37 research outputs found

    Kultura polityczna a konsolidacja demokracji

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperprojekt finansowany przez grant promotorski Komitetu Badań Naukowych nr 2H02E0302

    Niezadowoleni demokraci we współczesnej Polsce

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    Celem artykułu jest szczegółowe przyjrzenie się postawom Polaków wobec demokracji kształtującym się od początku transformacji demokratycznej przez pryzmat dwóch modeli kultury politycznej: kultury lojalnej oraz kultury asertywnej. Wśród kwestii szczegółowych poddane zostaną analizie: 1. tendencje w poziomach poparcia demokracji jako formy rządów oraz deklarowanego zadowolenia z funkcjonowania rodzimego systemu demokratycznego; 2. korelaty postaw krytycznych wobec demokracji oraz 3. syndrom orientacji określanych mianem „niezadowolonych demokratów” i skala jego występowania w społeczeństwie polskim. Wskazane aspekty poparcia politycznego w społeczeństwie polskim zostaną osadzone w szerszym kontekście postaw wobec demokracji, charakterystycznych dla innych społeczeństw europejskich. Podstawę źródłową proponowanych dociekań będą stanowić rezultaty krajowych i międzynarodowych badań sondażowych, w tym głównie Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej (CBOS) oraz World Values Survey (WVS) i European Values Survey (EVS).The aim of the article is thorough examination of Poles’ attitudes towards democracy that have been developing since the beginning of democratic transformation from the perspective of two models of political culture: allegiant and assertive political cultures. Among the specific issues the analysis will cover 1. tendencies in the level of support for democracy as a form of government and satisfaction with the way democracy works, 2. correlates of critical attitudes towards democracy, and 3. the scope of occurrence in the Polish society of the syndrome of „dissatisfied democrats”. The selected aspects of political support in the Polish society will be discussed in a wider context of the Europeans’ attitudes towards democracy. The analysis will be conducted on the basis of the results of Polish and international survey, including the Polish Opinion Research Center (CBOS), the World Values Survey (WVS) and the European Values Survey (EVS

    Will the use of anabolic androgenic steroids become a significant cardiovascular risk factor in the future?

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    Introduction and purpose: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality in many European countries. Major modifiable risk factors include dyslipidemia, hypertension, smoking and diabetes. The aim of our study is to draw attention to the possible impact of the use of anabolic androgenic steroids on increased cardiovascular risk. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Currently, an increasing proportion of the population uses anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). This situation applies not only to athletes, but also to amateurs. The use of AAS may be associated with numerous complications. These include an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The literature describes the effect of AAS use on the occurrence of dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. All these metabolic disorders result in increased cardiovascular risk. To prevent complications, it seems best to withdraw AAS gradually under medical supervision to minimize withdrawal effects. Conclusion: The use of AAS may cause cardiovascular disease, but additional long-term studies are needed to prove this. It is necessary to sensitize patients and doctors to the problem of AAS abuse in society, because this issue can become a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases in near future

    Effect of polycystic ovary syndrome on increased risk of cardiovascular disease

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    Introduction and purpose: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women. It is a very complex disease in which hormonal disorders result in a number of metabolic dysfunctions and malfunctioning of the ovaries. This can lead to infertility, miscarriage and an increased risk of endometrial cancer. The aim of our work is to draw attention to the influence of PCOS on increased cardiovascular risk. Brief description of the state of knowledge: The occurrence of PCOS, especially uncontrolled pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically, may be associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. The literature describes a higher incidence of dyslipidemia, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, obesity, hypertension, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. As a consequence, it can lead to the development of metabolic syndrome. All these factors negatively affect the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. To prevent this, it is necessary to use appropriate pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods in women diagnosed with PCOS. Conclusion: The mechanism of PCOS is complex and its development is influenced by genetic, endocrine, metabolic and environmental factors. The lack of proper diagnosis and the lack of treatment of PCOS is associated with numerous metabolic complications and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Due to the poorly understood pathomechanism of this disease, further long-term studies are needed to help diagnose and treat PCOS

    Communities of practice and gender equality : fostering structural change in research and academia in Central and Eastern Europe

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    This chapter examines to what extent Communities of Practice (CoP) can facilitate conditions for effective gender equality interventions in research and academia in Central and Eastern Europe. Drawing on the experience of the Community of Practice for Gender Equality in Central and Eastern Europe, this chapter particularly reflects upon the needs and expectations that have been voiced by the CoP members. It also examines the usefulness of CoP as a mechanism fostering the necessary conditions for advancing gender equality, including the agency of change actors and the engagement of organisational stakeholders, building up gender know-how, access to practical tools for designing evidence-based interventions, managing resistance, and framing gender equality within wider concepts and human and financial resources

    Energy drinks - product ingredients and their potential toxicity

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    Energy drinks (NE) are popular stimulants among adolescents and adults. They are commercial, advertised, widely available products that contain increased amounts of caffeine, and are designed to reduce feelings of fatigue in favor of increased mental and physical performance. In addition to caffeine, various ingredients such as vitamins, dyes or substances that impart a certain flavor are added to NEs. Many cases have been described of the harmful effects of NE used alone and in combination with alcohol on the human body: including on the digestive system, central nervous system, cardiovascular system or kidneys. We decided to analyze and compare with each other the composition of NEs from the most popular manufacturers available in most Polish grocery stores. We then briefly described the most important substances available in NE and reviewed the literature on their potential toxicity.  It is reasonable for physicians and teachers to educate young people and their parents about the harmfulness of NE, especially when children are suspected of taking large amounts. Further observations and studies monitoring the harmfulness of NEs are needed, and the drinks themselves should be subject to special surveillance

    Migraine headaches as a complication of the atrial fibrillation ablation procedure: case report

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    The balloon cryoablation (CA) procedure is an established method for the permanent treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF). Like other surgical interventions, it is associated with the potential development of early and late complications, including neurological ones such as migraine. We report a case of migraine headaches after the CA procedure. 25-year-old man with paroxysmal AF, without comorbidities, underwent balloon CA. On the second day after the procedure, the patient developed visual symptoms typical of migraine aura. After 30 minutes, these symptoms disappeared and appeared classic migraine headache attack. Similar episodes occurred over the following days. A focal central nervous system lesion was ruled out and a diagnosis of migraine with aura was made. The patient received a typical migraine attack treatment. The attacks ceased within two weeks. 3 months later during the follow-up visit at the neurology clinic no abnormalities were detected. We decided to check if the migraine is a rare complication of AF ablation surgery. Many studies do not include migraine headaches at all in the neurological complications of ablation. However, based on some studies, it may seem that the incidence of migraine as a complication of ablation is underestimated

    Diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea in patients with pauses in Holter ECG monitoring: case series

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    Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a common disease in today’s society and may affect even more of the population in the near future. Ailments and complications of OSA result from a decrease in the muscle tone of the soft palate, which causes shallow breathing or complete apnoea. The consequences of such episodes may be the development of arterial hypertension, the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias, and also the deterioration of the quality of life. Diagnosis is based on polysomnography in people with suspected OSA. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy is the most effective treatment for OSA. A case series is presented in which patients with OSA risk factors and nocturnal pauses in Holter ECG monitoring (HEM) were diagnosed due to suspected OSA. In the polysomnographic test, severe OSA was diagnosed and CPAP therapy was introduced. Follow-up HEM performed during treatment showed complete resolution or significant reduction in the number and length of nocturnal pauses. Based on the case series, current medical knowledge and guidelines for pacemaker implantation, it was concluded that in the event of pauses in the HEM, the diagnosis of OSA should be considered in each patient, especially if the pauses occur predominantly at night and the patient is at high risk of OSA. Such a procedure may protect the patient from serious complications related to the pacemaker implantation. It should be emphasized, however, that CPAP therapy requires close cooperation of the patient because it brings effects only when it is used for each sleep