914 research outputs found

    How to conceive the dignity of the dead? A dispositional account

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    In dealing with human corpses, notions of dignity play a decisive role, especially within legal texts that regulate a corpse’s handling. However, it is quite unclear how the claim “Treat human corpses with dignity!” should be understood and justified. Drawing upon examples and problems from forensic medicine, this paper explores three possible lines of interpreting such demands: (a) positions that closely link the dignity of the human corpse to the dignity of the former living persons and (b) accounts that derive the dignity of the dead from consequentialist considerations. We argue that both lines heavily rely on contestable metaphysical claims and therefore propose an alternative account for the dignity of the dead. Our proposal (c) focuses on action-guiding attitudes and the symbolic value of the dead. Such a conception allows for a variety of morally appropriate groundings of individual attitudes. It avoids metaphysically troublesome premises and, at the same time, allows to classify certain actions and manners of acting as clearly inappropriate and blameworthy

    Der Protestantismus in Spanien

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    Zu den Minderheitenreligionen in Spanien zĂ€hlt in der Gegenwart auch der Protestantismus, eine Reformbewegung, die bereits im 16. Jahrhundert entstanden ist. Die spanische Inquisition schaffte es damals innerhalb kĂŒrzester Zeit, alle so genannten „Ketzer“ zu vernichten oder aus dem Land zu vertreiben, sodass aus den folgenden Jahrhunderten kaum Spuren des Protestantismus in Spanien zu finden sind. Erst Anfang des 19. Jahrhundert, wĂ€hrend der so genannten „Zweiten Reformation“, wurde der evangelische Glaube in Spanien wieder ins Leben gerufen. Missionare begannen ihr Evangelisationswerk in Gibraltar und schafften, anfĂ€nglich noch im Geheimen, evangelische Bibeln nach Spanien. Mehrere auslĂ€ndische Organisationen nahmen die Aufgabe in Spanien zu missionieren in Angriff, mussten aber bis 1868 mit vielen Hindernissen kĂ€mpfen. Die katholische Religion war Staatsreligion und gegen andere Konfessionen sprach die Regierung zahlreiche Verbote aus. Viele GottesdienststĂ€tten mussten nach wenigen Jahren des Bestehens wieder geschlossen werden, die evangelischen Pfarrer wurden aus dem Land verbannt. Erst der Sturz der Monarchie unter Isabella II. wĂ€hrend der berĂŒhmten Revolution „La Gloriosa“ verĂ€nderte die Situation. Die anschließende liberale Regierung verabschiedete eine Verfassung, in welcher das Recht auf freie ReligionsausĂŒbung erstmals garantiert wurde. Die zwangsausgewanderten Protestanten konnten in das Land zurĂŒckkehren und ihre zurĂŒckgelassene Arbeit wieder aufnehmen. Vor allem in Andalusien, Katalonien und Madrid konnte die Reformbewegung Fuß fassen und sich ausbreiten. Zu den berĂŒhmtesten Vertretern des spanischen Protestantismus dieser Zeit zĂ€hlten Francisco de Paula y Ruet und Fritz Fliedner, die in Madrid wirken, und Juan Bautista Cabrera Ivars, der mit seinen Predigten in Andalusien hervortrat. Nachdem die Protestanten wĂ€hrend der Diktatur von Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) erneuter UnterdrĂŒckung ausgesetzt waren, konnten sie erstmals nach Ausruf der Segunda RepĂșblica volle Freiheiten genießen. Der folgende BĂŒrgerkrieg und die anschließende Diktatur Francos dezimierte die Zahl der AnhĂ€nger aber wieder beachtlich. Unter Franco kam es zur Schließung der evangelischen Kirchen, Schulen und anderen Institutionen. Erst nach seinem Tod und mit Beginn der Demokratie 1978 konnte die Evangelische Kirche endlich aufatmen und sich entfalten. Die heute noch aktuelle Verfassung gewĂ€hrleistet erstmals Religionsfreiheit ohne jegliche EinschrĂ€nkungen und betont den ĂŒberkonfessionellen Charakter des Staates. Die Zahl der Protestanten und der Gemeinden steigt seit dieser Wende kontinuierlich an. Fritz Fliedner, MitbegrĂŒnder der „Zweiten Reformation“ in Spanien, wurde 1870 vom Verein zur Förderung des Evangeliums in Spanien nach Madrid gesandt um vor Ort die evangelisch-christliche Sendung und Mission zu verbreiten. Er engagierte sich sehr im Ausbildungsbereich, grĂŒndete mehrere Schulen und Hilfswerke. Seine berĂŒhmte Schule El Colegio El Porvenir erfĂ€hrt bis heute erstaunliche Beliebtheit, auch unter der katholischen Bevölkerung. Die Stiftung FundaciĂłn Federico Fliedner, der neben dem El Colegio El Porvenir auch die Schule El Colegio Juan de ValdĂ©s, die BĂŒcherei La LibrerĂ­a Calatrava, das Altersheim Hogar evangĂ©lico de Ancianas und das theologische Seminar SEUT in El Escorial angehören, wird oft als IdentitĂ€tswerk des spanischen Protestantismus bezeichnet. Der Protestantismus in Spanien begegnet als vielgestaltige GrĂ¶ĂŸe. Ihr gehören in der Gegenwart folgende Denominationen an: Die Evangelische Spanische Kirche, die Presbyterianische/Reformierte Kirche, die Anglikanische Kirchengemeinschaft, die Baptistische Kirche, die BrĂŒdergemeinde, die Pfingstgemeinde, die Philadelphiakirche, die Charismatische Kirche und die Adventistenkirche. ZusĂ€tzlich existieren auch zahlreiche Gemeinden, die sich als unabhĂ€ngig deklarieren und sich keiner bestimmten Denomination zugehörig fĂŒhlen. Insgesamt belĂ€uft sich die Zahl der evangelischen Christen laut FEREDE auf etwa 400.000, zu denen noch 800.000 Zuwanderer hinzugezĂ€hlt werden. Von den etwa 2.800 existierenden Gemeinden, gehörten im Jahre 2010 2.374 dem Verband FEREDE (FederaciĂłn de Entidades Religiosas EvangĂ©licas de España) an, welcher seit 1986 die ReprĂ€sentation des spanischen Protestantismus ĂŒbernimmt. Neben organisatorischen und rechtlichen Hilfestellungen bietet die FEREDE religiöse Begleitung in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, koordiniert den evangelischen Religionsunterricht an Schulen und verwaltet das Sozialwerk La DiaconĂ­a und die Medienarbeit. Am spanischen Pressewesen in seiner Vielfalt beteiligen sich heutzutage 43 verschiedene evangelische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. Ebenso tragen evangelische Fernseh- und Radioprogramme, sowie regelmĂ€ĂŸig aktualisierte Internetseiten zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei. Die PrĂ€senz des spanischen Protestantismus wird dem/r Leser/in in neun Kapiteln zugĂ€nglich gemacht. Einem historischen Kapitel folgt die Darstellung des Lebens und Werkes des Vertreters Fritz Fliedner, die Gesetzeslage der Minderheitenreligionen ab dem 19. Jahrhundert, die geographische Verbreitung und Struktur innerhalb der Evangelischen Kirche, ihre Beteiligung am Bildungswesen und ihre Öffentlichkeitsarbeit von einst und heute

    Deutsche Monatschrift

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    The dignity of the human corpse in forensic medicine

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    Working with the dead is a very specific kind of work. Although a dignified handling of the corpses is demanded by the legislator and by the general public, neither the legal status of the corpse is undisputed nor is it obvious what a dignified handling of the deceased should consist of. In our hypothesis generating pilot study, we asked which concrete considerations are involved in daily practice of forensic specialists. We used an online questionnaire (invitations via e-mail) consisting of questions with single choice, multiple choice, and free text entries. The answers to single or multiple choice questions were displayed in pivot tables. The data was thus summarized, viewed, descriptively analyzed, and displayed together with the free text answers. 84.54% of the physicians and 100% of the autopsy assistants stated that considerations concerning the dignity of the deceased should play a role in daily autopsy practice. 45.87% stated that the conditions surrounding the autopsy need improvement to be ethically suitable. The analysis of the survey’s results was based on Robert Audi’s ethics, according to which three aspects need to be lightened in order to evaluate the conduct of a person morally: the actions, the motivation, and the way in which the actions are carried out. This systematization helps to identify the need for improvement and to make the vague demands for a dignified handling of corpses more concrete. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Neural crest cell-derived VEGF promotes embryonic jaw extension

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    Jaw morphogenesis depends on the growth of Meckel’s cartilage during embryogenesis. However, the cell types and signals that promote chondrocyte proliferation for Meckel’s cartilage growth are poorly defined. Here we show that neural crest cells (NCCs) and their derivatives provide an essential source of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) to enhance jaw vascularization and stabilize the major mandibular artery. We further show in two independent mouse models that blood vessels promote Meckel’s cartilage extension. Coculture experiments of arterial tissue with NCCs or chondrocytes demonstrated that NCC-derived VEGF promotes blood vessel growth and that blood vessels secrete factors to instruct chondrocyte proliferation. Computed tomography and X-ray scans of patients with hemifacial microsomia also showed that jaw hypoplasia correlates with mandibular artery dysgenesis. We conclude that cranial NCCs and their derivatives provide an essential source of VEGF to support blood vessel growth in the developing jaw, which in turn is essential for normal chondrocyte proliferation, and therefore jaw extension

    Tweeting From the Moon

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    Lunar Communications Pathfinder is planned to enable small and large satellites and landers to carry out data intensive missions around the moon, without the need for complex and costly on-board communication equipment and access to global ground networks. From the middle of this decade there are expected to be 5 to 15 active space missions on or around the moon, generating several GBytes of data per day. Lunar Communications Pathfinder is a commercial initiative with ESA and NASA as anchor tenants. The 300kg class small spacecraft is currently in manufacture for launch in 2025, and is aimed at alleviating pressure on the Deep Space Network. It will provide a commercial high speed communications service that will enable landers, orbiters, and even CubeSats to operate around the moon without requiring direct line of sight with the Earth. A small user terminal is in development as part of the service package, and a mission builder tool has been made available for planning purposes for prospective users. LCP provides a high speed intersatellite link back to Earth for a planned 8 year mission. The system is planned to be extended further with additional spacecraft, opening up the potential to provide a more comprehensive communications and navigation service. Building on LCP, the ESA Moonlight initiative has contracted a study phase in order to develop the plans for the full constellation service beyond this initial spacecraft. LCP demonstrates how small satellites can provide innovative commercial services, and enable the ability for other small satellites and landers to carry out data intensive missions. This paper will detail the spacecraft, the system design trades, and how the service is expected to evolve

    Home noninvasive ventilatory support for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:patient selection and perspectives

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    Long-term or home mechanical noninvasive ventilation (Home-NIV) has become a well-established form of therapy over the last few decades for chronic hypercapnic COPD patients in European countries. However, meta-analyses and clinical guidelines do not recommend Home-NIV for COPD patients on a routine basis. In particular, there is ongoing debate about Home-NIV in chronic hypercapnic COPD regarding the overall effects, the most favorable treatment strategy, the selection of eligible patients, and the time point at which it is prescribed. The current review focuses on specific aspects of patient selection and discusses the various scientific as well as clinical-guided perspectives on Home-NIV in patients suffering from chronic hypercapnic COPD. In addition, special attention will be given to the topic of ventilator settings and interfaces

    Severe infections of Panton-Valentine leukocidin positive Staphylococcus aureus in children

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    Infections caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidin-positive Staphylococcus aureus (PVL-SA) mostly present as recurrent skin abscesses and furunculosis. However, life-threatening infections (eg, necrotizing pneumonia, necrotizing fasciitis, and osteomyelitis) caused by PVL-SA have also been reported.We assessed the clinical phenotype, frequency, clinical implications (surgery, length of treatment in hospitals/intensive care units, and antibiotic treatments), and potential preventability of severe PVL-SA infections in children.Total, 75 children treated for PVL-SA infections in our in- and outpatient units from 2012 to 2017 were included in this retrospective study.Ten out of 75 children contracted severe infections (PVL-methicillin resistant S aureus n = 4) including necrotizing pneumonia (n = 4), necrotizing fasciitis (n = 2), pyomyositis (n = 2; including 1 patient who also had pneumonia), mastoiditis with cerebellitis (n = 1), preorbital cellulitis (n = 1), and recurrent deep furunculosis in an immunosuppressed patient (n = 1). Specific complications of PVL-SA infections were venous thrombosis (n = 2), sepsis (n = 5), respiratory failure (n = 5), and acute respiratory distress syndrome (n = 3). The median duration of hospital stay was 14 days (range 5-52 days). In 6 out of 10 patients a history suggestive for PVL-SA colonization in the patient or close family members before hospital admission was identified.PVL-SA causes severe to life-threatening infections requiring lengthy treatments in hospital in a substantial percentage of symptomatic PVL-SA colonized children. More than 50% of severe infections might be prevented by prompt testing for PVL-SA in individuals with a history of abscesses or furunculosis, followed by decolonization measures

    Acute paretic syndrome in juvenile White Leghorn chickens resembles late stages of acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies in humans

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    Background: Sudden limb paresis is a common problem in White Leghorn flocks, affecting about 1% of the chicken population before achievement of sexual maturity. Previously, a similar clinical syndrome has been reported as being caused by inflammatory demyelination of peripheral nerve fibres. Here, we investigated in detail the immunopathology of this paretic syndrome and its possible resemblance to human neuropathies. Methods: Neurologically affected chickens and control animals from one single flock underwent clinical and neuropathological examination. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) alterations were characterised using standard morphological techniques, including nerve fibre teasing and transmission electron microscopy. Infiltrating cells were phenotyped immunohistologically and quantified by flow cytometry. The cytokine expression pattern was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). These investigations were accomplished by MHC genotyping and a PCR screen for Marek’s disease virus (MDV). Results: Spontaneous paresis of White Leghorns is caused by cell-mediated, inflammatory demyelination affecting multiple cranial and spinal nerves and nerve roots with a proximodistal tapering. Clinical manifestation coincides with the employment of humoral immune mechanisms, enrolling plasma cell recruitment, deposition of myelinbound IgG and antibody-dependent macrophageal myelin-stripping. Disease development was significantly linked to a 539 bp microsatellite in MHC locus LEI0258. An aetiological role for MDV was excluded. Conclusions: The paretic phase of avian inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuritis immunobiologically resembles the late-acute disease stages of human acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and is characterised by a Th1-to-Th2 shift
