284 research outputs found

    Нарративное интервью в исследовании катамнеза внутренней картины болезни при шизофрении (клинико-психологический аспект)

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    Представлены особенности проведения клинического нарративного интервью как значимого метода в психодиагностике внутренней картины болезни (ВКБ) в катамнезе у больных шизофренией. Проведено комплексное психоанамнестическое, психодиагностическое, патоперсонологическое обследование больных параноидной шизофренией. Сформулированы стратегии и тактики проведения нарративного интервью с целью выявления особенностей их ВКБ.Наведено особливості проведення клінічного наративного інтерв'ю як визначального методу в психодіагностиці внутрішньої картини хвороби (ВКХ) у катамнезі у хворих на шизофренію. Проведено комплексне психоанамнестичне, психодіагностичне, патоперсонологічне обстеження хворих на параноїдну шизофренію. Сформульовано стратегії і тактики проведення наративного інтерв'ю з метою виявлення особливостей їх ВКХ.The peculiarities of clinical narrative interview as a significant method in psychodagnosis of the disease inner picture (DIP) in the history of patients with schizophrenia are presented. Complex psychoanamnestic, psychodiagnostic, pathopersonological investigation of patients with paranoid schizophrenia was performed. The strategies and tactics of narrative interview with the purpose to reveal DIP peculiarities were formulated

    Met DNA-onderzoek aantonen tot welk ras een rund behoort

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    Een Lakenvelder en een Groninger blaarkop zijn makkelijk te herkennen aan hun specifieke kleurpatronen. Maar dat is niet het enige wat hen onderscheidt. Met behulp van DNA-onderzoek kan men nu van een dier zonder stamboomgegevens op basis van zijn DNA zien tot welk ras het behoort

    Effective and Efficient Stand Magnifier Use in Visually Impaired Children

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    Contains fulltext : 167758.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)PURPOSE: The main objective of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of magnifier use in children with visual impairment who did not use a low vision aid earlier, in an ecologically valid goal-directed perceptuomotor task. METHODS: Participants were twenty-nine 4- to 8-year-old children with visual impairment and 47 age-matched children with normal vision. After seeing a first symbol (an Lea Hyvarinen [LH] symbol), children were instructed to (1) move the stand magnifier as quickly as possible toward a small target symbol (another LH symbol that could only be seen by using the magnifier), (2) compare the two symbols, and (3) move the magnifier to one of two response areas to indicate whether the two symbols were identical. Performance was measured in terms of accuracy, response time, identification time, and movement time. Viewing distance, as well as hand and eye dominance while using the magnifier was assessed. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the two groups in accuracy, reaction time, and movement time. Contrary to the prediction, children with visual impairment required less time to identify small symbols than children with normal vision. Both within-subject and between-subject variability in viewing distance were smaller in the visually impaired group than in the normally sighted group. In the visually impaired group, a larger viewing distance was associated with shorter identification time, which in turn was associated with higher accuracy. In the normally sighted group, a faster movement with the magnifier and a faster identification were associated with increasing age. CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that children with visual impairment can use the stand magnifier adequately and efficiently. The normally sighted children show an age-related development in movement time and identification time and show more variability in viewing distance, which is not found in visually impaired children. Visually impaired children seem to choose a standard but less adaptive strategy in which they primarily used their preferred hand to manipulate the magnifier and their preferred eye to identify the symbol. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registered at http://www.trialregister.nl; NTR2380.11 p

    Relation between composition and fracture strength in off-stoichiometric metal silicide free-standing membranes

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    In this work, we investigated the influence of composition on the polycrystalline structure, elastic properties and fracture strength, of ZrxSi1-x, NbxSi1-x, and MoxSi1-x free-standing thin films that were deposited by magnetron sputtering and subsequently annealed at 500 °C. Despite deviations from the stoichiometric composition, the crystalline structure of all films, except for the most Zr-rich ZrxSi1-x, corresponded to their respective stoichiometric disilicide structures, without the formation of a second-phase. Off-stoichiometry was found to be accompanied by the presence of lattice defects and a decrease of the grain size, which bring about a lower tensile stress in the films. The dependence of the fracture strength on the composition was remarkably similar for the three silicides, with the lowest and highest strength values occurring for samples with 30% and 37–40% of metal content, respectively. The observed dependence of strength on composition was attributed to the combination of the Hall-Petch effect, changes in the morphology and strength of grain boundaries, and the enhancement of crystal plasticity due to lattice defects induced by off-stoichiometry

    Infectious Disease Ontology

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    Technological developments have resulted in tremendous increases in the volume and diversity of the data and information that must be processed in the course of biomedical and clinical research and practice. Researchers are at the same time under ever greater pressure to share data and to take steps to ensure that data resources are interoperable. The use of ontologies to annotate data has proven successful in supporting these goals and in providing new possibilities for the automated processing of data and information. In this chapter, we describe different types of vocabulary resources and emphasize those features of formal ontologies that make them most useful for computational applications. We describe current uses of ontologies and discuss future goals for ontology-based computing, focusing on its use in the field of infectious diseases. We review the largest and most widely used vocabulary resources relevant to the study of infectious diseases and conclude with a description of the Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO) suite of interoperable ontology modules that together cover the entire infectious disease domain

    The apron of the greater omentum of gastric cancer patients contains various lymphoid structures including lymph nodes

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    Purpose: To gain more insight into the pattern of peritoneal cancer dissemination and optimize cancer treatment, it is important to improve our understanding of the omental lymphatic system. Although omental milky spots (OMSs) are considered the only lymphoid structures in the omentum, clinical studies mention the presence of lymph nodes (LNs) as well. This discrepancy may be explained by the fact that OMSs are highly dynamic structures and may erroneously be mistaken for LNs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the lymphoid structures, and mainly the presence of lymph nodes, in the apron of the greater omentum. Basic procedures: In this study, diagnostic samples of the greater omentum of 17 gastric cancer patients that were previously reported to contain LNs were re-evaluated for their presence. Paraffin embedded omental samples were stained with Picrosirius red, smooth muscle actin and CD20 and CD3, and microscopically re-examined according to predefined criteria to distinguish OMSs from LNs. Main findings: Pathology records reported 47 LNs in 17 patients. Upon re-evaluation, 20/47 LNs could be classified as true LNs and were located in both the upper and lower quadrants of the greater omentum. The other 27 structures could not be classified as LNs or OMSs and were defined as intermediate lymphoid structures. Conclusions: The omental apron of gastric cancer patients contains LNs and intermediate lymphoid structures, the latter most likely representing activated OMSs. These observations underline that our understanding of the lymphatic system of the greater omentum is incomplete and requires additional studies to gain further insight in its structure and function in both health and disease

    Intestinal Fatty Acid-Binding Protein as a Diagnostic Marker for Complicated and Uncomplicated Necrotizing Enterocolitis:A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Early NEC symptoms are non-specific and diagnostic tests lack discriminative power. Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP), mainly located in small bowel enterocytes, is released into the blood following NEC-associated enterocyte disruption. Aim of this prospective cohort trial was to determine the diagnostic value of I-FABP measured in plasma (I-FABPp) and urine (I-FABPu) for the presence of NEC, to evaluate I-FABP levels during NEC development, and to assess its prognostic value for the progression from suspected to complicated disease.Between 2010 and 2012 we prospectively enrolled neonates with suspected NEC. We measured I-FABP levels eight-hourly from onset of suspected NEC for at least 48 hours, or until surgery. NEC diagnosis was confirmed radiologically or during operation. We defined NEC as complicated if it resulted in surgery and/or death. We determined disease course and diagnostic I-FABP cut-off points.The study comprised 37 neonates (24M, 13F), gestational age 28 (24-36) weeks, birth weight 1190 (570-2,400) grams. We found significantly higher I-FABPp and I-FABPu levels in NEC patients (n = 22) than in patients with other diagnoses (n = 15). Cut-off values for diagnosing NEC were 9 ng/mL I-FABPp and 218 ng/mL I-FABPu, with corresponding likelihood ratios (LRs) of 5.6 (95% CI 0.89-35) and 5.1 (95% CI 0.73-36), respectively. I-FABP levels were highest in the first eight hours after symptom onset and gradually decreased over time. Cut-off values for complicated disease were 19 ng/mL I-FABPp and 232 ng/mL I-FABPu, with LRs of 10 (95% CI 1.6-70) and 11 (95% CI 1.6-81), respectively.Both plasma and urinary I-FABP levels specifically identify NEC in preterm infants prior to appearance of diagnostic radiological signs suggestive for NEC. Moreover, serial I-FABP measurements accurately predict development of complicated disease

    Capture the fracture: a best practice framework and global campaign to break the fragility fracture cycle

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    Summary The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) Capture the Fracture Campaign aims to support implementation of Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) throughout the world. Introduction FLS have been shown to close the ubiquitous secondary fracture prevention care gap, ensuring that fragility fracture sufferers receive appropriate assessment and intervention to reduce future fracture risk. Methods Capture the Fracture has developed internationally endorsed standards for best practice, will facilitate change at the national level to drive adoption of FLS and increase awareness of the challenges and opportunities presented by secondary fracture prevention to key stakeholders. The Best Practice Framework (BPF) sets an international benchmark for FLS, which defines essential and aspirational elements of service delivery. Results The BPF has been reviewed by leading experts from many countries and subject to beta-testing to ensure that it is internationally relevant and fit-for-purpose. The BPF will also serve as a measurement tool for IOF to award ‘Capture the Fracture Best Practice Recognition’ to celebrate successful FLS worldwide and drive service development in areas of unmet need. The Capture the Fracture website will provide a suite of resources related to FLS and secondary fracture prevention, which will be updated as new materials become available. A mentoring programme will enable those in the early stages of development of FLS to learn from colleagues elsewhere that have achieved Best Practice Recognition. A grant programme is in development to aid clinical systems which require financial assistance to establish FLS in their localities. Conclusion Nearly half a billion people will reach retirement age during the next 20 years. IOF has developed Capture the Fracture because this is the single most important thing that can be done to directly improve patient care, of both women and men, and reduce the spiralling fracture-related care costs worldwide.</p