566 research outputs found

    Numerical determination of entanglement entropy for a sphere

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    We apply Srednicki's regularization to extract the logarithmic term in the entanglement entropy produced by tracing out a real, massless, scalar field inside a three dimensional sphere in 3+1 flat spacetime. We find numerically that the coefficient of the logarithm is -1/90 to 0.2 percent accuracy, in agreement with an existing analytical result

    Navigation by satellite using two-way range and doppler data

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    Navigation by satellite using two-way range and Doppler dat

    Making the hyper--K\"ahler structure of N=2 quantum string manifest

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    We show that the Lorentz covariant formulation of N=2 string in a curved space reveals an explicit hyper--K\"ahler structure. Apart from the metric, the superconformal currents couple to a background two--form. By superconformal symmetry the latter is constrained to be holomorphic and covariantly constant and allows one to construct three complex structures obeying a (pseudo)quaternion algebra.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, PACS: 04.60.Ds; 11.30.Pb, Keywords: N=2 string, hyper-K\"ahler geometry. Presentation improved, references added. The version to appear in PR

    The N=2(4) string is self-dual N=4 Yang-Mills

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    N=2 string amplitudes, when required to have the Lorentz covariance of the equivalent N=4 string, describe a self-dual form of N=4 super Yang-Mills in 2+2 dimensions. Spin-independent couplings and the ghost nature of SO(2,2) spacetime make it a topological-like theory with vanishing loop corrections.Comment: 7 pg., ITP-SB-92-24 (uuencoded dvi file; otherwise same as original

    Number of Generations in Free Fermionic String Models,

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    In string theory there seems to be an intimate connection between spacetime and world-sheet physics. Following this line of thought we investigate the family problem in a particular class of string solutions, namely the free fermionic string models. We find that the number of generations NgN_g is related to the index of the supersymmetry generator of the underlying N=2N=2 internal superconformal field theory which is always present in any N=1N=1 spacetime supersymmetric string vacuum. We also derive a formula for the index and thus for the number of generations which is sensitive to the boundary condition assignments of the internal fermions and to certain coefficients which determine the weight with which each spin-structure of the model contributes to the one-loop partition function. Finally we apply our formula to several realistic string models in order to derive NgN_g and we verify our results by constructing explicitly the massless spectrum of these string models.Comment: 17 pages, Plain Tex, no figures

    N-String Vertices in String Field Theory

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    We give the general form of the vertex corresponding to the interaction of an arbitrary number of strings. The technique employed relies on the ``comma" representation of String Field Theory where string fields and interactions are represented as matrices and operations between them such as multiplication and trace. The general formulation presented here shows that the interaction vertex of N strings, for any arbitrary N, is given as a function of particular combinations of matrices corresponding to the change of representation between the full string and the half string degrees of freedom.Comment: 22 pages, A4-Latex (latex twice), FTUV IFI

    Green-Schwarz Formulation of Self-Dual Superstring

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    The self-dual superstring has been described previously in a Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond formulation with local N=2 or 4 world-sheet supersymmetry. We present a Green-Schwarz-type formulation, with manifest spacetime supersymmetry.Comment: 11 pg., (uuencoded dvi file) ITP-SB-92-5

    The Conformal Anomaly of M5-Branes

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    We show that the conformal anomaly for N M5-branes grows like N3N^3. The method we employ relates Coulomb branch interactions in six dimensions to interactions in four dimensions using supersymmetry. This leads to a relation between the six-dimensional conformal anomaly and the conformal anomaly of N=4 Yang-Mills. Along the way, we determine the structure of the four derivative interactions for the toroidally compactified (2,0) theory, while encountering interesting novelties in the structure of the six derivative interactions.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX; references adde

    Holographic Renormalization of Foliation Preserving Gravity and Trace Anomaly

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    From the holographic renormalizationg group viewpoint, while the scale transformation plays a primary role in the duality by providing the extra dimension, the special conformal transformation seems to only play a secondary role. We, however, claim that the space-time diffeomorphism is crucially related to the latter. For its demonstration, we study the holographic renormalization group flow of a foliation preserving diffeomophic theory of gravity (a.k.a. space-time flipped Horava gravity). We find that the dual field theory, if any, is only scale invariant but not conformal invariant. In particular, we show that the holographic trace anomaly in four-dimension predicts the Ricci scalar squared term that would be incompatible with the Wess-Zumino consistency condition if it were conformal. This illustrates how the foliation preserving diffeomophic theory of gravity could be inconsistent with a theorem of the dual unitary quantum field theory.Comment: 18 pages, v2: reference added, v3: comments on more recent literature added in response to referee's reques

    Self-Dual N=8 Supergravity as Closed N=2(4) Strings

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    As open N=2 or 4 strings describe self-dual N=4 super Yang-Mills in 2+2 dimensions, the corresponding closed (heterotic) strings describe self-dual ungauged (gauged) N=8 supergravity. These theories are conveniently formulated in a chiral superspace with general supercoordinate and local OSp(8|2) gauge invariances. The super-light-cone and covariant-component actions are analyzed. Because only half the Lorentz group is gauged, the gravity field equation is just the vanishing of the torsion.Comment: 17 pg., (uuencoded dvi file; revision: forgot 1 stupid term in the last equation) ITP-SB-92-3
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