12 research outputs found

    Ankara bölgesinden toplanan bal arısı kovanı ürünlerinin antioksidan özelliklerinin ve toplam fenolik ve flavonoid içeriklerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    In this study, the total phenolic (TP) and total flavonoid (TF) profiles of multifloral honey, bee bread, bee pollen, and drone larvae (apilarnil), which are among the products of bee hives, were determined. In addition, the antioxidant activities of the aforementioned products were determined by 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assay, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay, and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay methods. Honey, bee bread, bee pollen, and apilarnil samples collected from 10 honey bee hives in the Ankara region were the material of the study. As a result of the analysis, TP content levels were found to be in the order of bee pollen > bee bread > honey > apilarnil, while TF contents were in the order of bee pollen > bee bread > apilarnil > honey. Considering the results of the DPPH, FRAP, and ABTS assays, the levels of activity were determined in the order of honey > bee pollen > bee bread > apilarnil. The highest antioxidant activity level determined in honey was concluded to be the result of synergistic antioxidant effects of other bioactive complex substances contained in honey. Therefore, we believe that bioactive complex substances that increase the antioxidant activity level of honey should be evaluated in future studies.Bu çalışmada, arı ürünleri olan multifloral bal, arı ekmeği, arı poleni ve erkek arı larvası (apilarnil)'in toplam fenolik (TP) ve toplam flavonoid (TF) profilleri ortaya konuldu. Bunun yanı sıra söz konusu örneklerin antioksidan aktiviteleri, 2,2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazolin)-6-sulfphonate (ABTS) testi ve ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) testi ve 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazy (DPPH) testi metotları kullanılarak belirlendi. Çalışmada materyalini Ankara yöresindeki 10 bal arısı kovanından toplanan bal, arı ekmeği, arı poleni ve apilarnil örnekleri oluşturdu. Yapılan analizlerin sonucunda bal arısı ürünlerinin toplam fenolik içerik düzeyine göre sıralaması arı poleni > arı ekmeği > bal > apilarnil olarak bulunurken, bal arısı ürünlerinin toplam flavonoid içeriği düzeyine göre sıralaması ise şu şekildedir: arı poleni > arı ekmeği > apilarnil > bal. Bal arısı kovan ürünlerinin DPPH, FRAP ve ABTS analizine göre sıralaması bal > arı poleni > arı ekmeği > apilarnil olarak belirlendi. Sonuç olarak balın en yüksek antioksidan aktivite düzeyi balın içerdiği diğer biyoaktif kompleks maddelerin sinerjistik antioksidan etkileri olarak değerlendirilmiştir ve bu nedenle balın antioksidan aktivite düzeyini artıran biyoaktif kompleks maddelerin ileriki çalışmalarda değerlendirilmesi gerektiği kanaatindeyiz

    The Rational Use of Oxalic Acid Against to “Varroa Destructor”; Regional Scale Pilot Scheme

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    Varroa destructor mite poses a serious problem for the future of bee populations around the world. Today, there are many commercial drugs with the same and different active ingredients on the market to chemically control over of Varroa destructor. More frequent chemical applications for against Varroa destructor increases stress resilience, colony losses, loss of yield and residue problems in bee products. The scope of this project is aimed to determine the appropriate control method of Varroa by investigating the efficiency values of the evaporation and dropping methods of Oxalic acid. Experimental area were chosen three different apiaries. 28 colonies were determined in each apiary and equalization studies (area with brood, number of bees with bees, age of queen bees, honey, pollen, etc.) were carried out in these colonies. The determined colonies were randomly divided into 4 groups as 7 colonies. The first group is the control group, the second group is applying 2 g of oxalic acid by vaporizing, the third group is 4% oxalic acid 5 ml of sugar syrup (1:1) is dropped between the frames, and in the fourth group, the fight against a drug that is determined by the beekeeper in the market without interfering with the beekeeper. In order to evaluate the data, samples were taken for four periods, before and after spraying in spring and autumn. While the varroa measurements in the group of syrup, vapor and spraying were found to be statistically less than the control group, the syrup, vapor and spraying groups were statistically similar in terms of varroa measurements. Oxalic acid syrup application showed higher efficiency in spring and autumn than vapor application. There is no statistically difference between both two-application method reveals that it can be used as an effective and safe alternative to chemical control against varroa

    Effects of different chilling procedures on honey bees (Apis mellifera) for anesthesia

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    Immobilization is required for the examination and manipulation of honey bees (Apis mellifera), and many techniques have been developed to render honey bees immobile until this date. Among them, two methods, which are carbon dioxide (CO2) and low-temperature narcosis, have been commonly used to induce anesthesia on the bees. Although CO2-induced anesthesia changes the behavior and physiology of honey bees, the anesthesia induced by cold is considered commonly as non-damaging for the bees. There are a very limited number of studies on the effects of different chilling protocols in honey bees. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different chilling procedures on the survival rate and depth of anesthesia in honey bees. A total of 4 groups were formed, one of which was the control group. Three temperatures (+4 degrees C, -20 degrees C and -80 degrees C) were applied to three different experimental groups. Furthermore, four different exposure times were implemented on each experimental group (n=20 worker bees in each trial). The depth of anesthesia was assessed and scored based on the movements and anesthesia recovery time in honeybees. There was a statistically significant relationship between duration and survival/death rate in the applications at +4 degrees C, -20 degrees C and -80 degrees C (P<0.001). The method that was applied for 5 minutes at -20 degrees C was the most ideal chilling method (P<0.03) and showed the lowest mortality in addition to the high depth of anesthesia. This study may assist in selecting the safest and deepest anesthesia method required in any study on honey bees

    Effects of different chilling procedures on honey bees (Apis mellifera) for anesthesia

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    Immobilization is required for the examination and manipulation of honey bees (Apis mellifera), and many techniques have been developed to render honey bees immobile until this date. Among them, two methods, which are carbon dioxide (CO2) and low-temperature narcosis, have been commonly used to induce anesthesia on the bees. Although CO2-induced anesthesia changes the behavior and physiology of honey bees, the anesthesia induced by cold is considered commonly as non-damaging for the bees. There are a very limited number of studies on the effects of different chilling protocols in honey bees. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different chilling procedures on the survival rate and depth of anesthesia in honey bees. A total of 4 groups were formed, one of which was the control group. Three temperatures (+4 degrees C, -20 degrees C and -80 degrees C) were applied to three different experimental groups. Furthermore, four different exposure times were implemented on each experimental group (n=20 worker bees in each trial). The depth of anesthesia was assessed and scored based on the movements and anesthesia recovery time in honeybees. There was a statistically significant relationship between duration and survival/death rate in the applications at +4 degrees C, -20 degrees C and -80 degrees C (P<0.001). The method that was applied for 5 minutes at -20 degrees C was the most ideal chilling method (P<0.03) and showed the lowest mortality in addition to the high depth of anesthesia. This study may assist in selecting the safest and deepest anesthesia method required in any study on honey bees

    Обґрунтування підходів до розробки стандарту організації громадянського суспільства на підґрунті міжнародного досвіду

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    The object of the research is the principles of the quality management system and the interaction of different approaches to the quality assessment of civil society organizations (CSOs). In many countries, regulatory documents have not been developed regarding the quality management of the CSO activities. Let’s consider this problem using the example of Ukraine, since there has been an increase in the number of public associations by more than 85,000 during the last decade. Along with it, the principles of implementing DSTU ISO 9001:2015 for non-commercial, in particular civil organizations, are not sufficiently clear, given the various socio-cultural and economic prerequisites. Based on theoretical and analytical methods, it is proposed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem and further justification of the implementation of the practice of compliance with Quality Standards and good governance in civil society organizations. That is primarily due to the desire of CSOs themselves to self-organize, reinforced by the need to establish partnership relations with state authorities and commercial organizations, which is accompanied by the fulfillment of requirements for transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of CSOs activities. Adherence to Quality Standards forms a commitment on the part of CSOs to generally accepted ethical principles and standards of behavior, which further contributes to the achievement of social legitimacy. Based on the analyzed regulatory and technical documentation, the need to develop a Quality Standard of Ukraine for CSOs based on the complementarity of different approaches to evaluating the quality of organizations according to the «Quality Standard of CSOs» and DSTU ISO 9001:2015 is substantiated. The results of the analysis of registered public associations by organizational and legal forms in Ukraine confirm the tendency to increase their number, which is a prerequisite for the implementation of the international experience of using the CSO Quality Standard. Taking into account the results of a comparative assessment of the principles of the CSO Quality Standard and DSTU ISO 9001:2015, wit is possible to state that there are no differences in the main approaches to managing the quality system of organizations. The governance aspects of the Modified Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool are similar to those of the «Quality Standard of CSOs», based on the subcategories: authorities; values, vision, and mission of the organization; management style and leadership; strategic planning.Об’єктом дослідження в роботі є принципи системи управління якістю та характер взаємодоповнюваності різних підходів до оцінювання якості діяльності організацій громадянського суспільства (ОГС). В багатьох країнах не розроблені нормативні документи щодо управління якістю діяльності ОСГ. Ця проблематика розглядається на прикладі України, оскільки тут відбулося зростання кількості громадських об’єднань на понад 85 тис. протягом останнього десятиліття. Поряд з цим, недостатньо зрозумілими є принципи впровадження ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015 для некомерційних, зокрема громадянських організацій, зважаючи на різні соціокультурні та економічні передумови. Пропонується на основі теоретико-аналітичних методів провести поглиблений аналіз проблематики та подальше обґрунтування впровадження практики щодо дотримання стандартів якості та належного врядування в організаціях громадянського суспільства. Це насамперед зумовлено прагненням самих ОГС до самоорганізації, підкріпленим необхідністю встановити партнерські відносини з державними органами влади та комерційними організаціями, що супроводжується виконанням вимог щодо прозорості, підзвітності та ефективної діяльності ОГС. Дотримання стандартів якості формує прихильність з боку ОГС до загальноприйнятих етичних принципів та стандартів поведінки, що в подальшому сприяє досягненню соціальної легітимності. На підставі проаналізованої нормативно-технічної документації обґрунтовано необхідність розроблення СОУ (Стандарт Організації України) для ОГС на підґрунті взаємодоповнюваності різних підходів до оцінювання якості організацій за Стандартом якості ОГС, Модифікованим інструментом оцінки організаційної спроможності (МОСАТ) та ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015. Результати аналізування зареєстрованих громадських об’єднань за організаційно-правовими формами в Україні підтверджують тенденцію до збільшення їх кількості, що є передумовою впровадження міжнародного досвіду використання Стандарту якості ОГС. Враховуючи результати порівняльної оцінки принципів Стандарту якості ОГС та ДСТУ ISO 9001:2015, можемо стверджувати про відсутність розбіжностей до основних підходів управління системою якості організацій. Аспекти врядування МОСАТ є аналогічними до таких для Стандарту якості ОГС, що базується на підкатегоріях: органи врядування; цінності, бачення та місія організації; стиль управління та лідерство; стратегічне планування

    Justification of approaches to development of the standard civil society organization based on international experience

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    The object of the research is the principles of the quality management system and the interaction of different approaches to the quality assessment of civil society organizations (CSOs). In many countries, regulatory documents have not been developed regarding the quality management of the CSO activities. Let’s consider this problem using the example of Ukraine, since there has been an increase in the number of public associations by more than 85,000 during the last decade. Along with it, the principles of implementing DSTU ISO 9001:2015 for non-commercial, in particular civil organizations, are not sufficiently clear, given the various socio-cultural and economic prerequisites. Based on theoretical and analytical methods, it is proposed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem and further justification of the implementation of the practice of compliance with Quality Standards and good governance in civil society organizations. That is primarily due to the desire of CSOs themselves to self-organize, reinforced by the need to establish partnership relations with state authorities and commercial organizations, which is accompanied by the fulfillment of requirements for transparency, accountability, and effectiveness of CSOs activities. Adherence to Quality Standards forms a commitment on the part of CSOs to generally accepted ethical principles and standards of behavior, which further contributes to the achievement of social legitimacy. Based on the analyzed regulatory and technical documentation, the need to develop a Quality Standard of Ukraine for CSOs based on the complementarity of different approaches to evaluating the quality of organizations according to the «Quality Standard of CSOs» and DSTU ISO 9001:2015 is substantiated. The results of the analysis of registered public associations by organizational and legal forms in Ukraine confirm the tendency to increase their number, which is a prerequisite for the implementation of the international experience of using the CSO Quality Standard. Taking into account the results of a comparative assessment of the principles of the CSO Quality Standard and DSTU ISO 9001:2015, wit is possible to state that there are no differences in the main approaches to managing the quality system of organizations. The governance aspects of the Modified Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool are similar to those of the «Quality Standard of CSOs», based on the subcategories: authorities; values, vision, and mission of the organization; management style and leadership; strategic planning

    Ethanolic extract of Turkish bee pollen and propolis: phenolic composition, antiradical, antiproliferative and antibacterial activities

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    AbstractBee pollen and propolis are considered as health-promoting foods with many therapeutic (antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant) activities. This study analyzed the phenolic profile and the antioxidant properties of Turkish bee pollen and propolis ethanolic extracts and assayed their antiproliferative effect on myeloma cells and in vitro antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antibacterial activity assays included agar well diffusion and microdilution methods. The phenolic profile and several aromatic compounds of the extracts were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD). The antiproliferative activity on myeloma cells was determined by MTT test. The propolis extract had higher total phenolic content (TPC), free-radical scavenging activity (DPPH) and half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) than the pollen ethanolic extract. Benzoic and cinnamic acid were the most abundant aromatic substances in the pollen and propolis extracts, respectively. The IC50 values of pollen and propolis extracts on myeloma cells were 1.49% and 2.88%, respectively. The propolis extract was active against S. aureus and E. coli, but not P. aeruginosa. The pollen extract presented no detectable inhibition zone against the three bacterial strains. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of both extracts for S. aureus and E. coli was 0.63% (w/v). The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the propolis extract was 1.25% for S. aureus and E. coli. MIC could not be determined for the pollen extract in the tested bacteria. The pollen and propolis extracts did not exert antimicrobial activity against P. aeruginosa up to 2.5% concentration

    The antibacterial effect of bee venom on subclinical mastitis agents: an alternative for local treatment

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    ABSTRACTSubclinical mastitis is an important problem in terms of the dairy economy all over the world and due to the increasing antibiotic resistance day by day, there is a great need for new antibiotic alternatives and natural products. The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of bee venom against bacterial mastitis agents. Methods, such as well diffusion, disc diffusion, microdilution and time-kill analyses, were applied to 12 bacteria species isolated from milk samples. Effective results were obtained in microdilution and time-kill analysis. MIC values were determined in the range of 12.5–50 µg/ml and time-kill times were observed in the range of 1–24 h. In addition, bacterial suspensions from 12 species were prepared and there were effective against mixed infection in vitro. As a result, bee venom, as an antibiotic alternative, can give satisfactory results in the treatment of subclinical mastitis and mixed infections. Field studies and treatment trials should be emphasized