178 research outputs found

    Strengthened Bell inequalities for orthogonal spin directions

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    We strengthen the bound on the correlations of two spin-1/2 particles (qubits) in separable (non-entangled) states for locally orthogonal spin directions by much tighter bounds than the well-known Bell inequality. This provides a sharper criterion for the experimental distinction between entangled and separable states, and even one which is a necessary and sufficient condition for separability. However, these improved bounds do not apply to local hidden-variable theories, and hence they provide a criterion to test the correlations allowed by local hidden-variable theories against those allowed by separable quantum states. Furthermore, these bounds are stronger than some recent alternative experimentally accessible entanglement criteria. We also address the issue of finding a finite subset of these inequalities that would already form a necessary and sufficient condition for non-entanglement. For mixed state we have not been able to resolve this, but for pure states a set of six inequalities using only three sets of orthogonal observables is shown to be already necessary and sufficient for separability.Comment: v2: Considerably changed, many new and stronger results v3: Published version; To appear in Physics Letters A. Online available from publishers websit

    Tracing Moments

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    The interactive art system +-now captures moments in the past and present for dreamy, reflective play. It is composed of sand, imagery and interaction. This paper traces the creative process from initial landscape studies to museum installation in 2008

    Partial separability and entanglement criteria for multiqubit quantum states

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    We explore the subtle relationships between partial separability and entanglement of subsystems in multiqubit quantum states and give experimentally accessible conditions that distinguish between various classes and levels of partial separability in a hierarchical order. These conditions take the form of bounds on the correlations of locally orthogonal observables. Violations of such inequalities give strong sufficient criteria for various forms of partial inseparability and multiqubit entanglement. The strength of these criteria is illustrated by showing that they are stronger than several other well-known entanglement criteria (the fidelity criterion, violation of Mermin-type separability inequalities, the Laskowski-\.Zukowski criterion and the D\"ur-Cirac criterion), and also by showing their great noise robustness for a variety of multiqubit states, including N-qubit GHZ states and Dicke states. Furthermore, for N greater than or equal to 3 they can detect bound entangled states. For all these states, the required number of measurement settings for implementation of the entanglement criteria is shown to be only N+1. If one chooses the familiar Pauli matrices as single-qubit observables, the inequalities take the form of bounds on the anti-diagonal matrix elements of a state in terms of its diagonal matrix elements.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures. v4: published versio

    A CMOS OTA for HF filters with programmable transfer function

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    A CMOS operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) for programmable HF filters is presented. When used in an OTA-C integrator, the unity-gain frequency phase error remains less than 0.3° for frequencies up to more than one tenth of the OTA bandwidth. The OTA has built-in phase compensation, which allows tuning of the transconductance of the OTA (Gm) while maintaining a small phase error. Since this phase error is preserved over the Gm range of the OTA, the OTA is suitable for filters with a programmable transfer function. Using stacked square-law transistors improves the linearity, DC-gain, and power-consumption properties of the OT

    Addendum to "Sufficient conditions for three-particle entanglement and their tests in recent experiments"

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    A recent paper [M. Seevinck and J. Uffink, Phys. Rev. A 65, 012107 (2002)] presented a bound for the three-qubit Mermin inequality such that the violation of this bound indicates genuine three-qubit entanglement. We show that this bound can be improved for a specific choice of observables. In particular, if spin observables corresponding to orthogonal directions are measured at the qubits (e.g., X and Y spin coordinates) then the bound is the same as the bound for states with a local hidden variable model. As a consequence, it can straightforwardly be shown that in the experiment described by J.-W. Pan et al. [Nature 403, 515 (2000)] genuine three-qubit entanglement was detected.Comment: Two pages, no figures, revtex4; minor changes before publicatio

    Monogamy of Correlations vs. Monogamy of Entanglement

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    A fruitful way of studying physical theories is via the question whether the possible physical states and different kinds of correlations in each theory can be shared to different parties. Over the past few years it has become clear that both quantum entanglement and non-locality (i.e., correlations that violate Bell-type inequalities) have limited shareability properties and can sometimes even be monogamous. We give a self-contained review of these results as well as present new results on the shareability of different kinds of correlations, including local, quantum and no-signalling correlations. This includes an alternative simpler proof of the Toner-Verstraete monogamy inequality for quantum correlations, as well as a strengthening thereof. Further, the relationship between sharing non-local quantum correlations and sharing mixed entangled states is investigated, and already for the simplest case of bi-partite correlations and qubits this is shown to be non-trivial. Also, a recently proposed new interpretation of Bell's theorem by Schumacher in terms of shareability of correlations is critically assessed. Finally, the relevance of monogamy of non-local correlations for secure quantum key distribution is pointed out, although, and importantly, it is stressed that not all non-local correlations are monogamous.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Invited submission to a special issue of Quantum Information Processing. v2: Published version. Open acces

    Entanglement Detection in the Stabilizer Formalism

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    We investigate how stabilizer theory can be used for constructing sufficient conditions for entanglement. First, we show how entanglement witnesses can be derived for a given state, provided some stabilizing operators of the state are known. These witnesses require only a small effort for an experimental implementation and are robust against noise. Second, we demonstrate that also nonlinear criteria based on uncertainty relations can be derived from stabilizing operators. These criteria can sometimes improve the witnesses by adding nonlinear correction terms. All our criteria detect states close to Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, cluster and graph states. We show that similar ideas can be used to derive entanglement conditions for states which do not fit the stabilizer formalism, such as the three-qubit W state. We also discuss connections between the witnesses and some Bell inequalities.Comment: 15 pages including 2 figures, revtex4; typos corrected, presentation improved; to appear in PR

    Quadratic Bell inequalities as tests for multipartite entanglement

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    This letter presents quantum mechanical inequalities which distinguish, for systems of NN spin-\half particles (N>2N>2), between fully entangled states and states in which at most N−1N-1 particles are entangled. These inequalities are stronger than those obtained by Gisin and Bechmann-Pasquinucci [Phys.\ Lett. A {\bf 246}, 1 (1998)] and by Seevinck and Svetlichny [quant-ph/0201046].Comment: 4 pages, including 1 figure. Typo's removed and one proof simplified in revised versio
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