91 research outputs found

    Seasonal and spatial variations in the RNA:DNA ratio and its relation to growth in sub-Arctic scallops

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    We examined the RNA and DNA concentration of field-caught scallops Chlamys islandica, maintained in suspended cultures at 15 and 30 m depth, and scallops from a wild population at 50 to 60 m in Kobbefjord, southwest Greenland. General relations between RNA and DNA concentrations and individual shell height were established, and we found that the RNA:DNA ratio (RD) worked well as a standardisation of the RNA concentration independent of size and sex. During an experimental period of 14 mo, we observed a pronounced seasonal pattern in RD and mass growth, and differences between depths. Even though the period with high levels of RD reflected the growth season relatively well, RD was a poor predictor of individual mass growth rates of C. islandica. However, we found a non-linear response in RD to increased food concentrations resulting in RD being up- and down-regulated at the beginning and end of the productive summer season, respectively. These results indicate that short-term dynamics in the actual mass growth rate might be controlled through regulation of ribosome activity rather than ribosome number (RNA concentration). This adaption would allow scallops to up-regulate protein synthesis more rapidly, thereby ensuring efficient utilisation of the intense peaks in food availability in coastal areas in the Arctic. Therefore, we suggest that RD in C. islandica reflects the growth potential rather than the actual growth rate. Still, the amount of unexplained variance in RD is considerable and not independent over time, suggesting the existence of unresolved mechanisms or relationships

    Evidence of local and regional freshening of Northeast Greenland coastal waters

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    The supply of freshwater to fjord systems in Greenland is increasing as a result of climate change-induced acceleration in ice sheet melt. However, insight into the marine implications of the melt water is impaired by lack of observations demonstrating the fate of freshwater along the Greenland coast and providing evaluation basis for ocean models. Here we present 13 years of summer measurements along a 120 km transect in Young Sound, Northeast Greenland and show that sub-surface coastal waters are decreasing in salinity with an average rate of 0.12 ± 0.05 per year. This is the first observational evidence of a significant freshening on decadal scale of the waters surrounding the ice sheet and comes from a region where ice sheet melt has been less significant. It implies that ice sheet dynamics in Northeast Greenland could be of key importance as freshwater is retained in southward flowing coastal currents thus reducing density of water masses influencing major deep water formation areas in the Subarctic Atlantic Ocean. Ultimately, the observed freshening could have implications for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

    Biomineralization plasticity and environmental heterogeneity predict geographical resilience patterns of foundation species to future change

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    Although geographical patterns of species' sensitivity to environmental changes are defined by interacting multiple stressors, little is known about compensatory processes shaping regional differences in organismal vulnerability. Here, we examine large‐scale spatial variations in biomineralization under heterogeneous environmental gradients of temperature, salinity and food availability across a 30° latitudinal range (3,334 km), to test whether plasticity in calcareous shell production and composition, from juveniles to large adults, mediates geographical patterns of resilience to climate change in critical foundation species, the mussels Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus. We find shell calcification decreased towards high latitude, with mussels producing thinner shells with a higher organic content in polar than temperate regions. Salinity was the best predictor of within‐region differences in mussel shell deposition, mineral and organic composition. In polar, subpolar, and Baltic low‐salinity environments, mussels produced thin shells with a thicker external organic layer (periostracum), and an increased proportion of calcite (prismatic layer, as opposed to aragonite) and organic matrix, providing potentially higher resistance against dissolution in more corrosive waters. Conversely, in temperate, higher salinity regimes, thicker, more calcified shells with a higher aragonite (nacreous layer) proportion were deposited, which suggests enhanced protection under increased predation pressure. Interacting effects of salinity and food availability on mussel shell composition predict the deposition of a thicker periostracum and organic‐enriched prismatic layer under forecasted future environmental conditions, suggesting a capacity for increased protection of high‐latitude populations from ocean acidification. These findings support biomineralization plasticity as a potentially advantageous compensatory mechanism conferring Mytilus species a protective capacity for quantitative and qualitative trade‐offs in shell deposition as a response to regional alterations of abiotic and biotic conditions in future environments. Our work illustrates that compensatory mechanisms, driving plastic responses to the spatial structure of multiple stressors, can define geographical patterns of unanticipated species resilience to global environmental change

    In vivo 31P-MRS of muscle bioenergetics in marine invertebrates: Future ocean limits scallops' performance

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    Object: Dynamic in vivo 31P-NMR spectroscopy in combination with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was used to study muscle bioenergetics of boreal and Arctic scallops (Pecten maximus and Chlamys islandica) to test the hypothesis that future Ocean Warming and Acidification (OWA) will impair the performance of marine invertebrates. Materials & methods: Experiments were conducted following the recommendations for studies of muscle bioenergetics in vertebrates. Animals were long-term incubated under different environmental conditions: controls at 0 °C for C. islandica and 15 °C for P. maximus under ambient PCO2 of 0.039 kPa, a warm exposure with +5 °C (5 °C and 20 °C, respectively) under ambient PCO2 (OW group), and a combined exposure to warmed acidified conditions (5 °C and 20 °C, 0.112 kPa PCO2, OWA group). Scallops were placed in a 4.7 T MR animal scanner and the energetic status of the adductor muscle was determined under resting conditions using in vivo 31P-NMR spectroscopy. The surplus oxidative flux (Qmax) was quantified by recording the recovery of arginine phosphate (PLA) directly after moderate swimming exercise of the scallops. Results: Measurements led to reproducible results within each experimental group. Under projected future conditions resting PLA levels (PLArest) were reduced, indicating reduced energy reserves in warming exposed scallops per se. In comparison to vertebrate muscle tissue surplus Qmax of scallop muscle was about one order of magnitude lower. This can be explained by lower mitochondrial contents and capacities in invertebrate than vertebrate muscle tissue. Warm exposed scallops showed a slower recovery rate of PLA levels (kPLA) and a reduced surplus Qmax. Elevated PCO2 did not affected PLA recovery further. Conclusion: Dynamic in vivo 31P-NMR spectroscopy revealed constrained residual aerobic power budgets in boreal and Arctic scallops under projected ocean warming and acidification indicating that scallops are susceptible to future climate change. The observed reduction in muscular PLArest of scallops coping with a warmer and acidified ocean may be linked to an enhanced energy demand and reduced oxygen partial pressures (PO2) in their body fluids. Delayed recovery from moderate swimming at elevated temperature is a result of reduced PLArest concentrations associated with a warm-induced reduction of a residual aerobic power budget

    Freshening increases the susceptibility to heat stress in intertidal mussels (Mytilus edulis) from the Arctic.

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    Funder: William Demant FondenFunder: DANCEAFunder: Familien Hede Nielsens Fond; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100007438Funder: Selskabet for Arktisk Forskning og TeknologiFunder: Aage V. Jensens Fond; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002721Temperatures in the Arctic are increasing at a faster pace than at lower latitudes resulting in range expansion of boreal species. In Greenland, the warming also drives accelerating melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet resulting in more meltwater entering Greenland fjords in summer. Our aim was to determine if increasing summer temperatures combined with lower salinity can induce the expression of stress-related proteins, for example, heat shock protein, in boreal intertidal mussels in Greenland, and whether low salinity reduces the upper thermal limit at which mortality occurs. We conducted a mortality experiment, using 12 different combinations of salinity and air temperature treatments during a simulated tidal regime, and quantified the change in mRNA levels of five stress-related genes (hsp24, hsp70, hsp90, sod and p38) in surviving mussels to discern the level of sublethal stress. Heat-induced mortality occurred in mussels exposed to an air temperature of 30°C and mortality was higher in treatments with lowered salinity (5 and 15‰), which confirms that low habitat salinity decreases the upper thermal limit of Mytilus edulis. The gene expression analysis supported the mortality results, with the highest gene expression found at combinations of high temperature and low salinity. Combined with seasonal measurements of intertidal temperatures in Greenland, we suggest heat stress occurs in low salinity intertidal area, and that further lowered salinity in coastal water due to increased run-off can make intertidal bivalves more susceptible to summer heat stress. This study thus provides an example of how different impacts of climate warming can work synergistically to stress marine organisms

    Towards quantifying the glacial runoff signal in the freshwater input to Tyrolerfjord–Young Sound, NE Greenland

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    Terrestrial freshwater runoff strongly influences physical and biogeochemical processes at the fjord scale and can have global impacts when considered at the Greenland scale. We investigate the performance of the HIRHAM5 regional climate model over the catchments delivering freshwater to Tyrolerfjord and Young Sound by comparing to the unique Greenland Ecological Monitoring database of in situ observations from this region. Based on these findings, we estimate and discuss the fraction of runoff originating from glacierized and non-glacierized land delivered at the daily scale between 1996 and 2008. We find that glaciers contributed on average 50–80% of annual terrestrial runoff when considering different sections of Tyrolerfjord–Young Sound, but snowpack depletion on land and consequently runoff happens about one month earlier in the model than observed in the field. The temporal shift in the model is a likely explanation why summer surface salinity in the inner fjord did not correlate to modelled runoff. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-016-0876-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Molecular Responses to Thermal and Osmotic Stress in Arctic Intertidal Mussels (Mytilus edulis): The Limits of Resilience.

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    Increases in Arctic temperatures have accelerated melting of the Greenland icesheet, exposing intertidal organisms, such as the blue mussel Mytilus edulis, to high air temperatures and low salinities in summer. However, the interaction of these combined stressors is poorly described at the transcriptional level. Comparing expression profiles of M. edulis from experimentally warmed (30 °C and 33 °C) animals kept at control (23‱) and low salinities (15‱) revealed a significant lack of enrichment for Gene Ontology terms (GO), indicating that similar processes were active under all conditions. However, there was a progressive increase in the abundance of upregulated genes as each stressor was applied, with synergistic increases at 33 °C and 15‱, suggesting combined stressors push the animal towards their tolerance thresholds. Further analyses comparing the effects of salinity alone (23‱, 15‱ and 5‱) showed high expression of stress and osmoregulatory marker genes at the lowest salinity, implying that the cell is carrying out intracellular osmoregulation to maintain the cytosol as hyperosmotic. Identification of aquaporins and vacuolar-type ATPase transcripts suggested the cell may use fluid-filled cavities to excrete excess intracellular water, as previously identified in embryonic freshwater mussels. These results indicate that M. edulis has considerable resilience to heat stress and highly efficient mechanisms to acclimatise to lowered salinity in a changing world

    Long photoperiods sustain high pH in Arctic kelp forests

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    Concern on the impacts of ocean acidification on calcifiers, such as bivalves, sea urchins, and foraminifers, has led to efforts to understand the controls on pH in their habitats, which include kelp forests and seagrass meadows. The metabolism of these habitats can lead to diel fluctuation in pH with increases during the day and declines at night, suggesting no net effect on pH at time scales longer than daily. We examined the capacity of subarctic and Arctic kelps to up-regulate pH in situ and experimentally tested the role of photoperiod in determining the capacity of Arctic macrophytes to up-regulate pH. Field observations at photoperiods of 15 and 24 hours in Greenland combined with experimental manipulations of photoperiod show that photoperiods longer than 21 hours, characteristic of Arctic summers, are conducive to sustained up-regulation of pH by kelp photosynthesis. We report a gradual increase in pH of 0.15 units and a parallel decline in pCO2 of 100 parts per million over a 10-day period in an Arctic kelp forest over midsummer, with ample scope for continued pH increase during the months of continuous daylight. Experimental increase in CO2 concentration further stimulated the capacity of macrophytes to deplete CO2 and increase pH. We conclude that long photoperiods in Arctic summers support sustained up-regulation of pH in kelp forests, with potential benefits for calcifiers, and propose that this mechanism may increase with the projected expansion of Arctic vegetation in response to warming and loss of sea ice.The study was funded by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency within the Danish Cooperation for Environment in the Arctic. It is also a contribution to the Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring program (www.G-E-M.dk) and the Arctic Science Partnership (www.asp-net.org). M.S.-M. was supported by a Fundación “La Caixa” fellowship (Spain). We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    Canopy-Forming Macroalgae Facilitate Recolonization of Sub-Arctic Intertidal Fauna and Reduce Temperature Extremes

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    Ice can be an important structuring factor physically removing intertidal flora and fauna. At high latitudes in particular, the removal of canopy-forming algae by ice scour may be important as their canopy may serve to modify the extreme environment for marine organisms at low tide. We simulated the effect of ice scouring by manipulating the biomass of the canopy-forming algae Ascophyllum nodosum in a sub-Arctic fjord [“Full canopy,” “Reduced canopy,” “Bare (start),” “Bare (annual)”]. Over a three-year period, we quantified key physical parameters and the recolonization of flora and fauna to test the hypothesis that A. nodosum and rock rugosity facilitate recolonization of sub-Arctic intertidal fauna and that potential facilitation could rely on an ability of A. nodosum canopy to modify air temperature and ice scour. Finally, we estimated the recovery period of A. nodosum canopy height to pre-disturbance levels based on estimated early growth rates. We found that A. nodosum canopy facilitated higher species richness and recolonization of dominating faunal species (Littorina saxatilis, Littorina obtusata, Mytilus edulis, and Semibalanus balanoides), and also significantly reduced the high temperatures in summer and raised the low temperatures in winter. The abundance of M. edulis and A. nodosum recolonization increased significantly with rock rugosity and the recovery of A. nodosum canopy height was estimated to a minimum of 15 years. We conclude that algal canopy and rock rugosity play key roles in structuring sub-Arctic intertidal communities, likely by modifying environmental stress such as extreme temperature, desiccation, and by increasing the settling surface and the habitat complexity. As the distribution of canopy-forming algae is expected to shift northward, they may act as a key habitat facilitating a northward colonization of intertidal fauna in the Arctic. We highlight the importance of considering scales relevant to biological communities when predicting impacts of climate change on distributional patterns and community structure in the Arctic intertidal