315 research outputs found

    VAS sounding data evaluation

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    The VAS soundings derived by NOAA personnel and NASA personnel and rawinsonde soundings are compared: (1) directly by plotting on Skew t-log p diagrams; (2) by pairing rawinsonde soundings with the closest satellite soundings and calculating the mean and standard deviations of differences between the two data sets; and (3) by constructing synoptic and subsynoptic scale analyses with rawinsonde and satellite data. Differences for various parameters are discussed

    Rough surface improves stability of air- sounding balloons

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    Aerodynamic stability of balloons used for measuring the intensity and direction of atmospheric winds at various elevations is improved by incorporating a rough surface on the balloons. The rough-surfaced balloon is useful for collecting wind profiles and other meteorological data

    Meteorological balloon Patent

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    Aerodynamically stable meteorological balloon using surface roughness effec

    The development of convective instability, wind shear, and vertical motion in relation to convection activity and synoptic systems in AVE 4

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    Data from the Fourth Atmospheric Variability Experiment were used to investigate conditions/factors responsible for the development (local time rate-of-change) of convective instability, wind shear, and vertical motion in areas with varying degrees of convective activity. AVE IV sounding data were taken at 3 or 6 h intervals during a 36 h period on 24-25 April 1975 over approximately the eastern half of the United States. An error analysis was performed for each variable studied

    Relationships between motion on isentropic surfaces from 3-H rawinsonde data and radar echoes

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    Vertical motion in insentropic surfaces obtained at 3-h intervals conducted on 11 and 12 May, 1974 is related to convection indicated by radar echoes. Temporal and spatial changes in vertical motion are shown and demonstrated to be associated with areas of convection. Large vertical motion was calculated, and it is shown that vertical motion changes as much as 20 cm s (-1) in a horizontal distance of 300 km. The rate of change of vertical motion is demonstrated to be as large a 8 cm s (-1)h(-1) from data taken at 3-h intervals, while data taken at 12-h intervals the same day displayed a maximum rate of change of 2 cm s(-1)n(-1). Radar observations confirmed that the intensity of convection varies as a result of the atmospheric variability as detected by 3-h data but is invisible in data taken at 12-h intervals

    A preliminary assessment of the accuracy of selected meteorological parameters determined from Nimbus 6 satellite profile data

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    Published rms errors in rawinsonde data and discrepancies between satellite and rawinsonde profile data for temperature, dewpoint temperature, mixing ratio, and wind speed. Satellite rms errors were found to be 2 to 3 times as large as those for rawinsonde data. Gradients of the preceding parameters were computed for both rawinsonde and satellite data and compared with means and near extreme values computed from the AVE 2 and AVE 4 experiments. In all cases, it was found that satellite data can be used to determine with relatively good accuracy the near extreme gradients but not those whose value does not exceed the average. Synoptic charts were prepared to show that patterns of temperature could be determined with relatively good accuracy, while those of dew point were not as good as those for temperature. Winds represented by cloud motion vectors (satellite winds) were compared with rawinsonde winds, and it was found that large gaps exist in satellite values for a given pressure level and that errors in the satellite determined concluded that satellite profile data are very useful in synoptic analysis, particularly in data sparse regions as well as regions where near extreme gradients exist in the measured parameters

    Determination of wind from NIMBUS 6 satellite sounding data

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    Objective methods of computing upper level and surface wind fields from NIMBUS 6 satellite sounding data are developed. These methods are evaluated by comparing satellite derived and rawinsonde wind fields on gridded constant pressure charts in four geographical regions. Satellite-derived and hourly observed surface wind fields are compared. Results indicate that the best satellite-derived wind on constant pressure charts is a geostrophic wind derived from highly smoothed fields of geopotential height. Satellite-derived winds computed in this manner and rawinsonde winds show similar circulation patterns except in areas of small height gradients. Magnitudes of the standard deviation of the differences between satellite derived and rawinsonde wind speeds range from approximately 3 to 12 m/sec on constant pressure charts and peak at the jet stream level. Fields of satellite-derived surface wind computed with the logarithmic wind law agree well with fields of observed surface wind in most regions. Magnitudes of the standard deviation of the differences in surface wind speed range from approximately 2 to 4 m/sec, and satellite derived surface winds are able to depict flow across a cold front and around a low pressure center

    Moisture processes accompanying convective activity

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    A moisture budget analysis was performed on data collected during the AVE 7 (May 2 to 3, 1978) and AVE-SESAME1 (April 10 to 11, 1979) experiments. Local rates-of-change of moisture were compared with average moisture divergence in the same time period. Results were presented as contoured plots in the horizontal and as vertical cross sections. These results were used to develop models of the distribution of moisture processes in the vicinity of convective areas in two layers representing lower and middle tropospheric conditions. Good correspondence was found between the residual term of the moisture budget and actual precipitation

    Gradients of meteorological parameters in convective and nonconvective areas

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    Horizontal gradients of geopotential height, temperature, and wind speed were computed at the 850-, 700-, 500-, and 200-mb levels. Mixing ratio gradients also were computed, but only for the 850-, 700-, and 500-mb levels. Rawinsonde data was provided at 3- to 6-h intervals. Cumulative frequency distributions and statistical parameters showed that the variability and magnitude of the gradients decreased as the gradients were computed over progressively longer distances. Most frequency distributions were positively skewed, and the standard deviations of the gradient distributions were roughly half as large as the means. An examination of the differences of gradients observed in convective and nonconvective areas was made after convective areas were determined objectively using Manually Digitized Radar data. The gradients of height, wind speed, and mixing ratio at 850 mb were larger in convective than nonconvective areas. No general relationship held for the meteorological variables at other levels. Intensive examination of the gradients observed near squall lines revealed typical gradient patterns and trends in the magnitudes of the gradients associated with convective systems

    Atmospheric structure and variability in areas of convective storms determined from 3-h rawinsonde data

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    The structure and variability of the atmosphere in areas of radar-observed convection were established by using 3-h rawinsonde and surface data from NASA's second Atmospheric Variability Experiment. Convective activity was shown to exist in areas where the low and middle troposphere is moist and the air is potentially and convectively unstable and has upward motion, in combination with positive moisture advection, at either the surface or within the boundary layer. The large variability of the parameters associated with convective storms over time intervals less than 12 h was also demonstrated so as to possibly produce a change in the probability of convective activity by a factor of 8 or more in 3 h. Between 30 and 60 percent of the total changes in parameters associated with convective activity over a 12-h period were shown to take place during a 3-h period. These large changes in parameters are related to subsynoptic-scale systems that often produce convective storms