156 research outputs found

    The Mediterranean Zone in front of Air pollution: an Econometric Investigation

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    The cleanup of the Mediterranean region constitutes one of the main chapters carried by the cooperation between both north and south banks within the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). The subject of this paper is to study the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth in UfM countries. This relationship is described by the so called Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) model. The choice of model specification and the omission of additional variables appear among the controversies revealed around the EKC modelling. At first, this paper aims to select a model among three proposed. Secondly, it examines the effect of trade and population density on CO2 emissions. Three main results are attributed by this work. First, while CO2 emissions are still in increase in the case of MEDA countries, they have known a reduction phase in the case of UE countries. Second, the shape of the EKC as well as the turning point value depends on the functional form choice. Finally, the creation of a free trade area between both Mediterranean banks does not seem to affect the environment quality.Union for the Mediterranean, CO2 emissions, Environmental Kuznets Curve, free trade, panel data, Nonnested Hypothesis Tests

    La Zone Méditerranéenne Face à la Pollution de L’air : Une Investigation Econométrique

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    La dépollution de la Méditerranée constitue l’un des principaux chapitres portés par la coopération entre les deux rives nord et sud dans le cadre de l’Union Pour la Méditerranée (UPM). L’objectif de ce papier est d’examiner la relation existante entre l’évolution des émissions du dioxyde carbone (CO2) et la croissance économique dans les pays membres de l’UPM. Cette relation est décrite par la Courbe Environnementale de Kuznets (CEK) qui postule une relation en U inversé entre la dégradation de l’environnement et la croissance économique. Le choix de la spécification économétrique et le problème des variables omises figurent parmi les controverses révélées autour de la CEK. Dans un premier temps, ce papier vise à sélectionner un modèle parmi trois proposés. Dans un second temps, il examine l’effet de la densité de la population et du commerce international sur l’évolution des émissions de CO2. Trois résultats principaux sont attribués par ce travail. D’abord, les niveaux d’émissions de CO2 sont encore en augmentation dans le cas des pays MEDA alors qu’ils sont dans la phase de réduction dans le cas des pays UE. Ensuite, la forme de la CEK ainsi que la valeur du point de retournement dépendent du choix de la forme fonctionnelle. Enfin, la création d’une zone de libre-échange entre les deux rives méditerranéennes ne semble pas affecter la qualité de l’environnement.Union Pour la Méditerranée, Emissions de CO2, Courbe Environnementale de Kuznets, libre-échange, Données de panel, Tests d’hypothèse non emboîtée., Environmental Economics and Policy, Q56, C12, C23.,

    Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Penyambungan Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Dan Uji Liquid Penetrant Test pada Aluminium 6061 Menggunakan Metode Friction Welding

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    Las gesek (Friction Welding) merupakan salah satu teknologipengelasan terbaru dimana biayaproduksinya lebih rendah dan sambungan yangdihasilkan juga berkualitas baik. Denganmengkombinasikan panas dan tekanan makadua buah logam yang sama maupun tidak sama bisatersambung. Dalam penelitian ini akan menganalisa pengaruh variasi waktu penyambungan 60, 70, dan80 detik terhadap kekuatan uji tarik dan uji liquid penetrant test pada aluminium 6061. Hasil penelitianmenujukan ada perbedaan bentuk dan kekuatan dari ketiga variasi waktu tersebut. Berdasarkan nilaitegangan tertinggi dari ketiga variasi waktu terdapat pada variasi waktu 80 detik yaitu sebesar 90.04N/mm², sedangkan nilai terendah dari ketiga variasi waktu terdapat pada variasi waktu 60 detik yaitusebesar 40.39 N/mm². Sedangkan nilai regangan tertinggi dari ketiga variasi waktu terdapat padavariasi waktu 80 detik yaitu sebesar 3.53 %, sedangkan nilai terendah dari ketiga variasi waktu terdapatpada variasi waktu 60 detik yaitu sebesar 2.36 %. Berdasarkan standarisasi penerimaan hasil pengujianliquid penetrant test pada variasi waktu 80 detik masih diterima, sedangkan 60 dan 70 ditolak karenasudah melebihi batas toleransi


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    Karang Bindu Village is located in Rambang Kapak Tengah Prabumulih sub-district, South Sumatra. Led by the village head Mr. Iin Saputra. The administrator of Karang Bindu village has difficulties in collecting tax data, such as recording taxpayer data and proof of tax payments which are still being made manually. Therefore, it is hoped that there will be an application that can help admins in the tax data collection process. To obtain clearer information the author conducted research using qualitative descriptive methods. Where in this research the author used two data sources, namely, primary data and secondary data. In addition, data collection techniques were obtained from interview scripts and direct observation of the object of research and by looking for references through books or journals. After conducting this research, the authors collected the data obtained and then the authors resolved the existing problems by producing a "Web-Based Tax System Application in Karang Bindu Village". This application is made using the php web programming language, the database used by Mysql and the final report using a printable pdf, and using Vscode to edit the programming language.Desa Karang Bindu terletak di kecamatan Rambang Kapak Tengah Prabumulih, Sumatra Selatan. Dengan dipimpin oleh kepala desa Bapak Iin Saputra. Admin desa karang bindu kesulitan dalam pendataan pajak, seperti pencatatan data wajib pajak dan bukti pembayaran pajak masih dibuat secara manual. Oleh karena itu maka diharapkan adanya suatu aplikasi yang dapat membantu admin dalam proses pendataan pajak. Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas penulis melakukan penelitian dengan cara menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dimana dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunkan dua sumber data yaitu, data primer dan data sekunder. Selain itu, teknik pengumpulan data didapat dari naskah wawancara dan observasi langsung kepada pihak objek penelitian serta dengan mencara referensi melalui buku atau jurnal. Setelah melakukan penelitian tersebut, penulis mengumpulkan data yang didapat kemudian penulis menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada dengan cara menghasilkan “Aplikasi Sistem Perpajakan Pada Desa Karang Bindu Berbasis Web”. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemprograman web php, database yang digunakan Mysql dan laporan akhir menggunakan pdf yang dapat dicetak print, serta menggunakan Vscode untuk menyunying bahasa pemprogramannya

    Analisa Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Penyambungan Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Dan Uji Liquid Penetrant Test Pada Aluminium 6061 Menggunakan Metode Friction Welding

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    Friction welding is one of the latest welding technologies where production costs are lower and the resulting connections are also of good quality. By combining heat and pressure, two metals that are the same or not the same can be connected. This research will analyze the effect of 60, 70, and 80 seconds splicing time variations on the strength of the tensile test and the liquid penetrant test on aluminum 6061. The results of the study show that there are differences in the shape and strength of the three time variations. Based on the highest voltage value of the three time variations there is a time variation of 80 seconds which is equal to 90.04 N / mm², while the lowest value of the three time variations there is a time variation of 60 seconds which is equal to 40.39 N / mm². While the highest strain value of the three time variations is in the 80 second time variation of 3.53%, while the lowest value of the three time variations is in the 60 second time variation of 2.36%. Based on the standardization of acceptance of the liquid penetrant test results at 80 seconds variation is still accepted, while 60 and 70 are rejected because it has exceeded the tolerance limit

    La Zone Méditerranéenne Face à la Pollution de L’air : Une Investigation Econométrique

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    The cleanup of the Mediterranean region constitutes one of the main chapters carried by the cooperation between both north and south banks within the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). The subject of this paper is to study the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth in UfM countries. This relationship is described by the so called Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) model. The choice of model specification and the omission of additional variables appear among the controversies revealed around the EKC modelling. At first, this paper aims to select a model among three proposed. Secondly, it examines the effect of trade and population density on CO2 emissions. Three main results are attributed by this work. First, while CO2 emissions are still in increase in the case of MEDA countries, they have known a reduction phase in the case of UE countries. Second, the shape of the EKC as well as the turning point value depends on the functional form choice. Finally, the creation of a free trade area between both Mediterranean banks does not seem to affect the environment quality

    Use renewables to be cleaner: Meta-analysis of the renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus

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    The renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus is a growing area of research over the last few years, emanating to mixed results. The aim of the current study is to quantitatively synthesise the empirical literature on the subject using the meta-analysis approach. In particular, a meta-multinomial regression is employed to investigate the sources of variation in the direction of causality between renewable energy consumption and economic growth. This causal relationship takes the form of four hypotheses, namely the conservation, growth, neutrality and feedback hypotheses. To the best of author’s knowledge, this study constitutes the first meta-analysis undertaken on the renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus. The empirical results reveal that the variation in the supported hypotheses is due to a number of characteristics including model specification, data characteristics, estimation techniques (cointegration methods and causality tests), and development level of the country on which a study was conducted

    Rancang Bangun Website Sekolah dengan Menggunakan Framework Bootstrap ( Studi Kasus SMP Negeri 6 Prabumulih )

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    Media informasi yang digunakan di SMP Negeri 6 prabumulih masih manual seperti menggunakan papan pengumuman, spanduk dan berosur sehingga SMP Negeri 6 Prabumulih membutuhkan suatu media informasi yang cepat, tepat, tanpa harus ke sekolah dan dapat di akses secara online oleh masyarakat luas agar mendapatkan informasi yang akurat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah dengan metode waterfall dengan menganalisa data yang diperoleh dari sekolahan kemudian membanguna website Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 6 Prabumulih dan Perancangan yang digunakan untuk membuat website sekolah ini yaitu dengan menggunakan program PHP dan untuk desainnya menggunakan Dreamweaver CS6, Bootstrap dan databasenya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah agar mempermudah para siswa, guru dan semua komponen yang ada di lingkungan sekolah tersebut untuk mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat dan akura

    La Zone Méditerranéenne Face à la Pollution de L’air : Une Investigation Econométrique

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    The cleanup of the Mediterranean region constitutes one of the main chapters carried by the cooperation between both north and south banks within the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). The subject of this paper is to study the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth in UfM countries. This relationship is described by the so called Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) model. The choice of model specification and the omission of additional variables appear among the controversies revealed around the EKC modelling. At first, this paper aims to select a model among three proposed. Secondly, it examines the effect of trade and population density on CO2 emissions. Three main results are attributed by this work. First, while CO2 emissions are still in increase in the case of MEDA countries, they have known a reduction phase in the case of UE countries. Second, the shape of the EKC as well as the turning point value depends on the functional form choice. Finally, the creation of a free trade area between both Mediterranean banks does not seem to affect the environment quality
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