18 research outputs found

    Capital Fixity and Mobility in Response to the 2008-09 Crisis: Variegated Neoliberalism in Mexico and Turkey

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    The article examines the 2008-9 crisis responses in Mexico and Turkey as examples of variegated neoliberalism. The simultaneous interests of corporations and banks relative to the national fixing of capital and their mobility in the form of global investment heavily influenced each state authority鈥檚 policy responses to the crisis at the expense of the interests of the poor, workers, and peasantry. Rather than pitching this as either evidence of persistent national differentiation or some Keynesian state resurgence, we argue from a historical materialist geographical framework that the responses of capital and state authorities in Mexico and Turkey actively constitute and reconstitute the global parameters of market regulatory design and neoliberal class rule through each state鈥檚 distinct domestic policy formation and crisis management processes. While differing in specific content the form of Mexico and Turkey鈥檚 state responses to the crisis ensured continuity in their foregoing neoliberal strategies of development and capital accumulation, most notably in the continued oppression of workers. That is, the prevailing strategy of accumulation continues to be variegated neoliberalism

    Por la Intendencia de temporalidades se ha anunciado al publico que se van 谩 dar en arrendamiento todas las fincas que pertenecian 谩 los Conventos extinguidos

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    Public annoucement on behalf of the Directory of the Temporalidades. Oblong quarto. 1p

    Nota al alcalde del distrito de Honda, sobre cobro de derechos de consumo i de peaje

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    La imagen contiene una noticia acerca de la recaudaci贸n de impuestos y peajes en el distrito de Honda, Colombia, datado en febrero de 1858. El documento contiene instrucciones y regulaciones administrativas sobre derechos de consumo y peajes, dirigidas al Alcalde del distrito en ese momento. Tambi茅n menciona lugares como Mariquita y procedimientos relacionados con bienes como alimentos. En resumen, se trata de un documento oficial que detalla medidas administrativas, posiblemente relacionadas con la tributaci贸n o la regulaci贸n del comercio. Noticia publicada en Gaceta de Cundinamarca Bogot谩, No.34 del 11 de Marzo de 1858, pg. 160. col. 1 - 2.The image contains a news item about the collection of taxes and tolls in the district of Honda, Colombia, dated February 1858. The document contains instructions and administrative regulations on consumer rights and tolls, addressed to the Mayor of the district at that time. It also mentions places like Mariquita and procedures related to goods such as food. In short, it is an official document that details administrative measures, possibly related to taxation or trade regulation. News published in Gaceta de Cundinamarca Bogot谩, No.34 of March 11, 1858, pg. 160. col. 1 - 2

    On behalf of the Temporalidades it is announced to the public that all the landholdings belonging to the suppressed convents will be made available for lease

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    Public annoucement on behalf of the Directory of the Temporalidades. Oblong quarto. 1p.This document is an English translation of the "Por la Intendencia de temporalidades se ha anunciado al publico que se van 谩 dar en arrendamiento todas las fincas que pertenecian 谩 los Conventos extinguidos." Translated by Lorena Gauthereau-Bryson. The language of the original document is Spanish

    El Ciudadano Ramon Rayon, General de Brigada Y Gobernador Del Distrito Federal [Mexico], 12 de marzo 1835

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    Initialed in manuscript by Governor Rayon. Describing the national debt of the Mexican states and declaring that Sonora (of which Arizona is still a part) and Sinaloa are responsible for payment of at least twenty percent of that debt. (oversize

    Decree from Ramon Rayon, Brigadier General and Governor of the Federal District of Mexico, March 12, 1835

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    Initialed in manuscript by Governor Rayon. Describing the national debt of the Mexican states and declaring that Sonora (of which Arizona is still a part) and Sinaloa are responsible for payment of at least twenty percent of that debt. (oversize)This document is an English translation of the "El Ciudadano Ramon Rayon, General de Brigada Y Gobernador Del Distrito Federal [Mexico], 12 de marzo 1835." Translated by Lorena Gauthereau-Bryson. The language of the original document is Spanish