125 research outputs found


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    Twelve newborn rats were fed by mothers maintained on protein-deficient diet (12% casein, M) during lactation, and 12 rats fed by mothers maintained on a diet containing 25% casein were used as controls (C). After weaning, all animals were standard lab ration. Half of each group was housed individually (MI and CI), while the other half was allowed to live in pairs (MP and CP). When adult, all animals were trained to avoid footshocks by jumping onto a platform. Trainiing sessions consisted of 40 trials starting with a 20 sec light stimulus (CS) and followed by a 2 sec, 0.6 mA shock (US) with an average interval of 54 sec. When all animals displayed consistent avoidance behavior, the extinction phase was initiated. The produce was the same as for the training session except that shock generator was disconnected. Extinction continued until each animal showed a 50% reduction in avoidance performance. During acquisition, MI learned faster than CI and CI showed greater avoidance performance than CP, but no differences were observed between MP and CP. During extinction, group M responded more persistently than group C. The present acquisition results may explain the contradictory data reported in the literature with respect to the effects of malnutrition on avoidance performance, since environmental stimulation was shown to reduce the effects of early malnutrition. Individually housed animals showed greater avoidance performance during both phases. Keywords: Protein malnutrition, avoidance response, acquisition, extinction, environmental stimulation.


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    Psychometric Analysis of Disordered Eating in Sports Scale (DES)

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    There is no specific psychometric scale that addresses disordered eating among Brazilian athletes. This study's aim was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Disordered Eating in Sports Scale (DES) among Brazilian athletes. A total of 1,338 athletes, both sexes,from various sports participated in the study; 141 were excluded. The DES and the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) were used to assess disordered eating among the study participants. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a factor structure that explains more than 40% of the scale's variance. Thefinal version's items presented factors loadings greater than .3. The Pearson correlation showed a statistically significant relationship between the DES and EAT-26 subscales. No differences were found in the mean scores of DES in an interval of two weeks. The findings indicate differences in DES scores due to body adiposity. The conclusion is that DES showed satisfactory concurrent and discriminant validity and reproducibility.Não existe escala psicométrica específica que avalie atitudes de risco para os transtornos alimentares em atletas brasileiros. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares no Esporte (EAAE). Participaram 1.338 atletas de ambos os sexos de diversas modalidades esportivas, no entanto, 141 foram excluídos. Utilizaram-se a EAAE e o Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) para avaliar atitudes de risco para os transtornos alimentares nos participantes da pesquisa. A análise fatorial exploratória demonstrou estrutura fatorial que explicou mais de 40% da variância da EAAE. Os itens da versão final da EAAEdemonstraram cargas fatoriais superiores a 0,3. A correlação de Pearson indicou relação estatisticamente significante entre a EAAE e as subescalas do EAT-26. Não se identificou diferença das médias dos escores da EAAE no intervalo de duas semanas. Os achados revelaram diferença dos escores da EAAE em função da adiposidade corporal. Concluiu-se que a EAAE demonstrou validade concorrente, discriminante e reprodutibilidade satisfatórias.No existe una escala psicométrica específica para evaluar las actitudes de riesgo de trastornos alimentarios en atletas brasileños. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de Escala de Actitudes Alimentarias en el Deporte (EAAD). Participaron 1.338 atletas hombres y mujeres de diferentes deportes, aunque 141 fueron excluidos. Fueron utilizadas EAAD y la Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) para evaluar las actitudes de riesgo de trastornos alimentarios en los participantes de la encuesta. El análisis factorial mostró estructura que explica más del 40% de la varianza. Los ítems de la EAAD mostraron un factor de carga superior a 0,3. La correlación de Pearson mostró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la EAAD y las sub-escalas de la EAT-26. No se encontraron diferencias en las puntuaciones medias de la EAAD. Los resultados indicaron diferencia de las puntuaciones de EAAD como una función de la grasa corporal. Se concluyó que la EAAD demostró validez concurrente, discriminante y reproducibilidad satisfactoria

    Influencia de los Factores Psicológicos, Antropométricos y Sociodemográficos Sobre los Síntomas de los Trastornos Alimentarios en Jóvenes Deportistas

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    The aim of the current study was to analyse the influence of psychological, anthropometric and sociodemographic factors on the risk behaviours for eating disorders (ED) in young athletes. Participants were 580 adolescents of both sexes. We used the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), the Body Shape Questionnaire and the Commitment Exercise Scale to assess the risk behaviours for ED, body image dissatisfaction (BD) and the degree of psychological commitment to exercise (DPCE), respectively. Participants’ weight, height and skinfold thickness were measured. A multiple regression indicated that BD and percentage of fat significantly modulated ( pEl objetivo fue analizar la influencia de factores psicológicos, antropométricos y sociodemográficos en los comportamientos de riesgo para TA en atletas jóvenes. Participantes fueron 580 adolescentes de ambos sexos. Se utilizó el Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), Body Shape Questionnaire y Commitment Exercise Scale para evaluar los comportamientos de riesgo para los TA, la insatisfacción con el imagen corporal (IC) y el grado de compromiso psicológico para ejercer (GCPE), respectivamente. Peso, talla y pliegues cutáneos se midieron. Los resultados de regresión múltiple mostraron que sólo el IC y el porcentaje de grasa modula de manera significativa ( pO objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a influência de fatores psicológicos, antropométricos e sociodemográficos sobre os comportamentos de risco para transtornos alimentares (TAs) em jovens atletas. Participaram 580 adolescentes de ambos os sexos. Utilizou-se o Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), o Body Shape Questionnaire e a Commitment Exercise Scale para avaliar o comportamento de risco para TAs, a insatisfação com a imagem corporal (IC) e o grau de comprometimento psicológico ao exercício (GCPE), respectivamente. Peso, estatura e dobras cutâneas foram aferidos. Os achados da regressão múltipla evidenciaram que somente a IC e o percentual de gordura modularam significativamente (


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    An elevated plus-maze was used to investigate the effects of repeated testing on the locomotor and exploratory behaviors of malnourished rats. Pup malnutrition was induced during the lactation period (0 to 21 days of age) by feeding the dams a protein-deficient diet (6% protein) and the animals were allowed to recover from weaning to 70 days of age by eating a commercial lab chow diet. Control animals were suckled by dams receiving normal protein diet (16% protein) during the lactation period and were fed a commercial lab chow diet after weaning. At 70 days, malnourished and control animals were placed on the central platform of the elevated plus-maze facing an enclosed arm and allowed to explore for 5 min. This procedure was repeated at 24-h intervals of 6 days. The repeated testing in the elevated plus-maze did not change the total number of arm entries and attempts to enter open arms, but decreased the percentage of open arm entries, time spent in open arms, and total time spent on the central platform. These data suggest an increase in anxiety with repeated testing in the elevated plus-maze. In addition, the malnourished animals showed a large number of these animals as compared to control. The elevated plus-maze proved to be useful animal model to evaluate exploratory behaviors in early protein malnourished animals. Keywords: Early protein malnutrition Elevated plus-maze Impulsiveness Exploration Anxiety Repeated testing


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    A complex program of environmental and sensory stimulation was developed to study its potential effects in reversing some of the alterations produced by early protein malnutrition in the brain and behavior of rats. Litters (dam plus 6 male pups) were fed diets containing 8% (malnourished) or 25% (well-nourished) casein. After weaning, the animals were maintained on the same diets as their respective dams until 50 days of age. Environmental stimulation consisted of 3-min daily handing from birth to 50 days of age by rearing the rats in an enriched living cage and exposing the animal to visual, auditory, and olfactory stimuli. At. 50 days of inhibitory avoidance tests. Animal of the same age were sacrificed, the brain removed and divided in telencephalon, brain steam and cerebellum. DNA and RNA were assessed in in telencephalon and cerebellum. Protein malnutrition produced brain weight deficits that were partially reversed by environmental stimulation. The behavioral measure showed lower locomotor activity and higher latencies in inhibitory avoidance for malnourished animals as compared to well-nourished animals. Environmental stimulation reduced the aversiveness in the inhibitory avoidance test as showed by lower latencies in the stimulated group of animals. These results suggest that early protein malnutrition impairs brain and behavior of rats and a complex program of environmental stimulation is beneficial to reverse some of those impairments. Keywords: Protein malnutrition, Environmental enrichment, Brain weight, Locomotor activity, Inhibitory avoidance.

    Sintomas de transtorno alimentar: associação com os traços perfeccionistas em adolescentes do sexo masculino

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    Background Evidence indicates a relationship between perfectionism and eating disorder symptoms (EDS). However, there is no such empirical evidence in Brazilian scientific literature. Moreover, studies of EDS in the male sex are scarce. Objective To analyze a possible association between EDS and perfectionism traits in adolescent males. Methods Participants were 368 adolescents aged 12 to 15 years. We used the subscales of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale to assess EDS and perfectionism traits, respectively. Results The results indicated a statistically significant association between the high perfectionism trait and EDS (X2 = 16.40; Wald = 15.92; p = 0.001). Moreover, the findings showed no difference in the scores of the Diet (F(1, 367) = 2.14; p = 0.23) or Concern for Food and Bulimia (F(1, 367) = 2.44; p = 0.19) subscales according to groups of perfectionism. However, we identified a higher score on the Oral Self-Control subscale of the EAT-26 in the group with high perfectionism trait than adolescents with a low perfectionism trait (F(1, 367) = 13.88; p = 0.02). Discussion: EDS were associated with perfectionism in adolescent males.Contexto Evidências indicam relação entre o perfeccionismo e os sintomas de transtorno alimentar (STA). No entanto, nenhuma evidência empírica foi encontrada na literatura científica brasileira. Ademais, estudos com o sexo masculino são escassos. Objetivo Analisar uma possível associação entre os STA e os traços de perfeccionismo em adolescentes do sexo masculino. Métodos Participaram 368 adolescentes com idade entre 12 e 15 anos. Utilizaram-se as subescalas do Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) e a Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale para avaliar os STA e os traços de perfeccionismo, respectivamente. Resultados Os resultados indicaram associação estatisticamente significativa entre o alto traço de perfeccionismo e os STA (X2 = 16,40; Wald = 15,92; p = 0,001). Ademais, os achados não demonstraram diferenças nos escores das subescalas Dieta (F(1, 367) = 2,14; p = 0,23) e Bulimia e Preocupação com Alimentos (F(1, 367) = 2,44; p = 0,19) em razão dos grupos de perfeccionismo. No entanto, evidenciou-se maior escore na subescala Autocontrole Oral do EAT-26 no grupo com alto traço perfeccionista quando comparado aos adolescentes com baixo traço de perfeccionismo (F(1, 367) = 13,88; p = 0,02). Conclusão Os STA estiveram associados ao perfeccionismo em adolescentes do sexo masculino

    Insatisfação corporal em adolescentes: uma investigação longitudinal

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    CONTEXTO: Evidências demonstram que a prevalência de insatisfação corporal entre jovens tem aumentado nos últimos anos. Parece que o período da adolescência é o principal precursor para esse aumento. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a insatisfação corporal em adolescentes ao longo de um ano. MÉTODOS: A investigação foi desenvolvida em três momentos (T1, T2 e T3). Participaram 358 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 11 e 14 anos. Utilizou-se o Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), e peso e estatura foram mensurados para o cálculo do índice de massa corporal (IMC). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de insatisfação corporal diferiu entre os sexos, com aumento gradativo em meninas e diminuição em meninos em função do tempo (T1, T2 e T3) (p < 0,05). Ademais, os escores diferiram segundo T1, T2 e T3. No sexo feminino, em T3, as meninas depreciaram o corpo quando comparadas a T1 e T2 (F = 9,71; p = 0,001), e de forma oposta entre os meninos, evidenciou-se maior insatisfação em T1 em relação a T2 e T3 (F = 12,55; p = 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que a insatisfação corporal aumentou ao longo de um ano em meninas, enquanto em meninos houve diminuição. Sugere-se a implementação de programas de promoção da saúde para escolares durante o ano letivo

    Escala de Insatisfação e Checagem Corporal nos Esportes: Uma Nova Medida para Atletas

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    After performing searches in the main scientific articles database, no specific psychometric scale was found that analyzes body dissatisfaction and body checking to athletes. The aim of the study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Dissatisfaction and Body Checking in Sports Scale (DBCS) - male and female versions - in Brazilian athletes. The researchers built the DBCS. Participants were 1,197 athletes. The exploratory factor analysis showed a factor structure that explained more than 40% of the variance in both versions of the DBCS. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between the DBCS - male and female versions - and questionnaires used for concurrent validity (p ; .05). The findings indicated difference in DBCS scores according to body fat (p = .01). The results showed a positive relationship between DBCS and Eating Attitudes Test scores (p = .001). It was concluded that the DBCS - male and female versions - demonstrated satisfactory concurrent, discriminant, predictive validity and reproducibility.Tras búsquedas en las principales bases de datos de artículos científicos, no fue encontrada escala psicométrica para evaluar la insatisfacción corporal y el chequeo corporal en los atletas. El objetivo fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Insatisfacción y Chequeo Corporal en los Deportes (EICCE) en atletas brasileños. La EICCE fue construido por los investigadores. Participaron 1.197 atletas de ambos sexos. Los resultados demostraron que la estructura factorial explica más del 40% de la varianza de ambas versiones de la EICCE. Los resultados indicaron una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la EICCE y cuestionarios utilizados para la validez concurrente (p ; 0,05). Los hallazgos demostraron diferencia en las puntuaciones del EICCE en función de la adiposidad corporal (p = 0,01). Los resultados mostraron una relación positiva entre EICCE y las puntuaciones del Eating Attitudes Test (p = 0,001). Se concluyó que ambas versiones de la EICCE demostraron validez concurrente, discriminante, predictivo y reproducibilidad satisfactorias.Após realizar buscas nas principais bases de dados de artigos científicos, não foi encontrada escala psicométrica específica que avalie insatisfação e checagem corporal em atletas. O objetivo foi analisar as propriedades psicométricas das versões feminina e masculina da Escala de Insatisfação e Checagem Corporal nos Esportes (EICCE) em atletas brasileiros. A EICCE foi construída pelos próprios pesquisadores. Participaram 1.197 atletas de ambos os sexos. Os resultados demonstraram estrutura fatorial que explicou mais de 40% da variância de ambas as versões da EICCE. Os achados indicaram relação estatisticamente significativa entre as versões da EICCE e os questionários utilizados para a validade concorrente (p ; 0,05). Os achados demonstraram diferença dos escores da EICCE em função da adiposidade corporal (p = 0,01). Os resultados apontaram relação positiva entre a EICCE e os escores do Eating Attitudes Test (p = 0,001). Concluiu-se que as versões feminina e masculina da EICCE demonstraram validade concorrente, discriminante, preditiva e reprodutibilidade satisfatórias