24,376 research outputs found

    Kinematic and morphological modeling of the bipolar nebula Sa2-237

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    We present [OIII]500.7nm and Halpha+[NII] images and long-slit, high resolution echelle spectra in the same spectral regions of Sa2--237, a possible bipolar planetary nebula. The image shows a bipolar nebula of about 34" extent, with a narrow waist, and showing strong point symmetry about the central object, indicating it's likely binary nature. The long slit spectra were taken over the long axis of the nebula, and show a distinct ``eight'' shaped pattern in the velocity--space plot, and a maximum projected outflow velocity of V=106km/s, both typical of expanding bipolar planetary nebulae. By model fitting the shape and spectrum of the nebula simultaneously, we derive the inclination of the long axis to be 70 degrees, and the maximum space velocity of expansion to be 308 km/s. Due to asymmetries in the velocities we adopt a new value for the system's heliocentric radial velocity of -30km/s. We use the IRAS and 21cm radio fluxes, the energy distribution, and the projected size of Sa2-237 to estimate it's distance to be 2.1+-0.37kpc. At this distance Sa2-237 has a luminosity of 340 Lsun, a size of 0.37pc, and -- assuming constant expansion velocity -- a nebular age of 624 years. The above radial velocity and distance place Sa2--237 in the disk of the Galaxy at z=255pc, albeit with somewhat peculiar kinematics.Comment: 10pp, 4 fig

    Medical Information Management System (MIMS): An automated hospital information system

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    Flexible system of computer programs allows manipulation and retrieval of data related to patient care. System is written in version of FORTRAN developed for CDC-6600 computer

    Long beating wavelength in the Schwarz-Hora effect

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    Thirty years ago, H.Schwarz has attempted to modulate an electron beam with optical frequency. When a 50-keV electron beam crossed a thin crystalline dielectric film illuminated with laser light, electrons produced the electron-diffraction pattern not only at a fluorescent target but also at a nonfluorescent target. In the latter case the pattern was of the same color as the laser light (the Schwarz-Hora effect). This effect was discussed extensively in the early 1970s. However, since 1972 no reports on the results of further attempts to repeat those experiments in other groups have appeared, while the failures of the initial such attempts have been explained by Schwarz. The analysis of the literature shows there are several unresolved up to now contradictions between the theory and the Schwarz experiments. In this work we consider the interpretation of the long-wavelength spatial beating of the Schwarz-Hora radiation. A more accurate expression for the spatial period has been obtained, taking into account the mode structure of the laser field within the dielectric film. It is shown that the discrepancy of more than 10% between the experimental and theoretical results for the spatial period cannot be reduced by using the existing quantum models that consider a collimated electron beam.Comment: 3 pages, RevTe

    High-velocity collimated outflows in planetary nebulae: NGC 6337, He 2-186, and K 4-47

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    We have obtained narrow-band images and high-resolution spectra of the planetary nebulae NGC 6337, He 2-186, and K 4-47, with the aim of investigating the relation between their main morphological components and several low-ionization features present in these nebulae. The data suggest that NGC 6337 is a bipolar PN seen almost pole on, with polar velocities higher than 200 km/s. The bright inner ring of the nebula is interpreted to be the "equatorial" density enhancement. It contains a number of low-ionization knots and outward tails that we ascribe to dynamical instabilities leading to fragmentation of the ring or transient density enhancements due to the interaction of the ionization front with previous density fluctuations in the ISM. The lobes show a pronounced point-symmetric morphology and two peculiar low-ionization filaments whose nature remains unclear. The most notable characteristic of He 2-186 is the presence of two high-velocity (higher than 135 km/s) knots from which an S-shaped lane of emission departs toward the central star. K 4-47 is composed of a compact core and two high-velocity, low-ionization blobs. We interpret the substantial broadening of line emission from the blobs as a signature of bow shocks, and using the modeling of Hartigan, Raymond, & Hartman (1987), we derive a shock velocity of 150 km/s and a mild inclination of the outflow on the plane of the sky. We discuss possible scenarios for the formation of these nebulae and their low-ionization features. In particular, the morphology of K 4-47 hardly fits into any of the usually adopted mass-loss geometries for single AGB stars. Finally, we discuss the possibility that point-symmetric morphologies in the lobes of NGC 6337 and the knots of He 2-186 are the result of precessing outflows from the central stars.Comment: 16 pages plus 7 figures, ApJ accepted. Also available at http://www.iac.es/publicaciones/preprints.htm

    Making Good Lawyers

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    Today, the criticism of law schools has become an industry. Detractors argue that legal education fails to effectively prepare students for the practice of law, that it is too theoretical and detached from the profession, that it dehumanizes and alienates students, too expensive and inapt in helping students develop a sense of professional identity, professional values, and professionalism. In this sea of criticisms it is hard to see the forest from the trees. “There is so much wrong with legal education today,” writes one commentator, “that it is hard to know where to begin.” This article argues that any reform agenda will fall short if it does not start by recognizing the dominant influence of the culture of autonomous self-interest in legal education. Law schools engage in a project of professional formation and instill a very particular brand of professional identity. They educate students to become autonomously self-interested lawyers who see their clients and themselves as pursuing self-interest as atomistic actors. As a result, they understand that their primary role is to serve as neutral partisans who promote the narrow self-interest of clients without regard to the interests of their families, neighbors, colleagues, or communities and to the exclusion of counseling clients on the implications of those interests. They view as marginal their roles as an officer of the legal system and as a public citizen and accordingly place a low priority on traditional professional values, such as the commitment to the public good, that conflict with their primary allegiance to autonomous self-interest. In this work of professional formation, law schools are reflecting the values and commitments of the autonomously self-interested culture that is dominant in the legal profession. Therefore, even if law schools sought to form a professional identity outside of the mold of autonomous self-interest, such a commitment would require much more than curricular reform. It would, at minimum, require the construction of a persuasive alternative understanding of the lawyer’s role. The article seeks to offer such an understanding grounded in a relational perspective on lawyers and clients. Part I offers workable definitions of professionalism and professional identity that enable an informed discussion of the formation of professional identity in and by law schools. Part II explores what and how legal education teaches students showing that both institutionally (at the law school level) and individually (at the law professor level) legal education is proactively engaged in the formation of a professional identity of autonomous self-interest. Part II further explains that its dominance in legal education notwithstanding, autonomous self-interest is but one, often unpersuasive, account of professionalism and professional identity. Part III turns to the competing vision of relationally self-interested professionalism and professional identity and develops an outline for legal education grounded in these conceptions. Because legal education reflects a deep commitment to the dominant culture of autonomous self-interest, it is unlikely that reform proposals that are inconsistent with that culture are likely to succeed in the near future. Yet proposing an alternative account of professional identity that exposes the assumptions of the dominant culture, explains their limitations, and develops a more persuasive understanding is a necessary step toward providing a workable framework for reformers committed to promoting professional values in the long term

    3-D Photoionization Structure and Distances of Planetary Nebulae III. NGC 6781

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    Continuing our series of papers on the three-dimensional (3-D) structures of and accurate distances to Planetary Nebulae (PNe), we present our study of the planetary nebula NGC6781. For this object we construct a 3-D photoionization model and, using the constraints provided by observational data from the literature we determine the detailed 3-D structure of the nebula, the physical parameters of the ionizing source and the first precise distance. The procedure consists in simultaneously fitting all the observed emission line morphologies, integrated intensities and the 2-D density map from the [SII] line ratios to the parameters generated by the model, and in an iterative way obtain the best fit for the central star parameters and the distance to NGC6781, obtaining values of 950+-143pc and 385 Lsun for the distance and luminosity of the central star respectively. Using theoretical evolutionary tracks of intermediate and low mass stars, we derive the mass of the central star of NGC6781 and its progenitor to be 0.60+-0.03 Msun and 1.5+-0.5 Msun respectively.Comment: 16 pp, 6 figues, 2 tables, submitted to the Ap

    Mass inventory of the giant-planet formation zone in a solar nebula analog

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    The initial mass distribution in the solar nebula is a critical input to planet formation models that seek to reproduce today's Solar System. Traditionally, constraints on the gas mass distribution are derived from observations of the dust emission from disks, but this approach suffers from large uncertainties in grain growth and gas-to-dust ratio. On the other hand, previous observations of gas tracers only probe surface layers above the bulk mass reservoir. Here we present the first partially spatially resolved observations of the 13^{13}C18^{18}O J=3-2 line emission in the closest protoplanetary disk, TW Hya, a gas tracer that probes the bulk mass distribution. Combining it with the C18^{18}O J=3-2 emission and the previously detected HD J=1-0 flux, we directly constrain the mid-plane temperature and optical depths of gas and dust emission. We report a gas mass distribution of 13−5+8×^{+8}_{-5}\times(R/20.5AU)−0.9−0.3+0.4^{-0.9^{+0.4}_{-0.3}} g cm−2^{-2} in the expected formation zone of gas and ice giants (5-21AU). We find the total gas/millimeter-sized dust mass ratio is 140 in this region, suggesting that at least 2.4M_earth of dust aggregates have grown to >centimeter sizes (and perhaps much larger). The radial distribution of gas mass is consistent with a self-similar viscous disk profile but much flatter than the posterior extrapolation of mass distribution in our own and extrasolar planetary systems.Comment: Definitive version of the manuscript is published in Nature Astronomy, 10.1038/s41550-017-0130. This is the authors' versio

    Topological mass generation to antisymmetric tensor matter field

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    We propose a mechanism to give mass to tensor matter field which preserve the U(1) symmetry. We introduce a complex vector field that couples with the tensor in a topological term. We also analyze the influence of the kinetic terms of the complex vector in our mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Structural investigations on Ï”\epsilon-FeGe at high pressure and low temperature

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    The structural parameters of Ï”\epsilon-FeGe have been determined at ambient conditions using single crystal refinement. Powder diffraction have been carried out to determine structural properties and compressibility for pressures up to 30 GPa and temperatures as low as 82 K. The discontinuous change in the pressure dependence of the shortest Fe-Ge interatomic distance might be interpreted as a symmetry-conserving transition and seems to be related to a magnetic phase boundary line.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
