18,673 research outputs found

    A Theoretical Framework and Practical Toolkit for Ethical Library Assessment

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    Praktiker:innen stehen bei der Bewertung bzw. Evaluation von Bibliotheken unter doppeltem Druck, den Wert der Bibliothek zu demonstrieren und gleichzeitig die Werte der bibliothekarischen Profession einzuhalten. Um eine Praxis der Bibliotheksevaluation zu unterstĂŒtzen, die sowohl den Wert der Bibliothek als auch die bibliothekarische Werte anspricht, untersucht diese Dissertation die Praxis der Bibliotheksevaluation durch die Perspektive praktischer Ethik und angewandter Werte. Die Hauptforschungsfrage lautet: „Wie kann Bibliotheksbewertung ethisch durchgefĂŒhrt werden?“ Ich folgte einem dreistufigen Forschungsdesign: eine Literaturrecherche, eine Umfrage und Interviews. Die Literaturrecherche konzentriert sich auf die Ethik, Werte, Dilemmata und Praktiken von Bewertungspraktiker:innen. Eine vignettenbasierte Umfrage untersuchte Werte und Ethik bei der Bewertung von Bibliotheken weiter. Die Umfragedaten wurden mittels der konstruktivistischen Grounded Theory analysiert und die daraus resultierenden Codes etablierten ein neues Rahmenwerk und ein neues Instrument fĂŒr die ethische Bewertung von Bibliotheken. Schließlich wurde das Instrument mit dem Namen Values-Sensitive Library Assessment Toolkit durch Interviews mit Bewertungspraktiker:innen validiert. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Praktiker:innen der Bibliotheksbewertung eine ethische Praxis anstreben, aber durch eine komplexe und dezentralisierte Wertelandschaft herausgefordert werden, die viele konkurrierende Möglichkeiten zur Identifizierung und Umsetzung von Werten bietet. Das Toolkit dient dazu, einen Satz von Werten zu modellieren, den Praktiker:innen anwenden können, um eine ethische Bewertungspraxis zu unterstĂŒtzen.Library assessment practitioners face dual pressures to demonstrate library value and adhere to library values. To support a practice of library assessment that addresses both library value and library values, this dissertation examines the practice of library assessment through the lens of practical ethics and applied values. The main research question asks, “How can library assessment be practiced ethically?” I followed a three-step research design: a literature review, a survey, and interviews. The literature review focuses on the ethics, values, dilemmas, and practices of library assessment practitioners. A vignette-based survey further investigated values and ethics in assessment. Survey data was analyzed through constructivist grounded theory, and the resulting set of codes established a new framework and toolkit for ethical library assessment. Finally, the toolkit—named the Values-Sensitive Library Assessment Toolkit—was validated through interviews with assessment practitioners. Research findings indicate that library assessment practitioners seek an ethical practice, but are challenged by a complex and decentralized values landscape that offers many competing choices for identifying and implementing values. The toolkit serves to model a value set that practitioners can apply to support an ethical assessment practice

    Effects of an analogue counselor\u27s religious or financial self-disclosure and observer characteristics on therapeutic processes

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    The literature on counselor self-disclosure does not adequately address the questions of what, when, why, how, and to whom counselors should disclose. Because various theoretical orientations have traditionally provided different perspectives on therapist self-disclosure, counselors lack both research-based guidelines for self-disclosing in the research literature, as well as consistent suggestions from theory. Likewise, the ethical implications of counselor self-disclosures punctuate the importance of addressing these questions in order to provide maximally effective treatment while respecting clients\u27 worldviews. Nowhere is the importance of providing counselors theoretically-consistent, research-based, and ethically-responsible guidance in self-disclosure more pronounced than in multicultural counseling. Whether of racial/ethnic, sexual, religious/spiritual, or other form of diversity, there exists considerable need for guidance in counselor cultural self-disclosures. This two-part counseling analogue study built upon Young\u27s (2007) investigation of the impact of therapist religious disclosures on ratings of therapeutic processes. Recruited from Iowa State and Bethel Universities, along with Google or Yahoo online groups, 673 participants were exposed to one of four, sex-specific video-stimuli which depicted the simulated counselor making one of the following: a content-congruent financial self-disclosure, a content-incongruent religious self-disclosure, a content-incongruent neutral control response, or a content-congruent religious self-disclosure. When participants\u27 responses were analyzed via planned comparisons in ANCOVA, the results revealed counselor disclosures were generally rated higher than the neutral control. Furthermore, the findings clarified that those disclosures congruent with client-initiated content were viewed more positively than the neutral response and the incongruent religious disclosure. Planned comparisons revealed that the congruent religious disclosure fostered the highest level of working alliance when compared to the other conditions. Additional findings included: Catholics rating the counselor\u27s empathy higher than Protestants when religion was discussed, sex differences in working alliance scores, and support for the importance of considering client/participant levels of religiosity, spirituality, empathy, and previous counseling experiences when rating therapeutic processes. The findings indicated that counselor self-disclosure can have a positive impact on ratings of the counselor and the therapeutic relationship. Implications for research, training, and counseling are discussed

    Windfall Payment Decision-Making: A Case Study of Pennsylvania Counties Receiving Funds from the Natural Gas Impact Fee (Act 13)

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    Given the economic ‘boom’ and ‘bust’ cycle associated with natural resource extraction, the decision to spend or save the revenue generated by such activity (which is considered a financial windfall), has important policy implications. Two streams of literature exist which help to explain and predict the behaviors of those facing such payments. One of these streams contends that the size of a windfall payment is inversely related to consumption. More specifically, this stream posits that as the size of a windfall in proportion to an individual or household’s budget increases, consumption of the windfall decreases. This study attempted to test this contention in the public arena by examining three counties in Pennsylvania that received windfall payments from a newly established natural gas impact fee. Through interviews with public officials familiar with the payment decision-making process and an examination of archival materials from Clearfield, Greene, and Tioga Counties, this study found that windfall size is inversely related to consumption. Clearfield County, which received the smallest payment relative to the total budget of the county, intended to spend most of the windfall while Tioga County, which received the largest payment relative to the total budget, intended to save most of the payment. Greene County, which received a medium-sized payment, also intended to spend most of the windfall. Furthermore, the study revealed that officials in Clearfield County largely perceived the payment to be an insubstantial cash “bonus” with limited investment opportunities. Officials in Greene County considered the payment additional income and planned to use the payment to fund various projects. Only Tioga County considered the payment a substantial sum and insisted that the payment be saved. This study concludes that the stream of literature focused on windfall size proves applicable in the public arena. Furthermore, this study contends that given a better understanding of the perceptions of and attitudes toward the payment, policymakers in Clearfield and Greene Counties should alter current behaviors. In the future, jurisdictions facing windfall payments in Pennsylvania and elsewhere should be more prudent in the decision-making process in order to account for the long-term effects of resource extraction on the local economy as well as the impacts of the impending resource ‘bust’

    Effect of counselor self-disclosure of religious similarity on client perception of empathy within the therapeutic relationship: an analogue study

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    This analogue study was intended to investigate the impact of a specific counselor intervention, self-disclosure, on therapeutic empathy and working alliance by exposing 189 participants from a large Midwestern university to one of four randomly assigned conditions featuring a sex-matched, simulated counseling interaction. Participants\u27 video-stimuli ratings were analyzed by a series of planned comparisons and ANCOVAs.;Planned comparisons revealed that Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) ratings were significantly higher for the mean of the combined self-disclosure treatment groups than for the non-disclosure control and that mean WAI ratings for the matched religious self-disclosure condition were significantly higher than for the control. When analyzed via ANCOVA, partialling out significant covariates, the mean of the combined treatment groups was significantly higher than that of the control for each dependent measure (WAI, Accurate Empathy Scale, and Empathic Understanding Scale). The findings indicated that counselor self-disclosure can have a positive impact on the therapeutic relationship. Implications for research, training, and counseling are discussed

    Investigation of Potentially Hazardous Particulate Matter in Homes: Designing a Particle Filtration System

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    This research documents the process of designing a technique, materials, and method to filter particulate matter (PM) deposited on surfaces in homes. PM collected from homes in a known industrial corridor, Baton Rouge, was tested for key pollutants sorbed to their surface in an investigation of household air depositions. This research successfully designed a collection method for bulk samples and a filtration apparatus and method for collecting sized laboratory testable samples using porous membrane filtration technology. This research found relatively high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and the presence of some metals. This research also found the presence of persistent, organic radicals in homes which may be environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs). EPFRs are formed in industrial processes and are an emerging pollutant of importance described by the Louisiana State University Superfund Research Center. The manner in which organics, metals, and EPFRs exist as particle-pollutant systems in real environmental conditions will require more study. Further research can also be undertaken to draw spatial relations between sources of particle pollution and particle abundance and chemical composition on surfaces in homes in Baton Rouge and other urban areas

    Stiffness Parameter Identification of the Muscles of Mastication

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    Oral cancer survivors across the country live with a condition called trismus, or spasm of the jaw muscles, that restricts their ability to perform basic functions such as eating and talking. In order to relieve these patients of their symptoms, we propose a novel wearable device with the capability to adjust to the complete 6 degree of freedom movement of the jaw to perform therapeutic exercises and run real-time diagnostics. These diagnostic can identify certain stiffness parameters that define a patients capabilities of each portion of the 3 closing muscles pairs. Two approaches were implemented i) physician input trajectory and ii) physician input forcing function. For the input trajectory method, a linear least squares approach and a nonlinear least approach were attempted. An extended kalman filter approach was utilized for the force input method. The results concluded each method is feasible but both depend on the accuracy of the model and initial estimate. The degree of mouth opening dictated the amount of information regarding certain stiffness parameters and dictated the success of each approach. This lays the groundwork for an experimental approach to validate the relevance of certain stiffness parameters in the clinic

    The religious factor in controversy

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit
