50 research outputs found

    Reformulaci贸n de la Pol铆tica Distrital de Salud Mental: una alternativa desde la Gesti贸n Asociada

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    Identificar la pertinencia de las acciones desarrolladas por parte del gobierno de Bogot谩 en el campo de la salud mental, durante el confinamiento por COVID 19 mediante an谩lisis documental con el fin de generar recomendaciones desde el enfoque de gesti贸n asociada para la reformulaci贸n de la Pol铆tica Distrital de Salud Mental.El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n pretende analizar la pertinencia de las acciones desarrolladas por el gobierno de Bogot谩 frente a las afectaciones en salud mental de los habitantes de la ciudad, agudizadas o desarrolladas en el marco de la emergencia por COVID19 y espec铆ficamente, durante el confinamiento decretado como medida de contenci贸n del virus en el a帽o 2020. Para cumplir con este objetivo se utiliz贸 la metodolog铆a de revisi贸n documental y organizaron los resultados en tres ejes, el primero una descripci贸n de las principales afectaciones en salud mental de la poblaci贸n residente en Bogot谩 en el periodo especificado, el segundo describe las acciones de atenci贸n desarrolladas por la Secretar铆a Distrital de salud teniendo en cuenta los lineamientos de los ejes estructurales dela pol铆tica distrital de salud mental 2015-2025.Elterceroanalizala pertinencia de estas el sub eje pertinencia metodol贸gica y finalmente, a partir de lo analizado, se generan recomendaciones para una reformulaci贸n de la Pol铆tica Distrital en Salud Mental desde el enfoque de gesti贸n asociada.This research work pretends to analyze the relevance of the actions developed by the government of Bogot谩 against the effects on mental health of the population, exacerbated or developed in the setting of the emergency by COVID 19 and specifically during confinement. Ordered as a step to contain the virus in the year 2020. To accomplish this goal, the documentary review methodology was carried out and the results were organized in three axes: the first a description of the main effects on mental health of the population residing in Bogot谩 in the specified term, the second describes the care actions developed by the Health District secretariat taking into account the guidelines of the structural axes of the district mental health policy 2015-2025 the third analyzes the relevance of these actions from the sub-axes relevance methodological and finally Based on the analysis some recommendations are generated for a reformulation of the District Mental Health Policy from the associated management approach

    Ansiedad por COVID-19 en Adolescentes de Quinto de Secundaria de una Instituci贸n Educativa de Paij谩n.

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    En el presente estudio se pretendi贸 determinar el nivel de ansiedad en los adolescentes de quinto de secundaria de la instituci贸n educativa Leoncio Prado de Paij谩n de acuerdo a la edad y sexo en torno a la pandemia por COVID-19. La muestra estuvo constituida por 83 alumnos, de los cuales participaron 54 mujeres y 29 hombres, cuyas edades 53 fluctuaban entre los 16 y 18 a帽os. Asimismo, para los efectos del estudio, se utiliz贸 una ficha exploratoria en la que se recolect贸 datos personales y algunas consideraciones relacionadas a situaciones que se pudieron derivar del contexto pand茅mico, as铆 como tambi茅n, se aplic贸 la traducci贸n de la Escala de Ansiedad por Coronavirus (CAS). Para el an谩lisis de las variables, se utiliz贸 la prueba Kolmogorov-Smirnov, determinando la no normalidad de su distribuci贸n, raz贸n por la cual, se emple贸 las pruebas U de Mann Whitney y Kruskal-Wallis para la prueba de hip贸tesis. Los resultados de dichos tratamientos determinaron que la ansiedad por coronavirus en los adolescentes de quinto de secundaria de una instituci贸n educativa de Paij谩n es baja, adem谩s, las pruebas arrojaron como resultado que no existen diferencias significativas en el nivel de ansiedad considerando la variable edad, sin embargo, en cuanto a la variable sexo, si se encontraron diferencias significativas en el nivel de ansiedad, la cual prevalec铆a en las mujeres

    Evaluation of conductive concrete made with steel slag aggregates

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    The incorporation of black steel slag (waste from steel production) in concrete responds to a greater awareness of sustainability. In addition, it is capable of increasing electrical conductivity. The objective of this work is to achieve multifunctional concretes with higher mechanical performance and which can modify the electrical characteristics. In this work, natural aggregates have been replaced by different aggregates of steel slags from Spanish industries and the mechanical characteristics of compression, modulus of elasticity, indirect traction and electrical characteristics of these concretes have been studied with respect to reference mixtures. Encouraging results have been obtained for concrete with slag and metallic fibers, improving the electrical conductive capacity by almost 70% and improving the mechanical performance by 14%.The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the project PID2019-106555RB-I00. The first author acknowledges the financial support from Ag猫ncia de Gesti贸 d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), with the doctoral fellowship: Personal investigador novell (FI) 2021. We would also like to thank the following companies: Promsa, Sidenor, Calcinor, Hormor and Adec for supplying the slag, without which this study would not be possible.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sex differences in the inflammatory response of primary astrocytes to lipopolysaccharide

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders show sex differences in incidence, age of onset, symptomatology or outcome. Astrocytes, one of the glial cell types of the brain, show sex differences in number, differentiation and function. Since astrocytes are involved in the response of neural tissue to injury and inflammation, these cells may participate in the generation of sex differences in the response of the brain to pathological insults. To explore this hypothesis, we have examined whether male and female astrocytes show a different response to an inflammatory challenge and whether perinatal testosterone influences this response.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cortical astrocyte cultures were prepared from postnatal day 1 (one day after birth) male or female CD1 mice pups. In addition, cortical astrocyte cultures were also prepared from female pups that were injected at birth with 100 渭g of testosterone propionate or vehicle. Cultures were treated for 5 hours with medium containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or with control medium. The mRNA levels of IL6, interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP10), TNF伪, IL1尾, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and translocator protein were assessed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Statistical significance was assessed by unpaired <it>t</it>-test or by one-way analysis of variance followed by the Tukey <it>post hoc </it>test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mRNA levels of IL6, TNF伪 and IL1尾 after LPS treatment were significantly higher in astrocytes derived from male or androgenized females compared to astrocytes derived from control or vehicle-injected females. In contrast, IP10 mRNA levels after LPS treatment were higher in astrocytes derived from control or vehicle-injected females than in those obtained from males or androgenized females. The different response of male and female astrocytes to LPS was due neither to differences in the basal expression of the inflammatory molecules nor to differences in the expression of the LPS receptor TLR4. In contrast, the different inflammatory response was associated with increased mRNA levels of translocator protein, a key steroidogenic regulator, in female astrocytes that were treated with LPS.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Male and female cortical astrocytes respond differentially to an inflammatory challenge and this may be predetermined by perinatal testosterone exposure.</p

    Estrategias agroalimentarias como herramienta de dise帽o de los sistemas agroalimentarios locales

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    En los Sistemas agroalimentarios locales los alimentos son producidos, procesados y comercializados en un 谩rea geogr谩fica definida, siendo f谩cilmente trazables desde su origen hasta su consumo. El sentido local se entiende desde la escala geogr谩fica, por el efecto que tiene la proximidad sobre el bajo impacto ambiental del transporte, hasta la relaci贸n de confianza existente entre el consumidor y el productor. Para construir estos sistemas se requiere del dise帽o de estrategias espec铆ficas que permitan su desarrollo integrado. El objeto de este trabajo ha sido el de contribuir al proceso de definici贸n de Estrategias Agroalimentarias Sostenibles de car谩cter Local (EASL). Para ello, tras la identificaci贸n de los retos alimentarios que deber谩 resolver el sistema se propuso las etapas que deber铆an incluir el proceso estrat茅gico y las reflexiones sobre sus resultados


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    La formaci贸n docente en el 谩mbito de la educaci贸n superior se ha convertido en un elemento clave para abordar con 茅xito los retos de la sociedad actual en general y de la globalizaci贸n y la migraci贸n, en particular. El personal docente ha de contar con la formaci贸n y las herramientas necesarias para afrontar con 茅xito el proceso de ense帽anza aprendizaje de su alumnado sobre los principios de la educaci贸n inclusiva. Este trabajo parte de un enfoque de investigaci贸n cualitativo, realizando un an谩lisis de contenido de los planes de estudios del Grado en Educaci贸n Infantil de ocho universidades p煤blicas andaluzas para visibilizar qu茅 tipo de formaci贸n reglada se ofrece relacionada con la atenci贸n a la diversidad cultural en las diferentes gu铆as docentes. Para ello se han utilizado como incluyentes los descriptores diversidad cultural, interculturalidad y convivencia. Los resultados revelan que, en t茅rminos generales, la formaci贸n en estas 谩reas es variada y amplia, con una representaci贸n significativa en cada uno de los descriptores, sobre todo en asignaturas optativas y cuatrimestrales. Sin embargo, tambi茅n se evidencia la necesidad de una mayor coherencia y consistencia en la inclusi贸n y tratamiento de estos temas vitales a lo largo de los programas de estudio, en asignaturas b谩sicas u obligatorias garantizando as铆 una formaci贸n completa y efectiva para futuros educadores en la etapa de educaci贸n infanti

    Developmental Sex Differences in the Metabolism of Cardiolipin in Mouse Cerebral Cortex Mitochondria

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    Cardiolipin (CL) is a mitochondrial-specific phospholipid. CL content and acyl chain composition are crucial for energy production. Given that estradiol induces CL synthesis in neurons, we aimed to assess CL metabolism in the cerebral cortex (CC) of male and female mice during early postnatal life, when sex steroids induce sex-dimorphic maturation of the brain. Despite the fact that total amount of CL was similar, its fatty acid composition differed between males and females at birth. In males, CL was more mature (lower saturation ratio) and the expression of the enzymes involved in synthetic and remodeling pathways was higher, compared to females. Importantly, the sex differences found in CL metabolism were due to the testosterone peak that male mice experience perinatally. These changes were associated with a higher expression of UCP-2 and its activators in the CC of males. Overall, our results suggest that the perinatal testosterone surge in male mice regulates CL biosynthesis and remodeling in the CC, inducing a sex-dimorphic fatty acid composition. In male's CC, CL is more susceptible to peroxidation, likely explaining the testosterone-dependent induction of neuroprotective molecules such as UCP-2. These differences may account for the sex-dependent mitochondrial susceptibility after perinatal hypoxia/ischemia.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioqu铆micas de La Plat