84 research outputs found

    Aspects of efficient and reliable multibody system simulation

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    Multibody system equations can be generated in various forms. All of these may be interpreted as results of two basic approaches, the augmentation- and the elimination-method. The former method yields the descriptor form of the system motion, a set of differential-algebraic equations (DAE), and the latter the state space representation, a minimal set of ordinary differential equations (ODE). Both of these methods are surveyed. Particular emphasis is on the discussion of recursive computational schemes, generating the equations of motion with a number of operations, which is proportional to the number N of system bodies (O(N)-formulations). For simulation purposes one would like to create that set of system equations, which can be generated most efficiently and for which the most efficient and reliable solution techniques are available. Numerical solution techniques for ODE have been studied in great detail and they are well-developed. By contrast, DAE have not been investigated for such a long time. In view of new developments in the latter field the generation of all the equations required for an efficient and reliable solution of DAE describing multibody system motion is discussed. These methods, i.e., an O(N)-formulation and new techniques for solving DAE, are implemented in the SIMPACK code. Its capabilities are illustrated by simulation of multibody robot models

    Reversible oxidation of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) alters its interactions with signaling and regulatory proteins

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    Phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) is involved in a number of different cellular processes including metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation and survival. It is a redox-sensitive dual-specificity protein phosphatase that acts as a tumor suppressor by negatively regulating the PI3K/Akt pathway. While direct evidence of redox regulation of PTEN downstream signaling has been reported, the effect of PTEN redox status on its protein-protein interactions is poorly understood. PTEN-GST in its reduced and a DTT-reversible H2O2-oxidized form was immobilized on a glutathione-sepharose support and incubated with cell lysate to capture interacting proteins. Captured proteins were analyzed by LC-MSMS and comparatively quantified using label-free methods. 97 Potential protein interactors were identified, including a significant number that are novel. The abundance of fourteen interactors was found to vary significantly with the redox status of PTEN. Altered binding to PTEN was confirmed by affinity pull-down and Western blotting for Prdx1, Trx, and Anxa2, while DDB1 was validated as a novel interactor with unaltered binding. These results suggest that the redox status of PTEN causes a functional variation in the PTEN interactome. The resin capture method developed had distinct advantages in that the redox status of PTEN could be directly controlled and measured

    The potential role of thioredoxin 1 and CD30 systems as multiple pathway targets and biomarkers in tumor therapy

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    Our progress in understanding pathological disease mechanisms has led to the identification of biomarkers that have had a considerable impact on clinical practice. It is hoped that the move from generalized to stratified approaches, with the grouping of patients into clinical/therapeutic subgroups according to specific biomarkers, will lead to increasingly more effective clinical treatments in the near future. This success depends on the identification of biomarkers that reflect disease evolution and can be used to predict disease state and therapy response, or represent themselves a target for treatment. Biomarkers can be identified by studying relationships between serum, tissue, or tumor microenvironment parameters and clinical or therapeutic parameters at onset and during the progression of the disease, using systems biology. Given that multiple pathways, such as those responsible for redox and immune regulation, are deregulated or altered in tumors, the future of tumor therapy could lie in the simultaneous targeting of these pathways using extracellular and intracellular targets and biomarkers. With this aim in mind, we evaluated the role of thioredoxin 1, a key redox regulator, and CD30, a cell membrane receptor, in immune regulation. Our results lead us to suggest that the combined use of these biomarkers provides more detailed information concerning the multiple pathways affected in disease and hence the possibility of more effective treatment

    Microarray Analysis of the Effect of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus M-Like Protein in Infecting Porcine Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage

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    Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus (S. zooepidemicus), which belongs to Lancefield group C streptococci, is an important pathogen of domesticated species, causing septicemia, meningitis and mammitis. M-like protein (SzP) is an important virulence factor of S. zooepidemicus and contributes to bacterial infection and antiphagocytosis. To increase our knowledge of the mechanism of SzP in infection, we profiled the response of porcine pulmonary alveolar macrophage (PAM) to infection with S. zooepidemicus ATCC35246 wild strain (WD) and SzP-knockout strain (KO) using the Roche NimbleGen Porcine Genome Expression Array. We found SzP contributed to differential expression of 446 genes, with upregulation of 134 genes and downregulation of 312 genes. Gene Ontology category and KEGG pathway were analyzed for relationships among differentially expressed genes. These genes were represented in a variety of functional categories, including genes involved in immune response, regulation of chemokine production, signal transduction and regulation of apoptosis. The reliability of the data obtained from the microarray was verified by performing quantitative real-time PCR on 12 representative genes. The data will contribute to understanding of SzP mediated mechanisms of S. zooepidemicus pathogenesis

    Selective redox regulation of cytokine receptor signaling by extracellular thioredoxin-1

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    The thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase thioredoxin-1 (Trx1) is known to be secreted by leukocytes and to exhibit cytokine-like properties. Extracellular effects of Trx1 require a functional active site, suggesting a redox-based mechanism of action. However, specific cell surface proteins and pathways coupling extracellular Trx1 redox activity to cellular responses have not been identified so far. Using a mechanism-based kinetic trapping technique to identify disulfide exchange interactions on the intact surface of living lymphocytes, we found that Trx1 catalytically interacts with a single principal target protein. This target protein was identified as the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 8 (TNFRSF8/CD30). We demonstrate that the redox interaction is highly specific for both Trx1 and CD30 and that the redox state of CD30 determines its ability to engage the cognate ligand and transduce signals. Furthermore, we confirm that Trx1 affects CD30-dependent changes in lymphocyte effector function. Thus, we conclude that receptor–ligand signaling interactions can be selectively regulated by an extracellular redox catalyst