3,514 research outputs found

    Hypervelocity particle capture: Some considerations regarding suitable target media

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    Hypervelocity particles colliding with passive capture media will be traversed by shock waves; depending on the stress amplitude, the particle may remain solid or it may melt or vaporize. Any capture mechanism considered for cosmic dust collection in low Earth-orbit must be designed such that sample alteration and hence loss of scientific information is minimized. Capture of pristine particles is fundamentally difficult, because the specific heat of melting and even vaporization is exceeded upon impact at typical, geocentric encounter velocities. From the results of calculated and observed melting behaviors it is concluded that shock stresses in excess of 50 GPA should be avoided during hypervelocity particle capture on board Space Station and that stresses 20 GPa, even at 15 km/s collision velocities, should constitute desirable instrument design goals. Some principal characteristics of the capture medium that may satisfy these requirements are identified

    Impact cratering in reduced-gravity environments: Early experiments on the NASA KC-135 aircraft

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    Impact experimentation on the NASA KC-135 Reduced-Gravity Aircraft was shown to be possible, practical, and of considerable potential use in examining the role of gravity on various impact phenomena. With a minimal facility, crater dimensional and growth-times were measured, and have demonstrated both agreement and disagreement with predictions. A larger facility with vacuum capability and a high-velocity gun would permit a much wider range of experimentation

    The Johnson Space Center Experimental Impact Lab: Contributions Toward Understanding the Evolution of the Solar System

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    Impact is the most common and only weathering phenomenon affecting all the planetary bodies (e.g., planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, etc.) in the solar system. NASA Johnson Space Center s Experimental Impact Laboratory (EIL) includes three accelerators that are used in support of research into the effects of impact on the formation and evolution of the solar system. They permit researchers to study a wide variety of phenomena associated with high-velocity impacts into a wide range of geologic targets and materials relevant to astrobiological studies. By studying these processes, researchers can investigate the histories and evolution of planetary bodies and the solar system as a whole. While the majority of research conducted in the EIL addresses questions involving planetary impacts, work involving spacecraft components has been performed on occasion. An example of this is the aerogel collector material flown on the Stardust spacecraft that traveled to Comet Wild-2. This capture medium was tested and flight qualified using the 5 mm Light-Gas Gun located in the EIL

    Neutrino masses in the Lepton Number Violating MSSM

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    We consider the most general supersymmetric model with minimal particle content and an additional discrete Z_3 symmetry (instead of R-parity), which allows lepton number violating terms and results in non-zero Majorana neutrino masses. We investigate whether the currently measured values for lepton masses and mixing can be reproduced. We set up a framework in which Lagrangian parameters can be initialised without recourse to assumptions concerning trilinear or bilinear superpotential terms, CP-conservation or intergenerational mixing and analyse in detail the one loop corrections to the neutrino masses. We present scenarios in which the experimental data are reproduced and show the effect varying lepton number violating couplings has on the predicted atmospheric and solar mass^2 differences. We find that with bilinear lepton number violating couplings in the superpotential of the order 1 MeV the atmospheric mass scale can be reproduced. Certain trilinear superpotential couplings, usually, of the order of the electron Yukawa coupling can give rise to either atmospheric or solar mass scales and bilinear supersymmetry breaking terms of the order 0.1 GeV^2 can set the solar mass scale. Further details of our calculation, Lagrangian, Feynman rules and relevant generic loop diagrams, are presented in three Appendices.Comment: 48 pages, 7 figures, v2 references added, typos corrected, published versio

    Magnetic permeability of near-critical 3d abelian Higgs model and duality

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    The three-dimensional abelian Higgs model has been argued to be dual to a scalar field theory with a global U(1) symmetry. We show that this duality, together with the scaling and universality hypotheses, implies a scaling law for the magnetic permeablity chi_m near the line of second order phase transition: chi_m ~ t^nu, where t is the deviation from the critical line and nu ~ 0.67 is a critical exponent of the O(2) universality class. We also show that exactly on the critical lines, the dependence of magnetic induction on external magnetic field is quadratic, with a proportionality coefficient depending only on the gauge coupling. These predictions provide a way for testing the duality conjecture on the lattice in the Coulomb phase and at the phase transion.Comment: 11 pages; updated references and small changes, published versio

    Higgs mediated Double Flavor Violating top decays in Effective Theories

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    The possibility of detecting double flavor violating top quark transitions at future colliders is explored in a model-independent manner using the effective Lagrangian approach through the tuiτμt \to u_i\tau \mu (ui=u,cu_i=u,c) decays. A Yukawa sector that contemplates SUL(2)×UY(1)SU_L(2)\times U_Y(1) invariants of up to dimension six is proposed and used to derive the most general flavor violating and CP violating qiqjHq_iq_jH and liljHl_il_jH vertices of renormalizable type. Low-energy data, on high precision measurements, and experimental limits are used to constraint the tuiHtu_iH and HτμH\tau \mu vertices and then used to predict the branching ratios for the tuiτμt \to u_i\tau \mu decays. It is found that this branching ratios may be of the order of 104105 10^{-4}-10^{-5}, for a relative light Higgs boson with mass lower than 2mW2m_W, which could be more important than those typical values found in theories beyond the standard model for the rare top quark decays tuiViVjt\to u_iV_iV_j (Vi=W,Z,γ,gV_i=W,Z,\gamma, g) or tuil+lt\to u_il^+l^-. %% LHC experiments, by using a total integrated luminosity of 3000fb1\rm 3000 fb^{-1} of data, will be able to rule out, at 95% C.L., DFV top quark decays up to a Higgs mass of 155 GeV/c2c^2 or discover such a process up to a Higgs mass of 147 GeV/c2c^2.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Quantum group symmetry of the Quantum Hall effect on the non-flat surfaces

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    After showing that the magnetic translation operators are not the symmetries of the QHE on non-flat surfaces , we show that there exist another set of operators which leads to the quantum group symmetries for some of these surfaces . As a first example we show that the su(2)su(2) symmetry of the QHE on sphere leads to suq(2)su_q(2) algebra in the equator . We explain this result by a contraction of su(2)su(2) . Secondly , with the help of the symmetry operators of QHE on the Pioncare upper half plane , we will show that the ground state wave functions form a representation of the suq(2)su_q(2) algebra .Comment: 8 pages,latex,no figur

    Stripe formation in high-Tc superconductors

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    The non-uniform ground state of the two-dimensional three-band Hubbard model for the oxide high-Tc superconductors is investigated using a variational Monte Carlo method. We examine the effect produced by holes doped into the antiferromagnetic (AF) background in the underdoped region. It is shown that the AF state with spin modulations and stripes is stabilized du to holes travelling in the CuO plane. The structures of the modulated AF spins are dependent upon the parameters used in the model. The effect of the boundary conditions is reduced for larger systems. We show that there is a region where incommensurability is proportional to the hole density. Our results give a consistent description of stripes observed by the neutron- scattering experiments based on the three-band model for CuO plane.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Planar QED

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    We investigate (2+1)-dimensional QED coupled with Dirac fermions both at zero and finite temperature. We discuss in details two-components (P-odd) and four-components (P-even) fermion fields. We focus on P-odd and P-even Dirac fermions in presence of an external constant magnetic field. In the spontaneous generation of the magnetic condensate survives even at infinite temperature. We also discuss the spontaneous generation of fermion mass in presence of an external magnetic field.Comment: 34 pages, 8 postscript figures, final version to appear on J. Phys.

    Critical Exponents of the Three Dimensional Random Field Ising Model

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    The phase transition of the three--dimensional random field Ising model with a discrete (±h\pm h) field distribution is investigated by extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Values of the critical exponents for the correlation length, specific heat, susceptibility, disconnected susceptibility and magnetization are determined simultaneously via finite size scaling. While the exponents for the magnetization and disconnected susceptibility are consistent with a first order transition, the specific heat appears to saturate indicating no latent heat. Sample to sample fluctuations of the susceptibilty are consistent with the droplet picture for the transition.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages + 4 figures included as Latex files and 1 in Postscrip