143 research outputs found

    Dolichol induces membrane leakage of liposomes composed of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine

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    AbstractDolichol promotes the leakage of membranes in liposomes composed ofphosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine but not liposomes composed only of phosphatidylcholine. The membrane leakage was assayed by measuring the entrapment of TEMPOcholine, a cationic spin probe, in liposomes using ESR methods. The percent of membrane leakage induced by dolichol was found to be linearly proportional to the concentrations of dolichol. It is proposed that dolichol enhances the formation of non-bilayer configurations in liposomes containing phosphatidylethanolamine, thereby inducing membrane leakage

    Epidémiologie des glomérulonéphrites dans une partie de la région romande

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    Contexte et objectifs : Les GlomĂ©rulonĂ©phrites sont un groupe de maladie rares et hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes touchant les glomĂ©rules rĂ©naux. Les rĂ©percussions de ces maladies peuvent varier d’une simple hĂ©maturie asymptomatique, Ă  une altĂ©ration sĂ©vĂšre de la fonction rĂ©nale pouvant nĂ©cessiter une dialyse. On reconnait gĂ©nĂ©ralement deux syndromes principaux qui sont le syndrome nĂ©phrotique et le syndrome nĂ©phritique. Ces maladies peuvent faire suite Ă  une infection (HCV, HBC, HIV), Ă  un cancer, Ă  des mĂ©dicaments (AINS), ou Ă  des maladies systĂ©miques comme le lupus. Dans d’autres cas elles sont de cause idiopathique, nous faisant suspecter une dysrĂ©gulation du systĂšme immunitaire, avec ou sans production d’anticorps. D’un point de vue Ă©pidĂ©miologique, il s’agit de maladies rares pour lesquelles les donnĂ©es de littĂ©rature en Suisse sont manquantes (ou insuffisantes). Dans ce contexte, L’objectif principal de l’étude Ă©tait d’estimer l’incidence des GN dans une partie de la rĂ©gion romande. Avec l’aide du service de pathologie du CHUV, nous avons eu accĂšs aux rapports des ponctions biopsies rĂ©nales (PBR) de 2004 Ă  2016 provenant de plusieurs centres romands. Comme objectif secondaire, nous avons analysĂ© la qualitĂ© des PBR, en regardant plusieurs critĂšres (taille et nombre de cylindres prĂ©levĂ©s lors d’une procĂ©dure de PBR, ainsi que le nombre de glomĂ©rules recensĂ©s sur la PBR). Ensuite, en se basant sur les donnĂ©es biologiques des patients (crĂ©atininurie, protĂ©inurie et crĂ©atininĂ©mie), et sur les donnĂ©es histologiques des PBR (sclĂ©rose glomĂ©rulaire et fibrose interstitielle) nous avons comparĂ© les donnĂ©es du dĂ©but de la pĂ©riode Ă©tudiĂ©e avec celles retrouvĂ©es en fin d’étude afin de dĂ©terminer si les maladies sont plus frĂ©quentes en fin d’étude et si le temps de latence de la prise en charge des patients augmente ou diminue au fil du temps. Design, participants et mĂ©thode : Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective, multicentrique, qui porte sur des patients adultes, non transplantĂ©s, prĂ©sentant une GN pour la premiĂšre fois. Les rapports de pathologies ont Ă©tĂ© extraits via l’IPP (numĂ©ro spĂ©cifique pour chaque patient) depuis la base de donnĂ©es ARCHIMED du CHUV, et les donnĂ©es biologiques ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©es sur la plateforme SOARIAN du CHUV. RĂ©sultats de l’objectif primaire : 271 patients remplissent les critĂšres d’inclusion. L’incidence moyenne de toutes les GN de 2004 Ă  2016 est d’environ d’1.5/100’000 personnes/annĂ©e. La GN la plus diagnostiquĂ©e est la maladie de Berger (64), suivie de la nĂ©phrite lupique (63), puis de la HSF (51). L’évolution de l’incidence annuelle de la maladie de Berger sur la pĂ©riode observĂ©e n’étant pas significative (p=0.1) nous la considĂ©rons stable. L’incidence de la nĂ©phrite lupique est en lĂ©gĂšre diminution malgrĂ© l’augmentation de la population (p=0.029), de mĂȘme que celle de la HSF (p=0.013). L’incidence totale de toutes les GN (les 11 inclues dans notre Ă©tude) est stable. 4 RĂ©sultats des objectifs secondaires : Le nombre de PBR analysĂ©es au CHUV est en nette augmentation chaque annĂ©e (coef 4.63, p=0.001). Cependant, l’évolution du rapport PBR « de bonne qualitĂ© » sur PBR « qualitĂ© insuffisante » n’est pas significatif (p=0.627), nous considĂ©rons donc ce rapport comme stable. Enfin, le pourcentage de fibrose par PBR est en diminution (p=0.039). Cependant la crĂ©atininĂ©mie au moment du diagnostic est en nette augmentation chaque annĂ©e (coef 14.8, p=0). Dans les deux cas les hommes sont plus touchĂ©s que les femmes de façon significative. Les hommes semblent ĂȘtre diagnostiquĂ©s avec un temps de latence plus long que les femmes. Conclusion : L’incidence totale des GN est stable dans une partie de la rĂ©gion romande. Le nombre de PBR analysĂ©es est en nette augmentation, mais pas la qualitĂ© de celles-ci. Il nous est difficile de nous prononcer sur le temps de latence de la prise en charge des patients, mais les hommes semblent ĂȘtre pris en charge plus tardivement que les femmes, ayant une crĂ©atininĂ©mie moyenne plus haute, ainsi qu’une proportion de fibrose interstitielle plus grande

    Vom Aussterben Europas: eine kritische EinschÀtzung von Fortpflanzungsdiskursen in europÀischen Gesundheitsprogrammen

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    "Der Text untersucht neue Formen der Bevölkerungspolitiken im europĂ€ischen Raum. Am Beispiel der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO Regional Office for Europe) zeigen die folgenden AusfĂŒhrungen, dass Fortpflanzung auf der Grundlage einer biopolitischen Konzeptualisierung von Gesundheit auf neue Weise regulierbar wird. Dabei stehen drei Aspekte im Vordergrund: das Primat der Bevölkerung ĂŒber Gesundheit, die Ausdifferenzierung von Risikokalkulationen und die vergeschlechtlichte Dimension der Fortpflanzungsdiskurse. Der Text arbeitet die biopolitische Figuration von Gesundheit als ein historisches Kontinuum heraus und macht die Regulierung der (weiblichen) Fortpflanzung als ein Organisationsprinzip von Nation sichtbar." (Autorenreferat)"This text investigates how the World Health Organization (WHO Regional Office for Europe) introduced the 2001 UN programme on sexual and reproductive health in Europe. It appears that the WHO health programmes constitute a new regime of interventions in the area of population control: sexuality and reproduction are regulated based on a biopolitical conceptualization of health. At the same time, the analysis reveals that the biopolitical signature of health and reproduction is a historical continuum. The following text will go into three aspects of this biopolitical signature: Firstly the primacy of population over health (with the demographic focus on Europe). Secondly the differentiation of risk calculations. And thirdly the gendered discourse of reproduction, making women the central figure of governmental policies." (author's abstract

    Politiken der GenerativitÀt: Reproduktive Gesundheit, Bevölkerung und Geschlecht; Das Beispiel der Weltgesundheitsorganisation

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    Bevölkerungspolitik hat sich seit der UN-Bevölkerungs-Konferenz in Kairo 1994 grundlegend verĂ€ndert. Geburtensteuernde Zwangsmaßnahmen wurden offiziell abgeschafft und selbstbestimmte Fortpflanzung auf die Grundlage von Menschenrechten gestellt. Allerdings sind auch die hier zugrunde liegenden Konzepte nicht frei von normativen PrĂ€missen in Bezug auf Geschlecht, SexualitĂ€t, Ethnie und Gesundheit. Die Autorin stellt in ihrer Untersuchung - in deren Zentrum die Adaption der UN-Agenda im europĂ€ischen Kontext steht - heraus, dass die gegenwĂ€rtige Essenzialisierung der GenerativitĂ€t im Rahmen einer heteronormativen Zweigeschlechtlichkeit zentral fĂŒr die Reproduktion der herrschenden Gesellschafts- und GeschlechterverhĂ€ltnisse ist.A critical assessment of discourses on reproduction in European health programmes and their impact on social and gender relations


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    ABSTRACT Megan Elizabeth Schutzbach-Horton: DEVELOPMENT OF PHOTOREDOX CATALYSIS-MEDIATED FUNCTIONALIZATION METHODS FOR ARENES AND OLEFINS (Under the direction of David A. Nicewicz) I. Introduction to Organic Photoredox Catalysis This chapter provides a brief discussion of relevant photophysical properties and the thermodynamics of photoinduced electron transfer. The development of acridinium ion catalysts and their use by our lab is also included. II. Development of Photoredox Catalysis-Mediated Methods for the Hydrofunctionalization of Glycals Efforts to-date on the development of glycal hydrofunctionalization methods using acridinium-mediated photoredox catalysis are summarized. This work includes data obtained by Heqing Sun on the use of exo-glycals as substrates in a hydroalkoxylation reaction. The latter portion of the chapter summarizes efforts towards the use of endo-glycals as substrates in a variety of hydrofunctionalization methods, including hydroamination and hydroalkoxylation reactions. III. Development of a Photoredox-Mediated Method for the Anti-Markovnikov Hydroazidation of Activated Olefins This chapter discusses the use of acridinium-mediated photoredox catalysis in the development of an anti-Markovnikov hydroazidation method that is complementary to existing work. Using mild conditions that feature the use of TMSN3 and TFE, we report the synthesis of 31 organic azides in yields ranging from 22 – 98%. IV. Development of a Method for the Nucleophilic Defluorination of Electron-Neutral and Electron-Rich Fluoroarenes In this chapter, the development of a general method for the use of electron-neutral and electron-rich fluoro(hetero)arenes as substrates in a CRA-SNAr reaction is discussed. Using both an acridinium catalyst, as well as a novel xanthylium catalyst, conditions were developed for 78 examples of nucleophilic defluorination in a manner that is complementary to existing SNAr chemistry.Doctor of Philosoph

    Politiken der GenerativitÀt

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    Evaluation of intra- and interobserver reliability in the assessment of the ‘critical trochanter angle’

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    Background: The recently described 'critical trochanter angle' (CTA) is a novel parameter in the preoperative risk assessment of stem malalignment in total hip arthroplasty. As its reproducibility needs to be evaluated, the given study aims to investigate intra- and interobserver reliability. It is hypothesized that both analyses justify the clinical use of the CTA. Methods: A total of 100 pelvic radiographs obtained prior to total hip arthroplasty were retrospectively reviewed by four observers with different levels of clinical experience. The CTA was measured twice by each observer at different occasions in the previously described technique. Intra- and interobserver reliability was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) with confidence intervals (CI) and the Bland-Altman approach. Results: The mean CTA in both measuring sequences was 20.58° and 20.78°. The observers' means ranged from 17.76° to 25.23°. Intraobserver reliability showed a mean difference of less than 0.5° for all four observers (95% limit of agreement: - 7.70-6.70). Intraobserver ICCs ranged from 0.92 to 0.99 (CI 0.88-0.99). For interobserver variation analysis, ICCs of 0.83 (CI 0.67-0.90) and 0.85 (CI 0.68-0.92) were calculated. Conclusion: Analyses concerning intra- and interobserver reliability in the assessment of the CTA showed 'very good' and 'good' results, respectively. In view of these findings, the use of the CTA as an additional preoperative parameter to assess the risk of intraoperative stem malalignment seems to be justified

    Incidence of glomerulonephritis in the western part of Switzerland over the last decade.

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    Glomerulonephritis is a rare yet serious group of diseases with a high risk of progression to end-stage renal disease. For optimal healthcare planning, detailed epidemiological and demographic data are essential. Despite their clinical relevance, these data are largely lacking in Switzerland. The objective of this study was to assess the incidence of the different forms of glomerulonephritis in the western part of Switzerland and its changes over the last 10 years, compared with international data. We listed all renal biopsy reports analysed between 2007 and 2016 at the University hospital of Lausanne, the renal pathology reference centre of all hospitals in the cantons of Vaud, Fribourg, Valais and Neuchâtel. Biopsies with a first diagnosis of primary glomerulonephritis were included in the analysis. The incidence was calculated as the number of patients newly diagnosed with glomerulonephritis divided by the number of inhabitants of all the above-mentioned cantons during the year under review, as retrieved from the federal statistical office of Switzerland. We collected biopsy reports from 864 patients between 2007 and 2016; 168 biopsies met the inclusion criteria. The most common primary glomerulonephritis was IgA nephropathy at 32.7% of cases, followed by lupus nephritis (29.8%) and pauci-immune glomerulonephritis (11.9%). Overall, the mean incidence of glomerulonephritis was 1.3/100,000/year. Between 2007 and 2016, the incidence of all glomerulonephritis taken together remained stable. The same was true for the incidence of IgA nephropathy, lupus nephritis and pauci-immune glomerulonephritis. In contrast, we observed a trend towards higher creatinine levels, proteinuria and degree of interstitial fibrosis at diagnosis. The incidence of glomerulonephritis in the western part of Switzerland was low and remained stable over time, in line with European data
