217 research outputs found

    mGovernment Services and Adoption: Current Research and Future Direction

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    Part 5: Research in ProgressInternational audienceWith the unprecedented growth of mobile technologies, governments of both developed and developing countries have started adopting mobile services in the form of m-government. While the vendors and practitioners are heavily engaged in this transformation, the scholarly world is lagging to keep pace with the progress and to provide clear theoretical guidance for successful adoption. This paper takes a stock of scholarly publications on m-government adoption since the year 2000 and reports findings and future directions based on meta-analysis of secondary data. The articles were classified into research themes, delivery mode, theory and methods. The paper identifies the dearth of scholarly work and calls for more in-depth work to make important contribution in this area

    Assessment of extreme hydrological conditions in the Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea, and the impact of the nuclear power plant “Hanhikivi-1” on the local thermal regime

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    The results of the study aimed to assess the influence of future nuclear power plant “Hanhikivi-1” upon the local thermal conditions in the Bothnian Bay in the Baltic Sea are presented. A number of experiments with different numerical models were also carried out in order to estimate the extreme hydro-meteorological conditions in the area of the construction. The numerical experiments were fulfilled both with analytically specified external forcing and with real external forcing for 2 years: a cold year (2010) and a warm year (2014). The study has shown that the extreme values of sea level and water temperature and the characteristics of wind waves and sea ice in the vicinity of the future nuclear power plant can be significant and sometimes catastrophic. Permanent release of heat into the marine environment from an operating nuclear power plant will lead to a strong increase in temperature and the disappearance of ice cover within a 2 km vicinity of the station. These effects should be taken into account when assessing local climate changes in the future

    Coordinated Fc-effector and neutralization functions in HIV-infected children define a window of opportunity for HIV vaccination

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    OBJECTIVES: Antibody function has been extensively studied in HIV-infected adults but is relatively understudied in children. Emerging data suggests enhanced development of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) in children but Fc effector functions in this group are less well defined. Here, we profiled overall antibody function in HIV-infected children. DESIGN: Plasma samples from a cross-sectional study of 50 antiretroviral therapy-naive children (aged 1-11 years) vertically infected with HIV-1 clade A were screened for HIV-specific binding antibody levels and neutralizing and Fc-mediated functions. METHODS: Neutralization breadth was determined against a globally representative panel of 12 viruses. HIV-specific antibody levels were determined using a multiplex assay. Fc-mediated antibody functions measured were antibody-dependent: cellular phagocytosis (ADCP); neutrophil phagocytosis (ADNP); complement deposition (ADCD) and natural killer function (ADNK). RESULTS: All children had HIV gp120-specific antibodies, largely of the IgG1 subtype. Fifty-four percent of the children exhibited more than 50% neutralization breadth, with older children showing significantly broader neutralization activity. Apart from ADCC, observed only in 16% children, other Fc-mediated functions were common (>58% children). Neutralization breadth correlated with Fc-mediated functions suggesting shared determinants of enhanced antibody function exist. CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with previous observations that children may develop high levels of neutralization breadth. Furthermore, the striking association between neutralization breadth and Fc effector function suggests that HIV vaccination in children could yield multifunctional antibodies. Paediatric populations may therefore provide an ideal window of opportunity for HIV vaccination strategies

    Indian Ocean marine biogeochemical variability and its feedback on simulated South Asia climate

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    We investigate the effect of variable marine biogeochemical light absorption on Indian Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) and how this affects the South Asian climate. In twin experiments with a regional Earth system model, we found that the average SST is lower over most of the domain when variable marine biogeochemical light absorption is taken into account, compared to the reference experiment with a constant light attenuation coefficient equal to 0.06 m−1. The most significant deviations (more than 1 ∘C) in SST are observed in the monsoon season. A considerable cooling of subsurface layers occurs, and the thermocline shifts upward in the experiment with the activated biogeochemical impact. Also, the phytoplankton primary production becomes higher, especially during periods of winter and summer phytoplankton blooms. The effect of altered SST variability on climate was investigated by coupling the ocean models to a regional atmosphere model. We find the largest effects on the amount of precipitation, particularly during the monsoon season. In the Arabian Sea, the reduction of the transport of humidity across the Equator leads to a reduction of the large-scale precipitation in the eastern part of the basin, reinforcing the reduction of the convective precipitation. In the Bay of Bengal, it increases the large-scale precipitation, countering convective precipitation decline. Thus, the key impacts of including the full biogeochemical coupling with corresponding light attenuation, which in turn depends on variable chlorophyll a concentration, include the enhanced phytoplankton primary production, a shallower thermocline, and decreased SST and water temperature in subsurface layers, with cascading effects upon the model ocean physics which further translates into altered atmosphere dynamics

    Involvement of focal adhesion kinase in cellular invasion of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas via regulation of MMP-2 expression

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    Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is considered intimately involved in cancer progression. Our previous research has demonstrated that overexpression of FAK is an early and frequent event in squamous cell carcinomas of the supraglottic larynx, and it is associated with the presence of metastases in cervical lymph nodes. The purpose of this study was to examine the functional role of FAK in the progression of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). To this end, expression of FAK-related nonkinase (FRNK) or small interfering RNA (siRNA) against FAK was used to disrupt the FAK-induced signal transduction pathways in the HNSCC-derived SCC40 and SCC38 cell lines. Similar phenotypic effects were observed with the two methodological approaches in both cell lines. Decreased cell attachment, motility and invasion were induced by FRNK and FAK siRNA, whereas cell proliferation was not impaired. In addition, increased cell invasion was observed upon FAK overexpression in SCC cells. FRNK expression resulted in a downregulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression. Interestingly, MMP-2 overexpression in FRNK-expressing cells rescued FRNK inhibition of cell invasion. This is the first demonstration of a direct rescue of impaired cell invasion by the re-expression of MMP-2 in a tumour cell type with decreased expression of functional FAK. Collectively, these data reported here support the conclusion that FAK enhances invasion of HNSCC by promoting both increased cell motility and MMP-2 production, thus providing new insights into possible therapeutic intervention strategies

    Dynamic Spatial Coding within the Dorsal Frontoparietal Network during a Visual Search Task

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    To what extent are the left and right visual hemifields spatially coded in the dorsal frontoparietal attention network? In many experiments with neglect patients, the left hemisphere shows a contralateral hemifield preference, whereas the right hemisphere represents both hemifields. This pattern of spatial coding is often used to explain the right-hemispheric dominance of lesions causing hemispatial neglect. However, pathophysiological mechanisms of hemispatial neglect are controversial because recent experiments on healthy subjects produced conflicting results regarding the spatial coding of visual hemifields. We used an fMRI paradigm that allowed us to distinguish two attentional subprocesses during a visual search task. Either within the left or right hemifield subjects first attended to stationary locations (spatial orienting) and then shifted their attentional focus to search for a target line. Dynamic changes in spatial coding of the left and right hemifields were observed within subregions of the dorsal front-parietal network: During stationary spatial orienting, we found the well-known spatial pattern described above, with a bilateral hemifield representation in the right hemisphere and a contralateral preference in the left hemisphere. However, during search, the right hemisphere had a contralateral preference and the left hemisphere equally represented both hemifields. This finding leads to novel perspectives regarding models of visuospatial attention and hemispatial neglect