673 research outputs found

    Entropy-based Indexes of Gender-related Development Equity

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    ResumenEste trabajo analiza el Índice de Desarrollo Humano (HDI), así como también losindicadores similares que tienen en cuenta las diferencias genéricas, entre las mismasdimensiones consideradas en el HDI. Este tema es importante, en primera instancia,por la existencia de diferencias significativas en los niveles de bienestar y desarrollopersonal alcanzados por hombres y mujeres, lo cual debe ser corregido. En este trabajo,se propone un nuevo índice de entropía neutral, basado en el concepto de la distribuciónequitativa genérica, para cada dimensión del desarrollo humano. El resultadodel valor medio de estas entropías es un índice compuesto, que mide la desigualdadgenérica entre los dos géneros. Se proponen también dos índices orientados", quemiden la desigualdad específica para cada uno de los dos géneros. En la mayoría delos casos, el índice de desigualdad genérico coincide con el índice propuesto para lasmujeres, ya que en la mayoría de las ocasiones, son las mujeres las que sufren másretrasos y carencias, en los niveles de desarrollo humano. La metodología propuesta es aplicada en todos los países del mundo. Sus resultados, para el año 2004, son analizadosy comentados por zonas geográficas. El continente africano es el sitio en el quelas mujeres sufren una mayor discriminación respecto de los hombres (en cuanto a lasalud, la educación y los ingresos económicos). La situación es algo mejor en Asia, ybastante mejor en América, Europa y Oceanía."Índice de Desarrollo Humano, índices compuestos, diferencias degénero, igualdad de género, entropía.

    Increasing Sustainability of Logistic Networks by Reducing Product Losses: A Network DEA Approach

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    This paper considers a multiproduct supply network, in which losses (e.g., spoilage of perishable products) can occur at either the nodes or the arcs. Using observed data, a Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) approach is proposed to assess the efficiency of the product flows in varying periods. Losses occur in each process as the observed output flows are lower than the observed input flows. The proposed NDEA model computes, within the NDEA technology, input and output targets for each process. The target operating points correspond to the minimum losses attainable using the best observed practice. The efficiency scores are computed comparing the observed losses with the minimum feasible losses. In addition to computing relative efficiency scores, an overall loss factor for each product and each node and link can be determined, both for the observed data and for the computed targets. A detailed illustration and an experimental design are used to study and validate the proposed approach. The results indicate that the proposed approach can identify and remove the inefficiencies in the observed data and that the potential spoilage reduction increases with the variability in the losses observed in the different periods.Ministerio de Ciencia DPI2017-85343-PFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DPI2017-85343-

    Relation between growth dynamics and the spatial distribution of intrinsic defects in self-assembled colloidal crystal films

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    Herein we establish a clear relation between the parameters that govern the growth dynamics and the structural quality of colloidal crystal films. We report an optical analysis of the spatial distribution of intrinsic defects in colloidal crystal films and correlate our results with a theoretical model describing the growth dynamics of such lattices. We find that the amount of defects fluctuates periodically and decreases along the growth direction of the lattice. We demonstrate that these spatial variations are a direct consequence of the temporal oscillations of the crystal film formation velocity, which are inherent to the colloidal particle deposition process.Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación MAT2004-0302

    El género de la fiesta. Corte, ciudad y reinas en la España del XVI

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    Las entradas de reinas a ciudades fueron un campo primordial de acción política y construcción ideológica durante la Edad Moderna española. Conjugadas como uno de los grandes eventos públicos de la monarquía, proporcionaron a esta muchas ocasiones de glorificación y justificación a la vez que se soslayaban los puntos más débiles de la autoridad regia. Desde el punto de vista cultural, fueron ámbito para el desarrollo de complejos programas iconográficos y caóticos conjuntos decorativos, a la vez que escenarios en los que las relaciones de género se visualizaban en el entorno urbano. El presente artículo traza una panorámica de este género de fiestas en el siglo XVI español, a través de las relaciones contemporáneas.The gender of pageants. Court, city and queenship in 16th-century Spain. Queens’ entries into cities became a focal point for political and ideological discourse in early modern Spain. Construed as some of the monarchy’s greatest public events, they provided numerous occasions for kingship glorification and legitimization, while overlooking its shortcomings and flaws. From a cultural perspective, they allowed for the development of complex iconographic programmes and chaotic decorative ensembles, visually staging gender relationships in the urban environment. This essay offers an overview for this type of pageantry in Spanish 16th century, through remaining literary accounts

    Flight Delays in Spanish Airports

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    This paper analyses the duration of flight delays at Spanish airports. To do so, several hazard models are adopted to take into account the delays observed. The results show that the most important factors are certain airport characteristics and contextual characteristics. The policy implications are derived.hazard model; flights; Spanish airports; delays; duration.

    Fe y esperanza. Los juicios de valor en el pensamiento de E.H. Gombrich

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    Este artículo trata de las teorías de E.H. Gombrich sobre la fundamentación de los juicios de valor histórico y estético, así como de sus puntos de vista sobre el canon histórico-artístico, el relativismo cultural, el gusto artístico, y la tradición. Por un lado señala la innecesaria confusión entre relevancia histórica y valor histórico en que incurre Gombrich; por otro, resalta su decisión al defender el compromiso y los valores como un elemento clave para el conocimiento histórico-artístico. La base de este estudio se encuentra en su conferencia La historia del arte y las ciencias sociales, y en un texto de Francis Haskell, ambos de 1973

    Mapping Art History in the Digital Era

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    Just as for the rest of the humanities, a roadmap for the discipline of art history in the past few decades would show a tangle of unexpected turns. Art history has undergone the linguistic turn, the material turn, the pictorial turn, the global turn, and, of course, the spatial turn, to name a few; what is more, there is the discipline's recent convergence with digital technologies. Already in 2004, while reviewing two recent contributions to the field, Larry Silver could assert in The Art Bulletin that "art is created as much in place as in time, making some self-aware form of artistic geography essential to the future of the discipline."1 Much more recently, Paul Jaskot hailed spatial analysis as "the most productive point of intersection [of art history] with digital methods.

    Ranking efficient DMUs using cooperative game theory

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    The problem of ranking Decision Making Units (DMUs) in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been widely studied in the literature. Some of the proposed approaches use cooperative game theory as a tool to perform the ranking. In this paper, we use the Shapley value of two different cooperative games in which the players are the efficient DMUs and the characteristic function represents the increase in the discriminant power of DEA contributed by each efficient DMU. The idea is that if the efficient DMUs are not included in the modified reference sample then the efficiency score of some inefficient DMUs would be higher. The characteristic function represents, therefore, the change in the efficiency scores of the inefficient DMUs that occurs when a given coalition of efficient units is dropped from the sample. Alternatively, the characteristic function of the cooperative game can be defined as the change in the efficiency scores of the inefficient DMUs that occurs when a given coalition of efficient DMUs are the only efficient DMUs that are included in the sample. Since the two cooperative games proposed are dual games, their corresponding Shapley value coincide and thus lead to the same ranking. The more an ef- ficient DMU impacts the shape of the efficient frontier, the higher the increase in the efficiency scores of the inefficient DMUs its removal brings about and, hence, the higher its contribution to the overall discriminant power of the method. The proposed approach is illustrated on a number of datasets from the literature and compared with existing methods

    Estimation of productivity change of NBA teams from 2006-07 to 2012-13 seasons

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    "... acknowledgements at FiT Publishing"The aim of this work is to evaluate the productivity change of the NBA teams during the last seven seasons (from 2006-07 to 2012-13). Within that period of time, a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) of the National Basketball Association (NBA) was ratified before season 2011-12, ending a 161-day lockout. The Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) has been used to measure the total factor productivity, while an input-oriented Network DEA approach is used to compute the distance of each observation to the corresponding frontier. The results reveal that there has been technological progress for the last few seasons, excluding that of the 2011 lockout, and an increasing efficiency change. This means that best practices are improving and that most teams have been reducing their payrolls to catch up with these practices, thus backing up the owners’ proposal to reduce players’ income. Also regression results show that changes in the number of wins are more dependent upon scale efficiency change than upon budget or efficiency changes

    Benchmarking Formula One auto racing circuits: a two stage DEA approach

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    Belarmino Adenso Díaz Fernández es el investigador principal del proyecto "Análisis y diseño de redes logísticas eficientes, robustas y sostenibles