59 research outputs found

    Mathematical models for investigating the long-term impact of Gyrodactylus salaris infections on Atlantic salmon populations

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    Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957, is a notifiable freshwater ecto-parasite that infects both wild and farmed populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.). It has caused catastrophic damage to wild salmon stocks in Norway since its accidental introduction in 1975, reducing salmon density in some rivers by 98% over a period of five years. It is estimated that G. salaris has cost the Norwegian salmon industry more than 500 million EUR. Currently the UK has G. salaris free status under EU law, however, it is believed that if G. salaris emerged in the UK the impact would be similar to that witnessed in Norway. The aim of this thesis is to develop mathematical models that describe the salmon-G. salaris system in order to gain a greater understanding of the possible long-term impact the parasite may have on wild populations of Atlantic salmon in G. salaris-free territories such as the UK. Mathematical models, including deterministic, Leslie matrix and individual based models, were used to investigate the impact of G. salaris on Atlantic salmon at the individual and population level. It is known that the Atlantic strain of Atlantic salmon, examples of which occur naturally in Norway and the UK, does not have any resistance to G. salaris infections and the parasite population is able to quickly grow to epidemic levels. In contrast, the Baltic strain of Atlantic salmon, examples of which occur naturally in Sweden and Russia, exhibits some form of resistance and the parasite is unable to persist. Thus, baseline models were extended to include immunity to infection, a trade-off on salmon reproductive rate, and finally, to consider interactions between populations of G. salaris and multiple strains of salmon exhibiting varying levels of immunity from fully susceptible to resistant. The models proposed predict that in the absence of host resistance or an immune response infections by G. salaris will result in an epidemic followed by the extinction of the salmon host population. Models also predict that if salmon are able to increase their resistance to G. salaris infections through mutations, salmon population recovery after the epidemic is indeed possible within 10-15 years post introduction with low level parasite coexistence. Finally, models also highlight areas where additional information is needed in order to improve predictions and enable the estimation of important parameter values. Model predictions will ultimately be used to assist in future contingency planning against G. salaris outbreaks in the UK and possibly as a basis for future models describing other fish/ecto-parasite systems

    Correlations of milk and serum element concentrations with production and management traits in dairy cows

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research, including the Langhill experiment at Crichton Dairy Research Centre, and all authors were funded by the Scottish Government Rural Affairs, Food, and the Environment Strategic Research Portfolio 2016–2021. Samples collected before 2016 were collected as part of a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council project awarded to EW (grant no. BB/K002260/1) and TNM (grant no. BB/K002171/1). The authors gratefully acknowledge the high standard of work by all staff at Crichton Farm (Scotland's Rural College, Dumfries, Scotland) in the collection of samples and management of animals, and Ian Archibald (Scotland's Rural College, Edinburgh, Scotland) for managing the Langhill database and assisting with data extraction. The authors have not stated any conflicts of interest.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Predicting the potential for natural recovery of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populations following the introduction of Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 (Monogenea)

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    Gyrodactylus salaris(Monogenea, Platyhelminthes) is a notifiable freshwater pathogen responsible for causing catastrophic damage to wild Atlantic salmon stocks, most notably in Norway. In some strains of Baltic salmon (e.g., from the river Neva) however, the impact is greatly reduced due to some form of innate resistance that regulates parasite numbers, resulting in fewer host mortalities.Gyrodactylus salarisis known from 17 European states; its status in a further 35 states remains unknown; the UK, the Republic of Ireland and certain watersheds in Finland are free of the parasite. Thus, the parasite poses a serious threat if it emerges in Atlantic salmon rearing regions throughout Europe. At present, infections are generally controlled via extreme measures such as the treatment of entire river catchments with the biocide rotenone, in order to remove all hosts, before restocking with the original genetic stock. The use of rotenone in this way in EU countries is unlikely as it would be in contravention of the Water Framework Directive. Not only are such treatments economically and environmentally costly, they also eradicate the potential for any host/parasite evolutionary process to occur. Based on previous studies, UK salmon stocks have been shown to be highly susceptible to infection, analogous to Norwegian stocks. The present study investigates the impact of aG.salarisoutbreak within a naïve salmon population in order to determine long-term consequences of infection and the likelihood of coexistence. Simulation of the salmon/G.salarissystem was carried out via a deterministic mathematical modelling approach to examine the dynamics of host-pathogen interactions. Results indicated that in order for highly susceptible Atlantic strains to evolve a resistance, both a moderate-strong deceleratingly costly trade-off on birth rate and a lower overall cost of the immune response are required. The present study provides insights into the potential long term impact ofG.salarisif introduced intoG.salaris-free territories and suggests that in the absence of external controls salmon populations are likely to recover to high densities nearing 90% of that observed pre-infection

    Changes in presentations with features potentially indicating cancer in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic:a retrospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the number of people aged 50+ years presenting to primary care with features that could potentially indicate cancer, and to explore how reporting differed by patient characteristics and in face-to-face vs remote consultations. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A retrospective cohort study of general practitioner (GP), nurse and paramedic primary care consultations in 21 practices in South-West England covering 123 947 patients. The models compared potential cancer indicators reported in April–July 2019 with April–July 2020. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Potential indicators of cancer were identified using code lists for symptoms, signs, test results and diagnoses listed in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence suspected cancer referral guidance (NG12). RESULTS: During April–July 2019, 17% of registered patients aged 50+ years reported a potential cancer indicator in a consultation with a GP or nurse. During April–July 2020, this reduced to 11% (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.64, 95% CI 0.62 to 0.67, p<0.001). Reductions in potential cancer indicators were stable across age group, sex, ethnicity, index of multiple deprivation quintile and shielding status, but less marked in patients with mental health conditions than without (IRR 0.75, 95% CI 0.72 to 0.79, interaction p<0.001). Proportions of GP consultations with potential indicators of cancer reduced between 2019 and 2020 for face-to-face consultations (IRR 0.84, 95% CI 0.76 to 0.92, p<0.001) and increased for remote consultations (IRR 1.17, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.29, p=0.001), although it remained lower in remote consulting than face-to-face in April–July 2020. This difference was greater for nurse/paramedic consultations (face-to-face: IRR 0.61, 95% CI 0.44 to 0.83, p=0.002; remote: IRR 1.60, 95% CI 1.10 to 2.333, p=0.014). CONCLUSION: The number of patients consulting with presentations that could potentially indicate cancer reduced during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients should be encouraged to continue contacting primary care for persistent signs and symptoms, and GPs and nurses should be encouraged to probe patients for further information during remote consulting, in the absence of non-verbal cues

    Reservoir hosts for Gyrodactylus salaris may play a more significant role in epidemics than previously thought

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    Background: Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 has had a devastating impact on wild Norwegian stocks of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., and it is the only Office International des Epizooties (OIE) listed parasitic pathogen of fish. The UK is presently recognised as G. salaris-free, and management plans for its containment and control are currently based on Scandinavian studies. The current study investigates the susceptibility of British salmonids to G. salaris, and determines whether, given the host isolation since the last glaciation and potential genetic differences, the populations under test would exhibit different levels of susceptibility, as illustrated by the parasite infection trajectory over time, from their Scandinavian counterparts. Methods: Populations of S. salar, brown trout Salmo trutta L., and grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.), raised from wild stock in UK government hatcheries, were flown to Norway and experimentally challenged with a known pathogenic strain of G. salaris. Each fish was lightly anaesthetised and marked with a unique tattoo for individual parasite counting. A single Norwegian population of S. salar from the River L&aelig;rdalselva was used as a control. Parasite numbers were assessed every seven days until day 48 and then every 14 days. Results: Gyrodactylus salaris regularly leads to high mortalities on infected juveniles S. salar. The number of G. salaris on British S. salar rose exponentially until the experiment was terminated at 33 days due to fish welfare concerns. The numbers of parasites on S. trutta and T. thymallus increased sharply, reaching a peak of infection on days 12 and 19 post-infection respectively, before declining to a constant low level of infection until the termination of the experiment at 110 days. Conclusions: The ability of S. trutta and T. thymallus to carry an infection for long periods increases the window of exposure for these two hosts and the potential transfer of G. salaris to other susceptible hosts. This study demonstrates that G. salaris can persist on S. trutta for longer periods than previously thought, and that the role that S. trutta could play in disseminating G. salaris needs to be considered carefully and factored into management plans and epidemics across Europe

    Phenotypic and genetic analysis of milk and serum element concentrations in dairy cows

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    This research, including the Langhill experiment at Crichton Dairy Research Centre and all authors, was funded by the Scottish Government Rural Affairs, Food and the Environment (RAFE) Strategic Research Portfolio 2016-2021. Samples collected pre-2016 were collected as part of a BBSRC project awarded to EW (grant no. BB/K002260/1) and TNM (BB/K002171/1). The authors gratefully acknowledge the high standard of work by all staff at Crichton farm (SRUC, Dumfries, Scotland) in the collection of samples and management of animals, and Ian Archibald (SRUC, Edinburgh, Scotland) for managing the Langhill database and assisting with data extraction.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Reproductive Trade-Offs May Moderate the Impact of Gyrodactylus salaris in Warmer Climates

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    Gyrodactylus salaris is a notifiable freshwater ectoparasite of salmonids. Its primary host is Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), upon which infections can cause death, and have led to massive declines in salmon numbers in Norway, where the parasite is widespread. Different strains of S. salar vary in their susceptibility, with Atlantic strains (such as those found in Norway) exhibiting no resistance to the parasite, and Baltic strains demonstrating an innate resistance sufficient to regulate parasite numbers on the host causing it to either die out or persist at a low level. In this study, Leslie matrix and compartmental models were used to generate data that demonstrated the population growth of G. salaris on an individual host is dependent on the total number of offspring per parasite, its longevity and the timing of its births. The data demonstrated that the key factor determining the rate of G. salaris population growth is the time at which the parasite first gives birth, with rapid birth rate giving rise to large population size. Furthermore, it was shown that though the parasite can give birth up to four times, only two births are required for the population to persist as long as the first birth occurs before a parasite is three days old. As temperature is known to influence the timing of the parasite's first birth, greater impact may be predicted if introduced to countries with warmer climates than Norway, such as the UK and Ireland which are currently recognised to be free of G. salaris. However, the outputs from the models developed in this study suggest that temperature induced trade-offs between the total number of offspring the parasite gives birth to and the first birth timing may prevent increased population growth rates over those observed in Norway

    Energy Sprawl or Energy Efficiency: Climate Policy Impacts on Natural Habitat for the United States of America

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    Concern over climate change has led the U.S. to consider a cap-and-trade system to regulate emissions. Here we illustrate the land-use impact to U.S. habitat types of new energy development resulting from different U.S. energy policies. We estimated the total new land area needed by 2030 to produce energy, under current law and under various cap-and-trade policies, and then partitioned the area impacted among habitat types with geospatial data on the feasibility of production. The land-use intensity of different energy production techniques varies over three orders of magnitude, from 1.9–2.8 km2/TW hr/yr for nuclear power to 788–1000 km2/TW hr/yr for biodiesel from soy. In all scenarios, temperate deciduous forests and temperate grasslands will be most impacted by future energy development, although the magnitude of impact by wind, biomass, and coal to different habitat types is policy-specific. Regardless of the existence or structure of a cap-and-trade bill, at least 206,000 km2 will be impacted without substantial increases in energy efficiency, which saves at least 7.6 km2 per TW hr of electricity conserved annually and 27.5 km2 per TW hr of liquid fuels conserved annually. Climate policy that reduces carbon dioxide emissions may increase the areal impact of energy, although the magnitude of this potential side effect may be substantially mitigated by increases in energy efficiency. The possibility of widespread energy sprawl increases the need for energy conservation, appropriate siting, sustainable production practices, and compensatory mitigation offsets