
A preliminary assessment of the accuracy of selected meteorological parameters determined from Nimbus 6 satellite profile data


Published rms errors in rawinsonde data and discrepancies between satellite and rawinsonde profile data for temperature, dewpoint temperature, mixing ratio, and wind speed. Satellite rms errors were found to be 2 to 3 times as large as those for rawinsonde data. Gradients of the preceding parameters were computed for both rawinsonde and satellite data and compared with means and near extreme values computed from the AVE 2 and AVE 4 experiments. In all cases, it was found that satellite data can be used to determine with relatively good accuracy the near extreme gradients but not those whose value does not exceed the average. Synoptic charts were prepared to show that patterns of temperature could be determined with relatively good accuracy, while those of dew point were not as good as those for temperature. Winds represented by cloud motion vectors (satellite winds) were compared with rawinsonde winds, and it was found that large gaps exist in satellite values for a given pressure level and that errors in the satellite determined concluded that satellite profile data are very useful in synoptic analysis, particularly in data sparse regions as well as regions where near extreme gradients exist in the measured parameters

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