
Increasing Sustainability of Logistic Networks by Reducing Product Losses: A Network DEA Approach


This paper considers a multiproduct supply network, in which losses (e.g., spoilage of perishable products) can occur at either the nodes or the arcs. Using observed data, a Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) approach is proposed to assess the efficiency of the product flows in varying periods. Losses occur in each process as the observed output flows are lower than the observed input flows. The proposed NDEA model computes, within the NDEA technology, input and output targets for each process. The target operating points correspond to the minimum losses attainable using the best observed practice. The efficiency scores are computed comparing the observed losses with the minimum feasible losses. In addition to computing relative efficiency scores, an overall loss factor for each product and each node and link can be determined, both for the observed data and for the computed targets. A detailed illustration and an experimental design are used to study and validate the proposed approach. The results indicate that the proposed approach can identify and remove the inefficiencies in the observed data and that the potential spoilage reduction increases with the variability in the losses observed in the different periods.Ministerio de Ciencia DPI2017-85343-PFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional DPI2017-85343-

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