32 research outputs found

    Student Perceptions of Interactive Whiteboards in a Biology Classroom

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    This qualitative study provides student perceptions of interactive whiteboard (IWB) use in a secondary biology classroom. The use of the IWB was alternated with the overhead on an ABAB and BABA design in two classrooms. The study was based on semi-structured interviews of thirty-six individuals, representing a sample of rural, high school students. Interview questions focused on three constructs: benefits, limitations, and suggestions for improvement. Analyzing the results ascertained that students found the IWB to be interesting because it was engaging and offered multimedia aspects. Students also reported the IWB to improve instruction through enhanced visuals and notes. Limitations and areas for improvement also were noted. These results can be used to inform educators on possible applications of the IWB’s use

    Student Perceptions of Interactive Whiteboards in a Biology Classroom

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    This qualitative study provides student perceptions of interactive whiteboard (IWB) use in a secondary biology classroom. The use of the IWB was alternated with the overhead on an ABAB and BABA design in two classrooms. The study was based on semi-structured interviews of thirty-six individuals, representing a sample of rural, high school students. Interview questions focused on three constructs: benefits, limitations, and suggestions for improvement. Analyzing the results ascertained that students found the IWB to be interesting because it was engaging and offered multimedia aspects. Students also reported the IWB to improve instruction through enhanced visuals and notes. Limitations and areas for improvement also were noted. These results can be used to inform educators on possible applications of the IWB’s use

    Perceived stress in patients with inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin conditions. An observational controlled study among 255 Norwegian dermatological outpatients

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    Background Inflammation may increase stress, while stress may promote inflammation. Most dermatological conditions are chronic and inflammatory, while some, such as cancer, naevi and tumours are non-inflammatory, but may cause stress because of the fear of malignancy and the necessity for surgical and other invasive treatments. Stress among patients with skin diseases is little explored. Objectives To assess perceived stress in patients with inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin conditions compared to healthy controls. Methods Observational cross-sectional study. Consecutive outpatients (N = 255) visiting the Department of Dermatology, Stavanger University Hospital, Norway and 148 skin-healthy controls contributed by answering questionnaires on sociodemographics, stressful life events, economic difficulties, self-rated health and perceived stress. The validated Perceived Stress Scale10 was used to evaluate stress. A dermatologist examined patients and registered their diagnoses and comorbidities. Controls included in this study were not examined by a dermatologist and self-reported their comorbidities. Results Patients with an inflammatory skin disease or psoriasis have a tripled risk of reporting moderate to high stress compared with controls when adjusted for relevant confounders, including having experienced a stressful life event recently or having a comorbidity. Patients with a purely non-inflammatory skin disease perceived stress no differently than controls. Conclusion Patients with inflammatory skin disease perceived higher stress than controls and patients with non-inflammatory skin conditions. Dermatologists may play a role in awareness of the importance of stress in skin disease.publishedVersio

    S2k guideline: Diagnosis and treatment of chronic pruritus

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    Pruritus is a cross-disciplinary leading symptom of numerous diseases and represents an interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In contrast to acute pruritus, chronic pruritus (CP) is a symptom of various diseases that is usually difficult to treat. Scratching and the development of scratch-associated skin lesions can alter the original skin status. In the presence of an itch-scratch-cycle, even secondary diseases such as chronic prurigo can develop. Chronic pruritus leads to considerable subjective suffering of those affected, which can result in restrictions on the health-related quality of life such as sleep disturbances, anxiety, depressiveness, experience of stigmatization and/or social withdrawal up to clinically relevant psychic comorbidities. Medical care of patients should therefore include (a) interdisciplinary diagnosis and therapy of the triggering underlying disease, (b) therapy of the secondary symptoms of pruritus (dermatological therapy, sleep promotion, in the case of an accompanying or underlying psychological or psychosomatic disease an appropriate psychological-psychotherapeutic treatment) and (c) symptomatic antipruritic therapy. The aim of this interdisciplinary guideline is to define and standardize the therapeutic procedure as well as the interdisciplinary diagnosis of CP. This is the short version of the updated S2k-guideline for chronic pruritus. The long version can be found at www.awmf.org

    China Studies Review

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    The first section of this issue features two brief issue papers. Ned Collins-Chase examines the Qianhai Free Trade Zone and considers its prospects as a tool for Chinese capital account liberalization. Minh Joo Yi surveys China’s foreign policy calculus under Presi-dent Xi Jinping and notes Beijing’s growing assertiveness in foreign affairs. In the second section of this issue, we pres-ent three research articles spanning China’s environment, nuclear weapons strategy, and economy. Miaosu Li analyzes a little understood aspect of China’s wind energy development - the associated environmen-tal costs of rare-earth metal processing - and calls for a more nuanced assessment of Chinese energy policy and implemen-tation. Amanda Van Gilder provides a comprehensive analysis of the nuclear bal-ance between the United States and China. She concludes that while the United States will maintain nuclear superiority for the next one to two decades, the gap will close as China gradually attains doctrinal and tech-nological parity. Benjamin Pollok compares the homeward investment patterns of the diaspora populations of China and India. Pollok attributes China’s greater success in attracting this investment to its active dias-pora engagement policies — a strategy not yet meaningfully pursued by India

    Body dysmorphia in common skin diseases: Results of an observational, cross-sectional multi-centre study among dermatological out-patients in 17 European countries

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    Background: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a common psychiatric disorder associated with high costs for healthcare systems as patients may repeatedly ask for different, often not effective interventions. BDD symptoms are more prevalent in patients with dermatological conditions than the general population, but there are no large sample studies comparing the prevalence of BDD symptoms between patients with dermatological conditions and healthy skin controls. Objectives: To compare the prevalence of BDD symptoms between patients with different dermatological conditions and healthy skin controls and to describe sociodemographic, physical and psychological factors associated with BDD symptoms to identify patients who may have a particularly high chance of having this condition. Methods: This observational cross-sectional, comparative multi-centre study included 8295 participants: 5487 consecutive patients with different skin diseases (56% female) recruited among dermatological out-patients at 22 clinics in 17 European countries and 2808 healthy skin controls (66% female). All patients were examined by a dermatologist. BDD symptoms were assessed by the Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ). Sociodemographic data, information on psychological factors and physical conditions were collected. Each patient was given a dermatological diagnosis according to ICD-10 by a dermatologist. Results: The participation rate of invited dermatological patients was 82.4% on average across all centres. BDD symptoms were five times more prevalent in patients with dermatological conditions than in healthy skin controls (10.5% vs. 2.1%). Patients with hyperhidrosis, alopecia and vitiligo had a more than eleven-fold increased chance (adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) > 11) of having BDD symptoms compared to healthy skin controls, and patients with atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, hidradenitis suppurativa, prurigo and bullous diseases had a more than six-fold increased chance (adjusted OR > 6) of having BDD symptoms. Using a logistic regression model, BDD symptoms were significantly related to lower age, female sex, higher psychological stress and feelings of stigmatisation. Conclusions: This study reveals that clinical BDD symptoms are significantly associated with common dermatological diseases. As such symptoms are associated with higher levels of psychological distress and multiple unhelpful consultations, general practitioners and dermatologists should consider BDD and refer patients when identified to an appropriate service for BDD screening and managementpublishedVersio

    Body dysmorphia in common skin diseases: Results of an observational, cross-sectional multi-centre study among dermatological out-patients in 17 European countries

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    Background Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a common psychiatric disorder associated with high costs for healthcare systems as patients may repeatedly ask for different, often not effective interventions. BDD symptoms are more prevalent in patients with dermatological conditions than the general population, but there are no large sample studies comparing the prevalence of BDD symptoms between patients with dermatological conditions and healthy skin controls. Objectives To compare the prevalence of BDD symptoms between patients with different dermatological conditions and healthy skin controls and to describe sociodemographic, physical and psychological factors associated with BDD symptoms to identify patients who may have a particularly high chance of having this condition. Methods This observational cross-sectional, comparative multi-centre study included 8295 participants: 5487 consecutive patients with different skin diseases (56% female) recruited among dermatological out-patients at 22 clinics in 17 European countries and 2808 healthy skin controls (66% female). All patients were examined by a dermatologist. BDD symptoms were assessed by the Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ). Sociodemographic data, information on psychological factors and physical conditions were collected. Each patient was given a dermatological diagnosis according to ICD-10 by a dermatologist. Results The participation rate of invited dermatological patients was 82.4% on average across all centres. BDD symptoms were five times more prevalent in patients with dermatological conditions than in healthy skin controls (10.5% vs. 2.1%). Patients with hyperhidrosis, alopecia and vitiligo had a more than eleven-fold increased chance (adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) > 11) of having BDD symptoms compared to healthy skin controls, and patients with atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, hidradenitis suppurativa, prurigo and bullous diseases had a more than six-fold increased chance (adjusted OR > 6) of having BDD symptoms. Using a logistic regression model, BDD symptoms were significantly related to lower age, female sex, higher psychological stress and feelings of stigmatisation. Conclusions This study reveals that clinical BDD symptoms are significantly associated with common dermatological diseases. As such symptoms are associated with higher levels of psychological distress and multiple unhelpful consultations, general practitioners and dermatologists should consider BDD and refer patients when identified to an appropriate service for BDD screening and management

    Effects of a Brief Mindfulness-based Intervention in Patients with Psoriasis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Mindfulness is a special type of attention, namely focusing on the current moment in a non-judgmental manner. Extensive mindfulness-based interventions have been shown to have positive effects in patients with psoriasis. However, it is unclear whether brief (2-week) interventions are also beneficial. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a 2-week mindfulness-based intervention in patients with psoriasis. Patients were randomly assigned to an experimental (treatment-as-usual + mindfulness-based intervention) or control group (treatment-as-usual) during their clinic stay. All variables were measured by self-report using validated questionnaires: primary outcomes were mindfulness and self-compassion, secondary outcomes were itch catastrophizing, social anxiety, stress and skin status. Variables were assessed prior to, immediately and 3 months after the intervention. Effects were tested by repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Analyses of pre-post-measurements (n = 39) revealed a significant interaction effect on self-reported mindfulness [F(1,35) = 7.46, p = 0.010, η2p = 0.18] and a tendency to a significant effect on self-reported self-compassion [F(1,36) = 3.03, p = 0.090, η2p = 0.08]. There were no other significant effects, but most descriptive data were in favour of the experimental group. However, the control group showed a greater improvement in skin status. Further studies are needed to replicate these findings and investigate which subgroups especially profit from such an intervention