24 research outputs found

    Criteria for preclinical models of cholangiocarcinoma:scientific and medical relevance

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a rare malignancy that develops at any point along the biliary tree. CCA has a poor prognosis, its clinical management remains challenging, and effective treatments are lacking. Therefore, preclinical research is of pivotal importance and necessary to acquire a deeper understanding of CCA and improve therapeutic outcomes. Preclinical research involves developing and managing complementary experimental models, from in vitro assays using primary cells or cell lines cultured in 2D or 3D to in vivo models with engrafted material, chemically induced CCA or genetically engineered models. All are valuable tools with well-defined advantages and limitations. The choice of a preclinical model is guided by the question(s) to be addressed; ideally, results should be recapitulated in independent approaches. In this Consensus Statement, a task force of 45 experts in CCA molecular and cellular biology and clinicians, including pathologists, from ten countries provides recommendations on the minimal criteria for preclinical models to provide a uniform approach. These recommendations are based on two rounds of questionnaires completed by 35 (first round) and 45 (second round) experts to reach a consensus with 13 statements. An agreement was defined when at least 90% of the participants voting anonymously agreed with a statement. The ultimate goal was to transfer basic laboratory research to the clinics through increased disease understanding and to develop clinical biomarkers and innovative therapies for patients with CCA

    Current and novel therapeutic opportunities for systemic therapy in biliary cancer

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    Biliary tract cancers (BTCs) are a group of rare and aggressive malignancies that arise in the biliary tree within and outside the liver. Beyond surgical resection, which is beneficial for only a small proportion of patients, current strategies for treating patients with BTCs include chemotherapy, as a single agent or combination regimens, in the adjuvant and palliative setting. Increased characterisation of the molecular landscape of these tumours has facilitated the identification of molecular vulnerabilities, such as IDH mutations and FGFR fusions, that can be exploited for the treatment of BTC patients. Beyond targeted therapies, active research avenues explore the development of novel therapeutics that target the crosstalk between cancer and stroma, the cellular pathways involved in the regulation of cell death, the chemoresistance phenotype and the dysregulation of RNA. In this review, we discuss the therapeutic opportunities currently available in the management of BTC patients, and explore the strategies that can support the implementation of precision oncology in BTCs, including novel molecular targets, liquid biopsies and patient-derived predictive tools

    Inhibition of ErbB-2 Mitogenic and Transforming Activity by RALT, a Mitogen-Induced Signal Transducer Which Binds to the ErbB-2 Kinase Domain

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    The product of rat gene 33 was identified as an ErbB-2-interacting protein in a two-hybrid screen employing the ErbB-2 juxtamembrane and kinase domains as bait. This interaction was reproduced in vitro with a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein spanning positions 282 to 395 of the 459-residue gene 33 protein. Activation of ErbB-2 catalytic function was required for ErbB-2–gene 33 physical interaction in living cells, whereas ErbB-2 autophosphorylation was dispensable. Expression of gene 33 protein was absent in growth-arrested NIH 3T3 fibroblasts but was induced within 60 to 90 min of serum stimulation or activation of the ErbB-2 kinase and decreased sharply upon entry into S phase. New differentiation factor stimulation of mitogen-deprived mammary epithelial cells also caused accumulation of gene 33 protein, which could be found in a complex with ErbB-2. Overexpression of gene 33 protein in mouse fibroblasts inhibited (i) cell proliferation driven by ErbB-2 but not by serum, (ii) cell transformation induced by ErbB-2 but not by Ras or Src, and (iii) sustained activation of ERK 1 and 2 by ErbB-2 but not by serum. The gene 33 protein may convey inhibitory signals downstream to ErbB-2 by virtue of its association with SH3-containing proteins, including GRB-2, which was found to associate with gene 33 protein in living cells. These data indicate that the gene 33 protein is a feedback inhibitor of ErbB-2 mitogenic function and a suppressor of ErbB-2 oncogenic activity. We propose that the gene 33 protein be renamed with the acronym RALT (receptor-associated late transducer)

    Constitutively active Notch1 induces growth arrest of HPV-positive cervical cancer cells via separate signaling pathways

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    Notch signaling plays a key role in cell-fate determination and differentiation in different organisms and cell types. Several reports suggest that Notch signaling may be involved in neoplastic transformation. However, in primary keratinocytes, Notch1 call function as a tumor suppressor. Similarly, in HPV-positive cervical cancer cells, constitutively active Notch1 signaling was found to cause growth suppression. Activated Notch1 in these cells represses viral E6/E7 expression through AP-1 down-modulation, resulting in increased p53 expression and a block of pRb hyperphosphorylation. Here we show that in cervical cancer cell lines in which Notch1 ability to repress AP-1 activity is impaired, Notch1-enforced expression elicits an alternative pathway leading to growth arrest. Indeed, activated Notch1 signaling suppresses activity of the helix-loop helix transcription factor E47, via ERK1/2 activation, resulting in inhibition of cell cycle progression. Moreover, we found that RBP-J kappa-dependent Notch signaling is specifically repressed in cervical cancer cells and this repression could provide one such mechanism that needs to be activated for cervical carcinogenesis. Finally, we show that inhibition of endogenous Notch1 signaling, although results in a proliferative advantage, sensitizes cervical cancer cell lines to drug-induced apoptosis. Together, our results provide novel molecular insights into Notch1-dependent growth inhibitory effects, counteracting the transforming potential of HPV. Published by Elsevier Inc

    Loss of RALT/MIG-6 expression in ERBB2-amplified breast carcinomas enhances ErbB-2 oncogenic potency and favors resistance to Herceptin

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    An emerging paradigm holds that loss of negative signalling to receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) is permissive for their oncogenic activity. Herein, we have addressed tumor suppression by RALT/MIG-6, a transcriptionally controlled feedback inhibitor of ErbB RTKs, in breast cancer cells. Knockdown of RALT expression by RNAi enhanced the EGF-dependent proliferation of normal breast epithelial cells, indicating that loss of RALT signalling in breast epithelium may represent an advantageous condition during ErbB-driven tumorigenesis. Although mutational inactivation of the RALT gene was not detected in human breast carcinomas, RALT mRNA and protein expression was strongly and selectively reduced in ERBB2-amplified breast cancer cell lines. Reconstitution of RALT expression in ERBB2-amplified SKBr-3 and BT474 cells inhibited ErbB-2-dependent mitogenic signalling and counteracted the ability of ErbB ligands to promote resistance to the ErbB-2-targeting drug Herceptin. Thus, loss of RALT expression cooperates with ERBB2 gene amplification to drive full oncogenic signalling by the ErbB-2 receptor. Moreover, loss of RALT signalling may adversely affect tumor responses to ErbB-2-targeting agents.This work was supported by AIRC and FIRB grants to OS; G. Russo is supported by AIRC