28 research outputs found

    The Integrals of the Functions in Aristotelian Ethics

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    In this short paper it is aimed to show that the concept of the “function”(the ergon) is such a concept that beyond its use in everyday language as a process or functioning, it can be considered as a mathematical function, and rather than modeling the phenomenon that is thought (by Aristotle)to correspond to reality, it models the derivative of this phenomenon, therefore it can be likened to a derivative function and the function obtained through its integration would better explain the actual phenomenon, and interestingly, existentialists, who often reject the function argument, approach this more closely


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    Purpose: In this study, it is aimed to compare the distribution of stress on anchorage and implants in 3-and-5-member-dental and implant supported zirconia restorations by using finite element analysis.Material and Method: Stress distribution formed in anchorage and implants as a result of chewing forces was analyzed in dental and implant (Astra Tech Microthread Osseo Speed, Sweeden) supported models of zirconia restoration with 5-member placed on the numbers of 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47 and with 3-member placed on the number of 45, 46 and 47.  The study was performed through static nonlinear analysis with the three-dimensional finite element analysis method.  Results: The highest and the lowest stress were respectively found on the number of 45 and 47 in 3-member dental supported model. The highest and the lowest stress in 5-membered dental-supported model were respectively found on the tooth of number 45 and on the root apex of the implant of number 43. Stress accumulation was observed in the cervical portion of the implant in implant-supported models. Stress accumulation in the tooth-supported model was found less than in implant-supported modelsConclusion: The extreme forces on the dental and implant-supported restorations with increased members can reduce survival rate of restorations in mouth. To prefer dental implants with larger diameter and longer length along with infrastructure like zirconia to design posterior implant-supported restorations can keep restorations in mouth for longer period

    An evaluation of clinical, radiological and three-dimensional dental tomography findings in ectodermal dysplasia cases

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    Background:This study aimed to review the results related to head and jaw disorders in cases of ectodermal dysplasia. The evaluation of ectodermal dysplasia cases was made by clincal examination and examination of the jaw and facial areas radiologically and on cone-beam 3-dimensional dental tomography (CBCT) images. Material and Methods: In the 36 cases evaluated in the study, typical clinical findings of pure hypohidrotic ectodermal displasia (HED) were seen, such as missing teeth, dry skin, hair and nail disorders. CBCT images were obtained from 12 of the 36 cases, aged 1.5- 45 years, and orthodontic analyses were made on these images. Results: The clinical and radiological evaluations determined, hypodontia or oligodontia, breathing problems, sweating problems, a history of fever, sparse hair, saddle nose, skin peeling, hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, finger and nail deformities, conical teeth anomalies, abnormal tooth root formation, tooth resorption in the root, gingivitis, history of epilepsy, absent lachrymal canals and vision problems in the cases which included to the study. Conclusions: Ectodermal dysplasia cases have a particular place in dentistry and require a professional, multi- disciplinary approach in respect of the chewing function, orthognathic problems, growth, oral and dental health. It has been understood that with data obtained from modern technologies such as three-dimensional dental tomography and the treatments applied, the quality of life of these cases can be improved

    Prosthetic treatment in dentinogenesis imperfecta type II: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) or hereditary opalescent dentin is an autosomal dominant disorder affecting both primary and permanent dentition. Early diagnosis and treatment of DI is important for normal facial growth and esthetic continuity by preserving occlusion and tooth structure. It also provides psychological motivation by increasing the patient’s quality of life. Providing functional dentition in DI patients prevents loss of the vertical dimension, while enabling normal growth of the facial bones and jaw joint. CASE REPORT: A 20-year-old male with DI was referred to our clinic with chewing difficulty and esthetic and speech problems. His brother also had this disease. Oral examination showed the loss of many teeth and the absence of enamel on most of the remaining teeth, causing discoloration and exposing soft dentinal tissue with calcification disorder. Despite widespread attrition of the teeth, pulp chambers were not exposed. The tip of the lower jaw was prominent in the patient’s profile. Placing metal-ceramic fixed dentures in the lower jaw and an overdenture prosthesis in the upper jaw improved the patient’s psychological state as well as his function, phonation, and esthetics. CONCLUSION: This case report presents the intraoral findings in a patient with DI, including the histopathological findings, and the prosthetic treatment approach and the treatment outcome

    Objawy psychotyczne wywołane stosowaniem topiramatu

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    Topiramate is an antiepileptic drug prescribed in the treatment of numerous psychiatric disorders and in epilepsy. Topiramate exerts its antiepileptic effect through different mechanisms, such as by the blockage of sodium channels, increasing GABAergic neurotransmission, antagonizing excitatory amino acid receptors (glutamate) or blocking calcium channels. Its prescription in psychiatric diseases has increased in recent years and psychotic symptom development due to the usage of topiramate has been observed in some studies. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the patient for psychotic symptoms while using topiramate. This article presents a case of a 37-year-old woman who developed depression, anxiety and auditory hallucinations during the treatment with 150 mg of topiramate. After stopping topiramate, 5 mg of olanzapine bid was started and the symptoms gradually decreased and finally disappeared.Topiramat to lek przeciwdrgawkowy przepisywany w leczeniu wielu zaburzeń psychicznych i padaczce. Mechanizm działania przeciwdrgawkowego jest wielokierunkowy – np. lek ten blokuje kanały sodowe, stymuluje neurotransmisję w układzie GABA-ergicznym, antagonizuje receptory dla pobudzających aminokwasów (glutaminian) oraz blokuje kanały wapniowe. Jakkolwiek w ostatnich latach topiramat przepisywany jest coraz częściej w leczeniu zaburzeń psychicznych, to jednak w kilku badaniach zgłaszano występowanie objawów psychotycznych w następstwie jego stosowania. Z tego względu szczególnie ważna jest ocena pacjentów stosujących ten lek pod kątem występowania objawów psychotycznych. Autorzy przedstawiają przypadek 37-letniej pacjentki, u której w związku z leczeniem z użyciem 150 mg topiramatu rozwinęły się depresja, zaburzenia lękowe i omamy słuchowe. Po odstawieniu topiramatu zalecono stosowanie 5 mg olanzapiny dwa razy dziennie. Objawy stopniowo zanikały, aż do całkowitego ustąpienia

    Konvansiyonel ve otojen değirmenlerin tane pürüzlülüğü ve flotasyon verimliliği açısından incelenmesi

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    TÜBİTAK YBAG15.08.1994Cevher hazırlamanın en önemli işlemlerinden olan kırma ve öğütmenin amacı değerli minerali ekonomik değeri olmayan mineralden serbestleştirmektir. Son yıllarda başlatılan çalışmalarda serbestleşmiş tanelerin şekil ve morfolojik özelliklerinin flotasyonda etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Bu araştırmada Etibank Beyşehir Barit Madeninden getirilen % 94.22 BaS04 içerikli barit ile Etibank Küre Bakirli Pirit işletmesinden getirilen % 96.89 FeS2 içerikli pirit numunesi kullanılmıştır. Tanelerin özellikleri iki boyutlu mikroskobik ölçümlerle belirlendiği gibi ilk defa bu araştırmada geliştirilen yöntemle tanelerin pürüzlülüğü ve keskinliği üç boyutlu ölçülmüştür. Otojen ve bilyalı değirmenlerde öğütülen numuneler elenerek -0.147+0.104, -0.104+0.074, -0.074+0.053 ve -0.053+0.044 mm fraksiyonlarına ayrılmış ve her fraksiyonla ayrı ayrı ölçümler yapılmıştır.. îki boyutlu mikroskobik ölçümlerde tarama elektron mikroskobunda her fraksiyon için çekilen resimlerden tanelerin uzun ve kısa eksenleri belirlenerek şekilsel özellikeri olan yassılık ve eksensel eşitlik ile morfolojik özellikleri olan yassılık oranı ile göreceli pürüzlülük hesaplanmıştır. Üç boyutlu ölçümlerde BET azot adsorbsiyonu cihazı kullanılarak tanelerin yüzey pürüzlülüğü, Permaran cihazı ile keskinlikleri belirlenmiştir. Barit numunesi ile yapılan iki boyutlu ölçümlerde otojen öğütülen tanelerin daha yuvarlak ve yüzeylerinin daha pürüzsüz olduğu görülmüştür. Üç boyutlu ölçümler otojen değirmende öğütülen tanelerin bilyalı değirmende öğütülen tanelere göre daha pürüzsüz olduğunu göstermiştir. Bilyalı değirmen otojen değirmene göre daha keskin, daha köşeli taneler üretmiştir. Yapılan flotasyon deneylerinde otojen öğütme bilyalıya göre daha yüksek flotasyon randımanı vermiştir, Pirit numunesi ile yapılan iki boyutlu ölçümlere göre bilyalı değirmende öğütülen taneler daha yuvarlaktır. Üç boyutlu ölçüm sonuçları otojen öğütülen tanelerin yüzey pürüzlülüğünün bilyalıya göre daha fazla olduğunu göstermiştir. Keskinlik derecesi ölçümleri otojen öğütülen tanelerin daha keskin olduğunu göstermiştir. Flotasyon deneylerinde bilyalı öğütülen tanelerin flotasyon randımanı otojen tanelere göre daha fazla olmuştur. Hem şülfurlü hem de oksitli minerallerin kullanıldığı bu araştırma, yuvarlak, yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve keskinliği az olan tanelerin flotasyon randımanlarının daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir.îlk olarak bu araştırmada geliştirilen üç boyutlu yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve keskinlik ölçme yöntemleri uygulaması kolay, pratik ve tekrarlanabilir sonuçlar veren yöntemlerdir. Ölçüm sırasında tanelerin şekline ve yüzey özelliklerine hiçbir şekilde müdahale edilmemesi sonuçların flotasyon açısından değerlendirilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır

    Glokom takip programı

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    Purpose: To create a computerized tracking software specific to glaucoma for the purpose of optaining instant statistical data, performing a standardized ophthalmic examination and establishing a follow-up protocol in glaucoma centers. Materials and Methods: The software with multi-user support connected to the central database was prepared to be specific for glaucoma patients. The Delphi program was used as the desktop application. Firebird was preferred as the da- tabase. The medical data of 7500 glaucoma patients were uploaded to the glaucoma follow up program. Results: Data-base analysis of registered patients data consisting of the diagnosis, visual acuity, intraocular pressure, vi- sual fields, optic nerve and nerve fiber layer analysis, gonioscopy, central corneal thickness, drugs, surgery, and concomitant systemic disease were easily obtained. The important benefits of the glaucoma follow-up program were easy and safe digital archiving, detection of diagnosis and treatment group datasets, observing the efficiency of the applied treatment algorithms, observing and checking the practice pattern of the residents, easy data collection for research, and the preparation of refer- ral information in chronological order. Conclusion: We believe that glaucoma specific-computerized patient follow-up programs are useful in glaucoma centers for standardized diagnosis, follow-up and treatment protocols, and instant statistical database access.Amaç: Glokom merkezlerinde muayene standardizasyonu, takip protokolü ve anlık istatistiki veriler elde etmek amacı ile glokoma özgü bilgisayarlı takip programı oluşturmak. Gereç ve Yöntem: Merkezi veri tabanına bağlı, çok kullanıcı desteği olan glokom hastalarına özgün bilgisayar yazılımı hazırlandı. Masa üstü uygulaması için Delphi programı kullanıldı. Veritabanı olarak Firebird tercih edildi. 7500 glokom hastasının tıbbi verileri glokom takip programına yüklendi. Bulgular: Sisteme kaydedilen hastaların tanı, görme keskinliği, göz içi basıncı, görme alanı, optik sinir ve sinir lifi analizi, gonyoskopi, merkezi kornea kalınlığı, ilaç, ameliyat ve eşlik eden sistemik hastalık bilgilerine ait veri tabanı analizleri kolayca elde edildi. Glokom takip programı’nın kolay ve güvenli dijital arşivleme, tanı ve tedavi gruplarının kesişen veri kümelerini ortaya çıkarabilmesi, uygulanan tedavi algoritmalarında elde edilen verimliliğin gözlenmesi, eğitim alan dok- torların eğitim kontrollerinin yapılabilmesi, araştırmalardaki veri toplama işini kolaylıkla yapabilmesi, hasta sevklerinde kronolojik rapor hazırlanabilmesi gibi önemli faydaları bulundu. Tartışma: Glokom merkezlerinin tanı, takip ve tedavi protokollerini standardize etmek ve anlık veritabanı istatistiklerine erişmek için glokoma özgü bilgisayarlı hasta takip programlarının yararlı olacağına inanmaktayız