1,895 research outputs found

    Summary report of baseline study of employability related activities in Scottish colleges

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    Providers report strong support for the development of employability skills and attributes,including core and 'soft' skills, both as discrete units and embedded within course provisionalongside other learning goals. Career education and guidance, including employment seeking skills, are addressed to a lesserextent than 'employability' through the inclusion of discrete units or embedded in other courseunits. While some providers include specific units in courses, student development in these areasis often addressed through central student services. Advice and guidance is most likely to beprovided at the pre-exit stage of students' programmes although it is important while students areon-course. Post-exit guidance is least likely to be supported, with colleges indicating thatobtaining progression information was difficult. Enterprise is the least likely aspect to be addressed, either in relation to business start-up or as afocus in developing enterprising skills and attitudes. College staff indicated that there was a needfor clarification on what was meant by enterprise and enterprising approaches and how theymight be incorporated into other units. There was strong support at institutional level to provide resources to enable students to reflecton issues related to employability, with course providers reporting wide use of personaldevelopment review and planning, though a wide range of terms was used to describe this

    Gartcosh Steel Mill regeneration project

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    New hi-tech, innovative businesses are springing up where Scotland's heavy industries once reigned supreme. Redevelopment of the former Ravenscraig steel works in Lanarkshire is continuing apace with a new town centre, complete with commercial facilities, soon to be constructed. The site of the former Gartcosh Steel Mill, also in Lanarkshire, is also being transformed, and architects and engineers from the University of Strathclyde are driving forward the plans. Gartcosh Business Interchange is set to become a new 50-hectare business location which has already been selected as the location for the major new office campus for Scotland's new FBI-style crime unit.It is anticipated that Gartcosh will create up to 170,000 sq ft of business space which could support up to 4000 jobs

    Valuing knowledge transfer : a new approach to assessing the broader impact of higher education institutions

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    There is considerable policy interest in exploring the overall value of higher education to society and in how higher education can support wider economic growth and development through 'knowledge transfer' from higher education institutions. Until fairly recently consideration of 'knowledge transfer' activity has tended to be mainly focussed on those HEI outputs that are commercial or market-based, relate to interaction with businesses and which are also relatively easy to measure (licensing, patents, consultancy contracts and so on). However it is beginning to be recognised that non-market outputs of higher education institutions (such as community interactions) could also have significant economic and social value linked to their support of knowledge flow to the wider community. This paper presents a new perspective on knowledge transfer from institutions. It demonstrates the application of welfare economic principles to estimate the value of non-market outputs of higher education institutions and It presents the results of a pilot study of 3 areas of non-market activity of Scottish higher education institutions, namely community engagement, cultural outreach and public policy advisory activity

    Measuring the volume and value of the outputs of higher education institutions

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    One of the key issues facing the Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council is how to assess the contribution made to Scotland's economy by Scotland's higher education sector. Higher Education's contribution to the economy and society at large is viewed as providing one of the most important justifications for government expenditure on higher education. However there is a paucity of robust quantitative evidence against which related resource allocation decisions aimed at encouraging economically valuable activity can be made. Taking higher education activity as a whole there has been no practical, valid, way to analyse the economic value of what universities do, or to compare the value thus created with that generated by other activities in the economy. The overall objective of this paper is to show how the development of a framework with comprehensive and detailed quantitative measures of the outputs of HEIs in both volume and value terms can enable a holistic analysis of higher education institutions' economic value. The present paper draws on initial case study research supported by the Nuffield Foundation which was further elaborated in two substantive reports to the Scottish Funding Council

    On optimal solution error covariances in variational data assimilation problems

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    The problem of variational data assimilation for a nonlinear evolution model is formulated as an optimal control problem to find unknown parameters such as distributed model coefficients or boundary conditions. The equation for the optimal solution error is derived through the errors of the input data (background and observation errors), and the optimal solution error covariance operator through the input data error covariance operators, respectively. The quasi-Newton BFGS algorithm is adapted to construct the covariance matrix of the optimal solution error using the inverse Hessian of an auxiliary data assimilation problem based on the tangent linear model constraints. Preconditioning is applied to reduce the number of iterations required by the BFGS algorithm to build a quasi-Newton approximation of the inverse Hessian. Numerical examples are presented for the one-dimensional convection-diffusion model

    Governance and sustainability in Glasgow: connecting symbolic capital and housing consumption to regeneration

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    To transcend a legacy of slum-living, paternalistic provision and urban decline, Glasgow City Council has endeavoured to transform the city's fortunes by a plethora of mechanisms that have at their core the establishment of sustainable communities. Framed within a policy discourse which emphasises 'cultural and social' as well as 'physical and economic' renaissance, the crux of the Council's strategy has been to stem the migratory tide of affluent households and to empower public sector housing tenants. Drawing on Rose's 'ethopolitics' we argue these developments in Glasgow reflect the wider emergence of technologies of governance in UK housing policy that seek to realign citizens' identities with norms of active, entrepreneurial consumption

    Baseline study of employability related activities in Scottish colleges

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    In October 2004, the Scottish Funding Council (SFC)'s predecessor bodies, theSFEFC and the SHEFC, publishedLearning to Work(SFC 2004), a discussion paperabout how Scotland's colleges and universities can help to enhance learners'employability. In subsequent dialogue with stakeholders, there was agreement thatemployability should be a specific focus for quality enhancement in the college sectorfrom 2006-07. As a basis for further development, the SFC commissioned this studyto provide information on the range of current activities and practices in Scotland'scolleges which contribute to enhancing employability

    A microwave dielectric biosensor based on suspended distributed MEMS transmission lines

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    Design and characterization of a miniature microwave dielectric biosensor based on distributed microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) transmission lines (DMTL) is reported in this paper. The biosensor has been realized by bonding the DMTL device with an acrylic fluidic channel. In order to demonstrate the sensing mechanism, the sensor is used to detect the small variation of the concentration of aqueous glucose solutions by measuring the electromagnetic resonant frequency shift of the device. It is observed from the results that the second notch of the reflection coefficient (S-11) varies from 7.66 to 7.93 GHz and the third notch of the reflection coefficient varies from 15.81 to 15.24 GHz when the concentration of the glucose solution ranges from 0 to 347 mg/ml, which indicates that higher order notches have higher sensitivities if looking at the absolute change in frequency
