1,021 research outputs found

    Potential solar axion signatures in X-ray observations with the XMM-Newton observatory

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    The soft X-ray flux produced by solar axions in the Earth's magnetic field is evaluated in the context of ESA's XMM-Newton observatory. Recent calculations of the scattering of axion-conversion X-rays suggest that the sunward magnetosphere could be an observable source of 0.2-10 keV photons. For XMM-Newton, any conversion X-ray intensity will be seasonally modulated by virtue of the changing visibility of the sunward magnetic field region. A simple model of the geomagnetic field is combined with the ephemeris of XMM-Newton to predict the seasonal variation of the conversion X-ray intensity. This model is compared with stacked XMM-Newton blank sky datasets from which point sources have been systematically removed. Remarkably, a seasonally varying X-ray background signal is observed. The EPIC count rates are in the ratio of their X-ray grasps, indicating a non-instrumental, external photon origin, with significances of 11(pn), 4(MOS1) and 5(MOS2) sigma. After examining the constituent observations spatially, temporally and in terms of the cosmic X-ray background, we conclude that this variable signal is consistent with the conversion of solar axions in the Earth's magnetic field. The spectrum is consistent with a solar axion spectrum dominated by bremsstrahlung- and Compton-like processes, i.e. axion-electron coupling dominates over axion-photon coupling and the peak of the axion spectrum is below 1 keV. A value of 2.2e-22 /GeV is derived for the product of the axion-photon and axion-electron coupling constants, for an axion mass in the micro-eV range. Comparisons with limits derived from white dwarf cooling may not be applicable, as these refer to axions in the 0.01 eV range. Preliminary results are given of a search for axion-conversion X-ray lines, in particular the predicted features due to silicon, sulphur and iron in the solar core, and the 14.4 keV transition line from 57Fe.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 67 pages total, including 39 figures, 6 table

    Cracking the code of oscillatory activity

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    Neural oscillations are ubiquitous measurements of cognitive processes and dynamic routing and gating of information. The fundamental and so far unresolved problem for neuroscience remains to understand how oscillatory activity in the brain codes information for human cognition. In a biologically relevant cognitive task, we instructed six human observers to categorize facial expressions of emotion while we measured the observers' EEG. We combined state-of-the-art stimulus control with statistical information theory analysis to quantify how the three parameters of oscillations (i.e., power, phase, and frequency) code the visual information relevant for behavior in a cognitive task. We make three points: First, we demonstrate that phase codes considerably more information (2.4 times) relating to the cognitive task than power. Second, we show that the conjunction of power and phase coding reflects detailed visual features relevant for behavioral response-that is, features of facial expressions predicted by behavior. Third, we demonstrate, in analogy to communication technology, that oscillatory frequencies in the brain multiplex the coding of visual features, increasing coding capacity. Together, our findings about the fundamental coding properties of neural oscillations will redirect the research agenda in neuroscience by establishing the differential role of frequency, phase, and amplitude in coding behaviorally relevant information in the brai

    The Integrated HV, LV and Liquid Radiator Control System for the HMPID in the ALICE Experiment at LHC

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    The complexity and the underground location of the new generation experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requires a reliable and user friendly control system to operate such large detectors remotely. Control system experts at CERN are deeply involved in developing the JCOP (Joint Controls Project) 'Framework', a software running in the PVSSII SCADA1 (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system, that will provide a homogeneous and ready to use tool for the control system developers of the LHC experiments. The High Momentum Particle Identification Detector (HMPID), one of the ALICE2 sub-detectors, is being equipped with a Detector Control System (DCS) developed within the JCOP Framework. In this paper the basic features and the first results of the DCS prototype are presented

    Aging of large area CsI photocathodes for the ALICE HMPID prototypes

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    The ALICE HMPID RICH detector is equipped with CsI photocathodes in a MWPC for the detection of Cherenkov photons. The long term operational experience with large area CsI photocathodes will be described. The RICH prototypes have shown a very high stability of operation and performance, at a gain of 10 \5 and with rates up to 2x10 \4 cm-2 s-1. When exposure to air has been avoided, no degradation of the CsI quantum efficiency has been observed on photocathodes periodically exposed to test-beams over 7 years, corresponding to local integrated charge densities of ~ 1 mC cm-2. The results of limited exposures to oxygen and humidity will also be presented

    Dynamics of trimming the content of face representations for categorization in the brain

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    To understand visual cognition, it is imperative to determine when, how and with what information the human brain categorizes the visual input. Visual categorization consistently involves at least an early and a late stage: the occipito-temporal N170 event related potential related to stimulus encoding and the parietal P300 involved in perceptual decisions. Here we sought to understand how the brain globally transforms its representations of face categories from their early encoding to the later decision stage over the 400 ms time window encompassing the N170 and P300 brain events. We applied classification image techniques to the behavioral and electroencephalographic data of three observers who categorized seven facial expressions of emotion and report two main findings: (1) Over the 400 ms time course, processing of facial features initially spreads bilaterally across the left and right occipito-temporal regions to dynamically converge onto the centro-parietal region; (2) Concurrently, information processing gradually shifts from encoding common face features across all spatial scales (e.g. the eyes) to representing only the finer scales of the diagnostic features that are richer in useful information for behavior (e.g. the wide opened eyes in 'fear'; the detailed mouth in 'happy'). Our findings suggest that the brain refines its diagnostic representations of visual categories over the first 400 ms of processing by trimming a thorough encoding of features over the N170, to leave only the detailed information important for perceptual decisions over the P300

    Study of the Quantum Efficiency of CsI Photocathodes Exposed to Oxygen and Water Vapour

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    The operation of CsI photocathodes in gaseous detectors requires special attention to the purity of the applied gas mixtures.We have studied the influence of oxygen and water vapour contaminations on the performance of CsI photocathodes for theALICE HMPID RICH prototype. Measurements were done through comparison of Cherenkov rings obtained from beamtests. Increased levels of oxygen and water vapour did not show any effect on the performance. The results of this studyfound a direct application in the way of storing CsI photocathodes over long periods nad in particular in the shipment of theHMPID prototype from CERN to the STAR experiment at BNL. (Abstract only available,full text to follow

    Results from the ageing studies of large CsI photocathodes exposed to ionizing radiation in a gaseous RICH detector

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    We studied the ageing of large CsI photocathodes induced by ionizing particles (90Sr) by correlating the integrated charge dose of the ionic avalanches hitting the photocathode to the local changes of the Quantum Efficiency (QE). The drop of the QE of the irradiated CsI spots is reported as a function of the charge dose. It was found that the ageing process continues even in absence of irradiation

    Production technique and quality evaluation of CsI photocathodes for the ALICE/HMPID detector

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    Abstract The ALICE/HMPID detector has been equipped with 42 large area CsI photocathodes providing a total of 11 m 2 of photosensitive area for the detection of Cherenkov light. This production summary reports on the CsI coating procedure and provides results of the quality monitoring measurements by means of a photocurrent scanner system. The importance of the heat enhancement of CsI PCs is stressed and difficulties due to variations in this process are presented, followed by a discussion of possible influences of production parameters on this process

    Tracing the Flow of Perceptual Features in an Algorithmic Brain Network

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    The model of the brain as an information processing machine is a profound hypothesis in which neuroscience, psychology and theory of computation are now deeply rooted. Modern neuroscience aims to model the brain as a network of densely interconnected functional nodes. However, to model the dynamic information processing mechanisms of perception and cognition, it is imperative to understand brain networks at an algorithmic level–i.e. as the information flow that network nodes code and communicate. Here, using innovative methods (Directed Feature Information), we reconstructed examples of possible algorithmic brain networks that code and communicate the specific features underlying two distinct perceptions of the same ambiguous picture. In each observer, we identified a network architecture comprising one occipito-temporal hub where the features underlying both perceptual decisions dynamically converge. Our focus on detailed information flow represents an important step towards a new brain algorithmics to model the mechanisms of perception and cognition
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