312 research outputs found

    Lymphoma of the orbit masquerading as Tolosa-Hunt syndrome Neuro-ophthalmology

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    Background: Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a rare clinical syndrome characterized by painful ophthalmoplegia and ipsilateral cranial neuropathies. It is caused by an inflammatory process of unknown etiology. Case presentation: We present a case of a 77-year-old white man with history of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia transforming to large B-cell lymphoma who presented to a community physician complaining of 4 months of isolated right retro-orbital pain and later with diplopia, ptosis, 6th nerve and pupil-sparing partial 3rd nerve palsies as well as progressive neurological findings. His clinical course was complicated by debilitating neurological symptoms and multiple hospitalizations leading to a delay in diagnosis caused by incomplete initial workup. Conclusion: This case is a reminder that lymphoproliferative disorders often mimic other neurologic disorders and that Tolosa-Hunt is a rare diagnosis that must be considered a diagnosis of exclusion

    A laser-induced mouse model with long-term intraocular pressure elevation

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    Purpose: To develop and characterize a mouse model with intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation after laser photocoagulation on the trabecular meshwork (TM), which may serve as a model to investigate the potential of stem cell-based therapies for glaucoma. Methods: IOP was measured in 281 adult C57BL/6 mice to determine normal IOP range. IOP elevation was induced unilaterally in 50 adult mice, by targeting the TM through the limbus with a 532-nm diode laser. IOP was measured up to 24 weeks post-treatment. The optic nerve damage was detected by electroretinography and assessed by semiautomatic counting of optic nerve axons. Effects of laser treatment on the TM were evaluated by histology, immunofluorescence staining, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: The average IOP of C57BL/6 mice was 14.5±2.6 mmHg (Mean ±SD). After laser treatment, IOP averaged above 20 mmHg throughout the follow-up period of 24 weeks. At 24 weeks, 57% of treated eyes had elevated IOP with the mean IOP of 22.5±2.5 mmHg (Mean ±SED). The difference of average axon count (59.0%) between laser treated and untreated eyes was statistically significant. Photopic negative response (PhNR) by electroretinography was significantly decreased. CD45+ inflammatory cells invaded the TM within 1 week. The expression of SPARC was increased in the TM from 1 to 12 weeks. Histology showed the anterior chamber angle open after laser treatment. OCT indicated that most of the eyes with laser treatment had no synechia in the anterior chamber angles. TEM demonstrated disorganized and compacted extracellular matrix in the TM. Conclusions: An experimental murine ocular hypertension model with an open angle and optic nerve axon loss was produced with laser photocoagulation, which could be used to investigate stem cell-based therapies for restoration of the outflow pathway integrity for ocular hypertension or glaucoma. Copyright

    Three-Dimensional Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Data Analysis for Glaucoma Detection

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    Purpose: To develop a new three-dimensional (3D) spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) data analysis method using a machine learning technique based on variable-size super pixel segmentation that efficiently utilizes full 3D dataset to improve the discrimination between early glaucomatous and healthy eyes. Methods: 192 eyes of 96 subjects (44 healthy, 59 glaucoma suspect and 89 glaucomatous eyes) were scanned with SD-OCT. Each SD-OCT cube dataset was first converted into 2D feature map based on retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) segmentation and then divided into various number of super pixels. Unlike the conventional super pixel having a fixed number of points, this newly developed variable-size super pixel is defined as a cluster of homogeneous adjacent pixels with variable size, shape and number. Features of super pixel map were extracted and used as inputs to machine classifier (LogitBoost adaptive boosting) to automatically identify diseased eyes. For discriminating performance assessment, area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics of the machine classifier outputs were compared with the conventional circumpapillary RNFL (cpRNFL) thickness measurements. Results: The super pixel analysis showed statistically significantly higher AUC than the cpRNFL (0.855 vs. 0.707, respectively, p = 0.031, Jackknife test) when glaucoma suspects were discriminated from healthy, while no significant difference was found when confirmed glaucoma eyes were discriminated from healthy eyes. Conclusions: A novel 3D OCT analysis technique performed at least as well as the cpRNFL in glaucoma discrimination and even better at glaucoma suspect discrimination. This new method has the potential to improve early detection of glaucomatous damage. © 2013 Xu et al

    Coarsened exact matching of phaco-trabectome to trabectome in phakic patients: Lack of additional pressure reduction from phacoemulsification

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    Purpose To compare intraocular pressure (IOP) after trabectome-mediated ab interno trabeculectomy surgery in phakic patients (T) and trabectome with same session phacoemulsification (PT) using Coarsened Exact Matching. Although phacoemulsification is associated with IOP reduction when performed on its own, it is not known how much it contributes in PT. Methods Subjects were divided into phakic T and PT. Exclusion criteria were follow-up for <12 months and additional glaucoma surgery. Demographics were compared by the Mann- Whitney U test and chi-squared test for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. Multiple imputation was utilized to avoid eliminating data with missing values. Groups were then matched using Coarsened Exact Matching based on age, race, type of glaucoma, baseline IOP, and number of preoperative glaucoma medications. Univariate linear regression was used to examine IOP reduction after surgery; those variables that were statistically significant were included in the final multivariate regression model. Results A total of 753 cases were included (T: 255, PT: 498). When all variables except for age were kept constant, there was an additional IOP reduction of 0.05±0.01 mmHg conferred for every yearly increment in age. Every 1 mmHg increase in baseline IOP correlated to an additional IOP reduction of 0.80±0.02 mmHg. Phacoemulsification was not found to be a statistically significant contributor to IOP when comparing T and PT (p≥0.05). T had a 21% IOP reduction to 15.9±3.5 mmHg (p<0.01) while PT had an 18% reduction to 15.5±3.6 mmHg (p<0.01). Number of medications decreased (p<0.01) in both groups from 2.4±1.2 to 1.9±1.3 and from 2.3±1.1 to 1.7±1.3, respectively. Conclusion Phacoemulsification does not make a significant contribution to postoperative IOP or number of medications when combined with trabectome surgery in phakic patients

    Gold nanorods as a contrast agent for Doppler optical coherence tomography

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    Purpose: To investigate gold nanorods (GNRs) as a contrast agent to enhance Doppler optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging of the intrascleral aqueous humor outflow. Methods: A serial dilution of GNRs was scanned with a spectral-domain OCT device (Bioptigen, Durham, NC) to visualize Doppler signal. Doppler measurements using GNRs were validated using a controlled flow system. To demonstrate an application of GNR enhanced Doppler, porcine eyes were perfused at constant pressure with mock aqueous alone or 1.0×10 12 GNR/mL mixed with mock aqueous. Twelve Doppler and volumetric SD-OCT scans were obtained from the limbus in a radial fashion incremented by 30°, forming a circular scan pattern. Volumetric flow was computed by integrating flow inside non-connected vessels throughout all 12 scans around the limbus. Results: At the GNR concentration of 0.7×1012 GNRs/mL, Doppler signal was present through the entire depth of the testing tube without substantial attenuation. A well-defined laminar flow profile was observed for Doppler images of GNRs flowing through the glass capillary tube. The Doppler OCT measured flow profile was not statistically different from the expected flow profile based upon an autoregressive moving average model, with an error of -0.025 to 0.037 mm/s (p = 0.6435). Cross-sectional slices demonstrated the ability to view anterior chamber outflow ex-vivo using GNR-enhanced Doppler OCT. Doppler volumetric flow measurements were comparable to flow recorded by the perfusion system. Conclusions: GNRs created a measureable Doppler signal within otherwise silent flow fields in OCT Doppler scans. Practical application of this technique was confirmed in a constant pressure ex-vivo aqueous humor outflow model in porcine eyes. © 2014 Wang et al

    Regionally discrete aqueous humor outflow quantification using fluorescein canalograms

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    Purpose To visualize and quantify conventional outflow directly in its anatomic location. Methods We obtained fluorescein canalograms in six porcine whole eyes and six porcine anterior segment cultures. Eyes were perfused with a constant pressure of 15 mmHg using media containing 0.017 mg/ml fluorescein. Flow patterns were visualized using a stereo dissecting microscope equipped for fluorescent imaging. Images were captured every 30 seconds for 20 minutes for time lapse analysis. Anterior chamber cultures were imaged again on day three of culture. Canalograms were first analyzed for filling time per quadrant. We then wrote a program to automatically compute focal flow fits for each macropixel and to detect convergent perilimbal flow patterns with macropixels grouped into 3 equal-radial width rings around the cornea. A generalized additive model was used to determine fluorescence changes of individual macropixels. Results The resulting imaging algorithm deployed 1024 macropixels that were fit to determine maximum intensity and time to fill. These individual fits highlighted the focal flow function. In whole eyes, significantly faster flow was seen in the inferonasal (IN) and superonasal (SN) quadrants compared to the superotemporal (ST) and inferotemporal (IT) ones (p<0.05). In anterior chamber cultures, reduced flow on day 1 increased in all quadrants on day 3 except in IT (p<0.05). Perilimbal ring analysis uncovered convergent perilimbal flow. Conclusions An algorithm was developed that analyzes regional and circumferential outflow patterns. This algorithm found flow patterns that changed over time and differ in whole eyes and anterior segment cultures

    Impact of a glaucoma severity index on results of trabectome surgery: Larger pressure reduction in more severe glaucoma

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    Purpose: To stratify outcomes of trabectome-mediated ab interno trabeculectomy (AIT) by glaucoma severity using a simple and clinically useful glaucoma index. Based on prior data of trabectome after failed trabeculectomy, we hypothesized that more severe glaucoma might have a relatively more reduced facility compared to mild glaucoma and respond with a larger IOP reduction to trabecular meshwork ablation. Methods: Patients with primary open angle glaucoma who had undergone AIT without any other same session surgery and without any second eye surgery during the following 12 months were analyzed. Eyes of patients that had less than 12 months follow up or were diagnosed with neovascular glaucoma were excluded. A glaucoma index (GI) was created to capture glaucoma severity based on visual field, number of preoperative medications, and preoperative IOP. Visual field (VF) was separated into 3 categories: mild, moderate, and advanced (assigned 1,2, and 3 points, respectively). Preoperative number of medications (meds) was divided into 4 categories: ≤1, 2,3 or ≥4, and assigned with a value of 1 to 4. Baseline IOP (IOP) was divided into 3 categories: 12-18 (Group 3) and >18 (Group 4). Linear regression was used to determine if there was an association between GI group and IOP reduction after one year or age, gender, race, diagnosis, cup to disc (C/D) ratio, and Shaffer grade. Results: Out of 1340 patients, 843 were included in the analysis. The GI group distribution was GI1 = 164, GI2 = 202, GI3 = 260, and GI4 = 216. Mean IOP reduction after one year was 4.0±5.4, 6.4±5.8, 9.0±7.6,12.0±8.0 mmHg for GI groups 1 to 4, respectively. Linear regression showed that IOP reduction was associated with GI group after adjusting for age, gender, race, diagnosis, cup to disc ratio, and Shaffer grade. Each GI group increase of 1 was associated with incremental IOP reductions of 2.95±0.29 mmHg. Success rate at 12 months was 90%, 77%, 77%, and 71% for GI groups 1 to 4. The log-rank test suggested significant differences between GI groups. Conclusion: A simple glaucoma index, GI, was created to capture glaucoma severity and a relative resistance to treatment. A higher GI was associated with a larger IOP reduction in trabectome surgery. This indicates that there is a role for AIT beyond mild glaucoma and ocular hypertension

    The APOSTEL recommendations for reporting quantitative optical coherence tomography studies

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop consensus recommendations for reporting of quantitative optical coherence tomography (OCT) study results. METHODS: A panel of experienced OCT researchers (including 11 neurologists, 2 ophthalmologists, and 2 neuroscientists) discussed requirements for performing and reporting quantitative analyses of retinal morphology and developed a list of initial recommendations based on experience and previous studies. The list of recommendations was subsequently revised during several meetings of the coordinating group. RESULTS: We provide a 9-point checklist encompassing aspects deemed relevant when reporting quantitative OCT studies. The areas covered are study protocol, acquisition device, acquisition settings, scanning protocol, funduscopic imaging, postacquisition data selection, postacquisition data analysis, recommended nomenclature, and statistical analysis. CONCLUSIONS: The Advised Protocol for OCT Study Terminology and Elements recommendations include core items to standardize and improve quality of reporting in quantitative OCT studies. The recommendations will make reporting of quantitative OCT studies more consistent and in line with existing standards for reporting research in other biomedical areas. The recommendations originated from expert consensus and thus represent Class IV evidence. They will need to be regularly adjusted according to new insights and practices

    Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness profile in normal eyes using third-generation optical coherence tomography

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    Aims To establish four normal retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness radial profiles based on third-generation optical coherence tomography (OCT) and to compare them with previously reported histologic measurements.Methods A total of 20 normal eyes were studied. A circular scan was adjusted to the size of the optic disc and three scans were performed with this radius and every 200 mu m thereafter, up to a distance of 1400 mu m. Four different radial sections (superotemporal, superonasal, inferonasal, and inferotemporal) were studied to establish RNFL thickness OCT profiles. Additionally, two radial scans orientated at 45 and 1351 crossing the optic disc centre were performed in six of 20 eyes, and RNFL thickness was measured at disc margin.Results Quadrant location and distance from disc margin interaction in RNFL thickness was statistically significant (P < 0.001). the RNFL thickness decreased (P < 0.001) as the distance from the disc margin increased for all sections. the measurements automatically generated by the OCT built-in software were thinner (P < 0.001) than histologic ones close to the disc margin.Conclusions Four normal OCT RNFL profiles were established and compared with histological data obtained from the same area. RNFL measurements assessed by OCT 3 were significantly thinner close to the optic disc margin.Hosp Olhos Araraquara, Glaucoma Sect, BR-14802530 Araraquara, SP, BrazilHosp Olhos Araraquara, Retina Diagnost & Treatment Div, BR-14802530 Araraquara, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUSP, Inst Fis Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, SP, BrazilUniv So Calif, Doheny Eye Inst, Dept Ophthalmol, Los Angeles, CA USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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