12 research outputs found


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    Background: Pediatric survivors of childhood cancer are at increased risk of poor quality of life and social-emotional outcomes following treatment. Aim of the research was to examine the possible predictors of quality of life, that is, to examine the impact and relative contribution of post-traumatic stress symptoms, post-traumatic growth, the effects of treatment and social functioning on quality of life. Subjects and methods: Participants were 83 pediatric cancer survivors at age 16 to 29 who were off-therapy for more than one year. They filled out the Impact of Event Scale-Revised Questionnaire (IES-R), Quality of life scale (QOLS) and Social Adjustment Scale (SAS-SR). Demographic data including child health status information were also collected. Results: Findings indicate a significant association between quality of life and social adjustment, posttraumatic growth, health consequences and posttraumatic stress disorder. Regression analysis showed that posttraumatic growth, social functioning and treatment consequences are significant predictors of quality of life in pediatric cancer survivors. Conclusion: The findings highlight the importance of key factors associated with quality of life in pediatric cancer survivors. Interventions aimed at strengthening social support and highlighting positive changes following trauma of cancer treatment could improve quality of life of pediatric cancer survivors


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    Based on Belsky\u27s (1984) model of parenting determinants, the study examined the contribution of social-contextual factors (quality of marriage indexed by marital satisfaction, perceived social support and parent-employee interrole conflict) to individual differences in parenting behaviour of parents of preschool children. The sample of participants was made up of 130 married and employed couples with preschool children. They were asked to fill in the questionnaires on demographic factors, dimensions of parenting behavior (positive parenting, negative parenting and permissiveness), and features of social context. The results showed that by features of social context only positive parenting could be predicted, but not negative parenting and permissiveness. Marital satisfaction and social support were significant contextual predictors for positive maternal parenting. Social support was a significant predictor for positive paternal parenting. The results did not support Belsky\u27s hypothesis of marital relationship as the key contextual determinat of parenting.Na temelju modela odrednica roditeljstva (Belsky, 1984) ispitan je doprinos obilježja socijalnog konteksta u kojem se zbiva odnos roditelj-dijete (zadovoljstva brakom, percipirane socijalne podrške te sukoba roditeljske i radne uloge) s individualnim razlikama u roditeljskom ponašanju roditelja predškolske djece. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 130 parova zaposlenih roditelja predškolske djece koji su ispunili upitnike o demografskim karakteristikama, roditeljskom ponašanju (pozitivno i negativno roditeljstvo te popustljivost) i obilježjima socijalnog konteksta. Pokazalo se da je na temelju socijalnog konteksta moguće predvidjeti pozitivno roditeljsko ponašanje, ali ne i negativno roditeljsko ponašanje i popustljivost. Značajni prediktori majčina pozitivnog roditeljstva bili su zadovoljstvo brakom i socijalna podrška, a očeva pozitivnog roditeljstva socijalna podrška. Rezultati nisu podržali hipotezu Belskog o bračnom odnosu kao najznačajnijoj kontekstualnoj odrednici roditeljstva

    social-contextual determinants of parental behaviour of preschool children's mothers and fathers

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    Na temelju modela odrednica roditeljstva (Belsky, 1984) ispitan je doprinos obilježja socijalnog konteksta u kojem se zbiva odnos roditelj-dijete (zadovoljstva brakom, percipirane socijalne podrške te sukoba roditeljske i radne uloge) s individualnim razlikama u roditeljskom ponašanju roditelja predškolske djece. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 130 parova zaposlenih roditelja predškolske djece koji su ispunili upitnike o demografskim karakteristikama, roditeljskom ponašanju (pozitivno i negativno roditeljstvo te popustljivost) i obilježjima socijalnog konteksta. Pokazalo se da je na temelju socijalnog konteksta moguće predvidjeti pozitivno roditeljsko ponašanje, ali ne i negativno roditeljsko ponašanje i popustljivost. Značajni prediktori majčina pozitivnog roditeljstva bili su zadovoljstvo brakom i socijalna podrška, a očeva pozitivnog roditeljstva socijalna podrška. Rezultati nisu podržali hipotezu Belskog o bračnom odnosu kao najznačajnijoj kontekstualnoj odrednici roditeljstva.Based on Belsky's (1984) model of parenting determinants, the study examined the contribution of social-contextual factors (quality of marriage indexed by marital satisfaction, perceived social support and parent-employee interrole conflict) to individual differences in parenting behaviour of parents of preschool children. The sample of participants was made up of 130 married and employed couples with preschool children. They were asked to fill in the questionnaires on demographic factors, dimensions of parenting behavior (positive parenting, negative parenting and permissiveness), and features of social context. The results showed that by features of social context only positive parenting could be predicted, but not negative parenting and permissiveness. Marital satisfaction and social support were significant contextual predictors for positive maternal parenting. Social support was a significant predictor for positive paternal parenting. The results did not support Belsky's hypothesis of marital relationship as the key contextual determinat of parenting

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Energy efficiency in Serbia national energy efficiency program: Strategy and priorities for the future

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    Energy system in Serbia, in the whole energy chain, from exploitation of primary energy sources, transformations in electric power plants and district heating plants, energy (electric and heat) transmission and distribution to final users, and up to final energy consumption, is faced with a number of irrational and inefficient behavior and processes. In order to fight with such situation National Energy Efficiency Program, financed by the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection has been founded in 2001. Basic facts about status of energy sector in Serbia, with special emphasis on the energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources have been given in the review paper published in the issue No. 2, 2006 of this journal. In present paper new strategy and priorities of the National Energy Efficiency Program for the future period from 2006 to 2008, and beyond, is presented. This strategy and priorities are mainly based on the same concept and principles as previous, but new reality and new and more simulative economic and financial environment in energy sector made by the Energy low (accepted by Parliament in 2004) and Strategy of Development of Energy Sector in Republic Serbia up to 2015 (accepted by the Parliament in May 2005), have been taken into account. Also, responsibilities that are formulated in the Energy Community Treaty signed by the South-East European countries, and also coming from documents and directives of the European Community and Kyoto Protocol are included in new strategy. Once again necessity of legislative framework and influence of regulations and standards, as well as of the governmental support, has been pointed out if increased energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy sources are expected.


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    The paper presents the procedure for calculating stress in gas pressure tanks using finite shell elements for linear and geometrically nonlinear analysis. Therefore, a procedure has been developed to automatically generate the necessary data for the finite element method (FEM), such as geometry, numbering of elements and nodes, and the determination of forces. Forces are calculated from: pressure difference in relation to external pressure; hydrostatic pressure and gas pressure; and pressure vessel weight. It enables fairly simple and easy use of developed software in everyday practice and provides great opportunities for further upgrading and fundamental determination of the impact on parameters for different types of tanks and pressure containers in general

    Cross-border integration and local communities, 2012: Effects of the entry of the Republic of Slovenia into the Schengen area on the development possibilities of the ethnically mixed area in Prekmurje

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    Within the ARRS program group "Areas of cultural contact in integration processes" a case study among members of the Hungarian national minority in Prekmurje in the border area, specifically on the border with Hungary, Austria and Croatia was conducted by field survey. The purpose of the study was to get to know the life of the minority in the border area, that is culturally mixed area of Prekmurje, to determine the intensity of cross-border contacts along the Slovenian-Hungarian border and to identify the role of the minority in maintaining various contacts with Hungary, the role of the media in informing about minority issues, the opinion of the border population regarding the effects of Slovenia’s entry into the Schengen area on the further development of relations between the Hungarian minority in Slovenia.Within the ARRS program group "Areas of cultural contact in integration processes" a case study among members of the Hungarian national minority in Prekmurje in the border area, specifically on the border with Hungary, Austria and Croatia was conducted by field survey. The purpose of the study was to get to know the life of the minority in the border area, that is culturally mixed area of Prekmurje, to determine the intensity of cross-border contacts along the Slovenian-Hungarian border and to identify the role of the minority in maintaining various contacts with Hungary, the role of the media in informing about minority issues, the opinion of the border population regarding the effects of Slovenia’s entry into the Schengen area on the further development of relations between the Hungarian minority in Slovenia

    social-contextual determinants of parental behaviour of preschool children's mothers and fathers

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    Na temelju modela odrednica roditeljstva (Belsky, 1984) ispitan je doprinos obilježja socijalnog konteksta u kojem se zbiva odnos roditelj-dijete (zadovoljstva brakom, percipirane socijalne podrške te sukoba roditeljske i radne uloge) s individualnim razlikama u roditeljskom ponašanju roditelja predškolske djece. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 130 parova zaposlenih roditelja predškolske djece koji su ispunili upitnike o demografskim karakteristikama, roditeljskom ponašanju (pozitivno i negativno roditeljstvo te popustljivost) i obilježjima socijalnog konteksta. Pokazalo se da je na temelju socijalnog konteksta moguće predvidjeti pozitivno roditeljsko ponašanje, ali ne i negativno roditeljsko ponašanje i popustljivost. Značajni prediktori majčina pozitivnog roditeljstva bili su zadovoljstvo brakom i socijalna podrška, a očeva pozitivnog roditeljstva socijalna podrška. Rezultati nisu podržali hipotezu Belskog o bračnom odnosu kao najznačajnijoj kontekstualnoj odrednici roditeljstva.Based on Belsky's (1984) model of parenting determinants, the study examined the contribution of social-contextual factors (quality of marriage indexed by marital satisfaction, perceived social support and parent-employee interrole conflict) to individual differences in parenting behaviour of parents of preschool children. The sample of participants was made up of 130 married and employed couples with preschool children. They were asked to fill in the questionnaires on demographic factors, dimensions of parenting behavior (positive parenting, negative parenting and permissiveness), and features of social context. The results showed that by features of social context only positive parenting could be predicted, but not negative parenting and permissiveness. Marital satisfaction and social support were significant contextual predictors for positive maternal parenting. Social support was a significant predictor for positive paternal parenting. The results did not support Belsky's hypothesis of marital relationship as the key contextual determinat of parenting