624 research outputs found

    Thermo-oxidative stability of graphite fiber/PMR-15 polyimide composites at 350 deg C

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    A series of graphite fiber/PMR-15 polyimide composites were subjected to isothermal aging at 350 C in flowing air (100 cc/min and 1000 cc/min) over a 520 hr time period. The graphite fibers were analyzed by ISS/SIMS techniques before composite fabrication. Fibers exposed at the surface of the composite due to the isothermal aging process were also analyzed by the ISS/SIMS method. Component and composite weight less studies were also conducted for similarly exposed materials. Optical micrograph investigations of composites to follow the progress of the thermo-oxidative process were also conducted. Flexural and interlaminar shear strengths of the imaged and aged composites were measured. The relationship of component and composite properties as they relate to the thermo-oxidative behavior of the materials was discussed

    Imide modified epoxy matrix resins

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    High char yield epoxy using novel bisimide amines (BIA's) as curing agents with a state of the art epoxy resin was developed. Stoichiometric quantities of the epoxy resin and the BIA's were studied to determine the cure cycle required for preparation of resin specimens. The bisimide cured epoxies were designated IME's (imide modified epoxy). The physical, thermal and mechanical properties of these novel resins were determined. The levels of moisture absorption exhibited by the bisimide amine cured expoxies (IME's) were considerably lower than the state of the art epoxies. The strain-to-failure of the control resin system was improved 25% by replacement of DDS with 6F-DDS. Each BIA containing resin exhibited twice the char yield of the control resin MY 720/DDS. Graphite fiber reinforced control (C) and IME resins were fabricated and characterized. Two of the composite systems showed superior properties compared to the other Celion 6000/IME composite systems and state of the art graphite epoxy systems. The two systems exhibited excellent wet shear and flexural strengths and moduli at 300 and 350 F

    Coatings for graphite fibers

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    Graphite fibers released from composites during burning or an explosion caused shorting of electrical and electronic equipment. Silicon carbide, silica, silicon nitride and boron nitride were coated on graphite fibers to increase their electrical resistances. Resistances as high as three orders of magnitude higher than uncoated fiber were attained without any significant degradation of the substrate fiber. An organo-silicone approach to produce coated fibers with high electrical resistance was also used. Celion 6000 graphite fibers were coated with an organo-silicone compound, followed by hydrolysis and pyrolysis of the coating to a silica-like material. The shear and flexural strengths of composites made from high electrically resistant fibers were considerably lower than the shear and flexural strengths of composites made from the lower electrically resistant fibers. The lower shear strengths of the composites indicated that the coatings on these fibers were weaker than the coating on the fibers which were pyrolyzed at higher temperature

    Study of high resistance inorganic coatings on graphite fibers

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    Coatings made of boron, silicon carbide, silica, and silica-like materials were studied to determine their ability to increase resistance of graphite fibers. The most promising results were attained by chemical vapor depositing silicon carbide on graphite fiber followed by oxidation, and drawing graphite fiber through ethyl silicate followed by appropriate heat treatments. In the silicon carbide coating studies, no degradation of the graphite fibers was observed and resistance values as high as three orders of magnitude higher than that of the uncoated fiber was attained. The strength of a composite fabricated from the coated fiber had a strength which compared favorably with those of composites prepared from uncoated fiber. For the silica-like coated fiber prepared by drawing the graphite fiber through an ethyl silicate solution followed by heating, coated fiber resistances about an order of magnitude greater than that of the uncoated fiber were attained. Composites prepared using these fibers had flexural strengths comparable with those prepared using uncoated fibers, but the shear strengths were lower

    Imide modified epoxy matrix resins

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    Results of a program designed to develop tough imide modified epoxy (IME) resins cured by bisimide amine (BIA) hardeners are presented. State of the art epoxy resin, MY720, was used. Three aromatic bisimide amines and one aromatic aliphatic BIA were evaluated. BIA's derived from 6F anhydride (3,3 prime 4,4 prime-(hexafluoro isopropyl idene) bis (phthalic anhydride) and diamines, 3,3 prime-diam nodiphenyl sulfone (3,3 prime-DDS), 4,4 prime-diamino diphenyl sulfone (4,4 prime-DDS), 1.12-dodecane diamine (1,12-DDA) were used. BIA's were abbreviated 6F-3,3 prime-DDS, 6F-4,4 prime-DDS, 6F-3,3 prime-DDS-4,4 prime DDS, and 6F-3,3 prime-DDS-1,12-DDA corresponding to 6F anhydride and diamines mentioned. Epoxy resin and BIA's (MY720/6F-3,3 prime-DDS, MY720/6F-3,3 prime-DDS-4,4 prime-DDS, MY720/6F-3,3 prime-DDS-1,12-DDA and a 50:50 mixture of a BIA and parent diamine, MY720/6F-3,3 prime-DDS/3,3 prime-DDS, MY720/6F-3,3 prime-DDS-4,4 prime-DDS/3,3 prime-DDS, MY720/6F-3,3 prime-DDS-1,12-DDA/3,3 prime-DDS were studied to determine effect of structure and composition. Effect of the addition of two commercial epoxies, glyamine 200 and glyamine 100 on the properties of several formulations was evaluated. Bisimide amine cured epoxies were designated IME's (imide modified epoxy). Physical, thermal and mechanical properties of these resins were determined. Moisture absorption in boiling water exhibited by several of the IME's was considerably lower than the state of the art epoxies (from 3.2% for the control and state of the art to 2.0 wt% moisture absorption). Char yields are increased from 20% for control and state of the art epoxies to 40% for IME resins. Relative toughness characteristics of IME resins were measured by 10 deg off axis tensile tests of Celion 6000/IME composites. Results show that IME's containing 6F-3,3 prime-DDS or 6F-3,3 prime-DDS-1,12-DDA improved the "toughness" characteristics of composites by about 35% (tensile strength), about 35% (intralaminar shear strength), and about 78% (shear strain to failure) relative to the control composite

    Coatings for Graphite Fibers

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    Several approaches for applying high resistance coatings continuously to graphite yarn were investigated. Two of the most promising approaches involved (1) chemically vapor depositing (CVD) SiC coatings on the surface of the fiber followed by oxidation, and (2) drawing the graphite yarn through an organo-silicone solution followed by heat treatments. In both methods, coated fibers were obtained which exhibited increased electrical resistances over untreated fibers and which were not degraded. This work was conducted in a previous program. In this program, the continuous CVD SiC coating process used on HTS fiber was extended to the coating of HMS, Celion 6000, Celion 12000 and T-300 graphite fiber. Electrical resistances three order of magnitude greater than the uncoated fiber were measured with no significant degradation of the fiber strength. Graphite fibers coated with CVD Si3N4 and BN had resistances greater than 10(exp 6) ohm/cm. Lower pyrolysis temperatures were used in preparing the silica-like coatings also resulting in resistances as high as three orders of magnitude higher than the uncoated fiber. The epoxy matrix composites prepared using these coated fibers had low shear strengths indicating that the coatings were weak

    Comparison of intrascalar location of straight vs perimodiolar electrode array by flat-panel computerized tomography

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    Introduction, One of the fields of technological advancement in cochlear implants (CI) pursued by all manufacturers is the development of less traumatic electrodes that can conform to the anatomy of the cochlea, and possibly enhance the outcomes. Recently, a slim precurved perimodiolar electrode with an insertion guidance sleeve has been designed in order to facilitate the insertion and to avoid the inter-scalar dislodgement that frequently occurs at the first basal turn. Aim of this study was to evaluate the intracochlear position of different Nucleus electrode arrays in aduld and pediatric CI recipients by means of flat-panel volume computerized tomography (FPCT). Methods, Fifty-six CI recipients (37 females, 19 males), 1 to 80 years of age, operated by the same surgeon with the same technique, were included. All underwent FPCT with a C-arm angiographic system including a digital flat panel detector 30 x 40 cm, with a source-to-image-receptor distance of 120cm. The imaging assessment was performed the day after surgery in all cases. Sequential and simultaneous CI were included and a total of 68 ears have been analyzed. The primary objective was to identify the scalar location of the array (completely in scala tympani vs. partially dislodged in scala vestibuli) and the site of dislocation. Secondarily, we measured the medial-lateral position within the scala, the insertion depth (mm and angles). The FPCT findings were also contrasted with the type of cochleostomy (round window (RW), extended RW, promontorial) and with the residual hearing preservation. Results, Fifty-nine ears were implanted with a perimodiolar electrode, either Nucleus CI532 (n=45) or a CI412 / CI512 Contour Advance (n=14), while 9 received a straight one (Nucleus CI422/CI522). A RW approach was performed more frequently (41 out of 45 = 91.1 %) with CI532 than with the other arrays (10 out of 23 = 43.5%). Inferior and/or anterior cochleostomy were never performed. The CI532 showed the most consistent and reliable intrascalar position, close to the modiolus and in the scala tympani. Scala vestibuli dislodgement was observed in (14.3%) of the Contour Advance electrodes and in (6.7%) of the CI532. Pre-operative residual hearing was preserved within 10 dB HL in 62% of the cases. Conclusions: the CI532 electrode array achieved the most consistent and reliable perimodiolar location by FPCT; in our small series it appeared to be dislodged in the scala tympani in the minority of cases

    A Rare Cause of Chronic Hypokalemia with Metabolic Alkalosis: Case Report and Differential Diagnosis

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    Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis can be present in different rare diseases, and the differential diagnosis of these forms is challenging. Apparent mineralcorticoid (AME) excess syndrome is one of these conditions. Characterized by increased blood pressure due to excessive sodium retention and plasma volume, it is caused by a mutation in the HSD11B2 gene encoding the oxydoreductase enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroide dehydrogenase type 2. We report the case of a child presenting with failure to thrive associated with early detection of hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, nephrocalcinosis and hypertension in which AME syndrome was detected. A novel mutation in the HSD11B2 gene was identified in this patient. In clinical pictures characterized by metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia, the evaluation of renin, aldosterone and blood pressure is crucial for accurate diagnosis. AME syndrome is a rare disorder that can be an insidious but lethal disease, if untreated. With clinical signs appearing during the first days of life. Early diagnosis is imperative in order to enable prompt and adequate treatment to improve the outcome of these patients

    Multidisciplinarity in Transition Pathways for Patients With Kidney Disease: The Current State of Play

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    In the field of medical care, successful transition from pediatric-centered to adult-oriented healthcare can provide a sense of continuity in the development of youth, and prepare them to accept responsibility for and manage their own chronic kidney condition in complete autonomy. The so-called transition process requires the presence of some basic aspects: a multidisciplinary team, which acts as a bridge between child and adult services; a comprehensive clinical, cognitive, psychological, and social change for the young people; the involvement of family and caregivers. Within the framework of transition and chronicity during the developmental age, we selected international papers explaining models which agreed on some important steps in the transition process, although many differences can be observed between different countries. In fact, in Europe, the situation appears to be heterogeneous as regards certain aspects: the written transition plan, the educational programmes, the timing of transfer to adult services, the presence of a transition coordinator, a dedicated off-site transition clinic. We then analyzed some studies focusing on patients with renal diseases, including the first to contain a standardized protocol for transition which was launched recently in the USA, and which seems to have already achieved important positive, although limited, results. In Italy, the issue of transition is still in its infancy, however important efforts in the management of chronic kidney disease have already been initiated in some regions, including Emila Romagna, which gives us hope for the future of many young people

    Pathological implications of Th1/Th2 cytokine genetic variants in Beh\ue7et's disease: Data from a pilot study in a Sicilian population

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    Cytokines act as pleiotropic polypeptides able to regulate inflammatory/immune responses and to provide important signals in physiological and pathological processes. Several cytokines (Th1, Th2, and Th17) seem to be involved in the pathophysiology of Beh\ue7et's disease, a chronic immune-mediated disease characterized by oral and genital lesions and ocular inflammation. Its individual susceptibility seems to be modulated by genetic variants in genes codifying these cytokines. Th1 and Th17 seem to be involved in the disease's active phases, and Th2 seems to affect the development or severity of the disease; however, contrasting data are reported. In this study, some genetic variants of the Th1/Th2 cytokine genes were investigated in Sicilian patients and age- and gender-matched controls. Three very significant associations with Beh\ue7et's disease were detected, and combined genotypes associated with increased disease risk were identified. Results obtained point to the key role of Th1/Th2 cytokine genetic variants in disease susceptibility
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