73 research outputs found

    Prévention des risques de transmission des infections : connaßtre les pratiques formelles et informelles du personnel hospitalier

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    La prĂ©vention des infections dans les Ă©tablissements de santĂ© est un sujet d’actualitĂ©. MalgrĂ© la promotion de mesures de prĂ©vention, on constate qu’elles ne sont pas complĂštement appliquĂ©es. Toutefois, s’attarder uniquement Ă  ces manques offre une prise limitĂ©e pour amĂ©liorer la prĂ©vention, en ignorant d’autres mesures que le personnel pourrait avoir dĂ©veloppĂ©es. L’objectif de la recherche est de dĂ©crire les pratiques, formelles et informelles, de prĂ©vention de la transmission des infections, utilisĂ©es par diverses catĂ©gories de personnel hospitalier, ainsi que d’explorer les reprĂ©sentations reliĂ©es Ă  ces pratiques. L’approche qualitative utilisĂ©e permet une vision systĂ©mique des activitĂ©s de prĂ©vention. Nous avons effectuĂ©, Ă  MontrĂ©al, 27 entrevues et 186 heures d’observation de personnel infirmier, de prĂ©posĂ©es aux bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires et de prĂ©posĂ©es Ă  l’entretien sanitaire, tous expĂ©rimentĂ©s, dans quatre unitĂ©s de soins dont deux de courte et deux de longue durĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les mesures de prĂ©vention ne sont pas des actes isolĂ©s mais qu’elles font partie d’un processus dĂ©butant par l’identification des risques Ă  partir de trois familles d’informations: la contamination du patient, celle de l’environnement et les difficultĂ©s d’interaction avec le patient. Nous avons identifiĂ© certaines pratiques permettant de pallier des situations oĂč les mesures de prĂ©vention prescrites sont jugĂ©es insuffisantes et rĂ©vĂšlent des compĂ©tences mĂ©connues du personnel. Ces pratiques peuvent notamment faire appel au travail d'Ă©quipe, faisant ressortir l’importance de la dimension collective du travail pour la prĂ©vention des infections. L’analyse des reprĂ©sentations du risque reliĂ© au Clostridium difficile montre de plus que les participantes Ă  la recherche craignent de le transmettre aux patients et Ă  leur propre famille et adoptent en consĂ©quence des pratiques spĂ©cifiques de prĂ©vention, au travail et hors travail. À cause de situations mettant en Ă©chec la prĂ©vention, certaines participantes pensent de plus ĂȘtre des porteuses saines de ce microorganisme et craignent son activation si elles sont affaiblies. Certains aspects de l’organisation du travail peuvent aussi entraver leurs efforts : l’absence de moments de concertation, la prĂ©sence de personnel non rĂ©gulier et le manque de formation. Nous concluons sur l’importance d’appuyer les efforts de prĂ©vention basĂ©s sur des stratĂ©gies qui font appel au travail d’équipe, qui semblent avoir un potentiel intĂ©ressant pour la prĂ©vention des infections, et sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© de prendre en compte les prĂ©occupations du personnel dans les interventions Ă©ducatives le concernant.Preventing infections in health care facilities is a subject of current interest. Despite the promotion of prevention measures, it is well known that they are not completely applied. However, confining interest just to these lacunae does not provide a good handle on improving prevention, if we do not pay attention to other measures that hospital personnel may have developed spontaneously. The objective of the current research project is to describe formal and informal practices for preventing infection used by various categories of hospital personnel, as well as to explore the representations of risk related to their informal practices. The qualitative research approach used gives a systemic vision of prevention activities. We carried out 27 interviews and 186 hours of observation of experienced nursing staff, health care aides and hospital cleaning staff, in two short-term and two long-term hospital units in Montreal. The results show that prevention measures are not isolated acts, but part of a process that starts with risk identification based on three sets of information: patient contamination, environmental contamination and difficulties in interacting with patients. We have identified some measures developed by staff members that allow them to cope with situations where the prescribed procedures are felt to be insufficient; these measures reveal their hitherto-unrecognized skills and can be collective, showing the importance of joint work for infection prevention. The analysis of representations of risks related to Clostridium difficile shows that study participants feared transmitting it to patients and to their own families, and adopted specific prevention measures both at work and outside the workplace. Because of situations where prevention failed, some participants think they may be healthy carriers of that microorganism and fear infection may be activated if they become weak for any reason. Some aspects of work organization may also get in the way of their efforts: the absence of time for exchanging information, the presence of casual staff and the lack of training. We conclude that it is important to support prevention efforts based on collective strategies, that seem to have an interesting potential to prevent infections, and that it is necessary to take into account the preoccupations of staff during educational interventions targeting them

    Écouter et voir dans un monde technique : Effets de la discontinuitĂ© des horaires sur l’activitĂ© de travail des infirmiĂšres

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    La structure des horaires et ses effets sur le travail des infirmiĂšres et infirmiĂšres auxiliaires d’un hĂŽpital de soins de courte durĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s dans un contexte de modifications du rĂ©seau quĂ©bĂ©cois de la santĂ©. L’analyse montre de courts sĂ©jours chez les patients et une trĂšs grande discontinuitĂ© des pĂ©riodes de travail chez le personnel infirmier : 60 % de celles qui travaillaient dans un dĂ©partement cumulent moins de cinq quarts par mois dans ce dĂ©partement. Ainsi, elles ont souvent peu d’information sur les patients et la constante recomposition des Ă©quipes peut affecter leurs stratĂ©gies pour pallier cette situation. Les aspects « techniques » du travail ne pouvant ĂȘtre escamotĂ©s, les aspects « humains » deviennent compressibles. Cette organisation du travail peut-elle diminuer le caring, privant d’une part les patients de contacts importants et entraĂźnant d’autre part, chez les soignantes, une perte du sens de leur travail ? Est-ce que cette perte de sens aurait un effet sur le taux d’absence, trĂšs Ă©levĂ© dans cette population ?The structure of work schedules and its effects on the work activity of health care workers in a short-term care facility were analyzed in a context of changes to the QuĂ©bec health care system. The analysis revealed short patient stays and a great discontinuity in work periods for nursing personnel : 60 % of health care workers in one department worked for fewer than five shifts per month in this department. Thus, the workers often have little information on patients, and the constant changes in the work teams can affect the strategies that they use to remedy the situation. Since the “technical” aspects of the work cannot be reduced, the more “human” aspects can be compressed. Could this type of work organization diminish caring, thus depriving patients of important human contact and health care workers of their sense of the meaning of their work. Could this loss of meaning affect the absenteeism rate, which is known to be high among nurses ?La estructura de los horarios y sus efectos sobre el trabajo de las enfermeras y enfermeras auxiliares en un hospital de atenciĂłn a corto plazo fueron analyzados en un contexto de modificaciones de la red quebequense de la salud. El anĂĄlisis enseña estancias cortas de los pacientes y una discontinuidad muy grande de los periodos de trabajo del personal enfermero : 60 % de las que trabajaban en un departamento cumulaban menos de cinco turnos por mĂ©s en este departamento. AsĂ­, a menudo tenĂ­an poca informaciĂłn sobre los pacientes y la constante recomposiciĂłn de los equipos puede afectar las estrategias para paliar la situaciĂłn. Como no se puede minimizar los aspectos « tĂ©cnicos » del trabajo, se comprime los aspectos « humanos ». Âż Puede esta organizaciĂłn de trabajo disminuir la atenciĂłn, privando por una parte los pacientes de contactos importantes, y llevando por otra parte, una pĂ©rdida del sentido del trabajo para el personal sanitario ? Âż TendrĂ­a esta pĂ©rdida un efecto sobre la tasa de ausencia, muy elevada en esta poblaciĂłn 

    Looking and listening in a technical world : Effects of discontinuity in work schedules on nurses’ work activity

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    The structure of work schedules and its effects on the work activity of health care workers in a short-term care facility were analyzed in a context of changes to the QuĂ©bec health care system. The analysis revealed short patient stays and a great discontinuity in work periods for nursing personnel : 60 % of health care workers in one department worked for fewer than five shifts per month in this department. Thus, the workers often have little information on patients, and the constant changes in the work teams can affect the strategies that they use to remedy the situation. Since the “technical” aspects of the work cannot be reduced, the more “human” aspects can be compressed. Could this type of work organization diminish caring, thus depriving patients of important human contact and health care workers of their sense of the meaning of their work. Could this loss of meaning affect the absenteeism rate, which is known to be high among nurses ?La structure des horaires et ses effets sur le travail des infirmiĂšres et infirmiĂšres auxiliaires d’un hĂŽpital de soins de courte durĂ©e ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s dans un contexte de modifications du rĂ©seau quĂ©bĂ©cois de la santĂ©. L’analyse montre de courts sĂ©jours chez les patients et une trĂšs grande discontinuitĂ© des pĂ©riodes de travail chez le personnel infirmier : 60 % de celles qui travaillaient dans un dĂ©partement cumulent moins de cinq quarts par mois dans ce dĂ©partement. Ainsi, elles ont souvent peu d’information sur les patients et la constante recomposition des Ă©quipes peut affecter leurs stratĂ©gies pour pallier cette situation. Les aspects « techniques » du travail ne pouvant ĂȘtre escamotĂ©s, les aspects « humains » deviennent compressibles. Cette organisation du travail peut-elle diminuer le caring, privant d’une part les patients de contacts importants et entraĂźnant d’autre part, chez les soignantes, une perte du sens de leur travail ? Est-ce que cette perte de sens aurait un effet sur le taux d’absence, trĂšs Ă©levĂ© dans cette population ?La estructura de los horarios y sus efectos sobre el trabajo de las enfermeras y enfermeras auxiliares en un hospital de atenciĂłn a corto plazo fueron analyzados en un contexto de modificaciones de la red quebequense de la salud. El anĂĄlisis enseña estancias cortas de los pacientes y una discontinuidad muy grande de los periodos de trabajo del personal enfermero : 60 % de las que trabajaban en un departamento cumulaban menos de cinco turnos por mĂ©s en este departamento. AsĂ­, a menudo tenĂ­an poca informaciĂłn sobre los pacientes y la constante recomposiciĂłn de los equipos puede afectar las estrategias para paliar la situaciĂłn. Como no se puede minimizar los aspectos « tĂ©cnicos » del trabajo, se comprime los aspectos « humanos ». Âż Puede esta organizaciĂłn de trabajo disminuir la atenciĂłn, privando por una parte los pacientes de contactos importantes, y llevando por otra parte, una pĂ©rdida del sentido del trabajo para el personal sanitario ? Âż TendrĂ­a esta pĂ©rdida un efecto sobre la tasa de ausencia, muy elevada en esta poblaciĂłn 

    Desenvolvimento participativo da cadeia produtiva sustentĂĄvel de leite no Assentamento rual Eli Vive

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    Anais do 35Âș SeminĂĄrio de ExtensĂŁo UniversitĂĄria da RegiĂŁo Sul - Área temĂĄtica: Tecnologia e Produção.A atividade leiteira Ă© uma Ăłtima estratĂ©gia para melhoria da renda de pequenos produtores, que por meio de sua inserção no mercado, tem impacto econĂŽmico no PaĂ­s. Objetiva-se com o projeto o desenvolvimento participativo da cadeia produtiva sustentĂĄvel de leite no Assentamento rural Eli Vive, articulando a integração entre a Instituição de Ensino e a comunidade externa. O projeto Ă© coordenado pelo Departamento de Zootecnia em parceria com a Empresa JĂșnior da Zootecnia (CATECz) e envolve docentes e discentes de CiĂȘncias AgrĂĄrias da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. O Assentamento Rural Eli Vive localiza-se no municĂ­pio de Londrina (PR), com 540 famĂ­lias assentadas, sendo que 24 possuem vacas leiteiras em suas propriedades. O projeto atende mensalmente os assentados com atividades dinĂąmicas (dia de campo, palestras, oficinas) sobre temas que envolvem a cadeia produtiva de leite. Os assentados recebem visitas tĂ©cnicas quinzenais em suas propriedades, nas quais sĂŁo relatados e/ou identificados problemas e dĂșvidas relacionadas Ă  produção. Com os recursos obtidos por meio da aprovação de um projeto da Secretaria de Estado da CiĂȘncia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (SETI) foi implementado uma unidade demonstrativa de pastejo rotativo para vacas leiteiras. A partir disso, foram e estĂŁo sendo desenvolvidas atividades visando Ă  produção de alimentos para o rebanho. Foi confeccionado um manual tĂ©cnico intitulado ‘’Produção AgroecolĂłgica de Leite’’, abordando aspectos de instalaçÔes, nutrição, manejo do gado leiteiro e sanidade. O projeto visa capacitar e profissionalizar os assentados a fim de promover uma produção sustentĂĄvel de leite com alta qualidade sanitĂĄria para consumo e comercialização, melhorando a renda familiar e a qualidade de vida dos assentados, evitando o ĂȘxodo rural. TambĂ©m Ă© importante na construção do Projeto PolĂ­tico PedagĂłgico dos cursos de graduação de CiĂȘncias AgrĂĄrias, contextualizando os acadĂȘmicos nessa realidade de produção sustentĂĄvel em pequenas propriedades e de organização socia

    Cloning and endogenous expression of a Eucalyptus grandis UDP-glucose dehydrogenase cDNA

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    UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UGDH) catalyzes the oxidation of UDP-glucose (UDP-Glc) to UDP-glucuronate (UDP-GlcA), a key sugar nucleotide involved in the biosynthesis of plant cell wall polysaccharides. A full-length cDNA fragment coding for UGDH was cloned from the cambial region of 6-month-old E. grandis saplings by RT-PCR. The 1443-bp-ORF encodes a protein of 480 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 53 kDa. The recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli catalyzed the conversion of UDP-Glc to UDP-GlcA, confirming that the cloned cDNA encodes UGDH. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cDNA showed a high degree of identity with UGDH from several plant species. The Southern blot assay indicated that more than one copy of UGDH is present in Eucalyptus. These results were also confirmed by the proteomic analysis of the cambial region of 3- and 22-year-old E. grandis trees by 2-DE and LC-MS/MS, showing that at least two isoforms are present. The cloned gene is mainly expressed in roots, stem and bark of 6-month-old saplings, with a lower expression in leaves. High expression levels were also observed in the cambial region of 3- and 22-year-old trees. The results described in this paper provide a further view of the hemicellulose biosynthesis during wood formation in E. grandis

    Tropospheric and stratospheric smoke over Europe as observed within EARLINET/ACTRIS in summer 2017

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    For several weeks in summer 2017, strong smoke layers were observed over Europe at numerous EARLINET stations. EARLINET is the European research lidar network and part of ACTRIS and comprises more than 30 ground-based lidars. The smoke layers were observed in the troposphere as well as in the stratosphere up to 25 km from Northern Scandinavia over whole western and central Europe to the Mediterranean regions. Backward trajectory analysis among other tools revealed that these smoke layers originated from strong wild fires in western Canada in combination with pyrocumulus convection. An extraordinary fire event in the mid of August caused intense smoke layers that were observed across Europe for several weeks starting on 18 August 2017. Maximum aerosol optical depths up to 1.0 at 532 nm were observed at Leipzig, Germany, on 22 August 2017 during the peak of this event. The stratospheric smoke layers reached extinction coefficient values of more than 600 Mm−1 at 532 nm, a factor of 10 higher than observed for volcanic ash after the Pinatubo eruption in the 1990s. First analyses of the intensive optical properties revealed low particle depolarization values at 532 nm for the tropospheric smoke (spherical particles) and rather high values (up to 20%) in the stratosphere. However, a strong wavelength dependence of the depolarization ratio was measured for the stratospheric smoke. This indicates irregularly shaped stratospheric smoke particles in the size range of the accumulation mode. This unique depolarization feature makes it possible to distinguish clearly smoke aerosol from cirrus clouds or other aerosol types by polarization lidar measurements. Particle extinction-to-backscatter ratios were rather low in the order of 40 to 50 sr at 355 nm, while values between 70-90 sr were measured at higher wavelengths. In the western and central Mediterranean, stratospheric smoke layers were most prominent in the end of August at heights between 16 and 20 km. In contrast, stratospheric smoke started to occur in the eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus and Israel) in the beginning of September between 18 and 23 km. Stratospheric smoke was still visible in the beginning of October at certain locations (e.g. Evora, Portugal), while tropospheric smoke was mainly observed until the end of August within Europe. An overview of the smoke layers measured at several EARLINET sites will be given. The temporal development of these layers as well as their geometrical and optical properties will be presented

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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    Occurrence of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in the European survey of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (EuSCAPE): a prospective, multinational study

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    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8 TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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