36 research outputs found

    La industria de la nieve en las montañas alicantinas

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    En número dedicado a: La provincia de Alicant

    Museu Arqueològic Municipal d’Alcoi Camil Visedo i Moltó. Memòria d’activitats de 2013

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    Es resumeix l’activitat realitzada al Museu durant l’any 2013 i se’n descriuen els diferents nivells d’actuació: administració i gestió, difusió, conser-vació i investigació

    Museu Arqueològic Municipal d’Alcoi Camil Visedo i Moltó. Memòria d’activitats de 2014

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    Es resumeix l’activitat realitzada al Museu durant l’any 2014 i se’n descriuen els diferents nivells d’actuació: administració i gestió, difusió, conservació i investigació

    Pinturas rupestres en el Barranc de Carbonera (Beniatjar, Valencia). Nuevas lecturas de un yacimiento excepcional

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    La revisión de las imágenes pintadas en los dos abrigos del Barranc de Carbonera, en Beniatjar (Valencia), y el descubrimiento de nuevos e importantes conjuntos con arte rupestre en la Vall d’Albaida, permite replantear el origen y difusión del Arte Esquemático en el Arco mediterráneo de la Península Ibérica y su relación con el denominado Arte Esquemático Antiguo en las tierras valencianas

    Development and experimental validation of an overlay mortar with biocide activity

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    Biodeterioration of concrete by microorganism colonisation may be a problem in several structures, especially in irrigation and hydroelectric canals. The main problem in such structures is the proliferation of algae and cyanobacteria that affect the performance of the structure, increase the maintenance costs and affects its durability. A research was conducted to develop a novel cement-based material with biocide activity that can be used as an overlay mortar in existing structures, such as canals and pipes. With this aim, ten commercial biocides were evaluated in a laboratory campaign to assess the effectiveness of the compounds against the microbial colonisation of concrete. Both mono- and multicomponent formulations were designed from the commercial products, to increase their antimicrobial effect obtaining a set of biocide formulations. The formulations were submitted to a flowchart process to determine their influence on the physical properties of the concrete, evaluate the release of the actives, and their antimicrobial efficiency both before and after accelerated aging processes. During the campaign, some formulations were observed to diminish the strength of the concrete. Such behaviour was normally due to the interaction of the active with the cement hydration process. Other formulations showed a high release of active from the concrete in water, compromising the durability of the treatment. In general, monocomponent formulations did not succeed to fulfill all the requirements, thus multicomponent formulations were analysed. One studied multicomponent formulation presented particularly good results in all properties analysed. This product did not significantly change the properties of concrete and the release of active in water from the concrete was low, while the antimicrobial effects were long lasting.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mejora genética de variedades y patrones de almendro en el CITA de Aragón

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    Colaboración en el blog: Asesoramiento Técnico. Disponible en: http://www.ingenierojsh.com

    Molecular modeling of RNases from almond involved in serlf-incompatibility

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    Gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) is a natural mechanism in flowering plants, including almond and other fruit tree species, to prevent inbreeding and promote outcrossing. It is typically under the control of a specific locus, known as the S-locus, which contains at least two genes. The first gene encodes glycoproteins with ribonuclease (S-RNase) activity in the pistils, and the second is a specific F-box gene (SFB) expressed in the pollen. In Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Rosaceae, active S-RNases in the style are essential for rejection of haploid pollen, when the S-allele of pollen matches one of two S-alleles of the diploid pistil. The S-RNase was first identified in Prunus more than 20 years ago, whereas SFB was identified only recently. In spite of the knowledge of the genetic structure of the female and male determinants of GSI, the nature of their mutual interactions at genetic and biochemical levels remain unclear. Thus, detailed understanding of the protein structure involved in GSI may help in discovering how proteins involved in GSI function and fulfil their biological roles. To this aim, three-dimensional (3D) models of a self-compatible (Sf) and a self-incompatible (S8) S-RNase of almond have been constructed, using comparative modelling tools. The molecular models of Sf and S8 showed that 3D architectures of their folds had the same topology as typical members of the RNase T2 family. The modelled structures consisted of mixed α and β folds, with six helices and six beta-strands.Peer Reviewedalmondself-(in) compatibility3D modellingRNase T2Publishe

    L’assentament de la Torre Redona (Alcoi) i la formació del paisatge romà a les comarques de l’Alcoià-el Comtat

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    Es presenten les recerques realitzades en el lloc romà de la Torre Redona (Alcoi, Alacant). S’ha emprat la combinació de tècniques de prospecció superficial, geofísica i sondejos arqueològics assistits amb tecnologies geoespacials. Els resultats mostren una ocupació ibèrica dels s. II-I aC, que va ser reorganitzada a mitjan s. I dC amb la construcció d’un assentament romà, possiblement una vil·la. Una reordenació del poblament similar es reconeix en altres territoris del sud valencià