4 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Kekeringan lahan yang terjadi saat musim kemarau memberikan dampak buruk bagi vegetasi, salah satunya tanah Gambut sangat sensitif terhadap kenaikan suhu menimbulkan kebakaran hutan. Kota Dumai menjadi salah satu daerah yang sering mengalami kebakaran hutan dan lahan, efek terjadi kebakaran  ini menjadikan lahan tersebut memiliki kualitas yang menurun meliputi fisika, kimia, dan adanya erosi  tanah. Dalam tulisan  ini, kami memantau adanya peningkatan dan penuruan dalam beberapa kategori kekeringan lahan. Adapun parameter yang digunakan seperti Vegetation Health Index (VHI), Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), dan Temperature Condition Index (TCI) pada tahun 2013 dan tahun 2018. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa wilayah kekeringan mengalami kenaikan total selama periode pengamatan sebesar 23.119 ha lahan, dengan kategori tanpa kekeringan terjadi penurunan seluas 23.119 ha lahan, kemudian kategori kekeringan ringan terjadi peningkatan seluas 19.510 ha lahan, selanjutnya kategori kekeringan sedang terjadi peningkatan seluas 13.444 ha lahan, lalu kategori kekeringan parah terjadi penurunan seluas 9.163 ha lahan, dan kekeringan ekstrim mengalami penurunan seluas 672 ha lahan. hal ini sejalan dengan terjadinya kenaikan pada suhu tahun 2013 mencapai 38ÂșC  kemudian mengalami peningkatan menjadi 47,53ÂșC di tahun 2018 yang sedang mengalami kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Abstract: Land drought that occurs during the dry season has a negative impact on vegetation, one of which is Peat soil is very sensitive to rising temperature causing forest fires. Dumai City is one of the areas that often experience forest and land fires, the effect of this fire makes the land has a declining quality including physics, chemistry, and the presence of soil erosion. In this paper, we monitor the increase and decline in several categories of land drought. The parameters used such as vegetation health index (VHI), vegetation condition index (VCI), and temperature condition index (TCI) in 2013 and 2018. The results of the study explain the drought area experienced a total increase during the observation period of 23.119 hectares of land, with the category without drought decreased by 23.119 ha, then the category of mild drought increased by 19.510 ha, then the category of drought was an increase of 13.444 ha, then the severe drought category decreased by 9.163 ha, and extreme drought decreased by 672 ha. this is in line with the increase in temperature in 2013 which reached 38 ÂșC and then increased to 47.53 Âș C in 2018 which is experiencing forest and land fires

    Optimization of Remote Sensing Data In Monitoring Morphology Change of Siak River in Pekanbaru City

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    River condition that experiences change is not apart from the utilization of river boarder for human life needs. Beside the effect of built land development, river morphology changes because of erotion and deposition. Therefore, it needs detection of river morphology change, one of which is by utilizing remote sensing data with Modification Normalized Difference Water Index. Modification Normalized Difference Water Index can separate between water and land sharply until river morphology analysis can be clearer. This research aims to detect the change of Siak River morphology in Pekanbaru City caused by abrasion and deposition by using Modification of Normalized Difference Water Index on landsat temporal data of 2008 and 2018. Data used in this research were Landsat 7 image of 2008 and Landsat 8 year of 2018. The research results show that morphology changes of Siak River in Pekanbaru City is caused by erotion and deposition. The erotion area reaches 12.133 ha and deposition 4.488 ha in the period of 10 year

    Fine Scale Modeling for Potential Distribution of Dengue Fever in Tampan District, Indonesia

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    Larvisiding is one common way used to reduce mosquito density in breeding areas before metamorphosizing into adults. Despite numerous eradication efforts, the outcomes have not met expectations, leading to additional issues such as environmental pollution in urban areas. In the context of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), addressing the challenge of mitigating the endemic outbreak entails formulating an effective strategy through a vector eradication approach. Therefore, this study explored the spatial pattern of DHF and estimated the potential spread of outbreaks. A geographic information system approach, with nearest neighbor analysis and kernel density estimation (KDE), was used to generate information regarding the pattern and potential for transmission of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The results showed that in 2019, a random pattern was observed, while in 2020, a clustered pattern of virus spread occurred. Furthermore, in terms of the potential transmission, an exposed zone of 9.73 kmÂČ was identified in 2019, and this increased to 15.72 kmÂČ in 2020. In this study, several important actions were implemented with a spatial approach, enabling the detection and polarization of events. However, the limitations included not being comprehensive in addressing the hygiene, sanitation, drainage, and population density aspects

    Investigation Volcanic Land Form and Mapping Landslide Potential at Mount Talang

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    The survey geomorphology, it is the one apart of applied geomorphology. In case has done investigation character of geomorphological landscape of Mount Talang and mapping of landslide hazard potential. In this research has used some method, the first field observation and sampling for geomorphology character study were conducted. Second the mapping landslide hazard used method the MAFF Japan where integrating physical field data and spatial data using geographic information system. The results of this study where found some volcanic morphology, volcanic cones, upper slopes, middle slope, lower slopes, foot slope, and volcanic plain. The landslide hazard, where involving sources of observation and sampling for the study of geomorphological characters. From the research has found the landslide hazard in four zone, zone (I) land stable and low hazard potential large 9 ha, zone (II) land enough stable and middle hazard potential large 12.295 ha, zone (III) land less stable and high hazard potential large 1.118 ha, and Zone (IV) land unstable and highest hazard potential 0.1 ha. The typical of geomorphology, morphometry, and land use it has really influence to landslide potential to landslide hazard