106 research outputs found

    A Case Study at Prime Human Performance Institute: Noting Barriers to Access

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    Prime Human Performance Institute is a new athletic facility situated in Moses Mabhida stadium that provides scientific support for athletes aspiring to achieve greatness within their specific discipline. However, even with the presence of high performance training centers like Prime, South Africa’s athletes have struggled to consistently compete at a world-class level in relation to other comparable nations. The aim of this participant observation study was to observe and assess the quality of service provided by Prime Human Performance Institute, while briefly identifying the barriers that prevent South African athletes from utilizing a high performance center such as Prime to its full potential. Over the course of three weeks, I gathered detailed information about the quality of service that Prime offers through formalized interviews, informal shadowing sessions, and daily observations with each of Prime’s sports science professionals and sport science clientele. Based off my observations, Prime has the capacity to provide world-class athletic training to South African athletes. However, I also noticed some barriers that restrict Prime’s impact, including unsupportive administration, ineffective funding allocation, talent misidentification, and general sports science education deficiency. Until these current barriers are removed, athletic training centers like Prime will never be fully utilized by South Africa’s athletes

    Quantifying the locomotion of C. elegans and their response to photo stimulation

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    Identifying the function of different locomotive genes in model organisms is crucial for genetics research. One popular approach is to analyze the behavior and motion of animals in hope of understanding subtle genetic or neural mechanisms. The nematode C. elegans has emerged as an increasingly popular organism for the study of sensory systems, specifically photo transduction, due to the fact it is still photosensitive without having eyes. Light stimulus has been shown to elicit evasive locomotive behavior in C. elegans, however little has been done to quantify this movement. Modeling the worm motion as a static sine wave, we used the parameters of wavelength, amplitude, and worm speed to differentiating between stimulated and non-stimulated worm behavior. C. elegans have four main modes of locomotion: straight, shallow turn, omega turn, and reversal. These three parameters were determined across all four locomotive modes for two worms. We found that worm speed is a promising parameter for differentiating between locomotive modes, and between unstimulated and photo-evasive locomotion. Due to high error, the amplitude and wavelength were inconclusive locomotive parameters

    Guidelines for the Management of Soft Tissue Sarcomas

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    These guidelines were drawn up following a consensus meeting of UK sarcoma specialists convened under the auspices of the British Sarcoma Group and are intended to provide a framework for the multidisciplinary care of patients with soft tissue sarcomas. The guidelines published by the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) were used as the basis for discussion and adapted according to UK clinical practice and local requirements. Note was also taken of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) improving outcomes guidance (IOG) for people with sarcoma and existing technology appraisals. The guidelines are not intended to challenge NICE guidance but discrepancies may exist where current guidance does not reflect an international standard of care owing to the ever-evolving nature of cancer treatment. It is acknowledged that these guidelines will require updating on a regular basis. An appendix lists the key recommendations which are summarised below. Any patient with a suspected soft tissue sarcoma should be referred to a diagnostic centre and managed by a specialist sarcoma multidisciplinary team. Surgical excision followed by post operative radiotherapy is the standard management of high grade limb sarcomas although occasionally amputation remains the only option. Pre-operative treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy should be considered for patients with borderline resectable tumours. Isolated limb perfusion may permit limb salvage in some cases where amputation is the only other option. Adjuvant chemotherapy is not routinely recommended but may be considered in certain specific situations. Regular follow up is recommended to assess local control and the development of metastatic disease. Single agent doxorubicin is the standard first line therapy for metastatic disease. Ifosfamide is an alternative if anthracyclines are contraindicated. Combination therapy may be considered in individual patients. Second line agents include ifosfamide, dacarbazine, trabectedin and the combination of gemcitabine + docetaxel. Surgical resection of local recurrence and pulmonary metastases should be considered in individual patients. There is specific guidance on the management of retroperitoneal and uterine sarcomas

    Severe Bilateral Photophobia and Unilateral Abducens Nerve Palsy: An Unusual Presentation of Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

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    Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) is an uncommon neurocutaneous condition resulting from reactivation of the varicella zoster virus in the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. Typical presentation of HZO includes a characteristic painful vesicular dermatomal rash. However, the appearance of isolated neurologic complications in the absence of ocular findings has not been previously emphasized. We observed a 47-year-old female patient with established HZO who presented with 1 week of worsening bilateral photophobia and double vision following completion of antiviral treatment. Her motility examination revealed near-complete abduction deficit of her left eye with no other signs of neurologic deficit. Slit lamp biomicroscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, and all laboratory tests were negative. After 2 tapering cycles of oral corticosteroid treatment, her photophobia resolved, and ophthalmoplegia significantly improved. The failure of antiviral therapy in preventing our patient’s neurologic sequelae highlights the importance of concurrent steroid therapy in suspected HZO patients. Furthermore, the resolution of symptoms following administration of systemic glucocorticoids supports consideration of HZO complications as immune-mediated. Finally, the unusual presentation of bilateral photophobia in the absence of ocular inflammation warrants further investigation into the pathogenesis of HZO

    UK Guidelines for the Management of Bone Sarcomas

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    These guidelines have been developed in order to provide an overview and a set of broad-based key recommendations for the management of patients with bone sarcomas in the UK. They have taken into consideration the most up-to-date scientific literature along with the recent recommendations by the European Society of Medical Oncology. The principles of the NICE guidance on both “improving outcomes for patients with sarcomas” and “improving outcomes with children and young people with cancer” have been incorporated. As care evolves, it is acknowledged that these guidelines will need updating. The key recommendations are that bone pain or a palpable mass should always lead to further investigation and patients with clinicoradiological findings suggestive of a primary bone tumour should be sent to a reference centre. Patients should then have their care managed at such a specialist centre by a fully accredited multidisciplinary team

    YPTB3816 of 'Yersinia pseudotuberculosis' strain IP32953 is a virulence-related metallo-oligopeptidase

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    Background: although bacterial peptidases are known to be produced by various microorganisms, including pathogenic bacteria, their role in bacterial physiology is not fully understood. In particular, oligopeptidases are thought to be mainly involved in degradation of short peptides e.g. leader peptides released during classical protein secretion pathways. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of inactivation of an oligopeptidase encoding gene opdA gene of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis on bacterial properties in vivo and in vitro, and to test dependence of the enzymatic activity of the respective purified enzyme on the presence of different divalent cations. Results: in this study we found that oligopeptidase OpdA of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is required for bacterial virulence, whilst knocking out the respective gene did not have any effect on bacterial viability or growth rate in vitro. In addition, we studied enzymatic properties of this enzyme after expression and purification from E. coli. Using an enzyme depleted of contaminant divalent cations and different types of fluorescently labelled substrates, we found strong dependence of its activity on the presence of particular cations. Unexpectedly, Zn2+ showed stimulatory activity only at low concentrations, but inhibited the enzyme at higher concentrations. In contrast, Co2+, Ca2+ and Mn2+ stimulated activity at all concentrations tested, whilst Mg2+ revealed no effect on the enzyme activity at all concentrations used. Conclusions: the results of this study provide valuable contribution to the investigation of bacterial peptidases in general, and that of metallo-oligopeptidases in particular. This is the first study demonstrating that opdA in Yersinia pseudotuberculsosis is required for pathogenicity. The data reported are important for better understanding of the role of OpdA-like enzymes in pathogenesis in bacterial infections. Characterisation of this protein may serve as a basis for the development of novel antibacterials based on specific inhibition of this peptidase activity

    Development of guidelines to reduce, handle and report missing data in palliative care trials: A multi-stakeholder modified nominal group technique

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    Background: Missing data can introduce bias and reduce the power, precision and generalisability of study findings. Guidelines on how to address missing data are limited in scope and detail, and poorly implemented. Aim: To develop guidelines on how best to (i) reduce, (ii) handle and (iii) report missing data in palliative care clinical trials. Design: Modified nominal group technique. Setting/participants: Patient and public research partners, palliative care clinicians, trialists, methodologists and statisticians attended a 1-day workshop, following which a multi-stakeholder development group drafted the guidelines. Results: Seven main recommendations for reducing missing data, nine for handling missing data and twelve for reporting missing data were developed. The top five recommendations were: (i) train all research staff on missing data, (ii) prepare for missing data at the trial design stage, (iii) address missing data in the statistical analysis plan, (iv) collect the reasons for missing data and (v) report descriptive statistics comparing the baseline characteristics of those with missing and observed data. Reducing missing data, preparing for missing data and understanding the reasons for missing data were greater priorities for stakeholders than how to deal with missing data once they had occurred. Conclusion: Comprehensive guidelines on how to address missing data were developed by stakeholders involved in palliative care trials. Implementation of the guidelines will require endorsement of research funders and research journals