1,018 research outputs found

    Economic aid of Montana high school students

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    Development of Peer Educators within Paraprofessional Community-Based Adult Education Models: An Experiential Learning Perspective

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    In community-based peer education models, it is necessary to understand the relationship between learning, context and paraprofessional identity construction. Social relations are important in community education program implementation (Merriam, Caffarella, & Baumgartner, 2007); impacting power structure within communities and organizations (Cervero & Wilson, 1994, 2006). Drawing upon a current research project of community-based nutrition education, we explore the conceptual and practical role of experience in paraprofessional educator models and focus on the situated, contextual experiences of paraprofessionals in the communities they work and live as unique, challenging, and potentially positive for learning outcomes

    Cognitive Rehearsal Training for Upskilling Undergraduate Nursing Students Against Bullying: A Qualitative Pilot Study

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    The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine the effectiveness of an anti-bullying intervention called Cognitive Rehearsal Training (CRT) using a workshop format to increase third year nursing students’ knowledge and confidence to address bullying behaviour. A lanyard card identifying ten common bullying behaviours and possible phrases to stand up to bullying was used as a tool to Stop! Reflect! and Respond! as a process to resolve conflict (Griffin, 2004; Griffin & Clark, 2014). Although similar bullying interventions have been studied among practicing nurses, few studies exist that involve students within their pre-licensure training program (Iheduru-Anderson, 2014; Thomas, 2010) and none in Canada. Fifty eight third year undergraduate nursing students in two classrooms took part in an anti-bullying workshop introducing the use of CRT as a tool to address bullying behaviour, and provided feedback regarding the utility of the CRT tool. One significant theme was that confidence and competence are inextricably linked, and lack of confidence to address conflict was reported to result in absenteeism, depression, thoughts of quitting school, and withdrawal from school-related responsibilities. Another key theme was that faculty profoundly impact the outcomes of bullying; students expect faculty to be knowledgeable about bullying and to have the skills to mediate conflict. A third theme was that power is an integral element in bullying dynamics, and participants commonly described feelings of vulnerability, powerlessness, and a reluctance to respond assertively to conflict, and the belief that catastrophic things would happen if they did. The findings of the study support the use of the CRT tool and its integration into undergraduate nursing curricula. RĂ©sumĂ© Le but de cette Ă©tude qualitative est d’explorer l’efficacitĂ© d’une intervention pour lutter contre l’intimidation, nommĂ©e l’entraĂźnement par rĂ©pĂ©tition cognitive (ERC). Le format d’atelier a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour augmenter les connaissances et renforcer la confiance d’étudiantes de troisiĂšme annĂ©e en sciences infirmiĂšres pour faire face aux comportements d’intimidation. Une cocarde portĂ©e autour du cou et identifiant dix comportements frĂ©quents d’intimidation ainsi que des phrases possibles pour contrer l’intimidation a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e comme outil pour ArrĂȘter! RĂ©flĂ©chir! et RĂ©pondre! comme processus de rĂ©solution de conflit (Griffin, 2004; Griffin & Clark, 2014). Bien que des interventions similaires portant sur l’intimidation ont fait l’objet d’études chez des infirmiĂšres ayant obtenu leur permis d’exercice, peu d’études existent concernant les Ă©tudiantes au cours de leur programme de formation (Iheduru-Anderson, 2014; Thomas, 2010), et aucune Ă©tude n’a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e au Canada. Cinquante-huit Ă©tudiantes de troisiĂšme annĂ©e au premier cycle universitaire ont pris part en deux groupes classes Ă  un atelier visant Ă  contrer l’intimidation. L’ERC a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ© comme outil pour faire face aux comportements d’intimidation et les Ă©tudiantes ont fourni leurs commentaires concernant l’utilitĂ© de l’outil d’ERC. Un thĂšme central des rĂ©sultats est Ă  l’effet que la confiance et la compĂ©tence sont inextricablement liĂ©es. Il y est rapportĂ© que le manque de confiance chez les Ă©tudiantes pour faire face Ă  un conflit entraĂźne l\u27absentĂ©isme, la dĂ©pression, des pensĂ©es quant Ă  l\u27abandon des Ă©tudes et le retrait de leurs responsabilitĂ©s liĂ©es au programme d’études. Un deuxiĂšme thĂšme principal porte sur l’impact considĂ©rable du corps professoral sur les rĂ©sultats de l’intimidation. Les Ă©tudiantes s’attendent Ă  ce que les membres du corps professoral soient bien informĂ©s Ă  propos de l’intimidation et qu’ils dĂ©tiennent les habiletĂ©s nĂ©cessaires pour agir comme mĂ©diateur. Un troisiĂšme thĂšme porte sur le pouvoir comme un Ă©lĂ©ment intĂ©gral Ă  la dynamique de l’intimidation. Les participantes ont dĂ©crit des sentiments de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et d’impuissance, et elles ont exprimĂ© leur rĂ©ticence Ă  rĂ©pondre avec assurance au conflit, et leur croyance que si elles rĂ©pondent Ă  l’intimidation avec assurance, la consĂ©quence sera catastrophique. Les conclusions de l’étude soutiennent l’utilisation de l’outil ERC et son intĂ©gration dans les programmes de premier cycle en sciences infirmiĂšres

    Die Wurzeln der thailÀndischen Parteiendemokratie (1868 - 1935)

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation rekonstruiert die AnfĂ€nge der thailĂ€ndischen Parteiengeschichte von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis ins Jahr 1935. Die Entstehung politischer Parteien in Siam, wie Thailand zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch hieß, war Teil eines tiefgehenden Wandelungsprozesses in Staat und Gesellschaft. Ausgelöst durch die koloniale Expansion der EuropĂ€er in SĂŒdostasien und die resultierende Bedrohung der siamesischen UnabhĂ€ngigkeit brachte die siamesische StaatsfĂŒhrung in dieser Zeit weitreichende VerĂ€nderungen auf den Weg. Die Autorin identifiziert Entwicklungen im siamesischen Organisationswesen und die ĂŒber Jahrzehnte intensiv gefĂŒhrte Reformdebatte, in der auch Parteien thematisiert wurden, als entscheidende Faktoren fĂŒr die Parteigenese nach 1932. Deren Wirkung und Zusammenspiel werden sowohl fĂŒr die Zeit der absoluten Monarchie bis Juni 1932 als auch fĂŒr die Anfangsphase der konstitutionellen Monarchie (1932-1935) rekonstruiert und analysiert

    Status of the cold model for the HE-Linac cavities

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    Activities on the HE-Linac DTL cavity RF-design

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    A Survey of Laboratory Programs for First Year Medical Students

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    Basic science courses offered to freshmen medical students have been traditionally taught by didactic presentations and laboratory work. Various factors have prompted many departments to either markedly reduce the time allotted for the traditional, but more vulnerable, laboratory phase of these courses or drastically alter the content of the laboratory programs. Information concerning the desirability for such changes is incomplete and no evaluation has been developed to determine the effectiveness of change. Before beginning any further alterations in the laboratory programs at the Medical College of Virginia, it seemed desirable to determine anew what we wish to teach in the laboratory. This problem was approached in part by surveying the attitudes of other anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology departments

    Association of adipokines and joint biomarkers with cartilage-modifying effects of weight loss in obese subjects

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    SummaryObjectivesTo determine (1) the effects of weight loss in obese subjects on six adipokines and joint biomarkers; and (2) the relationship between changes in these markers with changes in cartilage outcomes.DesignPlasma levels of adiponectin, leptin, IL-6, COMP, MMP-3 and urine levels of CTX-II were measured at baseline and 12 months from 75 obese subjects enrolled in two weight-loss programs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to assess cartilage volume and thickness. Associations between weight loss, cartilage outcomes and markers were adjusted for age, gender, baseline BMI, presence of clinical knee OA, with and without weight loss percent.ResultsMean weight loss was 13.0 ± 9.5%. Greater weight loss percentage was associated with an increase in adiponectin (ÎČ = 0.019, 95% CI 0.012 to 0.026,) and a decrease in leptin (ÎČ = −1.09, 95% CI −1.37 to −0.82). Multiple regression analysis saw an increase in adiponectin associated with reduced loss of medial tibial cartilage volume (ÎČ = 14.4, CI 2.6 to 26.3) and medial femoral cartilage volume (ÎČ = 18.1, 95% CI 4.4 to 31.8). Decrease in leptin was associated with reduced loss of medial femoral volume (ÎČ = −4.1, 95% CI −6.8 to −1.4) and lateral femoral volume (ÎČ = −1.8, 95% CI −3.7 to 0.0). When weight loss percent was included in the model, only the relationships between COMP and cartilage volume remained statistically significant.ConclusionsAdiponectin and leptin may be associated with cartilage loss. Further work will determine the relative contributions of metabolic and mechanical factors in the obesity-related joint changes

    The role of the bone microenvironment in skeletal metastasis

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    AbstractThe bone microenvironment provides a fertile soil for cancer cells. It is therefore not surprising that the skeleton is a frequent site of cancer metastasis. It is believed that reciprocal interactions between tumour and bone cells, known as the “vicious cycle of bone metastasis” support the establishment and orchestrate the expansion of malignant cancers in bone. While the full range of molecular mechanisms of cancer metastasis to bone remain to be elucidated, recent research has deepened our understanding of the cell-mediated processes that may be involved in cancer cell survival and growth in bone. This review aims to address the importance of the bone microenvironment in skeletal cancer metastasis and discusses potential therapeutic implications of novel insights
