16 research outputs found

    Fish investigations in the Barents Sea winter 2020

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    This report presents the main results from the surveys in January-March 2020. The surveys were performed with the Norwegian research vessels “Helmer Hanssen” and “Johan Hjort” and the Russian research vessel “Vilnyus”. Annual survey reports since 1981 are listed in Appendix 1, and names of scientific participants are given in Appendix 3.publishedVersio

    Fish Investigations in the Barents Sea Winter 2019

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    The Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, has performed acoustic measurements of demersal fish in the Barents Sea since 1976. Since 1981 a bottom trawl survey has been combined with the acoustic survey. Typical effort of the combined survey has been 10-14 vessel-weeks, and about 350 bottom trawl hauls have been made each year. Most years three vessels have participated from about 1 February to 15 March.publishedVersio

    Gytefeltskartlegging Nordøstarktisk hyse: Toktnummer 2022609

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    Gytekartleggingstokt for nordøstarktisk hyse ble gjennomført 8. -19. april 2022 med FF Kristine Bonnevie. Toktet startet i Bodø og ble avsluttet i Tromsø. Toktet dekket det antatte gyteområdet langs Eggakanten mellom Malangsgrunnen og Bjørnøyrenna. Kontinuerlige akustiske registringer ble gjort langs 3194 nautiske mil kurslinjer. Det ble tatt 38 stasjoner med egghåv og CTD, og 29 bunntrål. Gytende hyse ble funnet i de fleste trålhalene. De innsamlete eggene er sendt til genetisk analyse for å kunne skille torsk- og hyseegg.publishedVersio

    Cooking chicken at home: Common or recommended approaches to judge doneness may not assure sufficient inactivation of pathogens.

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    About one third of foodborne illness outbreaks in Europe are acquired in the home and eating undercooked poultry is among consumption practices associated with illness. The aim of this study was to investigate whether actual and recommended practices for monitoring chicken doneness are safe. Seventy-five European households from five European countries were interviewed and videoed while cooking chicken in their private kitchens, including young single men, families with infants/in pregnancy and elderly over seventy years. A cross-national web-survey collected cooking practices for chicken from 3969 households. In a laboratory kitchen, chicken breast fillets were injected with cocktails of Salmonella and Campylobacter and cooked to core temperatures between 55 and 70°C. Microbial survival in the core and surface of the meat were determined. In a parallel experiment, core colour, colour of juice and texture were recorded. Finally, a range of cooking thermometers from the consumer market were evaluated. The field study identified nine practical approaches for deciding if the chicken was properly cooked. Among these, checking the colour of the meat was commonly used and perceived as a way of mitigating risks among the consumers. Meanwhile, chicken was perceived as hedonically vulnerable to long cooking time. The quantitative survey revealed that households prevalently check cooking status from the inside colour (49.6%) and/or inside texture (39.2%) of the meat. Young men rely more often on the outside colour of the meat (34.7%) and less often on the juices (16.5%) than the elderly (>65 years old; 25.8% and 24.6%, respectively). The lab study showed that colour change of chicken meat happened below 60°C, corresponding to less than 3 log reduction of Salmonella and Campylobacter. At a core temperature of 70°C, pathogens survived on the fillet surface not in contact with the frying pan. No correlation between meat texture and microbial inactivation was found. A minority of respondents used a food thermometer, and a challenge with cooking thermometers for home use was long response time. In conclusion, the recommendations from the authorities on monitoring doneness of chicken and current consumer practices do not ensure reduction of pathogens to safe levels. For the domestic cook, determining doneness is both a question of avoiding potential harm and achieving a pleasurable meal. It is discussed how lack of an easy "rule-of-thumb" or tools to check safe cooking at consumer level, as well as national differences in contamination levels, food culture and economy make it difficult to develop international recommendations that are both safe and easily implemented

    Cooking chicken at home: Common or recommended approaches to judge doneness may not assure sufficient inactivation of pathogens

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    About one third of foodborne illness outbreaks in Europe are acquired in the home and eating undercooked poultry is among consumption practices associated with illness. The aim of this study was to investigate whether actual and recommended practices for monitoring chicken doneness are safe. Seventy-five European households from five European countries were interviewed and videoed while cooking chicken in their private kitchens, including young single men, families with infants/in pregnancy and elderly over seventy years. A cross-national web-survey collected cooking practices for chicken from 3969 households. In a laboratory kitchen, chicken breast fillets were injected with cocktails of Salmonella and Campylobacter and cooked to core temperatures between 55 and 70˚C. Microbial survival in the core and surface of the meat were determined. In a parallel experiment, core colour, colour of juice and texture were recorded. Finally, a range of cooking thermometers from the consumer market were evaluated. The field study identified nine practical approaches for deciding if the chicken was properly cooked. Among these, checking the colour of the meat was commonly used and perceived as a way of mitigating risks among the consumers. Meanwhile, chicken was perceived as hedonically vulnerable to long cooking time. The quantitative survey revealed that households prevalently check cooking status from the inside colour (49.6%) and/or inside texture (39.2%) of the meat. Young men rely more often on the outside colour of the meat (34.7%) and less often on the juices (16.5%) than the elderly (>65 years old; 25.8% and 24.6%, respectively). The lab study showed that colour change of chicken meat happened below 60˚C, corresponding to less than 3 log reduction of Salmonella and Campylobacter. At a core temperature of 70˚C, pathogens survived on the fillet surface not in contact with the frying pan. No correlation between meat texture and microbial inactivation was found. A minority of respondents used a food thermometer, and a challenge with cooking thermometers for home use was long response time. In conclusion, the recommendations from the authorities on monitoring doneness of chicken and current consumer practices do not ensure reduction of pathogens to safe levels. For the domestic cook, determining doneness is both a question of avoiding potential harm and achieving a pleasurable meal. It is discussed how lack of an easy “rule-of-thumb” or tools to check safe cooking at consumer level, as well as national differences in contamination levels, food culture and economy make it difficult to develop international recommendations that are both safe and easily implemented

    Gytefeltskartlegging Nordøstarktisk hyse: Toktnummer 2022609

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    Gytekartleggingstokt for nordøstarktisk hyse ble gjennomført 8. -19. april 2022 med FF Kristine Bonnevie. Toktet startet i Bodø og ble avsluttet i Tromsø. Toktet dekket det antatte gyteområdet langs Eggakanten mellom Malangsgrunnen og Bjørnøyrenna. Kontinuerlige akustiske registringer ble gjort langs 3194 nautiske mil kurslinjer. Det ble tatt 38 stasjoner med egghåv og CTD, og 29 bunntrål. Gytende hyse ble funnet i de fleste trålhalene. De innsamlete eggene er sendt til genetisk analyse for å kunne skille torsk- og hyseegg

    Fish investigations in the Barents Sea winter 2020

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    This report presents the main results from the surveys in January-March 2020. The surveys were performed with the Norwegian research vessels “Helmer Hanssen” and “Johan Hjort” and the Russian research vessel “Vilnyus”. Annual survey reports since 1981 are listed in Appendix 1, and names of scientific participants are given in Appendix 3

    Fish Investigations in the Barents Sea Winter 2019

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    The Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, has performed acoustic measurements of demersal fish in the Barents Sea since 1976. Since 1981 a bottom trawl survey has been combined with the acoustic survey. Typical effort of the combined survey has been 10-14 vessel-weeks, and about 350 bottom trawl hauls have been made each year. Most years three vessels have participated from about 1 February to 15 March