1,260 research outputs found

    COBE attitude as seen from the FDF

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    The goal of the Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) attitude support is twofold: to determine spacecraft attitude and to explain deviations from nominal attitude behavior. Attitude determination often requires resolving contradictions in the sensor observations. This may be accomplished by applying calibration corrections or by revising the observation models. After accounting for all known sources of error, solution accuracy should be limited only by observation and propagation noise. The second half of the goal is to explain why the attitude may not be as originally intended. Reasons for such deviations include sensor or actuator misalignments and control system performance. In these cases, the ability to explain the behavior should, in principle, be limited only by knowledge of the sensor and actuator data and external torques. Documented here are some results obtained to date in support of the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE). Advantages and shortcomings of the integrated attitude determination/sensor calibration software are discussed. Some preliminary attitude solutions using data from the Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE) instrument are presented and compared to solutions using Sun and Earth sensors. A dynamical model is constructed to illustrate the relative importance of the various sensor imprefections. This model also shows the connection between the high- and low-frequency attitude oscillations

    Spinning Spacecraft Attitude Estimation Using Markley Variables: Filter Implementation And Results

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    Attitude estimation is often more difficult for spinning spacecraft than for three-axis stabilized platforms due to the need to follow rapidly-varying state vector elements and the lack of three-axis rate measurements from gyros. The estimation problem simplifies when torques are negligible and nutation has damped out, but the general case requires a sequential filter with dynamics propagation. This paper describes the implementation and test results for an extended Kalman filter for spinning spacecraft attitude and rate estimation based on a novel set of variables suggested in a paper by Markley [AAS93-3301 (referred to hereafter as Markley variables). Markley has demonstrated that the new set of variables provides a superior parameterization for numerical integration of the attitude dynamics for spinning or momentum-biased spacecraft. The advantage is that the Markley variables have fewer rapidly-varying elements than other representations such as the attitude quaternion and rate vector. A filter based on these variables was expected to show improved performance due to the more accurate numerical state propagation. However, for a variety of test cases, it has been found that the new filter, as currently implemented, does not perform significantly better than a quaternion-based filter that was developed and tested in parallel. This paper reviews the mathematical background for a filter based on Markley variables. It also describes some features of the implementation and presents test results. The test cases are based on a mission using magnetometer and Sun sensor data and gyro measurements on two axes normal to the spin axis. The orbit and attitude scenarios and spacecraft parameters are modeled after one of the THEMIS (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) probes. Several tests are presented that demonstrate the filter accuracy and convergence properties. The tests include torque-free motion with various nutation angles, large constant-torque attitude slews, sensor misalignments, large initial attitude and rate errors, and cases with low data frequency. It is found that the convergence is rapid, the radius of convergence is large, and the results are reasonably accurate even in the presence of unmodeled perturbations

    Distance to boundary and minimum-error discrimination

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    Change of Inertia Tensor Due to a Severed Radial Boom for Spinning Spacecraft

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    Many spinning spacecraft have long, flexible, radial booms to carry science instrumentation. These radial booms often have low mass but contribute significantly to the spacecraft moment of inertia due to their length. There are historical cases where radial booms have been severed or have failed to deploy. This paper presents models for the center of mass (CM) and inertia tensor that account for variable boom geometry and investigates how the CM and inertia tensor change when a radial boom is severed.The CM and inertia tensor models presented here will be included in the Attitude Ground System (AGS) for the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. This work prepares the AGS to provide uninterrupted support in the event of a radial boom anomaly. These models will improve the AGS computations for spin-axis precession prediction, Kalman filter propagation for the definitive attitude, and mass property generation needed for the onboard control system. As an additional application, a method is developed for approximating the location on the boom where the break occurred based on the new models and readily observable attitude parameters

    Kalman Filtering of Angular-Momentum-Based Attitude Parameters

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    This paper presents an extended Kalman filter using an attitude parameterization that is advantageous for attitude estimation of spinning spacecraft. The parameters are the angular momentum components in an inertial reference frame, the angular momentum components in the body frame, and a rotation angle. To avoid the singularity of the 7x7 covariance of this state vector arising from the constraint that the magnitude of the angular momentum vector is the same in the inertial and body frames, the Kalman filter employs the nonsingular 6x6 covariance of a reduced error state. Three of the components of this six-component error state are the usual infinitesimal attitude error angles, so the usual 3x3 attitude covariance matrix is a submatrix of the 6x6 covariance. The performance of the resulting filter is compared with that of a quaternion-based filter

    Kalman Filter for Spinning Spacecraft Attitude Estimation

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    This paper presents a Kalman filter using a seven-component attitude state vector comprising the angular momentum components in an inertial reference frame, the angular momentum components in the body frame, and a rotation angle. The relatively slow variation of these parameters makes this parameterization advantageous for spinning spacecraft attitude estimation. The filter accounts for the constraint that the magnitude of the angular momentum vector is the same in the inertial and body frames by employing a reduced six-component error state. Four variants of the filter, defined by different choices for the reduced error state, are tested against a quaternion-based filter using simulated data for the THEMIS mission. Three of these variants choose three of the components of the error state to be the infinitesimal attitude error angles, facilitating the computation of measurement sensitivity matrices and causing the usual 3x3 attitude covariance matrix to be a submatrix of the 6x6 covariance of the error state. These variants differ in their choice for the other three components of the error state. The variant employing the infinitesimal attitude error angles and the angular momentum components in an inertial reference frame as the error state shows the best combination of robustness and efficiency in the simulations. Attitude estimation results using THEMIS flight data are also presented

    Use of Fuzzycones for Sun-Only Attitude Determination: THEMIS Becomes ARTEMIS

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    In order for two THEMIS probes to successfully transition to ARTEMIS it will be necessary to determine attitudes with moderate accuracy using Sun sensor data only. To accomplish this requirement, an implementation of the Fuzzycones maximum likelihood algorithm was developed. The effect of different measurement uncertainty models on Fuzzycones attitude accuracy was investigated and a bin-transition technique was introduced to improve attitude accuracy using data with uniform error distributions. The algorithm was tested with THEMIS data and in simulations. The analysis results show that the attitude requirements can be met using Fuzzycones and data containing two bin-transitions

    Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Attitude Ground System Design

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    This paper describes the attitude ground system (AGS) design to be used for support of the Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission. The AGS exists as one component of the mission operations control center. It has responsibility for validating the onboard attitude and accelerometer bias estimates, calibrating the attitude sensors and the spacecraft inertia tensor, and generating a definitive attitude history for use by the science teams. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland is responsible for developing the MMS spacecraft, for the overall management of the MMS mission, and for mission operations. MMS is scheduled for launch in 2014 for a planned two-year mission. The MMS mission consists of four identical spacecraft flying in a tetrahedral formation in an eccentric Earth orbit. The relatively tight formation, ranging from 10 to 400 km, will provide coordinated observations giving insight into small-scale magnetic field reconnection processes. By varying the size of the tetrahedron and the orbital semi-major axis and eccentricity, and making use of the changing solar phase, this geometry allows for the study of both bow shock and magnetotail plasma physics, including acceleration, reconnection, and turbulence. The mission divides into two phases for science; these phases will have orbit dimensions of 1.2 x 12 Earth radii in the first phase and 1.2x25 Earth radii in the second in order to study the dayside magnetopause and the nightside magnetotail, respectively. The orbital periods are roughly one day and three days for the two mission phases. Each of the four MMS spacecraft will be spin stabilized at 3 revolutions per minute (rpm), with the spin axis oriented near the ecliptic north pole but tipped approximately 2.5 deg towards the Sun line. The main body of each spacecraft will be an eight-sided platform with diameter of 3.4 m and height of 1.2 m. Several booms are attached to this central core: two axial booms of 14.9 m length, two radial magnetometer booms of 5 m length, and four radial wire booms of 60 m length. Attitude and orbit control will use a set of axial and radial thrusters. A four-head star tracker and a slit-type digital Sun sensor (DSS) provide input for attitude determination. In addition, an accelerometer will be used for closed-loop orbit maneuver control. The primary AGS product will be a daily definitive attitude history. Due to power limitations, the star tracker and accelerometer data will not be available at all times. However, tracker data from at least 10 percent of each orbit and continuous DSS data will be provided. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) will be used to estimate the three-axis attitude (i.e., spin axis orientation and spin phase) and rotation rate for all times when the tracker data is valid. For other times, the attitude is generated by assuming a constant angular momentum vector in the inertial frame. The DSS sun pulse will provide a timing signal to maintain an accurate spin phase. There will be times when the Sun is occulted and DSS data is not available. If this occurs at the start or end of a definitive attitude product, then the spin phase will be extrapolated using the mean rate determined by the EKF