s gender as “female” after therapy, however, Participant 2 was still perceived by the majority of naïve listeners as “male”. Additionally, both participants reported dramatically better vocal quality of life scores after therapy. Conclusion: CVC therapy is a successful model for voice and communication feminization for MTF transgender individuals. Results suggested that a number of targets could be trained in a particular set of therapy sessions and minutes with the implementation of a home program. Findings from this study have the potential to guide future voice therapy intervention models with lasting effects on the feminization of the voice

    A biotic survey of outcroppings and Pinctada longisquamosa in Oyster Pond, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, one year after Hurricane Joaquin

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    Oyster Pond is one of the marine inland ponds located on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Oyster Pond has connections to the ocean through a series of conduits in the pond, which cause the salinity of the pond to be marine pond, except after a hurricane and during a drought. Oyster Pond has a variety of marine life such as algae, small fish, and invertebrates occurring in mangroves, flocculent, conduits, and biotic outcroppings. The focus of this research was to evaluate the impact of the 2015 Hurricane Joaquin (17 months later) on water chemistry and the marine life of the biotic outcroppings. Findings show that water chemistry had returned to normal levels (pH, salinity) and outcropping biota, as measured by species richness, were the same compared to a March 2016 study. Notably macro algae, that were absent after the hurricane, as reported in 2016, were still not reestablished in 2017. Age estimations of a small sample of Pinctada longisquamosa showed that a majority of the oysters were produced post-Hurricane Joaquin. Based on these results, it seems that while water chemistry is back to normal, not enough time has passed for some biota, specifically species of macro algae, to recover from the storm’s impact

    Halal Tourism in the Context of Tourism Sector in Tunisia: Controversies, Challenges, and Opportunities

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    This paper examines the development of the tourism industry in Tunisia from its independence in 1956 to contemporary Tunisia with a special focus on the development of halal tourism. In assessing the tourism sector in Tunisia, a typology is used. This typology makes it clear that Tunisia is a prominent tourist destination in several types of tourism, including beach tourism, while in other types it remains underdeveloped. Regarding the emerging form of halal tourism, Tunisia is lagging behind in its development. This may come as a surprise given the fact that Tunisia is a popular tourist destination and a Muslim majority country. Although there are different reasons for this, I would argue that many things can be explained by looking at the political context in Tunisia. The reluctance of government actors hinders the profound development of halal tourism. The policies that have been put forward in the past by Bourguiba and Ben Ali have had an undeniable impact on the general opinion of contemporary Tunisian society on this matter. Even though Tunisia is faced with challenges, Tunisia can still be a suitable country for halal tourism while maintaining other forms of tourism.Keywords: Tunisia, halal tourism, religious tourism, opportunities and challenges

    Using IOP as a mechanism for project team management

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    This project investigates the application of Industrial-Organizational Psychology (IOP) in project management. Project managers are responsible for creating effective teams and building a proper environment to communicate, collaborate, and deliver their tasks. Factors such as lack of trust, miscommunications, and personal conflicts lead to dysfunctional teams which can ultimately fail a project. Thus, understanding the behavioral characteristics of the team members and realizing the psychological principles of the interpersonal relationships in organizational settings would significantly help project managers. The purpose of this project is to find out whether project managers can exploit IOP for effective team management. By an exhaustive review of literature and focused examination of two case studies, various behaviors and personal traits have been explored and mapped to one’s functional and behavioral characteristics. Because of the nature of this project and the research instrument, i.e. case studies and literature survey, qualitative research approach was adopted; this method of research is appropriate for in-depth study of social and psychological topics. Finally, it is concluded that not only project managers can exploit IOP for effective team management, but also they benefit from the awareness of human psychology that IOP provides. The findings of this research and the characteristic profiling presented here deliver a comprehensive understanding of interpersonal behaviors and make it possible for successful team management

    Sprinkling the Biblel Mode

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    SO SHALL HE SPRINKLE MANY NATIONS. ISAIAH lii, 15. This prophetic promise of the Old Testament has a twofold reference to the Gospel dispensation: 1. To the Blood of Sprinkling, by which we are justified and sanctified. 2. To the use of water in Christian baptism. In either case the allusion favors sprinkling as the Bible mode.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/ecommonsatsdigitalresources/1328/thumbnail.jp

    Exploring Methods of Collecting Accessibility Feedback

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    Accessibility, the practice of making a website or application easily usable and understandable by people with disabilities, is essential to ensuring that all users are able to participate equally in using the Web. However, currently many websites have accessibility issues. This study interviews 11 software developers and designers to learn about the methods that they use to collect accessibility feedback during the development and maintenance of websites and mobile applications. The research revealed a lack of standardized accessibility education at the post-secondary level, as well as a myriad of methods used to obtain accessibility feedback from automatic accessibility checkers to user testing. This work attempts to bring awareness of different current methods used, as well as current gaps in accessibility feedback methods where new methods and tools could be introduced

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Profitabilitas Pada Bank Swasta Nasional Yang Terdaftar Di BEI

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    Return On Assets (ROA) is the ratio used to measure the percentage of profit generated by a bank. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the LAR, LDR, IPR, NPL, APB, IRR, BOPO, FBIR, FACR ratios on profitability as measured by ROA at National Private Commercial Banks either simultaneously or partially. The period in this study is the first quarter, 2018 to the fourth quarter of 2022. The sampling technique in this study was using purposive sampling. The population in this study are National Private Commercial Banks listed on the IDX. The sample in this research is PT. Bank MNC International, Tbk, PT. Bank QNB Indonesia, Tbk and PT. Bank Raya Indonesia, Tbk. The analysis technique in this study used multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of this study reveal that Loan To Asset Ratio (LAR), Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR), Investing Policy Ratio (IPR), Non Performing Loans (NPL), Problematic Earning Assets (APB), Interest Rate Ratio (IRR), Expenses Operational to Operating Income (BOPO), Fee Based Income Ratio (FBIR), Fixed Asset Capital Ratio (FACR) simultaneously have a significant effect on ROA. LAR, APB, IRR partially have negative coefficients and are not significant to ROA. LDR, IPR, NPL, FBIR, FACR partially have positive and insignificant coefficients. BOPO partially has a negative and significant coefficient on ROA. Keywords: Profitability, ROA, Liquidity, Solvency, Efficienc

    Ipteks Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah pada Aset Tetap Bpkp Perwakilan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The North Sulawesi BPKP financial report is a report made to account for the performance results as a government agency. Government Accounting Standards are principles and rules that are made as a basis for making financial statements for the government. Fixed assets are one component of assets reported in financial statements that are used for more than one year. For this reason, reporting must be correct and accordance with applicable accounting standards. The purpose of this study is to analyze the suitability between Government Accounting Standards and reporting of Fixed Assets in the North Sulawesi BPKP. The method used is the analysis of the fixed asset report of North Sulawesi BPKP with Government Accounting Standards. The results of his research in Asset reporting are in accordance with the applicable Standards, only the difference in completeness is that there is a fixed asset account that has not been included in the 2017 report. In the future only enter an account that does not exist for the completeness of the fixed assets account if there is already an asset