621 research outputs found

    â€șUne sorte de remontĂ©e vers le corpsâ€č. Skizze einer Ästhetik der körperlichen ResponsivitĂ€t im Ausgang von Roland Barthes’ Überlegungen zur Pseudo-Schrift

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    The sensory dimension of writing, which is never fully neutralised in the process of semiosis, remains aporetic in Derrida’s philosophy. I show how Barthes’ observations on pseudo-writing lead to his understanding of writing as a gesture, opening up post-structuralism to the body as absolutely non-repeatable, as the opposite of semiosis. The examination of Barthes’ account of the relationship between writing and the body leads to an aesthetic of physical responsiveness, which challenges the distinction between work, creator and viewer. In this regard ‘seeing’ can neither be reduced to the infinite decoding of signs nor to an immediate perception, but rather can be understood as the playful contact with signs. Barthes’ notion of writing contributes to overcoming the limits of Derrida’s account of the sensory quality of writing without jeopardiz- ing the philosophical gain of deconstruction

    Junior Recital: Nils Schwerzmann, violin

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    From rules to examples: Machine learning's type of authority

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    This paper analyzes the effects of a perceived transition from a rule-based computer programming paradigm to an example-based paradigm associated with machine learning. While both paradigms coexist in practice, we critically discuss the distinctive epistemological and ethical implications of machine learning's “exemplary” type of authority. To capture its logic, we compare it to computer programming rules that date to the middle of the 20th century, showing how rules and examples have regulated human conduct in significantly different ways. In contrast to the highly constructed, explicit, and prescriptive form of authority imposed by programming rules, machine learning models are trained using data that has been made into examples. These examples elicit norms in an implicit, emergent manner to make prediction and classification possible. We analyze three ways that examples are produced in machine learning: labeling, feature engineering, and scaling. We use the phrase “artificial naturalism” to characterize the tensions of this type of authority, in which examples sit ambiguously between data and norm

    Carotenoid Profiles in Pigment-Protein Complexes of Rhodospirillum rubrum

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    Young cells of Rhodospirillum rubrum contain a set of carotenoids from lycopene to spirilloxanthin. During growth, intermediates are almost completely converted to spirilloxan-thin. The ratio of the different carotenoid precursors vs. spirilloxanthin found in material of a certain age is the same in cells, chromatophores, light-harvesting complexes and reaction centers. Independent of the carotenoid composition and the age of the cells, the same detergent treatment can be used for isolation of pigment-protein complexes. Light-harvesting complexes of young cells containing mainly precursors of spirilloxanthin, as well as those of old cells in which spirilloxanthin dominates, both have their absorption maximum at 880 nm. It is thus assumed that all carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series interact with bacteriochlorophyll a similarly to spirilloxanthin itself. From these results it is concluded that the micro-environment of these membrane-complexes is not influenced by the type of carotenoid present and that the assembly of the pigment-protein complexes in a growing membrane takes place before carotenoid biosynthesis has lead to the final produc

    Margaret to Dutch and Jim, 13 October 1963

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    Personal correspondenc

    Margaret to [Jim and Dutch], 1 December 1944

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    Personal correspondenc

    Development of quality indicators of transfer and transition in adolescents and young adults with congenital heart disease.

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    BACKGROUND Quality indicators are crucial in evaluating and comparing the quality of healthcare services. In the case of congenital heart disease, transition programmes for adolescents have been recommended to ensure uninterrupted healthcare and lifelong care. It is necessary to establish quality indicators in order to facilitate the evaluation of programme quality and to allow comparison between different centres. The objective of this study is therefore to develop a set of quality indicators for the transition of adolescents with congenital heart disease. METHODS The RAND/UCLA appropriateness method was employed in a four-step process to develop a set of quality indicators. First, a literature search was conducted on the dimensions of transitional care, based on which a preliminary set of quality indicators was developed. Second, experts were contacted, and an expert panel was established. Third, the panel members were asked to rate the appropriateness of the quality indicators in a two-round process. Finally, in the fourth step, we evaluated the data by measuring the median and Disagreement Index. RESULTS The expert panel consisted of 16 members, congenital cardiologists, nurses, transition experts, patients and research experts. The preliminary set of quality indicators comprised 16 items, categorized in process and structure criteria. Based on the panel's feedback, the set was refined to 12 quality indicators, which were rated as relevant and feasible. CONCLUSIONS This study represents the first attempt to develop quality indicators for transitional care services for adolescents with congenital heart disease. The set of 12 quality indicators was developed based on existing evidence and expert opinion. Further testing is needed to assess the feasibility of these quality indicators in daily practice. If successfully implemented, these quality indicators could allow comparison and facilitate benchmarking of transitional care services for adolescents with congenital heart disease
