166 research outputs found

    Calculation of ground- and excited-state energies of confined helium atom

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    We calculate the energies of ground and three low lying excited states of confined helium atom centered in an impenetrable spherical box. We perform the calculation by employing variational method with two-parameter variational forms for the correlated two-particle wave function. With just two variational parameters we get quite accurate results for both ground and excited state energies.Comment: 13 pages, No figur

    Exclusion Principle Repulsion Effects on the Covalent Bond Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

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    The changes in the covalent bond of the hydrogen molecule limited in the space by a spherical hard boundary are studied. The sphere is moved along an axis parallel or orthogonal to the molecular axis. The diffusion Monte Carlo approach is used to solve the Schrödinger equation with the relevant boundary conditions and to evaluate the changes in the bond energy versus the location of the sphere. The vertical and lateral quantum forces exerted on the sphere are evaluated by calculating the energy derivative versus the distances to the sphere. The results show that the quantum forces present an important dependence with the distance and vanish rapidly as the separation between the sphere and the molecule increases. In the limiting case the molecular bond becomes broken due to the electronic depletion induced in the covalent bond. An application of this study is the modelisation of the forces exerted on the passivated cantilever of an Atomic Force Microscope probing the electron cloud in the contact mode in the Pauli exclusión regime

    Características percebidas e objetivas do bairro associadas ao deslocamento ativo de adolescentes de Curitiba-PR

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Siqueira ReisDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/02/2016Inclui referências : f. 69-75Área de concentração: Exercício e esporteResumo: O ambiente pode favorecer ou desfavorecer hábitos de uma pessoa, como a prática de atividade física e o deslocamento ativo. Pesquisas que investigaram essas relações foram realizadas em países com contexto cultural e econômico diferentes do Brasil. Os adolescentes têm autonomia sobre diversas escolhas em suas atividades diárias, então a opinião de seus pais e responsáveis pode estar associada ou não à escolha de praticar atividade física ou realizar caminhadas. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a associação entre essas características do bairro, objetivas e percebidas pelos pais com o deslocamento ativo dos adolescentes pela vizinhança. Os dados sobre a percepção do ambiente e deslocamento ativo são oriundos do estudo ESPAÇOS Adolescentes e os dados objetivos são originários do estudo MAPS. O presente estudo, descritivo com delineamento transversal, avaliou de forma objetiva 137 rotas na cidade de Curitiba, que partem da casa do adolescente até o comércio mais próximo, até 400 metros de distância, e buscou informações sobre a percepção do ambiente do bairro, de 137 adolescentes e seus pais ou responsáveis. A maioria dos adolescentes não atingiu as recomendações diárias de atividade física com o deslocamento ativo (71,7%) e apresentaram sobrepeso (63,2%). A concordância de Kappa entre as questões objetivas e percebidas foram consideradas fracas. As características objetivas dos bairros por quadrantes [ (alta renda/alto walkability), (alta renda/baixo walkability), (baixa renda/alto walkability), (baixa renda/baixo walkability) ] confirmaram que existe diferença em quantidade de estruturas e comércio entre locais de diferentes rendas e walkability. Os resultados apresentaram associação entre "presença de estrutura de que separa a calçada da rua" (p=0,024), "percepção de iluminação nas ruas" (p=0,007) "percepção de muitas casas poderem ver ciclistas e pedestres" (p=0,007) e deslocamento ativo. A análise de regressão mostrou que adolescentes que tem pais que percebem que a maioria das casas do seu bairro podem ver ciclistas e pedestres facilmente, tem 3 vezes mais chance (OR=3,34; IC95%%: 1,34-8,32) de atingir as recomendações de atividade física com o deslocamento ativo. Conclui-se que algumas características dos bairros, tanto percebidas quanto as avaliadas de forma objetiva, estão associadas a maiores níveis de deslocamento ativo. Palavras chaves: Adolescente, Deslocamento ativo, Ambiente construído.Abstract: The environment can favor or disadvantage a person's habits, such as physical activity and active commuting. Research that investigated these relationships was carried out in countries with cultural and economic context different from Brazil. Adolescents have autonomy over many choices in their daily activities, so the opinion of their parents and guardians may be associated or not with the choice of practicing physical activity or walking. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the association between these characteristics of the neighborhood, objective and perceived by the parents with the active commuting of the adolescents by the neighborhood. The data on the perception of the environment and active commuting come from the ESPAÇOS Adolescente study and the objective data originate from the MAPS study. The present descriptive study with a cross-sectional design evaluated 137 routes in the city of Curitiba, which depart from the adolescent's house to the nearest commerce, up to 400 meters away, and sought information about the perception of the neighborhood's environment. 137 adolescents and their parents or guardians. Most of the adolescents did not reach the daily recommendations of physical activity with active commuting (71.7%) and were overweight (63.2%). Kappa's agreement between objective and perceived issues was considered weak. The objective characteristics of the quarters (high income / high walkability), (low income / low walkability), (low income / low walkability), have confirmed that there is a difference in the amount of structures and commerce between sites of different lace and walkability. The results showed an association between the presence of a structure that separates sidewalks from the street (p = 0.024), "perception of street lighting" (p = 0.007) "perception of many houses being able to see cyclists and pedestrians" (p = 0.007) and active commuting. The regression analysis showed that adolescents who have parents who realize that most homes in their neighborhood can see cyclists and pedestrians easily, are 3 times more likely (OR = 3.34; 95% CI: 1.34-8.32 ) of achieving the recommendations of physical activity with the active active commuting. We conclude that some characteristics of the neighborhoods, both perceived and those evaluated objectively, are associated with higher levels of active commuting. Key words: Adolescent, Active commuting, Built environmen

    Charakterystyka budowy ciała tancerzy stylu standardowego tańca sportowego na przykładzie pary mistrzów świata = Characteristics of body building standard style dancers on the example of pair of world champions

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    Pilewska Wiesława, Sech Patrycja, Pilewski Robert. Charakterystyka budowy ciała tancerzy stylu standardowego tańca sportowego na przykładzie pary mistrzów świata = Characteristics of body building standard style dancers on the example of pair of world champions. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(11):565-576. eISSN 2391-8306. DOIhttp://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.35698http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%2811%29%3A565-576http://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/684768Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Original Text published © The Author (s) 2015. Pilewska Wiesława, Sech Patrycja, Pilewski Robert. Charakterystyka budowy ciała tancerzy stylu standardowego tańca sportowego na przykładzie pary mistrzów świata. Quality in Sport. 2015;1(1):55-65. eISSN 2450-3118. The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport (null) 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland.Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 15.11.2015. Revised 20.11.2015. Accepted: 30.11.2015.  Wiesława Pilewska, Patrycja Sech, Robert PilewskiInstytut Kultury Fizycznej, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy Charakterystyka budowy ciała tancerzy stylu standardowegotańca sportowego na przykładzie pary mistrzów świataCharacteristics of body building standard style dancers on the example of pair of world champions   StreszczenieCel pracyCelem pracy było określenie specyfiki budowy somatycznej tancerzy sportowego tańca towarzyskiego stylu standardowego.Materiał Materiał badawczy stanowiła para sportowego tańca towarzyskiego posiadająca najwyższą, międzynarodową klasę taneczną „S”. Mistrzowie Świata z 2013 roku w stylu standardowym. Długość stażu tanecznego pary wynosiła 19 lat. Badane osoby trenowały od 6 do 7 dni w tygodniu, po 3-4 godziny dziennie. Oboje mieli po 28 lat.MetodaOceny rozwoju fizycznego dokonano na podstawie pomiarów antropometrycznych masy i wysokości ciała, długości szyi,  kończyn górnych i dolnych, tułowia, uda  i podudzia, długości stopy, szerokości barków, miednicy, stopy, klatki piersiowej, głębokości klatki piersiowej, obwodów talii, bioder, uda oraz podudzia. Na ich podstawie obliczono wskaźniki budowy ciała. Wykorzystano również klasyfikacje typologiczną dla oceny specyfiki budowy ciała badanych osób.WnioskiPara sportowego tańca sportowego stylu standardowego o wysokim poziomie sportowym (Mistrzowie Świata z 2013r.) charakteryzowała się specyficzną budową somatyczną przejawiającą się określoną wielkością cech i wskaźników budowy ciała. Prezentowane wielkości parametrów cech somatycznych i wskaźników morfologicznych należy traktować jako wynik wymagań stylu standardowego sportowego tańca, osobno dla tancerzy i tancerek a także wspólnie dla pary tanecznej jako specyfika ich doboru oraz wpływ treningu tanecznego na kształtowanie się ich somatotypu. Słowa kluczowe: taniec towarzyski, styl standardowy, budowa somatyczna, mistrzowie świata.       AbstractAim of the studyThe aim of the study was to determine the specificity of somatic build ballroom dancers sporting standard style.MaterialsThe research material was sporting ballroom dancing couple having the highest international dance class "S". World Champions of 2013, the standard style. The length of the internship dance couples was 19 years. Subjects were trained from 6 to 7 days a week, after 3-4 hours a day. They were both 28 years.Methods Physical development assessment was based on anthropometric measurements of body weight and height, the length of the neck, upper and lower limbs, torso, thigh and lower leg, foot length, width, shoulders, pelvis, feet, chest, deep chest, circuits, waist, hips, thighs and ankles. Typological classification was also used to assess the specificity of physique subjects.ConclusionsA pair of dance sport sporty style with a high level of standard sports (with the 2013 World Champions.) characterized by a specific construction of somatic manifested a certain size characteristics and indicators of body (shown in this work).Presented by their size parameters of somatic and morphological indicators should be considered as a result of the impact of dance training and the requirements of the standard style of discipline and separately for dancers and dance together for a couple as the specifics of their selection. Key words: ballroom dancing, standard style, construction somatic, World Champions

    Nanoplasmonic NO2Sensor with a Sub-10 Parts per Billion Limit of Detection in Urban Air

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    Urban air pollution is a critical health problem in cities all around the world. Therefore, spatially highly resolved real-time monitoring of airborne pollutants, in general, and of nitrogen dioxide, NO2, in particular, is of utmost importance. However, highly accurate but fixed and bulky measurement stations or satellites are used for this purpose to date. This defines a need for miniaturized NO2 sensor solutions with detection limits in the low parts per billion range to finally enable indicative air quality monitoring at low cost that facilitates detection of highly local emission peaks and enables the implementation of direct local actions like traffic control, to immediately reduce local emissions. To address this challenge, we present a nanoplasmonic NO2 sensor based on arrays of Au nanoparticles coated with a thin layer of polycrystalline WO3, which displays a spectral redshift in the localized surface plasmon resonance in response to NO2. Sensor performance is characterized under (i) idealized laboratory conditions, (ii) conditions simulating humid urban air, and (iii) an outdoor field test in a miniaturized device benchmarked against a commercial NO2 sensor approved according to European and American standards. The limit of detection of the plasmonic solution is below 10 ppb in all conditions. The observed plasmonic response is attributed to a combination of charge transfer between the WO3 layer and the plasmonic Au nanoparticles, WO3 layer volume expansion, and changes in WO3 permittivity. The obtained results highlight the viability of nanoplasmonic gas sensors, in general, and their potential for practical application in indicative urban air monitoring, in particular

    Characteristics of body building standard style dancers on the example of pair of world champions

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    Aim of the studyThe aim of the study was to determine the specificity of somatic build ballroom dancers sporting standard style.MaterialsThe research material was sporting ballroom dancing couple having the highest international dance class "S". World Champions of 2013, the standard style. The length of the internship dance couples was 19 years. Subjects were trained from 6 to 7 days a week, after 3-4 hours a day. They were both 28 years.Methods Physical development assessment was based on anthropometric measurements of body weight and height, the length of the neck, upper and lower limbs, torso, thigh and lower leg, foot length, width, shoulders, pelvis, feet, chest, deep chest, circuits, waist, hips, thighs and ankles. Typological classification was also used to assess the specificity of physique subjects.ConclusionsA pair of dance sport sporty style with a high level of standard sports (with the 2013 World Champions.) characterized by a specific construction of somatic manifested a certain size characteristics and indicators of body (shown in this work).Presented by their size parameters of somatic and morphological indicators should be considered as a result of the impact of dance training and the requirements of the standard style of discipline and separately for dancers and dance together for a couple as the specifics of their selection