131 research outputs found

    Commercialised History: Popular History Magazines in Europe

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    [EN]This volume of essays is the result of the EU project «EHISTO», which dealt with the mediation of history in popular history magazines and explored how history in the commercialised mass media can be used in history teaching in order to develop the media literacy and the transcultural competences of young people. The volume offers articles which for the first time address the phenomenon of popular history magazines in Europe and their mediating strategies in a foundational way. The articles are intended as introductory material for teachers and student teachers. The topic also offers an innovative approach in terms of making possible a European cross-country comparison, in which results based on qualitative and quantitative methods are presented, related to the content focus areas profiled in the national magazines.This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Improved resource efficiency and cascading utilisation of renewable materials

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    In light of various environmental problems and challenges concerning resource allocation, the utilisation of renewable resources is increasingly important for the efficient use of raw materials. Therefore, cascading utilisation (i.e., the multiple material utilisations of renewable resources prior to their conversion into energy) and approaches that aim to further increase resource efficiency (e.g., the utilisation of by-products) can be considered guiding principles. This paper therefore introduces the Special Volume “Improved Resource Efficiency and Cascading Utilisation of Renewable Materials”. Because both research aspects, resource efficiency and cascading utilisation, belong to several disciplines, the Special Volume adopts an interdisciplinary perspective and presents 16 articles, which can be divided into four subjects: Innovative Materials based on Renewable Resources and their Impact on Sustainability and Resource Efficiency, Quantitative Models for the Integrated Optimisation of Production and Distribution in Networks for Renewable Resources, Information Technology-based Collaboration in Value Generating Networks for Renewable Resources, and Consumer Behaviour towards Eco-friendly Products. The interdisciplinary perspective allows a comprehensive overview of current research on resource efficiency, which is supplemented with 15 book reviews showing the extent to which textbooks of selected disciplines already refer to resource efficiency. This introductory article highlights the relevance of the four subjects, presents summaries of all papers, and discusses future research directions. The overall contribution of the Special Volume is that it bridges the resource efficiency research of selected disciplines and that it presents several approaches for more environmentally sound production and consumption

    "Ich wuĂźt' ja selber, daĂź ich nicht grad der Beste bin ... ": zur AbkĂĽhlungsproblematik bei MiĂźerfolg im schulischen und beruflichen Bildungssystem

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    "Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier, welches im Rahmen des Sfb 186 entstanden ist, behandelt die Verarbeitung schulischer Selektionserfahrungen sowie die Bewältigungsstrategien an der 1. Schwelle des Übergangs in das Beschäftigungssystem kurz nach Schulabgang. Neben differenzierenden Einsichten zum theoretischen Ansatz enthält es insbesondere eine fallnahe Darstellung des variantenreichen Verhältnisses von institutioneller Selektion und individuellen Folgerungen.

    European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education (EHISTO)

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    [EN] EHISTO (European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education) is concerned with the mediation of history in popular (science) media and the question of social and political responsibility of journalists and other mediators of history, especially teachers, in the field of commercial presentation of history. The project responds to the increasing significance of a commercialised mediation of history within the public historical culture and reflects the fact that these representations, which do not always meet the EU standards for history education, can have a lasting impact on the young generation’s understanding of history. Using the example of popular history magazines, the project shall, besides the necessary basic research, develop didactically reflected materials for both history education in school as well as initial and in-service teacher training. On one hand enable a media-critical examination of history magazines and on the other hand, by working with the history magazines, the project addresses itself to popular interpretations of history from the participating countries and reflects their similarities and differences in European cultures of remembrance. Therefore, this approach not only trains mediacritical competences but furthermore enables a multi-perspective and comparative access to history. The project EHISTO will last two years and is funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme with about 300,000 euros. Partners from six European nations take part in the project

    Intercultural Education through Religious Studies (IERS): COMENIUS Multilateral project

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    [EN] Religious and cultural diversity are today more than ever a critical and political challenge as the recent emergencies related to geo-political and economical global transformations clearly show. European countries are concerned by a big immigration flow that demands an educational effort in order to foster the mutual understanding and integration. According to Toledo guiding principles, IERS project meets the needs of an innovative approach in teaching about religions and beliefs at school by providing teachers of humanistic disciplines with new tools that help teachers and pupils to plunge deeper into religions and cultures of non-european countries, as well as raising the knowledge of the religious traditions that contributed to the common European cultural Identity, promoting it in the best way suited for encourage intra -and extra- European cultural dialogue attitudes. The Project aims to support the development of social, civic and intercultural transversal key competences by educating towards a positive understanding of cultural and religious differences, a readiness to engage in dialogue and to avoid or manage conflicts. By encouraging teachers and pupils to expose themselves to the differences and commonalities of religious topics, it promotes also the values of democracy, equality and human rights as it deals with social and civic dimensions of both intercultural and interreligious dialogue. The project will involve high school in-service teachers by developing a complete set of didactical tools and training experiences. The results will be: 1. A baseline study which analyzes the actual situation of teaching about religions throughout Europe; 2. New innovative didactic tools such as Multimedia Digital Modules to be used in classroom activities, accompanied by a Handbook with didactical guidelines for teachers. 3. Teacher support activities (virtual community, training activities, developing of didactical projects to apply in classroom)

    Faktische Gleichberechtigung : die Grundgesetzerweiterung des Art. 3 II S. 2

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    Im November 1994 trat die Grundgesetzerweiterung des Art. 3 II S. 2 in Kraft. Der Staat wird verpflichtet, die tatsächliche Durchsetzung der Gleichberechtigung zu fördern und auf die Beseitigung bestehender Nachteile hinzuwirken. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht die Frage, wie das verfassungsrechtliche Gewicht der Neubestimmung zu taxieren ist. Wie ist sie in das Verfassungsinstrumentarium einzuordnen? Welche Wirkungsweise, resultierend insbesondere aus der Wertigkeit im Verfassungsgefüge und der Justitiabilität, ist ihr zuzuschreiben? Ist sie dazu fähig, den Staat zur Abhilfe des Defizits an tatsächlicher Gleichberechtigung zu verpflichten? Als Ergebnis kristallisiert sich heraus, welche zuvor umstrittenen Instrumente zur Frauenförderung durch Art. 3 II S. 2 rechtlich abgesichert werden

    "Mathis von Ossenburg": Aschaffenburg um 1500

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