7,275 research outputs found

    Two modes of evolution shape bacterial strain diversity in the mammalian gut for thousands of generations

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    How and at what pace bacteria evolve when colonizing healthy hosts remains unclear. Here, by monitoring evolution for more than six thousand generations in the mouse gut, we show that the successful colonization of an invader Escherichia coli depends on the diversity of the existing microbiota and the presence of a closely related strain. Following colonization, two modes of evolution were observed: one in which diversifying selection leads to long-term coexistence of ecotypes and a second in which directional selection propels selective sweeps. These modes can be quantitatively distinguished by the statistics of mutation trajectories. In our experiments, diversifying selection was marked by the emergence of metabolic mutations, and directional selection by acquisition of prophages, which bring their own benefits and costs. In both modes, we observed parallel evolution, with mutation accumulation rates comparable to those typically observed in vitro on similar time scales. Our results show how rapid ecotype formation and phage domestication can be in the mammalian gut.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinação de ploidia e avaliação da quantidade de DNA total em diferentes espécies do gênero Brachiaria.

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    O gênero Brachiaria possui cerca de 100 espécies, na maioria originárias da África e amplamente distribuídas pelos trópicos. Parte destas apresenta grande potencial como planta forrageira, sendo que duas delas, a B decumbens e a B. brizantha são responsáveis por quase toda produção de carne no Brasil. Estas espécies se reproduzem predominante por apomixia, um tipo de reprodução assexuada mas com formação de sementes. A apomoxia e uma característica ligada a ploidia, uma vez que sempre se manifesta nos poliplóides, enquanto que indivíduos deplóides apresentam reprodução sexuada. Assim, a determinação do nível de ploidia nessas especeis e de extrema importancia, tanto do ponto de vista da caracterizacao do germoplasma, como para orientar programas de melhoramento genético. Neste trabalho foi determinado, através de citometria de fluxo, o nível de ploidia de uma coleção de germoplasma de 435 acessos, pertencentes a 13 espécies. Em alguns casos procedeu-se a contagem de cromossomos para confirmação dos dados. A citometria mostrou-se muito eficaz nesta determinação, possibilitando a análise de grande número de indivíduos. Foram observados vários níveis de ploidia para as diferente espécies, alguns não descritos previamente em literatura, como o caso dos pentaplóides. Observou-se também grande variação nas quantidades totais de DNA, tanto entre como dentro de espécies.bitstream/item/104568/1/Determinacao-de-ploidia-e-avaliacao.pd

    Immunoexpression of Trefoil Factor 1 in Non-Neoplastic and Neoplastic Canine Gastric Tissues

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    TFF1 expression is markedly reduced in human GCs, suggesting that TFF1 is a tumor suppressor for human gastric cancer. The present study evaluated the expression and distribution pattern of TFF1 in paraffin-embedded canine gastric tissue samples, including normal mucosa (n = 3), polyps (n = 8), carcinomas (n = 31) and their adjacent non-neoplastic mucosa (n = 30), neoplastic emboli (n = 14), and metastatic lesions (n = 9), by immunohistochemistry (IHC). All normal gastric tissues expressed TFF1 in the superficial foveolar epithelium and mucopeptic cells of the neck region. Most gastric polyps (GPs) displayed immunoreactivity for TFF1 in >75% of the epithelial component. In GCs, the expression of TFF1 was found reduced in 74.2% of the cases. The level of TFF1 expression had a decreased tendency from normal gastric mucosa to GPs and GCs (p 0.05). These findings suggest that TFF1 protein may play a role in canine gastric carcinogenesis, and further studies are necessary to define its usefulness as a prognostic indicator in canine gastric carcinoma.IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by FEDER through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors-COMPETE and National Funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the project number PEst-C/SAU/LA0003/2013. A.R. Flores (SFRH/BD/116373/2016) acknowledges FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, for financial support. The authors of the research unit CECAV also received funding from the project UIDB/CVT/0772/2020

    Vimentin and Ki-67 immunolabeling in canine gastric carcinomas and their prognostic value

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    This study evaluated the expression of vimentin and Ki-67 proliferative index (PI) by immunohistochemistry in 30 canine gastric carcinomas (GCs) and a possible association with clinical and pathological features and patient’s survival time. Vimentin immunoreactivity was assessed in neoplastic cells (in primary lesions, emboli, and metastases) and tumor-associated stroma (TAS) of canine GCs. Ki-67 PI was quantified in the neoplastic epithelial component. Vimentin immunolabeling in neoplastic cells was found in 30% of the primary lesions, in 82% of the neoplastic emboli, and in 50% of the metastases; in TAS, it was observed in all cases. A mean of 16% of the TAS was immunolabeled for vimentin. High vimentin immunolabeling in the TAS (>16%) was detected in 40% of cases. The average value of Ki-67 PI was 50%, and 80% of the lesions had Ki-67 PI above 20%. Vimentin immunolabeling in neoplastic cells was more frequent in less-differentiated carcinomas (diffuse [29%] and indeterminate types [75%]) than well-differentiated carcinomas (intestinal type [0%], P = .049). No significant differences were observed in vimentin immunolabeling in the TAS or Ki-67 PI according to histological diagnosis, depth of invasion, presence of neoplastic emboli or metastases. However, vimentin immunolabeling in the TAS was positively correlated with Ki-67 PI (r = .394, P = .031). Furthermore, a moderate negative correlation was observed between Ki-67 PI and survival time (r = −0.540). Our results suggest that vimentin and Ki-67 PI have potential for providing prognostic information in cases of canine GCs

    E-cadherin Expression in Canine Gastric Carcinomas: Association with Clinicopathological Parameters

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    E-cadherin (E-cad) is a cell-adhesion molecule known for its tumor-invasion suppressor function. E-cad expression was examined immunohistochemically in a series of canine tissue samples, including normal gastric mucosa (NGM; n = 3), gastric carcinomas (GC; n = 33), adjacent nonneoplastic mucosa (NNM; n = 32), neoplastic emboli (n = 16) and metastatic lesions (n = 9). The relationship between E-cad expression and clinicopathological features were investigated. In NGM, epithelial cells showed strong latero-lateral membranous expression of E-cad, and this pattern was considered normal. The membranous staining was preserved in all specimens of NNM (100%), whereas abnormal E-cad expression was found in 87.9% of the GCs. A marked difference in E-cad expression was observed between normal and malignant tissues (p < 0.0002). Abnormal E-cad expression was significantly more frequent in poorly/undifferentiated carcinomas (96%) and diffuse (95%) and indeterminate carcinomas (100%) than in well-differentiated/intestinal ones (62.5%; p = 0.0115 and p = 0.0392, respectively). There was significant association between abnormal E-cad expression and the depth of invasion (p = 0.0117), and the presence neoplastic emboli (p = 0.0194). No statistically significant differences in E-cad expression were observed concerning tumor location, histological type according to WHO classification, and presence of metastatic lesions. Therefore, deregulation of E-cad expression may play a role in canine gastric carcinogenesis and in tumor progression; moreover, it might be a prognostic tool for canine gastric cancer. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Acknowledgments: A.R.F. (SFRH/BD/116373/2016) acknowledges FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, for financial support. The authors of the research unit CECAV were also supported by the projects UIDB/CVT/00772/2020 and LA/P/0059/2020 funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by FEDER through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors-COMPETE and National Funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the project number PEst-C/SAU/LA0003/2013

    Relatório de gestão 2001-2004.

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    Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento. Ações gerenciais estratégicas. Transferência de tecnologia e comunicação empresarial. Gestão Institucional. Prêmios recebidos. Infra-estrutura física. Gestão de Recursos Financeiros. Gestão de Recursos Humanos.bitstream/CNPTIA/10727/1/doc51.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008

    Photochemistry and photophysics of thienocarbazoles

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    Two methylated thienocarbazoles and two of their synthetic nitro-precursors have been examined by absorption, luminescence, laser flash photolysis and photoacoustic techniques. Their spectroscopic and photophysical characterization involves fluorescence spectra, fluorescence quantum yields and lifetimes, and phosphorescence spectra and phosphorescence lifetimes for all the compounds. Triplet-singlet difference absorption spectra, triplet molar absorption coefficients, triplet lifetimes, intersystem crossing S-1 similar tosimilar to--> T-1 and singlet molecular oxygen yields were obtained for the thienocarbazoles. In the case of the thienocarbazoles it was found that the lowest-lying singlet and triplet excited states, S, and T-1, are of pi,pi* origin, whereas for their precursors S-1 is n,pi*, and T-1 is pi,pi*. In both thienocarbazoles it appears that the thianaphthene ring dictates the S, T, yield, albeit there is less predominance of that ring in the triplet state of the linear thienocarbazole, which leads to a decrease in the observed Phi(T) value.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integral correlation measures for multiparticle physics

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    We report on a considerable improvement in the technique of measuring multiparticle correlations via integrals over correlation functions. A modification of measures used in the characterization of chaotic dynamical sytems permits fast and flexible calculation of factorial moments and cumulants as well as their differential versions. Higher order correlation integral measurements even of large multiplicity events such as encountered in heavy ion collisons are now feasible. The change from ``ordinary'' to ``factorial'' powers may have important consequences in other fields such as the study of galaxy correlations and Bose-Einstein interferometry.Comment: 23 pages, 6 tar-compressed uuencoded PostScript figures appended, preprint TPR-92-4

    Reflexões a respeito do estigma da obesidade a partir do filme paraíso: quanto pesa o amor

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    O peso corporal acima do padrão recomendado pelas instituições de saúde não está relacionada somente a um possível estado de doença, mas sobremaneira a aspectos de consumo de bens, serviços e da influência do biopoder sobre os corpos. O surgimento de uma sociedade lipofóbica atribuiu uma marca ao corpo obeso caracterizada por uma inadequação que exclui, isola e desqualifica o indivíduo fora do padrão estipulado. Como processo complexo e que se traduz nas imagens materiais e simbólicas produzidas foi imputada uma marca valorativa que alcançou outras dimensões subjetivas dos indivíduos como a capacidade e a competência psíquica, social e moral. A construção e a exigência de perseguir um modelo corporal ideal transformou a hierarquia de valores diante forma física. Valores estéticos sobrepujaram tanto os valores sensíveis como a felicidade assim como dos valores morais de justiça, liberdade, respeito e solidariedade. O isolamento social provocado pelo estigma da obesidade e o ideal de pertencer a um grupo considerado “normal”, magro e aceito pode provocar consequências graves diante da busca desenfreada por tratamentos, medicações, procedimentos cirúrgicos ou soluções milagrosas. O filme Paraíso - Quanto Pesa o Amor, dirigido por Mariana Chenillo ”“ México, 2013 ”“ conta a estória do casal Carmem e Alfredo interpretados por Daniela Rincón e Andrés Almeida que retrata as dimensões de estar acima do peso corporal permitindo refletir a respeito dos diversos aspectos que envolvem o estigma da obesidade e suas repercussões como os conflitos, as escolhas, os desejos e o reconhecimento de si e do outro

    What do general practitioners know about ADHD? Attitudes and knowledge among first-contact gatekeepers: systematic narrative review

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    Background: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder with international prevalence estimates of 5 % in childhood, yet significant evidence exists that far fewer children receive ADHD services. In many countries, ADHD is assessed and diagnosed in specialist mental health or neuro-developmental paediatric clinics, to which referral by General (Family) Practitioners (GPs) is required. In such ‘gatekeeper’ settings, where GPs act as a filter to diagnosis and treatment, GPs may either not recognise potential ADHD cases, or may be reluctant to refer. This study systematically reviews the literature regarding GPs’ views of ADHD in such settings. Methods: A search of nine major databases was conducted, with wide search parameters; 3776 records were initially retrieved. Studies were included if they were from settings where GPs are typically gatekeepers to ADHD services; if they addressed GPs’ ADHD attitudes and knowledge; if methods were clearly described; and if results for GPs were reported separately from those of other health professionals. Results: Few studies specifically addressed GP attitudes to ADHD. Only 11 papers (10 studies), spanning 2000–2010, met inclusion criteria, predominantly from the UK, Europe and Australia. As studies varied methodologically, findings are reported as a thematic narrative, under the following themes: Recognition rate; ADHD controversy (medicalisation, stigma, labelling); Causes of ADHD; GPs and ADHD diagnosis; GPs and ADHD treatment; GP ADHD training and sources of information; and Age, sex differences in knowledge and attitudes. Conclusions: Across times and settings, GPs practising in first-contact gatekeeper settings had mixed and often unhelpful attitudes regarding the validity of ADHD as a construct, the role of medication and how parenting contributed to presentation. A paucity of training was identified, alongside a reluctance of GPs to become involved in shared care practice. If access to services is to be improved for possible ADHD cases, there needs to be a focused and collaborative approach to training