310 research outputs found

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    Postcard from Sara Schurter, during the Linfield College Semester Abroad Program at James Cook University in Cairns, Australi

    An Analysis of Judicial Activism and the Conservative Response

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    Undergradaute Theoretical Proposa

    Preliminary Report of Building Expansion Needs of Wheaton Warrenville High School

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    Makroekonomski indikatori za RH u 2015. godini pokazuju tendenciju gospodarskog oporavka. Komparativna usporedba indikatora za RH i Europsku uniju pokazuje trend oporavka koji je sporiji od prosjeka Europske unije. Smisao komparativnih praćenja prije svega je u mjerenju vlastite uspješnosti, usporedbi s okruženjem, kao i preispitivanju mjera i aktivnosti s ciljem razvijanja onih koje postižu najbolje rezultate. Usporedbe sa zemljama u okruženju pružaju mogućnost provjere primjenjivosti uspješnih mjera i aktivnosti, kao i prilagodbi specifičnostima okruženja. Proučavanje znanstvene i stručne literature prepoznaje projekte energetske učinkovitosti kao svojevrsne pokretače gospodarskog oporavka. Razlozi se pripisuju značajnom broju direktnih, indirektnih i induciranih učinaka. Istovremeno bez obzira na opseg ulaganja, ovi projekti u svojoj osnovi predstavljaju investicije, s izravnim pozitivnim učinkom na bruto društveni proizvod, odnosno provođenje ovih projekata izravno utječe na makroekonomske indikatore. Značaj provedbe projekata energetske učinkovitosti naglašen je i u Dugoročnoj strategiji za poticanje ulaganja u obnovu nacionalnog fonda zgrada RH u kojoj se s jedne strane naglašava značajan potencijal koji je izravan rezultat energetske (ne)učinkovitosti zgrada javne uprave, a koji ulaganja u ovakve zgrade u značajnom postotku čini opravdanim, a s druge strane ističe očekivani utjecaj provedbe ovih projekata na zaposlenost, investiranje i bruto dodanu vrijednost. S ciljem utvrđivanja trenutnog stanja, provedena je analiza makroekonomskih pokazatelja na razini Županije (investicije, udio građevinarstva u bruto dodanoj vrijednosti, udio građevinskog sektora u ukupnim investicijama i sl.) Analiza je pokazala kako je značaj građevine na županijskoj razini izraženiji nego na državnoj, ali i trend pada aktivnosti u svim sektorima. Provedba projekata energetske učinkovitosti izravno utječe na građevinarstvo, koji se prema nacionalnoj klasifikaciji djelatnosti razvrstavaju u ovu djelatnost. Kako je kroz planske i programske dokumente energetske učinkovitosti Županija preuzela obvezu provođenja ovih projekata te se izravno uključila u ostvarenje nacionalnih obveza i nacionalnih ciljeva u ovom području, postavlja se pitanje učinaka njihove provedbe na gospodarski oporavak? Kako je pretpostavka provođenja ovih projekata educirana radna snaga osposobljena za njihovu provedbu, provedena je analiza koja je pokazala kako na razini Županije ljudski čimbenik nije ograničenje njihovoj provedbi. Međutim, ukoliko bi se i iskazala potreba za specifičnim novim znanjima kroz postojeće obrazovne kapacitete ovaj bi se nedostatak vrlo brzo mogao prevladati. S ciljem identificiranja potencijala za energetsku obnovu, zgrade u vlasništvu Županije i/ili proračunskih korisnika kojima je Županija osnivač i/ili nad kojima ima osnivačka prava, kategorizirane su prema tehničkim svojstvima, te su izračunate potencijalne uštede u potrošnji energenata uz pretpostavku provođenja mjera energetske učinkovitosti prema tehničkim propisima. Ove su analize pokazale kako energetska (ne)učinkovitost dijela objekata otvara prostor za opravdana investicijska ulaganja. Slijedom navedenog, analizirani su ekonomski učinci provedbe projekata na primjeru sedam objekata u vlasništvu proračunskih korisnika kojima je Županija osnivač i/ili nad kojima ima osnivačka prava, te koja su pokazala pozitivne ekonomske učinke na lokalno gospodarstvo. Temeljem analiziranih primjera najbolje prakse u znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi i iskustava provedbe projekata energetske učinkovitosti identificirani su koraci u provedbi cost-benefit analize, te je definiran model za liste prioriteta.Macroeconomic indicators for Republic of Croatia in 2015 are showing the tendency of economic recovery. Comparative comparison for Croatia and European Union shows the tendency of slower recovery than EU average. Meaning of comparative monitoring is measuring own success, in comparison to surrounding, as a review of measures and activities aimed to develop best practices. Comparisons to surrounding countries provide opportunity to check the applicability of successful measures and activities, as well to adapt to specificity of surrounding. The study of scientific and technical literature recognizes projects of energy efficiency as a kind of catalyst for economic recovery. Reasons are attributed to significant number of direct, indirect and induced effects. Simultaneously, regardless to the scale of investment, these projects in its core represent investments, with direct positive effects to gross national product. The significance of implementation of projects of energy efficiency is emphasized in Long-term strategy for stimulating investments into renewal of national building fund of Croatia that underlines the significant potential that is a direct result of energy (in) efficiency of public buildings, and points out expected influence of implementation of these projects to employment, investments and gross value added. In order to determine current state, analysis of macroeconomic indicators was conducted on Osijek-Baranja county level (investments, share of construction in gross benefit, share of construction sector in overall investments etc.) Analysis showed more prominent level on county level than on a state level, but also noticed the trend of decline in activities in all sectors; especially in construction is more prominent on the level of county than state. Implementation of projects of energy efficiency directly effects construction, and according to national classification of economic activities it is classified in this activity. Through planning and programming documents of energy efficiency the County is committed to conduct these projects and is consequently directly involved in achievement of national obligations and national goals in this sector, the question of their implementation to economic recovery arises. Since the assumption of implementation of these projects is educated workforce qualified to implement them, the conducted analysis on the County level showed that human factor is not a limitation to their implementation. If the need arose for specific new knowledge this disadvantage would quickly be overcome through existing education capacities. With objective of identifying the potential for energy renewal, buildings owned by the County and/or budget users to whom the County is founder and/or over which has founding rights, are categorized according to technical properties, and potential savings in consumption of energy were calculated with presumption that measures of energy efficiency will be conducted in accordance with technical regulations. These analyses showed that energy (in) efficiency of certain part of objects creates room for justified investments. Consequently, economic effects of project implementation were analyzed in the example of seven objects that showed positive economic effects on local economy. Based on analyzed examples of best practices in scientific and professional literature and the experience in implementation of project of energy efficiency, steps were identified in conducting the cost-benefit analysis and model for priority lists is defined

    Dow AFB -- Historically, Economically, and Strategically (Presentation of Colonel Orie O. Schurter, 4060th ARW Commander)

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    Covers the history of Dow Air Force Base in Bangor, Maine. Includes: early history from 1923-1945; Dow\u27s role during World War II, post WWI to 1955, the strategic location and use of the base, the base\u27s mission, and the economic impact of the base on Bangor and the surrounding area.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/dow_books/1009/thumbnail.jp

    The Ecological and Civil Mainsprings of Property: An Experimental Economic History of Whalers’ Rules of Capture

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    This paper uses a laboratory experiment to probe the proposition that property emerges anarchically out of social custom. We test the hypothesis that whalers in the 18th and 19th century developed rules of conduct that minimized the sum of the transaction and production costs of capturing their prey, the primary implication being that different ecological conditions lead to different rules of capture. Holding everything else constant, we find that simply imposing two different types of prey is insufficient to observe two different rules of capture. Another factor is essential, namely that the members of the community are civil-minded.property rights, endogenous rules, whaling, experimental economics