22 research outputs found

    PDXNet portal: patient-derived Xenograft model, data, workflow and tool discovery.

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    We created the PDX Network (PDXNet) portal (https://portal.pdxnetwork.org/) to centralize access to the National Cancer Institute-funded PDXNet consortium resources, to facilitate collaboration among researchers and to make these data easily available for research. The portal includes sections for resources, analysis results, metrics for PDXNet activities, data processing protocols and training materials for processing PDX data. Currently, the portal contains PDXNet model information and data resources from 334 new models across 33 cancer types. Tissue samples of these models were deposited in the NCI\u27s Patient-Derived Model Repository (PDMR) for public access. These models have 2134 associated sequencing files from 873 samples across 308 patients, which are hosted on the Cancer Genomics Cloud powered by Seven Bridges and the NCI Cancer Data Service for long-term storage and access with dbGaP permissions. The portal includes results from freely available, robust, validated and standardized analysis workflows on PDXNet sequencing files and PDMR data (3857 samples from 629 patients across 85 disease types). The PDXNet portal is continuously updated with new data and is of significant utility to the cancer research community as it provides a centralized location for PDXNet resources, which support multi-agent treatment studies, determination of sensitivity and resistance mechanisms, and preclinical trials

    Sooty Mangabey Genome Sequence Provides Insight into AIDS Resistance in a Natural SIV Host

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    In contrast to infections with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in humans and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in macaques, SIV infection of a natural host, sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys), is non-pathogenic despite high viraemia. Here we sequenced and assembled the genome of a captive sooty mangabey. We conducted genome-wide comparative analyses of transcript assemblies from C. atys and AIDS-susceptible species, such as humans and macaques, to identify candidates for host genetic factors that influence susceptibility. We identified several immune-related genes in the genome of C. atys that show substantial sequence divergence from macaques or humans. One of these sequence divergences, a C-terminal frameshift in the toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) gene of C. atys, is associated with a blunted in vitro response to TLR-4 ligands. In addition, we found a major structural change in exons 3-4 of the immune-regulatory protein intercellular adhesion molecule 2 (ICAM-2); expression of this variant leads to reduced cell surface expression of ICAM-2. These data provide a resource for comparative genomic studies of HIV and/or SIV pathogenesis and may help to elucidate the mechanisms by which SIV-infected sooty mangabeys avoid AIDS

    Paired Exome Analysis of Barrett’s Esophagus and Adenocarcinoma

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    Barrett’s esophagus, is thought to progress to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) through a step-wise progression with loss of CDKN2A followed by p53 inactivation and aneuploidy. Here, we present whole exome sequencing from 25 pairs of EAC and Barrett’s and five patients whose Barrett’s and tumor were extensively sampled. Our analysis revealed that oncogene amplification typically occurred as a late event and that TP53 mutations often occur early in Barrett’s progression, including in non-dysplastic epithelium. Reanalysis of additional EAC exome data revealed that the majority (62.5%) of EACs emerged following genome doubling and that tumors with genomic doubling had different patterns of genomic alterations with more frequent oncogenic amplifications and less frequent inactivation of tumor suppressors, including CDKN2A. These data suggest that many EACs emerge not through gradual accumulation of tumor suppressor alterations but rather through a more direct path whereby a TP53-mutant cell undergoes genome doubling, followed by acquisition of oncogenic amplifications

    Prospective derivation of a living organoid biobank of colorectal cancer patients

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    In Rspondin-based 3D cultures, Lgr5 stem cells from multiple organs form ever-expanding epithelial organoids that retain their tissue identity. We report the establishment of tumor organoid cultures from 20 consecutive colorectal carcinoma (CRC) patients. For most, organoids were also generated from adjacent normal tissue. Organoids closely recapitulate several properties of the original tumor. The spectrum of genetic changes within the "living biobank" agrees well with previous large-scale mutational analyses of CRC. Gene expression analysis indicates that the major CRC molecular subtypes are represented. Tumor organoids are amenable to high-throughput drug screens allowing detection of gene-drug associations. As an example, a single organoid culture was exquisitely sensitive to Wnt secretion (porcupine) inhibitors and carried a mutation in the negative Wnt feedback regulator RNF43, rather than in APC. Organoid technology may fill the gap between cancer genetics and patient trials, complement cell-line- and xenograft-based drug studies, and allow personalized therapy design. PAPERCLIP

    Somatic mutations in primary and metastatic uveal melanoma.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> The number of synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations per megabase of DNA sequence for 52 samples, arranged in columns. <b>(B)</b> Mutations in recurrently mutated genes are color-coded and ordered by significance. <b>(C)</b> Boxplots represent the distributions of allelic fractions observed per sample where the thick line represents 25-75<sup>th</sup> percentile, and thin line 5-95<sup>th</sup>. <b>(D)</b> The percentage of tumor cells (CCF) harboring a given mutation in the primary tumor in comparison to a metastatic liver sample from the same patient (UM45). <b>(E)</b> As in (D), but comparing a pre-treatment metastatic tumor sample to a post-treatment metastasis (Trio 2).</p