9,024 research outputs found

    Double lenses

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    The analysis of the shear induced by a single cluster on the images of a large number of background galaxies is all centered around the curl-free character of a well-known vector field that can be derived from the data. Such basic property breaks down when the source galaxies happen to be observed through two clusters at different redshifts, partially aligned along the line of sight. In this paper we address the study of double lenses and obtain five main results. (i) First we generalize the procedure to extract the available information, contained in the observed shear field, from the case of a single lens to that of a double lens. (ii) Then we evaluate the possibility of detecting the signature of double lensing given the known properties of the distribution of clusters of galaxies. (iii) As a different astrophysical application, we demonstrate how the method can be used to detect the presence of a dark cluster that might happen to be partially aligned with a bright cluster studied in terms of statistical lensing. (iv) In addition, we show that the redshift distribution of the source galaxies, which in principle might also contribute to break the curl-free character of the shear field, actually produces systematic effects typically two orders of magnitude smaller than the double lensing effects we are focusing on. (v) Remarkably, a discussion of relevant contributions to the noise of the shear measurement has brought up an intrinsic limitation of weak lensing analyses, since one specific contribution, associated with the presence of a non-vanishing two-galaxy correlation function, turns out not to decrease with the density of source galaxies (and thus with the depth of the observations).Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ main journa

    Weak Lensing Analysis of the z~0.8 cluster CL 0152-1357 with the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We present a weak lensing analysis of the X-ray luminous cluster CL 0152-1357 at z~0.84 using HST/ACS observations. The unparalleled resolution and sensitivity of ACS enable us to measure weakly distorted, faint background galaxies to the extent that the number density reaches ~175 arcmin^-2. The PSF of ACS has a complicated shape that also varies across the field. We construct a PSF model for ACS from an extensive investigation of 47 Tuc stars in a modestly crowded region. We show that this model PSF excellently describes the PSF variation pattern in the cluster observation when a slight adjustment of ellipticity is applied. The high number density of source galaxies and the accurate removal of the PSF effect through moment-based deconvolution allow us to restore the dark matter distribution of the cluster in great detail. The direct comparison of the mass map with the X-ray morphology from Chandra observations shows that the two peaks of intracluster medium traced by X-ray emission are lagging behind the corresponding dark matter clumps, indicative of an on-going merger. The overall mass profile of the cluster can be well described by an NFW profile with a scale radius of r_s =309+-45 kpc and a concentration parameter of c=3.7+-0.5. The mass estimates from the lensing analysis are consistent with those from X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich analyses. The predicted velocity dispersion is also in good agreement with the spectroscopic measurement from VLT observations. In the adopted WMAP cosmology, the total projected mass and the mass-to-light ratio within 1 Mpc are estimated to be 4.92+-0.44 10^14 solar mass and 95+-8 solar mass/solar luminosity, respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. 58 pages, 26 figures. Figures have been degraded to meet size limit; a higher resolution version available at http://acs.pha.jhu.edu/~mkjee/ms_cl0152.pd

    The Effects of Massive Substructures on Image Multiplicities in Gravitati onal Lenses

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    Surveys for gravitational lens systems have typically found a significantly larger fraction of lenses with four (or more) images than are predicted by standard ellipsoidal lens models (50% versus 25-30%). We show that including the effects of smaller satellite galaxies, with an abundance normalized by the observations, significantly increases the expected number of systems with more than two images and largely explains the discrepancy. The effect is dominated by satellites with ~20% the luminosity of the primary lens, in rough agreement with the typical luminosities of the observed satellites. We find that the lens systems with satellites cannot, however, be dropped from estimates of the cosmological model based on gravitational lens statistics without significantly biasing the results.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, more discussion of sis vs sie and inclusion of uncorrelated contribution

    Distance-Redshift in Inhomogeneous Omega0=1Omega_0=1 Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Cosmology

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    Distance--redshift relations are given in terms of associated Legendre functions for partially filled beam observations inspatially flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmologies. These models are dynamically pressure-free, flat FLRW on large scales but, due to mass inhomogeneities, differ in their optical properties. The partially filled beam area-redshift equation is a Lame′^{\prime} equation for arbitrary FLRW and is shown to simplify to the associated Legendre equation for the spatially flat, i.e. Ω0=1\Omega_0=1 case. We fit these new analytic Hubble curves to recent supernovae (SNe) data in an attempt to determine both the mass parameter Ωm\Omega_m and the beam filling parameter ν\nu. We find that current data are inadequate to limit ν\nu. However, we are able to estimate what limits are possible when the number of observed SNe is increased by factor of 10 or 100, sample sizes achievable in the near future with the proposed SuperNova Acceleration Probe satellite.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The old and heavy bulge of M31 I. Kinematics and stellar populations

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    We present new optical long-slit data along 6 position angles of the bulge region of M31. We derive accurate stellar and gas kinematics reaching 5 arcmin from the center, where the disk light contribution is always less than 30%, and out to 8 arcmin along the major axis, where the disk makes 55% of the total light. We show that the velocity dispersions of McElroy (1983) are severely underestimated (by up to 50 km/s) and previous dynamical models have underestimated the stellar mass of M31's bulge by a factor 2. Moreover, the light-weighted velocity dispersion of the galaxy grows to 166 km/s, thus reducing the discrepancy between the predicted and measured mass of the black hole at the center of M31. The kinematic position angle varies with distance, pointing to triaxiality. We detect gas counterrotation near the bulge minor axis. We measure eight emission-corrected Lick indices. They are approximately constant on circles. We derive the age, metallicity and alpha-element overabundance profiles. Except for the region in the inner arcsecs of the galaxy, the bulge of M31 is uniformly old (>12 Gyr, with many best-fit ages at the model grid limit of 15 Gyr), slightly alpha-elements overabundant ([alpha/Fe]~0.2) and at solar metallicity, in agreement with studies of the resolved stellar components. The predicted u-g, g-r and r-i Sloan color profiles match reasonably well the dust-corrected observations. The stellar populations have approximately radially constant mass-to-light ratios (M/L_R ~ 4-4.5 for a Kroupa IMF), in agreement with stellar dynamical estimates based on our new velocity dispersions. In the inner arcsecs the luminosity-weighted age drops to 4-8 Gyr, while the metallicity increases to above 3 times the solar value.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Evaluation of a Health Education Intervention for Rural Preschool and Kindergarten Children in the Southeastern United States: A Cluster Randomized Trial

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    This research employed a matched-pairs randomized field experiment design to evaluate a classroom-based health education intervention for pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten children in a rural region of the southeastern United States. Schools were matched on demographic characteristics, then one school from each pair was randomly assigned to the treatment group and one to the delayed treatment group. The intervention included a field trip experience and an integrated curriculum designed to increase knowledge about nutrition, physical activity, and sleep. Staff conducted individual assessments of changes in knowledge with a random sample of children from each classroom (252 children from treatment classrooms; 251 children from delayed treatment classrooms). We used a multilevel linear regression with maximum likelihood estimation to incorporate the effects of clustering at the classroom and school level while examining the effects of the intervention on individual assessment change scores. During the intervention period, an estimated 3,196 children (treatment: 1,348 students in 68 classrooms in 10 schools; delayed treatment: 1,848 students in 86 classrooms in 10 schools) participated in the intervention. Children in the treatment group had significantly larger assessment change scores than children in the delayed treatment group. Findings suggest significant beneficial effects of the intervention on health knowledge

    Coupling methylammonium and formamidinium cations with halide anions: Hybrid orbitals, hydrogen bonding, and the role of dynamics

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    The electronic structures of four precursors for organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites, namely, methylammonium chloride and iodide, as well as formamidinium bromide and iodide, are investigated by X-ray emission (XE) spectroscopy at the carbon and nitrogen K-edges. The XE spectra are analyzed based on density functional theory calculations. We simulate the XE spectra at the Kohn–Sham level for ground-state geometries and carry out detailed analyses of the molecular orbitals and the electronic density of states to give a thorough understanding of the spectra. Major parts of the spectra can be described by the model of the corresponding isolated organic cation, whereas high-emission energy peaks in the nitrogen K-edge XE spectra arise from electronic transitions involving hybrids of the molecular and atomic orbitals of the cations and halides, respectively. We find that the interaction of the methylammonium cation is stronger with the chlorine than with the iodine anion. Furthermore, our detailed theoretical analysis highlights the strong influence of ultrafast proton dynamics in the core-excited states, which is an intrinsic effect of the XE process. The inclusion of this effect is necessary for an accurate description of the experimental nitrogen K-edge X-ray emission spectra and gives information on the hydrogen-bonding strengths in the different precursor materials

    Probing the Universe with Weak Lensing

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    Gravitational lenses can provide crucial information on the geometry of the Universe, on the cosmological scenario of formation of its structures as well as on the history of its components with look-back time. In this review, I focus on the most recent results obtained during the last five years from the analysis of the weak lensing regime. The interest of weak lensing as a probe of dark matter and the for study of the coupling between light and mass on scales of clusters of galaxies, large scale structures and galaxies is discussed first. Then I present the impact of weak lensing for the study of distant galaxies and of the population of lensed sources as function of redshift. Finally, I discuss the potential interest of weak lensing to constrain the cosmological parameters, either from pure geometrical effects observed in peculiar lenses, or from the coupling of weak lensing with the CMB.Comment: To appear Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysiscs Vol. 37. Latex and psfig.sty. Version without figure, 54 pages, 73Kb. Complete version including 13 figures (60 pages) available on ftp.iap.fr anonymous account in /pub/from_users/mellier/AnnualReview ; file ARAAmellier.ps.gz 1.6 M

    Quasar Microlensing at High Magnification and the Role of Dark Matter: Enhanced Fluctuations and Suppressed Saddlepoints

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    Contrary to naive expectation, diluting the stellar component of the lensing galaxy in a highly magnified system with smoothly distributed ``dark'' matter increases rather than decreases the microlensing fluctuations caused by the remaining stars. For a bright pair of images straddling a critical curve, the saddlepoint (of the arrival time surface) is much more strongly affected than the associated minimum. With a mass ratio of smooth matter to microlensing matter of 4:1, a saddlepoint with a macro-magnification of mu = 9.5 will spend half of its time more than a magnitude fainter than predicted. The anomalous flux ratio observed for the close pair of images in MG0414+0534 is a factor of five more likely than computed by Witt, Mao and Schechter if the smooth matter fraction is as high as 93%. The magnification probability histograms for macro-images exhibit distinctly different structure that varies with the smooth matter content, providing a handle on the smooth matter fraction. Enhanced fluctuations can manifest themselves either in the temporal variations of a lightcurve or as flux ratio anomalies in a single epoch snapshot of a multiply imaged system. While the millilensing simulations of Metcalf and Madau also give larger anomalies for saddlepoints than for minima, the effect appears to be less dramatic for extended subhalos than for point masses. Morever, microlensing is distinguishable from millilensing because it will produce noticeable changes in the magnification on a time scale of a decade or less.Comment: As accepted for publication in ApJ. 17 pages. Substantial revisions include a discussion of constant M/L models and the calculation of a "photometric" dark matter fraction for MG0414+053
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