23,812 research outputs found

    Abelian Duality

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    We show that on three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds without boundaries and with trivial first real de Rham cohomology group (and in no other dimensions) scalar field theory and Maxwell theory are equivalent: the ratio of the partition functions is given by the Ray-Singer torsion of the manifold. On the level of interaction with external currents, the equivalence persists provided there is a fixed relation between the charges and the currents.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures, a reference added, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Mean encounter times for cell adhesion in hydrodynamic flow: analytical progress by dimensional reduction

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    For a cell moving in hydrodynamic flow above a wall, translational and rotational degrees of freedom are coupled by the Stokes equation. In addition, there is a close coupling of convection and diffusion due to the position-dependent mobility. These couplings render calculation of the mean encounter time between cell surface receptors and ligands on the substrate very difficult. Here we show for a two-dimensional model system how analytical progress can be achieved by treating motion in the vertical direction by an effective reaction term in the mean first passage time equation for the rotational degree of freedom. The strength of this reaction term can either be estimated from equilibrium considerations or used as a fit parameter. Our analytical results are confirmed by computer simulations and allow to assess the relative roles of convection and diffusion for different scaling regimes of interest.Comment: Reftex, postscript figures include

    Gauge-fixing, semiclassical approximation and potentials for graded Chern-Simons theories

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    We perform the Batalin-Vilkovisky analysis of gauge-fixing for graded Chern-Simons theories. Upon constructing an appropriate gauge-fixing fermion, we implement a Landau-type constraint, finding a simple form of the gauge-fixed action. This allows us to extract the associated Feynman rules taking into account the role of ghosts and antighosts. Our gauge-fixing procedure allows for zero-modes, hence is not limited to the acyclic case. We also discuss the semiclassical approximation and the effective potential for massless modes, thereby justifying some of our previous constructions in the Batalin-Vilkovisky approach.Comment: 46 pages, 4 figure

    Intraduodenal sarcoma recurrence of retroperitoneal origin: an unusual cause for a duodenal obstruction.

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    Soft tissue sarcomas are uncommon tumors, and intraduodenal soft tissue sarcoma manifestation is even more rare. Only three cases of intraduodenal sarcomas have been reported in the literature thus far. Here, we report a case of an intraduodenal recurrence of a retroperitoneal sarcoma causing bowel obstruction. This unusual recurrence pattern likely relates to the patient's previous resection and radiation treatment, and highlights the benefits, limitations and follow-up strategies after multimodality treatment

    Type IIB instanton as a wave in twelve dimensions

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    0-brane of type IIA string theory can be interpreted as a dimensional reduction of a gravitational wave in 11 dimensions. We observe that a similar interpretation applies also to the D-instanton background of type IIB theory: it can be viewed as a reduction (along one spatial and one time-like direction) of a wave in a 12-dimensional theory. The instanton charge is thus related to a linear momentum in 12 dimensions. This suggests that the instanton should play as important role in type IIB theory as the 0-brane is supposed to play in type IIA theory.Comment: 7 pages, harvmac (minor corrections and a reference added

    On Orientifold Constructions of Type IIA Dual Pairs

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    In this paper we analyze the earlier constructions of the type IIA dual pairs through orientifolding. By an appropriate choice of Γ\Gamma-matrix basis for the spinor representations of the UU-duality group, we give an explicit relationship between the orientifold models and their dual pairs.Comment: 11pages, Late

    A Note on Marginally Stable Bound States in Type II String Theory

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    Spectrum of elementary string states in type II string theory contains ultra-short multiplets that are marginally stable. UU-duality transformation converts these states into bound states at threshold of pp-branes carrying Ramond-Ramond charges, and wrapped around pp-cycles of a torus. We propose a test for the existence of these marginally stable bound states. Using the recent results of Polchinski and of Witten, we argue that the spectrum of bound states of pp-branes is in agreement with the prediction of UU-duality.Comment: LaTeX file, 6 page

    MFBE_2001: Computation of Magnetic Fields of Ideal MHD Equilibria

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