1,358 research outputs found

    Further analysis of the effects of baffles on combustion instability

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    A computerized analytical model, developed to predict the effects of baffles on combustion instability, was modified in an effort to improve the ability to properly predict stability effects. The model was modified: (1) to replace a single spatially-averaged response factor by separate values for each baffle compartment; (2) to calculate the axial component of the acoustic energy flux, and (3) to permit analysis of traveling waves in a thin annular chamber. Allowance for separate average response factors in each baffle compartment was found to significantly affect the predicted results. With this modification, an optimum baffle length was predicted which gave maximum stability

    Operating manual for coaxial injection combustion model

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    An operating manual for the coaxial injection combustion model (CICM) is presented as the final report for an eleven month effort designed to provide improvement, to verify, and to document the comprehensive computer program for analyzing the performance of thrust chamber operation with gas/liquid coaxial jet injection. The effort culminated in delivery of an operation FORTRAN IV computer program and associated documentation pertaining to the combustion conditions in the space shuttle main engine. The computer program is structured for compatibility with the standardized Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) performance evaluation procedure. Use of the CICM in conjunction with the JANNAF procedure allows the analysis of engine systems using coaxial gas/liquid injection

    Orbital maneuvering engine feed system coupled stability investigation

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    A digital computer model used to analyze and predict engine feed system coupled instabilities over a frequency range of 10 to 1000 Hz was developed and verified. The analytical approach to modeling the feed system hydrodynamics, combustion dynamics, chamber dynamics, and overall engineering model structure is described and the governing equations in each of the technical areas are presented. This is followed by a description of the generalized computer model, including formulation of the discrete subprograms and their integration into an overall engineering model structure. The operation and capabilities of the engineering model were verified by comparing the model's theoretical predictions with experimental data from an OMS-type engine with a known feed system/engine chugging history

    Orbital Maneuvering Engine Feed System Coupled Stability Investigation, Computer User's Manual

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    An operating manual for the feed system coupled stability model was given, in partial fulfillment of a program designed to develop, verify, and document a digital computer model that can be used to analyze and predict engine/feed system coupled instabilities in pressure-fed storable propellant propulsion systems over a frequency range of 10 to 1,000 Hz. The first section describes the analytical approach to modelling the feed system hydrodynamics, combustion dynamics, chamber dynamics, and overall engineering model structure, and presents the governing equations in each of the technical areas. This is followed by the program user's guide, which is a complete description of the structure and operation of the computerized model. Last, appendices provide an alphabetized FORTRAN symbol table, detailed program logic diagrams, computer code listings, and sample case input and output data listings

    Analysis of combustion instability in liquid propellant engines with or without acoustic cavities

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    Analytical studies have been made of the relative combustion stability of various propellant combinations when used with hardware configurations representative of current design practices and with or without acoustic cavities. Two combustion instability models, a Priem-type model and a modification of the Northern Research and Engineering (NREC) instability model, were used to predict the variation in engine stability with changes in operating conditions, hardware characteristics or propellant combination, exclusive of acoustic cavity effects. The NREC model was developed for turbojet engines but is applicable to liquid propellant engines. A steady-state combustion model was used to predict the needed input for the instability models. In addition, preliminary development was completed on a new model to predict the influence of an acoustic cavity with specific allowance for the effects the nozzle, steady flow and combustion

    Analysis of the effects of baffles on combustion instability

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    An analytical model has been developed for predicting the effects of baffles on combustion instability. This model has been developed by coupling an acoustic analysis of the wave motion within baffled chambers with a model for the oscillatory combustion response of a propellant droplet developed by Heidmann. A computer program was developed for numerical solution of the resultant coupled equations. Diagnostic calculations were made to determine the reasons for the improper prediction. These calculations showed that the chosen method of representing the combustion response was a very poor approximation. At the end of the program, attempts were made to minimize this effect but the model still improperly predicts the stability trends. Therefore, it is recommended that additional analysis be done with an improved approximation

    Teaching old NCATs new tricks: using non-canonical amino acid tagging to study neuronal plasticity

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    The non-canonical amino acid labeling techniques BONCAT (bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging) and FUNCAT (fluorescent non-canonical amino acid tagging) enable the specific identification and visualization of newly synthesized proteins. Recently, these techniques have been applied to neuronal systems to elucidate protein synthesis dynamics during plasticity, identify stimulation-induced proteomes and subproteomes and to investigate local protein synthesis in specific subcellular compartments. The next generation of tools and applications, reviewed here, includes the development of new tags, the quantitative identification of newly synthesized proteins, the application of NCAT to whole animals, and the ability to genetically restrict NCAT labeling. These techniques will enable not only improved detection but also allow new scientific questions to be tackled