14 research outputs found

    In situ electron microscopy studies of electric field assisted sintering of oxide ceramics

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    A wide range of studies shows a dramatic effect of applied electric fields or currents on the sintering behavior of oxide ceramic powders. However, the mechanisms accounting for the so-called flash sintering remain elusive despite the wide application potential. Using in-situ scanning and transmission electron microscopy, we aim to gain insight into the atomic origins of sintering behavior, as well as of the high conductivity states that occur in conjunction with flash events during field-assisted sintering. We investigate the sintering dynamics of ZnO green bodies with a density between 50% and 70% and ZnO thin films with and without electric fields and under different oxidizing and reducing gas pressures. Specifically, we use a specially designed SEM heating stage to study the evolution of microstructure and morphology, including grain/void morphology, segregation, and precipitation, both with and without applied fields and with and without gas pressures up to 2 mbar. The in-situ TEM sintering studies, also under controlled electric field and gas pressure, allow us to detect chemical segregation and valence changes (using EDX and EELS) near the sintering boundaries. By gaining access to structural and chemical information down to the atomic scale, we hope to determine how the electric field causes flash sintering. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Hierarchisierung von Risikofaktoren fĂŒr schwere COVID-19-ErkrankungsverlĂ€ufe im Kontext der COVID-19-Schutzimpfungen

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    Angesichts der derzeitigen Impfstoffknappheit geht mit den bundesweiten Schutzimpfungen gegen COVID-19 die Notwendigkeit einer Priorisierung bestimmter Bevölkerungsgruppen einher. Basierend auf den Empfehlungen der STIKO sollen zunĂ€chst Personen mit besonders hohem Risiko fĂŒr schwere oder tödliche COVID-19-VerlĂ€ufe oder beruflicher Exposition geimpft werden. Diese Empfehlungen stĂŒtzen sich ĂŒberwiegend auf internationale Studien - fĂŒr den deutschen Versorgungskontext steht nur begrenzt Evidenz zur Bedeutung relevanter Risikofaktoren fĂŒr einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf zur VerfĂŒgung. Das Ziel der im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 19/2021 vorgestellten Studie war es, die Relevanz ausgewĂ€hlter Vorerkrankungen fĂŒr einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf in der in Deutschland lebenden Bevölkerung empirisch zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, Erkrankungen hinsichtlich ihres Risikos fĂŒr einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf zu ordnen und damit eine einfache, im Versorgungsalltag unkompliziert umsetzbare und dabei möglichst effektive Grundlage fĂŒr die Impfrangfolge in der ambulanten Ă€rztlichen Versorgung bilden

    Towards In-Situ Electron Microscopy Studies of Flash Sintering

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    Flash sintering, a special case of electric field-assisted sintering, results in accelerated densification at lower temperatures than conventional sintering methods. However, the mechanisms remain elusive despite the wide application potential. In-situ electron microscopy studies reveal shrinkage of ZnO green bodies due to both heating and heating/biasing but show no obvious effect of the current on the behavior. In contrast, thin epitaxial ZnO films deposited on an Al2O3 substrate undergo a clear flash event during in-situ voltage application in the TEM, providing the first observation of flash sintering of a thin film. The specimen was captured in the high conductivity state where grain boundary motion was observed. The microscopic origins of the high conductivity state could not be detected, but may have the same underlying physical origin as the high conductivity memristive state

    Anisotropy control in magnetic nanostructures through field-assisted chemical vapor deposition

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    Chemical vapor deposition of iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)(5)) in an external magnetic field (B = 1.00 T) was found to significantly affect the microstructure and anisotropy of as-deposited iron crystallites that could be transformed into anisotropic hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) nanorods by aerobic oxidation. The deterministic influence of external magnetic fields on CVD deposits was found to be substrate-independent as demonstrated by the growth of anisotropic alpha-Fe columns on FTO (F:SnO2) and Si (100), whereas the films deposited in the absence of the magnetic field were constituted by isotropic grains. TEM images revealed gradual increase in average crystallite size in correlation to the increasing field strength and orientation, which indicates the potential of magnetic field-assisted chemical vapor deposition (mfCVD) in controlling the texture of the CVD grown thin films. Given the facet-dependent activity of hematite in forming surface-oxygenated intermediates, exposure of crystalline facets and planes with high atomic density and electron mobilities is crucial for oxygen evolution reactions. The field-induced anisotropy in iron nanocolumns acting as templates for growing textured hematite pillars resulted in two-fold higher photoelectrochemical efficiency for hematite films grown under external magnetic fields (J = 0.050 mA cm(-2)), when compared to films grown in zero field (J = 0.027 mA cm(-2)). The dark current measurements indicated faster surface kinetics as the origin of the increased catalytic activity

    High‐ T<sub>C</sub> interfacial ferromagnetism in SrMnO <sub>3</sub> LaMnO <sub>3</sub> superlattices

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    Heterostructures of strongly correlated oxides demonstrate various intriguing and potentially useful interfacial phenomena. LaMnO3/SrMnO3 superlattices are presented showcasing a new high‐temperature ferromagnetic phase with Curie temperature, T C ≈360 K, caused by electron transfer from the surface of the LaMnO3 donor layer into the neighboring SrMnO3 acceptor layer. As a result, the SrMnO3 (top)/LaMnO3 (bottom) interface shows an enhancement of the magnetization as depth‐profiled by polarized neutron reflectometry. The length scale of charge transfer, λTF ≈2 unit cells, is obtained from in situ growth monitoring by optical ellipsometry, supported by optical simulations, and further confirmed by high resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy. A model of the inhomogeneous distribution of electron density in LaMnO3/SrMnO3 layers along the growth direction is concluded to account for a complex interplay between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers in superlattices

    High‐ T C Interfacial Ferromagnetism in SrMnO 3 /LaMnO 3 Superlattices

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    Heterostructures of strongly correlated oxides demonstrate various intriguing and potentially useful interfacial phenomena. LaMnO3/SrMnO3 superlattices are presented showcasing a new high‐temperature ferromagnetic phase with Curie temperature, T C ≈360 K, caused by electron transfer from the surface of the LaMnO3 donor layer into the neighboring SrMnO3 acceptor layer. As a result, the SrMnO3 (top)/LaMnO3 (bottom) interface shows an enhancement of the magnetization as depth‐profiled by polarized neutron reflectometry. The length scale of charge transfer, λTF ≈2 unit cells, is obtained from in situ growth monitoring by optical ellipsometry, supported by optical simulations, and further confirmed by high resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy. A model of the inhomogeneous distribution of electron density in LaMnO3/SrMnO3 layers along the growth direction is concluded to account for a complex interplay between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers in superlattices

    High‐ T

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    Heterostructures of strongly correlated oxides demonstrate various intriguing and potentially useful interfacial phenomena. LaMnO3/SrMnO3 superlattices are presented showcasing a new high‐temperature ferromagnetic phase with Curie temperature, T C ≈360 K, caused by electron transfer from the surface of the LaMnO3 donor layer into the neighboring SrMnO3 acceptor layer. As a result, the SrMnO3 (top)/LaMnO3 (bottom) interface shows an enhancement of the magnetization as depth‐profiled by polarized neutron reflectometry. The length scale of charge transfer, λTF ≈2 unit cells, is obtained from in situ growth monitoring by optical ellipsometry, supported by optical simulations, and further confirmed by high resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy. A model of the inhomogeneous distribution of electron density in LaMnO3/SrMnO3 layers along the growth direction is concluded to account for a complex interplay between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers in superlattices

    Nanoscale Mapping of the Magnetic Properties of (111)-Oriented La<sub>0.67</sub>Sr<sub>0.33</sub>MnO<sub>3</sub>

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    Spatially resolved analysis of magnetic properties on the nanoscale remains challenging, yet strain and defects on this length-scale can profoundly affect a material’s bulk performance. We present a detailed investigation of the magnetic properties of La<sub>0.67</sub>Sr<sub>0.33</sub>MnO<sub>3</sub> thin films in both free-standing and nanowire form and assess the role of strain and local defects in modifying the films’ magnetic properties. Lorentz transmission electron microscopy is used to measure the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and to map the Curie temperature and saturation magnetization with nanometric spatial resolution. Atomic-scale defects are identified as pinning sites for magnetic domain wall propagation. Measurement of domain wall widths and crystalline strain are used to identify a strong magnetoelastic contribution to the magnetic anisotropy. Together, these results provide unique insight into the relationship between the nanostructure and magnetic functionality of a ferromagnetic complex oxide film