297 research outputs found

    Mechanism of temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy energy in ultrathin Cobalt and Nickel films

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    Temperature dependent FMR-measurements of Ni and Co films are analysed using a microscopic theory for ultrathin metallic systems. The mechanism governing the temperature dependence of the magnetic anisotropy energy is identified and discussed. It is reduced with increasing temperature. This behavior is found to be solely caused by magnon excitations.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures III Joint European Magnetic Symposia, San Sebastian, Spai

    Spin wave excitations: The main source of the temperature dependence of Interlayer exchange coupling in nanostructures

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    Quantum mechanical calculations based on an extended Heisenberg model are compared with ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) experiments on prototype trilayer systems Ni_7/Cu_n/Co_2/Cu(001) in order to determine and separate for the first time quantitatively the sources of the temperature dependence of interlayer exchange coupling. Magnon excitations are responsible for about 75% of the reduction of the coupling strength from zero to room temperature. The remaining 25% are due to temperature effects in the effective quantum well and the spacer/magnet interfaces.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Part III, Free Actions of Compact Quantum Groups on C*-Algebras

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    We study and classify free actions of compact quantum groups on unital C∗-algebras in terms of generalized factor systems. Moreover, we use these factor systems to show that all finite coverings of irrational rotation C∗-algebras are cleft

    A large Hilbert space QRPA and RQRPA calculation of neutrinoless double beta decay

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    A large Hilbert space is used for the calculation of the nuclear matrix elements governing the light neutrino mass mediated mode of neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge76, Mo100, Cd116, Te128 and Xe136 within the proton-neutron quasiparticle random phase approximation (pn-QRPA) and the renormalized QRPA with proton-neutron pairing (full-RQRPA) methods. We have found that the nuclear matrix elements obtained with the standard pn-QRPA for several nuclear transitions are extremely sensitive to the renormalization of the particle-particle component of the residual interaction of the nuclear hamiltonian. Therefore the standard pn-QRPA does not guarantee the necessary accuracy to allow us to extract a reliable limit on the effective neutrino mass. This behaviour, already known from the calculation of the two-neutrino double beta decay matrix elements, manifests itself in the neutrinoless double-beta decay but only if a large model space is used. The full-RQRPA, which takes into account proton-neutron pairing and considers the Pauli principle in an approximate way, offers a stable solution in the physically acceptable region of the particle-particle strength. In this way more accurate values on the effective neutrino mass have been deduced from the experimental lower limits of the half-lifes of neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex, 1 Postscript figur

    Correlation and surface effects in Vanadium Oxides

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    Recent photoemission experiments have shown strong surface modifications in the spectra from vanadium oxides as (V,Cr)_2O_3 or (Sr,Ca)VO_3. The effective mass is enhanced at the surface and the coherent part of the surface spectrum is narrowed as compared to the bulk. The quasiparticle weight is more sensitive at the surface than in the bulk against bandwidth variations. We investigate these effects theoretically considering the single-band Hubbard model for a film geometry. A simplified dynamical mean-field scheme is used to calculate the main features of the interacting layer-dependent spectral function. It turns out that the experimentally confirmed effects are inherent properties of a system of strongly correlated electrons. The reduction of the weight and the variance of the coherent part of the surface spectrum can be traced back to the reduced surface coordination number. Surface correlation effects can be strongly amplified by changes of the hopping integrals at the surface.Comment: to appear in PRB; 8 pages, 6 figure

    Femoral neck fracture following intramedullary nailing with misplacement of an end cup: report of two cases

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    Femoral neck fracture is an unusual complication of intramedullary fixation of a broken femur. We report on two cases of femoral neck fractures attributed to misplacement of an end cup and subsequent invasive maneuvers in an effort to remove it. Iatrogenic fractures of the femoral neck during or after intramedullary nailing are reported in the medical literature. Authors associate it with many possible technical mistakes performed during the procedure, yet no complications after missed end cup placement were noted. We suggest that the fractures described below were a consequence of injury to the vascular supply and bone stock of the initially intact femoral neck

    Neutron-Proton Correlations in an Exactly Solvable Model

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    We examine isovector and isoscalar neutron-proton correlations in an exactly solvable model based on the algebra SO(8). We look particularly closely at Gamow-Teller strength and double beta decay, both to isolate the effects of the two kinds of pairing and to test two approximation schemes: the renormalized neutron-proton QRPA (RQRPA) and generalized BCS theory. When isoscalar pairing correlations become strong enough a phase transition occurs and the dependence of the Gamow-Teller beta+ strength on isospin changes in a dramatic and unfamiliar way, actually increasing as neutrons are added to an N=Z core. Renormalization eliminates the well-known instabilities that plague the QRPA as the phase transition is approached, but only by unnaturally suppressing the isoscalar correlations. Generalized BCS theory, on the other hand, reproduces the Gamow-Teller strength more accurately in the isoscalar phase than in the usual isovector phase, even though its predictions for energies are equally good everywhere. It also mixes T=0 and T=1 pairing, but only on the isoscalar side of the phase transition.Comment: 13 pages + 11 postscript figures, in RevTe

    Nematic suspension of a microporous layered silicate obtained by forceless spontaneous delamination via repulsive osmotic swelling for casting high-barrier all-inorganic films

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    Exploiting the full potential of layered materials for a broad range of applications requires delamination into functional nanosheets. Delamination via repulsive osmotic swelling is driven by thermodynamics and represents the most gentle route to obtain nematic liquid crystals consisting exclusively of single-layer nanosheets. This mechanism was, however, long limited to very few compounds, including 2:1-type clay minerals, layered titanates, or niobates. Despite the great potential of zeolites and their microporous layered counterparts, nanosheet production is challenging and troublesome, and published procedures implied the use of some shearing forces. Here, we present a scalable, eco-friendly, and utter delamination of the microporous layered silicate ilerite into single-layer nanosheets that extends repulsive delamination to the class of layered zeolites. As the sheet diameter is preserved, nematic suspensions with cofacial nanosheets of ≈9000 aspect ratio are obtained that can be cast into oriented films, e.g., for barrier applications

    Single- and double-beta decay Fermi-transitions in an exactly solvable model

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    An exactly solvable model suitable for the description of single and double-beta decay processes of the Fermi-type is introduced. The model is equivalent to the exact shell-model treatment of protons and neutrons in a single j-shell. Exact eigenvalues and eigenvectors are compared to those corresponding to the hamiltonian in the quasiparticle basis (qp) and with the results of both the standard quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA) and the renormalized one (RQRPA). The role of the scattering term of the quasiparticle hamiltonian is analyzed. The presence of an exact eigenstate with zero energy is shown to be related to the collapse of the QRPA. The RQRPA and the qp solutions do not include this zero-energy eigenvalue in their spectra, probably due to spurious correlations. The meaning of this result in terms of symmetries is presented.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures included in a Postsript file. Submitted to Physcal Review

    Fully-Renormalized QRPA fulfills Ikeda sum rule exactly

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    The renormalized quasiparticle-RPA is reformulated for even-even nuclei using restrictions imposed by the commutativity of the phonon creation operator with the total particle number operator. This new version, Fully-Renormalized QRPA (FR-QRPA), is free from the spurious low-energy solutions. Analytical proof is given that the Ikeda sum rule is fullfiled within the FR-QRPA.Comment: 9 page